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Autotrophic picoplankton were highly abundant during the thermalstratification period in late July in the pelagic area (waterdepth 500–1300 m) of southern Lake Baikal; maximum numberswere 2 x 106 cells ml–1 in the euphotic zone ({small tilde}15m). Unicellular cyanobacteria generally dominated the picoplanktoncommunity, although unidentified picoplankton that fluorescedred under blue excitation were also abundant (maximum numbers4 x 105 cells ml–1) and contributed up to {small tilde}40%of the total autotrophic picoplankton on occasions. Carbon andnitrogen biomasses of autotrophic picoplankton estimated byconversion from biovolumes were 14–84 µg C l–1and 3.6–21 µg N l–1. These were comparableto or exceeded the biomass of heterotrophic bacteria. Autotropicpicoplankton and bacteria accounted for as much as 33% of paniculateorganic carbon and 81% of nitrogen in the euphotic zone. Measurementsof the photosynthetic uptake of [l4C]bicarbonate and the growthof picoplankton in diluted or size-fractionated waters revealedthat 80% of total primary production was due to picoplankton,and that much of this production was consumed by grazers inthe <20 µ.m cell-size category. These results suggestthat picoplankton-protozoan trophic coupling is important inthe pelagic food web and biogeochemical cycling of Lake Baikalduring summer.  相似文献   

Bacterial biomass (BB, acridine orange) and bacterial secondaryproduction (BSP, [3H]thymidine incubations) were measured forthe first time in Concepción Bay (37°35'S, 73°01'W).BB ranged from 1.8x106 to 22.5x106 cells ml–1 (the lattervalue observed near to an industrial effluent), BSP from 0.27x106to 2.5x106 cell ml–1 day–1 and heterotrophic turnoverrates between 0.15 and 1.0 doublings day–1.  相似文献   

Diatoms exude considerable quantities of polymers, mainly polysaccharides,that play an important role in the process of sestonic particleaggregation in the sea. We investigated the impact of copepodson transparent exopolymeric particles (TEP) generated by thediatom Thalassiosira weissflogii. Grazing experiments with 14C-labelledalgae exudates demonstrated that copepods typical of the BalticSea were not actively filtering TEP. Control experiments showedthat ‘uptake’ of radioactivity could be ascribedto passive uptake, such as adsorption of radioactively-labelledparticles to the body surface. Furthermore, we tested the effectof copepods on TEP size spectra. The abundance and size distributionof TEP (from 1.4 to 180 µm of Equivalent Spherical Diameter)were analysed in a 4 h incubation experiment. In the presenceof copepods, the proportion of larger TEP was higher. An increasein total volume of TEP in jars containing copepods (~2 x 107µm ml–1) compared with control jars without copepods(~0.5 x 107 µm3 ml–1) was also observed. The processof aggregation of TEP demonstrated in this work, whereby copepodsincrease downward particle flux without consuming carbon, canhave far-reaching consequences for carbon fluxes along the watercolumn and for copepods feeding dynamics.  相似文献   

The population abundances and rates of biomass production ofheterotrophic nanoplankton (HNAN) in Georgia coastal waterswere evaluated by epifluorescence microscopy. HNAN populations(mostly non-pigmented microflagellates <10 µm in diameter)ranged from 0.3 x 103 cells ml–1 in shelf waters 15 kmoffshore to 6.3 x 103 cells ml–1 in waters 0.25 km fromthe coast. There was a strong correlation (r = 0.83) betweenHNAN and free bacterioplankton population abundances, but noapparent relation (r = 0.38) between HNAN and phototrophic nanopLankton(PNAN) abundances. HNAN biomass production in estuarine andnearshore shelf waters, as estimated from increases in HNANpopulations during laboratory incubations of natural water samples,ranged from 0.10 to 0.79 mg C m–3 h–3, with populationgeneration times of 9.7 to 26.5 h. There was a significant linearrelation (r = 0.95) between HNAN biomass and HNAN productivity.We calculated that HNAN may graze at least 30% to 50% of dailybacterioplankton production in Georgia coastal waters.  相似文献   

The total number of planktonic bacteria in the upper mixed layerof the Bering Sea during the late spring-early summer periodranged between 1 and {small tilde}4 x 106 ml–1 (biomass10–40mg C m–3). In the northern Pacific, along 47–526N,the corresponding characteristics of the bacterioplankton densityin the upper mixed water layer were: total number 1–2x 106 cells ml–1 and biomass 15–46mg C m–3Below the thermocline at 50–100 m, the density of bacterioplanktonrapidly decreased. At 300 m depth, it stabilized at 0.1–0.2x 106 cells ml–1. The integrated biomass of bacterioplanktonin the open Bering Sea ranged between 1.2 and 3.6 g C m–2(wet biomass 6–18 g m–2) Its production per dayvaried from 2 to 23 mg C m–3 days–1 in the upper0–100 m. The numerical abundance of planktonic ciliatesin this layer was estimated to be from 3 to l0 x 103 cells l–1,and in the northern Pacific from 0.4 to 4.5 x 103 l–2.Their populations were dominated by naked forms of Strombidium,Strombilidium and Tontonia. In some shelf areas, up to 40% ofthe total ciliate population was represented by the symbioticciliate Mesodinium rubrum. The data on the integrated biomassof basic groups of planktonic microheterotrophs are also presented,and their importance in the trophic relationships in pelagiccommunities of subarctic seas is discussed.  相似文献   

