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The 15N of marine mesozooplankton species was measured on fouroccasions. Significant differences were found between copepodsand meroplanktonic larvae, yet not between holoplanktonic species.On average, mesozooplankton was enriched by 3.4 ± 0.9relative to selected seston size fractions. Despite suggestingsmall differences (0.5 to 1) in the 15N of different phytoplanktontaxa on one occasion, the size fractionation procedure generallyproved inadequate in separating major taxonomic groups composingseston. This circumstance, and phase-shifts in the transmissionof rapid changes (>2) in seston 15N to mesozooplankton complicatethe calculation of mesozooplankton trophic levels.  相似文献   

Natural abundance values of plant 15N give an indication asto the source of nitrogen. In particular, carnivorous plantsare expected to be relatively enriched due to trophic enrichmentof their prey. Values of 15N for adultRoridula gorgonias(mean+3.02)are 4–9 greater than co-occurring non-carnivorous plantspecies and 5.24 greater than juvenileR. gorgoniasplants. Theyare also 3.5–4.26 greater than co-occurringDroseraspecieswhich, being sundews, are considered to be carnivorous. Thesehigh levels of 15N in adult plants are best explained as beingdue to access to trophically enriched N from insects. As isthe case for other carnivorous plants, leaves and stems ofR.gorgoniasare highly ultraviolet reflective and are thereforeprobably attractive to potential insect prey. This is furthersupport for this plant species being insectivorous.Copyright1998 Annals of Botany Company Nitrogen isotopes, carnivorous plants, insectivorous plant, ultraviolet,Roridula gorgoniasL.  相似文献   

The stable carbon isotope composition of particulate organicmatter expressed as 13C was measured in cultures of 13 speciesof marine microalgae in different phylogenetic groups. The effectsof salinity variations and changes in photoperiod were alsoassayed for three of them (i.e. Skeletonema costatum, Amphidiniumopercularum and Isochrysis galbana); the effect of nature ofnitrogen supply (nitrate. ammonium) was studied for one (S.costatum).These environmental parameters were chosen because of theirvariability in the ocean and their possible effects on 13C valuesof phytoplankton organic carbon. Batch culture conditions andsampling time after inoculum were strongly controlled in orderto provide cells in good physiological state which were comparablefrom one culture to the other. In the same way, sampling waslimited to the first 2 days of exponential growth, in orderto avoid a possible dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) limitation.Carboxylase activities [of the enzyme ribulose 1,5-bisphosphatecarboxylase oxygenase (Rubisco), and the three ß carboxylases:phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC), phosphoenolpyruvatecarboxykinase (PEPCK) and pyruvate carboxylase (PC)] and totalchlorophyll a concentrations were assayed simultaneously. The13C values observed were between –30.2 and –12.7i.e. comparable to those observed in the world's oceans. Theisotopic composition of phytoplankton organic carbon was shownto be under the influence of the parameters tested but 13C variationsare specific to the species considered. The nature of ßcarboxylase found in each species, or systematic position, couldnot be linked to the isotopic composition of organic carbon.No linear or single correlation between 13C variations and environmentalmodifications were observed and there is no evidence for a simpleand universal relation between 13C of phytoplankters and theirenvironment. In monospecific cultures as in the field, 13C fractionationby Rubisco (and eventually by PEPCK) may be counterbalancedby other mechanisms.  相似文献   

Laboratory-hatched larvae of this estuarine crab were rearedat 25°C in seawater of 25 salinity for 18 days coveringzoeal Stages I to IV and a megalops. Three-day periods betweenzoeal stages represent intermolt stages of circadean metecdysis,diecdysis, and proecdysis.Larvae were exposed to either a seriesof seawater salinities from 5-40 in 5 increments or of 10-40in 10 increments for one hour during each day of their development.The osmoconcentrations of 20-80 nanoliter hemolymph samplesfrom each of four larvae were measured separately by determinationsof freezing point depression. Eyestalkless larvae in metecdysis of zoeal Stage II were exposedto the same osmoconcentrations as unoperated controls to testfor osmoregulation by eyestalk nerve tissue. Larvae tend to be isosmotic with seawater of 30-40 salinity(S) and to hyperregulate in more dilute media except for larvaein their first diecdysis which remain isosmotic. Larvae in thelast few hours of proecdysis hyperregulate against 40 S as well,presumably to insure inflow of water to establish a greaterbody volume during hardening of the exoskeleton. They are consequentlyisosmotic in the very early metecdysis. The presence of eyestalks at the first metecdysis (Stage II)keeps zoeas hyperosmotic to 5-30 S, but prevents them from hyperregulationagainst 40 S. Eyestalkless zoeas become isosmotic with 5-30S and hyperregulate against 40 S like late proecdysal larvae.Lack of eyestalks makes diecdysal animals hyperregulate againsta medium with which normal animals are isosmotic. The eyestalkinfluence affects second metecdysal (Stage III) larvae in away similar to those in first metecdysis except that it apparentlyalso prevents a curious tendency to hyporegulate in 5-30 S.Similarly, in this stage, the eyestalks prevent hyperosmosityin 40 S seawater as they do during the first day of zoeal StageII. Eyestalk nerve tissue reduces the degree to which diecdysallarvae of this stage remain hyperosmotic to media of 10 S and20 S and apparently causes larvae to be hypoosmotic at 40 S. Preliminary data indicate that removal of eyestalks has littleeffect on proecdysal larval osmoregulation or on regulationof Stage IV zoeas. In other experiments ablation of eyestalks caused Stage II larvaeto lose the ability to osmoregulate against 10-30 S seawaterwithin two hours after the operation. The same zoeas did nothyperregulate against 40 seawater until four hours after removalof eyestalks.  相似文献   

Melanotropin (-MSH) is a tridecapeptide, Ac-Ser-Tyr-Ser-Met-Glu-His-Phe-Arg-Trp-Gly-Lys-Pro-Val-NH2,synthesized and secreted by the pars intermedia of the vertebratepituitary. This peptide hormone is derived from pro-opiomelanocortin,a precursor protein which contains within its structure thesequences of other melanotropic peptides (- and rß-MSH,corticotropin), and possibly other hormones. -MSH is the physiologicallyrelevant melanotropin secreted by the pituitary and in mostvertebrates plays the essential role in adaptive color changesthrough its action on integumental chromatophores. The initial actions of -MSH are mediated at the level of themelanocyte membrane and involve signal transduction from receptorto adenylate cyclase on the intracellular surface of the membrane.This results in elevated cytosolic cyclic AMP levels followedby melanosome dispersion within dermal melanocytes and melanogenesiswithin epidermal melanocytes. The action of -MSH on dermal melanocytesrequires calcium for transduction of signal and cyclic AMP production.Melanosome dispersion per se does not, however, require extracellularcalcium. Structure-function studies of -MSH analogues and fragmentshave provided important insights relative to the structuralrequirements of the hormone for receptor binding and transduction.Substitution of certain residues within -MSH has led to thedevelopment of melanotropins that exhibit extraordinary potencyand prolonged biological activity  相似文献   

The influence of environmental variables which are known tochange with altitude on the 13C of leaves of Nardus stricta,have been investigated in controlled environment experiments.Low temperature and an increased incidence of freezing temperaturescaused 13C to increase. In contrast, lowered atmospheric pressurereduced 13C. Increased leaf surface wetness and soil water contentalso caused a decrease. Plants from different altitudes didnot differ consistently or significantly in their responses. Key words: Carbon isotope discrimination, altitude, temperature, atmospheric pressure, freezing  相似文献   

-Caprolactam-utilizing bacteria split -caprolactam, -valerolactamand -butyrolactam, and produce the -amino acids correspondingto them. This activity is lost when cells are grown on 6-amino-caproicacid or ammonium adipate, and reappears when cells are incubatedwith either -caprolactam or -valerolactam as the sole majororganic nutrient. Chloramphenicol inhibits this adaptation.The enzyme splitting those lactams is one and the same. It maybe called "lactam-splitting enzyme". But attempts to demonstratethe enzymic activity in a cell-free system has not yet beensuccessful. (Received September 9, 1965; )  相似文献   