Post-embryonic development time, egg production rate and adultbody size of calanoid copepod Eurytemora affinis from Lake Ohnuma,Japan, were determined under six temperature-food conditions(103,5 x 103, 104 and 5 x 104 cells ml–1 at 15°C,5 x 104 cells ml–1 at 10and20°C) in the laboratory.The measured parameters varied with both temperature and foodconcentration. Development time from hatching to adult femalewas 9.2, 11.4 and 22.8 days at 20, 15 and 10°C respectively,at the highest food concentration. The males developed to adultat one to two days earlier than the females. An effect of foodshortage on development time occurred at the lowest food concentration.This development time was 24.8 days even at 15°C, beingtwice as long as that at the highest food concentration. Prosomelength of these food-limited females was approximately 75% ofwell-fed ones, which reduced by only 10% with increasing temperaturefrom 10 to 20°C. Clutch size (C, eggs clutch–1) ofwell-fed individuals depended on prosome length of the adultfemale (L, mm), and was expressed as an equation: C = 65.2 L383. Clutch size of individuals reared at less than 104 cellsml–1, however, mostly laid below the estimated curve,especially at the lowest food concentration being only 10% ofthat at the highest food concentration. These results suggestthat food availability is a more important factor affectingpopulation growth of E.affinis in Lake Ohnuma than variationof temperature.  相似文献   

The contribution of autotrophic picoplankton (APP) to phytoplanktonicprimary production, investigated during the phytoplankton growingseason (March–September) in a macrophyte-dominated backwatersystem near Vienna, showed that APP mainly consisted of rod-shapedand coccoid cyanobacteria. Two stations were examined, exhibitingsimilar seasonal patterns in the development of picocyanobacteria,although the two sites differed in picocyanobacterial cell numbersand biomass by a factor of 1.5. Cell numbers determined by epifluorescencemicroscopy varied between 0.29 x 104 and 34.5 x 104 cells ml–1at Station 1, and between 0.23 x 104 and 19.1 x 104 cells ml–1at Station 2. At both sites, the mean cell volume of picocyanobacteriawas 0.5 µm3. Carbon fixation in the planktonic communityof the Kühwörter Wasser was dominated primarily bylarger phytoplankton, although the picoplankton community sometimessupplied up to 74% (mean: 35%) of total primary production.Distinct differences in chlorophyll a concentrations and primaryproduction between the two sites refer to a greater competitionbetween phytoplankton and macrophytes at Station 2. Communityrespiration deviated greatly in time and in level at the twostations, showing a higher dynamic in community metabolism atStation 1. At this site, community respiration losses rangedbetween 12 and 100% of gross production. Hence, community metabolismcomprised net autotrophic, balanced, and net heterotrophic situationsover the investigation period, whereas at Station 2, only netautotrophic situations could be determined.  相似文献   

The seasonal development of bacteria was studied in the hypertrophiccoastal lagoon Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta (Caribbeancoast of Colombia). This large but only 1.5 m deep lagoon issubject to strong seasonal variations of salinity from almostfully marine (April/May) to brackish conditions in October/November.Chlorophyll ranged from 6 to 182 µg L–1, and grossprimary production amounted to 1690 g C m–2 per year.Total bacterial number (TBN) ranged from 6.5 to 90.5 x 109 cellsL–1 and bacterial biomass (BBM) from 77 to 1542 µgC L–1, which are among the highest ever reported for naturalcoastal waters. Neither TBN nor BBM varied significantly withsalinity, phytoplankton or seston concentrations. Only the bacterialmean cell volume showed a significant relation to salinity,being highest (0.066 µm3) during the period of increasingand lowest (0.032 µm3) during decreasing salinity. Bacterialprotein accounted for 24% (19–26%) and phytoplankton proteinfor 57% (53–71%) of total seston protein. The ratio (annualmean) of bacterial carbon to phytoplankton carbon was 0.44 (range0.04–1.43). At low phytoplankton abundance [chlorophylla (Chl a) < 25 µg L–1], bacterial carbon wasalmost equal to phytoplankton biomass (i.e. the mean ratio was1.04). In contrast, at Chl a > 100 µg L–1, BBMwas low compared to phytoplankton biomass (the mean ratio was0.16). In general, BBM varied less than phytoplankton biomass.Most probably, the missing correlation between bacterial andphytoplankton variables was due to (i) organic material partlyderived from allochthonous sources serving as food resourcefor bacteria and (ii) a strong resuspension of bacteria fromthe sediment caused by frequent wind-induced mixing of the veryshallow lagoon.  相似文献   