The natural abundance of 13C in different parts of beech (Fagussylvatica L.) leaves was analysed. Values for leaf ribs wereconsistently higher than those for intercostal tissue. Similardifferences occur between petiole and stem, with petiole beingless negative. The pattern of results is the same, independentof the position in the tree. However, the absolute values differby up to 6%. from the bottom to the top of the tree. Valuesof 13C are in the range of – 29 to – 32%. for thelower leaf strata; while values between – 24 and –26%. have been measured for the top of the tree. Absolute 13Cvalues of the whole tissue and cellulose differ by about 2%.,but relative 13C trends are almost identical. However, 13C trendsare not identical for different leaf parts. A comparison ofcellulose and whole tissue 13C data makes it unlikely that the13C variations are primarily due to different compositions ofchemical compounds. No fractionation seems to exist betweenleaf and wood cellulose. Tissue from different areas of a leafrevealed identical carbon isotope compositions. Key words: Carbon isotope ratio, Fagus sylvatica L., beech leaves  相似文献   

The sexual agglutinability of haploid cells of heterothallicSaccharomyces cerevisiae was repressed when they were culturedin the absence of easily fermentable sugars, such as glucoseand mannose. The repression was reversed by the action of hormone-likesubstances of the opposite mating types. The substance producedby mating type cells was identical to subtsance-I which isknown to induce sexual agglutinability of inducible matingtype cells. The mating type cells produce a new hormone-likesubstance which induces or enhances sexual agglutinability of mating type cells. A crude fraction of the mating type-specific substance ( substance-I)was obtained by passing the culture filtrate of mating typecells through Amberlite CG-50 (H+ form), followed by elutionwith 1.5 M ammonia. 2 On leave from Osaka City University. (Received December 25, 1975; )  相似文献   

Colonies of Trichodesmium spp. are conspicuous, macroscopiccomponents of the life in tropical and subtropical oceans. Thelarge size and the morphology of the colony raise questionsregarding the mechanism of carbon supply for photosynthesis.Constraints on these mechanisms may be indicated by the stablecarbon isotopic composition (13C) that reflects the balancebetween carbon supply and speciation, as well as the growthrate and colony size. The 13C of Trichodesmium off Bermuda measuredhere revealed a strong correlation between size of individualcolonies and season. The smallest colonies, 2–7 µgC colony–1, showed the lightest 13C composition (–19),increasing to asymptotic values of –12 above 7 µgC colony–1. The average 13C of the colonies was lightestimmediately after the onset of stratification in the SargassoSea, gradually increasing by 4 to heavier values during thesummer. We propose that the mass effect is due to increaseduse of HCO3 by the larger colonies, whereas the seasonalinfluence may be related to changes in irradiance and pCO2 affectingthe internal carbon cycling.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Studies are described on the adenosine triphosphatase(ATPase) properties of myosin isolated from skeletal muscleof Coryphaenoides, a benthic fish captured at 2,200 meters depth.Ca2+-ATPase and EDTA-ATPase of Coryphaenoides myosin show thesame pH dependence as ATPase of mammalian myosin; however, ratesof ATP hydrolysis by Coryphaenoides myosin are only 5–10%of rates of ATP hydrolysis by rabbit skeletal myosin. Coryphaenoidesmyosin ATPase shows a decrease from Q10 of 2.0 at 25°C toQ10 of 1.4 a t 2°C, and undergoes irreversible denaturationat temperatures above 25°C. At pH 6.8 to pH 8.5, Coryphaenoidesmyosin ATPase undergoes activation by pressure at 25°C,but at 2°C shows negligible effect of pressure at valuesbelow 3,000 psi. The kinetic data on Ca2+-ATPase indicate valuesof 11 kcal/mole for H, –7.5 kcal/mole for TS, and –5.7cc/mole for V at 25°C, pH 7.6. Comparable data at 2°Cindicate values of 5 kcal/mole for H. –13 kcal/mole forTS, and negligible V. According to the results of 25°C,Ca2+-activatkm of myosin-ATP may involve disruption of fouror five hydrophobic or polar groups, presumably due to an "opening-up"of the myosin molecule at or near the site for ATP binding.It would also appear that Coryphaenoides myosin has undergonean adaptive change in the enzyme mechanism for ATPase such thatthe rate of ATP hydrolysis is relatively insensitive to pressureand temperature under conditions encountered by the living fish.  相似文献   

Sixteen legumes were grown in N-free media so that N was suppliedentirely by symbiotic N2 fixation. The plant tissues were analyzedfor natural 15N abundance (expressed as 15N per mil relativeto air N2) with a ratio mass spectrometer. The nodules of desmodium,centro, siratro, soybean and winged bean showed high enrichmentin 15N (+9), while red clover showed slight enrichment (+2).The nodules of 9 other forage legumes (Townsville stylo, whiteclover, alsike clover, common vetch, Chinese milk vetch, senna,alfalfa, ladino clover, and hairy vetch) showed little enrichmentin 15N. In all the legumes investigated, particularly in the ureide-transportingplants such as desmodium, centro, siratro, soybean, winged beanand field bean, the 15N value of the shoots was negative (–3.2).The 15N value of the shoots in winged bean and field bean variedby about 1 depending on the Rhizobium strains used. The isotopicmass balance of 13 legumes indicated that isotopic fractionationoccurs during N2 fixation by the legume-rhizobia symbiosis witha preference for 14N over 15N, resulting in a 15N value of –0.2to –2 in the whole plant. The results indicate that 15N/14N isotopic discrimination witha preference for the lighter atom may occur in both N2 fixationand export of fixed N from nodules. 1Present address: Department of Soils and Fertilizers, NationalAgriculture Research Center, Kannondai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305,Japan. (Received October 8, 1985; Accepted April 7, 1986)  相似文献   

The 15N values of micronekton collected from Sagami Bay rangedfrom 9.4 to 14.2%. The 15N values of the micronekton, Gonostomagracile, increased with growth (9.4 to 12.6%) and it seems thatmales, before sex reversal, and females consume different foodorganisms.  相似文献   

An -glucan was isolated from 11-day-old suspension-culturedrice cells by extraction with hot Na-phosphate buffer (pH 6.8).The -glucan had []D=+234? (C = 0.14, in water) and its averagemolecular weight was estimated to be about 1.4 ? 104, basedon elution characteristics on acalibrated Sepharose CL-6B column.Upon partial acid hydrolysis, the -glucan gave mainly malto-oligosaccharides.The maximum absorption of the iodine complex of the -glucanin the presence of Na2SO4 was at 470 nm. The results of hydrolysisby , ß- and iso-amylases and methylation analysisindicated that the isolated -glucan is a highly branched polysaccharidewith an average chain length of 9. The exterior and interiorchain lengths of the -glucan were calculated to be 5 and 3,respectively. (Received July 23, 1986; Accepted February 7, 1987)  相似文献   

-Aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (5-aminolevulinate hydro-lyase,EC [EC] ) was purified from greening radish cotyledons. Thefinal product was homogeneous on polyacrylamide disc gel electrophoresisand had a molecular weight, estimated by gel filtration, of282,000 daltons. The enzyme seems to require magnesium ion aswell as sulfhydryl compounds for maximum activity. EDTA anda low concentration of zinc ion markedly inhibited the activity.The optimum pH was 8.0; the Km value for -aminolevulinic acidwas 3.85?10–4M. Levulinic acid was a competitive inhibitorof the enzyme, with a Ki of 2.14?10–4M. These propertieswere compared with those of microorganism and animal -aminolevulinicacid dehydratases. (Received November 22, 1976; )  相似文献   