To estimate the productivity and grazing impact of a commonappendicularian species Oikopleura dioica in Tokyo Bay, monthlyobservations on its abundance and vertical distribution wereconducted during 2000. The abundance peaked in February andOctober, but was low during summer. Seasonal fluctuations inproductivity were similar to those of the abundance, with maximumvalues of 92, 134 and 508 mg C m–2 day–1 for somatic,new house and discarded house productivity in October and 206mg C m–2 day–1 for fecal pellet productivity inFebruary, respectively. The averaged biomass of O. dioica wasonly 2.5% of that of copepods; however, the secondary productivityof the former corresponded to 12.4% of the latter. Daily grazingimpact on particulate organic carbon ranged from 0.05% to 5%,which is close to the impact by copepods. These results implythat in Tokyo Bay, where small copepods and jellyfish are abundant,O. dioica is an important component of the ecosystem becauseit bridges between small primary producers and higher consumers.  相似文献   

A dual radioactive-labelled bacteria technique using Vibrio(DRLV), developed for laboratory studies on bacterivory, hasbeen refined for use at the concentrations of prey and predatorstypcially found at sea. Experiments with estuarine water collectedin spring and in autumn showed that bacterivorous nanoflagellates(HNF) (concentration 1.38±0.35x103 HNF ml–1) ingested2.7±0.96 DRLV flagellate1–1 h–1 at concentrationsof 0.8–2.2x106 DRLV ml–1 in the presence of 2.04±0.68x106natural bacteria ml–1. The method was also applied tosamples collected in October in the Celtic Sea, when on average1 ml of water from the surface layer contained 1.41±0.16x106natural bacteria, 14.6x103 cyanobacteria, 530±170 HNF,7.3±3.0x103 phototrophic nanoflagellates (1.5–4µm), 49.0±26.5 phototrophic dinoflagellates, 36.3±12.6heterotrophic dinoflagellates and 21.3±9.5 Leucocryptosmarina. Under these conditions the grazing rate in most samplesdid not exceed the coefficient of variation of the method (2%),although we estimate the grazing rate was -1.6 DRLV HNF–1h–1 and on one occasion a rate of 2.45 was recorded. Thegross growth efficiency for protein of -30% displayed by naturalHNF means that they could release about  相似文献   

Grazing and ingestion rates of laboratory-born Thalia democraticaaggregates and Dolioletta gegenbauri gonozooids, phorozooidsand oozooids were determined while fed Isochrysis galbana (4–5µm diameter) alone or in combination with Peridinium trochoideum(16–18 µm diameter) at concentrations of 0.15–0.70mm3 x 1–1. Grazing rates (ml x zooid–1 x 24 h –1)ranged from 10 to 355, and at zooid weights greater than 5 µgcarbon were in order oozooid > gonozooid > aggregate.Grazing rates increased exponentially with increasing zooidweight. Weight-specific grazing rates (ml x µgC–1x 24 h–1) were independent of the four-fold initial foodconcentration. Mean weight-specific grazing rates increasedlinearly with increasing zooid weight for the aggregates andoozooids, but gonozooid mean rates were independent of zooidweight. Aggregate and gonozooid ingestion rates (106 µm3x zooid–1 x 24 h–1) ranged from 4 to 134 while oozooidrates ranged from 3 to 67. All ingestion rates were independentof the initial food concentration but increased linearly withincreasing zooid weight at similar rates. All mean weight-specificingestion rates (ml x µgC–1 x 24 h–1) wereindependent of zooid weight. The mean aggregate daily ration(µgC ingested x µg body C–1) was 59% and themean doliolid ration was 132%. Field studies indicate that normalconcentrations of D. gegenbauri in the Georgia Bight clear theirresident water volume (1 m3) in about 4 months, but that highlyconcentrated, swarm populations which occur along thermohalinefronts clear their resident water volume in less than 1 day. 1Current address: MacLaren Plansearch Ltd., P.O.Box 13250, sta.A.,St.John's, Nfld. A1B 4A5  相似文献   