Mannose 6-phosphate is a recognition marker used by many newlymade acid hydrolases for their transport to lyso-somes. Previously,we investigated the incorporation of 32Pi into -L-fucosidaseof lymphoid cell lines from a healthy individual (control) andan I-cell disease patient [DiCioccio and Miller, Glycobiology,1, 595–604 (1991)]. Phosphoserine was found in immunoprecipitable-L-fucosidase of both control and I-cell lymphoid cells, butmannose 6-phosphate was identified only in enzyme of controlcells. Extension of this investigation to lymphoid culturesof a pseudo-Hurler polydystrophy patient also identified onlyphosphoserine in -L-fucosidase. Using [3H] mannose instead of32Pi, the precise identification of mannose 6-phosphate in -L-fucosidaseof control cells, and its absence in -L-fucosidase of I-celland pseudo-Hurler cells, was established. The stoichiometryof phosphorylation of -L-fucosidase in I-cell, pseudo-Hurlerand control lymphoid cells was 3, 4 and 10 mol Pi/mol enzyme,respectively. -L-Fucosidase was located in lysosomes isolatedfrom control, I-cell and pseudo-Hurler lymphoid cells by subcelluarfractionation on Percoll density gradients. Both I-cell andpseudo-Hurler lymphoid cells displayed normal intralysosomalactivity of -L-fucosidase despite lack of the mannose 6-phosphatemarker. Thus, I-cell and pseudo-Hurler lymphoid cells must possessa mannose 6-phosphate-independent mechanism for directing -L-fucosidaseto lysosomes. Phosphorylation of -L-fucosidase in pseudo-Hurlerand I-cell lymphoid cultures was found almost exclusively inintracellular and not in extracellular enzyme, suggesting thatphosphoserine may participate in the localization of -L-fucosidasein lysosomes of these cells. -L-fucosidase I-cell disease lysosome phosphorylation pseudo-Hurler polydystrophy  相似文献   

The natural 13C abundance (13C value) of the field-grown leguminousplants (soybean, kidney bean, pea, azuki bean, mung bean, peanutand cowpea) was investigated by mass spectrometry with a precisionbetter than %0.2 for 13C. Among organs of premature plants,the leaves had the most negative values, and the nodules generallyhad the least negative values, and other organs, fruits, stemsand roots, showed intermediate values. In the soybeans so farinvestigated, the grains of nodulating plants exhibited higher13C values than nonnodulating lines. The 13C values of the grainsvaried depending on the species: peanuts showed the most negativevalues. Possible causes underlying these variations are discussed. (Received March 2, 1983; Accepted May 27, 1983)  相似文献   

Eleven different types of bacteria were isolated which werecapable of growing on -caprolactam, the monomeric material fornylon 6 polyamide, as the sole source of both carbon and nitrogen. The optimal concentration of -caprolactam for the bacterialgrowth was about 0.6% in a synthetic liquid medium enrichedwith a small amount of yeast extract. The bacterial strains grew also on -butyrolactam, -valerolactamand the -amino acids corresponding to these lactams and -caprolactam.Ammonium adipate was a good substrate for the growth of allthe strains. One strain of Corynebacterium aurantiacum was found to be capableof utilizing cyclic and linear oligomers of 6-aminocaproic acidwith an exception of cyclic dimer. The strains of corynebacteria required vitamin B1 for growth. Metabolism of -caprolactam and related compounds is discussedbriefly. (Received September 9, 1965; )  相似文献   

The metabolism of -aminobutyric acid (AB) has been studied inhigher plants, particularly in peas and peanuts. Transaminationappeared to form the first step in AB degradation although transaminaseactivities were very low. The relatively active AB transaminaseassociated with whole pea plants possessing nodulated rootsappears to reside almost entirely within the nodules. AB transaminationwas demonstrated conclusively in extracts of mitochondria fromcotyledons of peanut seedlings; pyruvic acid acted as a betteramino-group acceptor than -ketoglutaric acid (KG). AB transaminaseactivity present in the microsomal and soluble cytoplasmic fractionsof the cells was very low AB was not metabolized perceptibly by intact mitochondria frompeanut, but when various organic acids were supplied simultaneously,an extra uptake of oxygen occurred and was associated with ABdisappearance. Aspartate, alanine, and ammonia were formed usingthe nitrogen atom of AB. The metabolic pathway followed by the carbon skeleton of ABwas traced by supplying C14-labelled material to leaf discsof peas and to mitochondria from peanut cotyledons. Radioactivitywas incorporated into organic acids, amino-acids, and respiratorycarbon dioxide in a manner suggesting that AB was convertedinto succinate which was then metabolized by the enzymes ofthe Krebs cycle present in the plant mitochondria. Glutamic decarboxylase was shown to be present largely in thenon-particulate (soluble) cytoplasm of cells. The enzymes responsiblefor AB synthesis and degradation, glutamic decarboxylase, andAB transaminase, respectively, therefore largely reside in differentsub-cellular fractions.  相似文献   

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