Ascorbate has previously been shown to enhance both 1- and 2-adrenergic activity. This activity is mediated by ascorbate binding to the extracellular domain of the adrenergic receptor, which also decreases the oxidation rate of ascorbate. H1 histamine receptors have extracellular agonist or ascorbate binding sites with strong similarities to 1- and 2-adrenergic receptors. Physiological concentrations of ascorbate (50 µM) significantly enhanced histamine contractions of rabbit aorta on the lower half of the histamine dose-response curve, increasing contractions of 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3 µM histamine by two- to threefold. Increases in ascorbate concentration significantly enhanced 0.2 µM histamine (5–500 µM ascorbate) and 0.3 µM histamine (15–500 µM ascorbate) in a dose-dependent manner. Histamine does not measurably oxidize over 20 h in oxygenated PSS at 37°C. Thus the ascorbate enhancement is independent of ascorbate's antioxidant effects. Ascorbate in solution oxidizes rapidly. Transfected histamine receptor membrane suspension with protein concentration at >3.1 µg/ml (56 nM maximum histamine receptor) decreases the oxidation rate of 392 µM ascorbate, and virtually no ascorbate oxidation occurs at >0.0004 mol histamine receptor/mol ascorbate. Histamine receptor membrane had an initial ascorbate oxidation inhibition rate of 0.094 min·µg protein–1·ml–1, compared with rates for transfected ANG II membrane (0.055 min·µg protein–1·ml–1), untransfected membrane (0.052 min·µg protein–1·ml–1), creatine kinase (0.0082 min·µg protein–1·ml–1), keyhole limpet hemocyanin (0.00092 min·µg protein–1·ml–1), and osmotically lysed aortic rings (0.00057 min·µg wet weight–1·ml–1). Ascorbate enhancement of seven-transmembrane-spanning membrane receptor activity occurs in both adrenergic and histaminergic receptors. These receptors may play a significant role in maintaining extracellular ascorbate in a reduced state. molecular complementarity; vitamin C; seven-transmembrane-spanning membrane receptors  相似文献   

Grazing by microzooplankton on autotrophic and heterotrophicpicoplankton as well as >0.7 µm phytoplankton (as measuredby chlorophyll a) was quantified during July, August, October,January and April in the surface layer of Logy Bay, Newfoundland(47°38'14'N, 52°39'36'W). Rates of growth and grazingmortality of bacteria, Synechococcus and >0.7 µm phytoplanktonwere measured using the sea water dilution technique. Microzooplanktoningested 83–184, 96–366 and 64–118% of bacterial,Synechococcus and >0.7 µm phytoplankton daily potentialproduction, respectively and 34–111, 25–30 and 16–131%of bacterial, Synechococcus and >0.7 µm phytoplanktonstanding stocks, respectively. The trends in prey net growthrates followed the seasonal cycles of prey biomass, suggestingthat microzooplankton are important grazers in Newfoundlandcoastal waters. Ingestion was lowest during January and October(~2 µg C l–1 day–1) and highest in August(~20 µg C l–1 day–1). Aside from April when>0.7 µm phytoplankton represented the majority (~80%)of carbon ingested, bacterioplankton and <1 µm phytoplanktonrepresented most of the carbon ingested (~40–100%). Althoughmicrozooplankton have here-to-fore been unrecognized as an importantgrazer population in Newfoundland coastal waters, these resultssuggest that they play an important role in carbon flow withinthe pelagic food web, even at low temperatures in Logy Bay.  相似文献   

The spawning rate of laboratory-reared Centropages typicus fedHymenomonas elongala increases with food concentration, up toa value of {small tilde}2800 µg C (16 500 cells) ml–1.An alternation of a low food (1000 cells ml–1) and highfood concentration (16 500 cells ml–1) is not favourableto egg release when its periodicity is 1 or 2 days, whereasit may be of advantage if it is longer (3–6 days). Inthe latter case, Centropages typicus will benefit best fromthe rich food diet if this coincides with (or just follows)the last moult.  相似文献   

The standard synthetic culture medium (Stuart and Street, 1969)has been modified by adjustment of its initial pH to 6.4 andby the addition of gibberellic acid (0.25 mg/l) and of a mixtureof 15 L-amino acids formulated from an analysis of the conditionedmedium. The minimum effective density for the growth of sycamorecell suspensions in the standard medium is 9–15 x 103cells ml–1, for the modified synthetic medium it is 2.0x 103 cells ml–1, and for conditioned medium 1.0–1.25x 103 cells ml–1. Using either conditioned medium (Stuart and Street, 1969) orthe modified synthetic medium it is demonstrated that the growthof cultures initiated at low density is enhanced by a volatilefactor released from actively growing cell suspensions. In presenceof conditioned medium and this volatile factor cultures canbe established from stationary-phase cells at a density of 6x 102 cells ml–1. The volatile factor can be absorbedin 40 per cent w/v KOH but attempts to replace the factor byair containing carbon dioxide at concentrations up to 5 percent have so far been unsuccessful.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations in diversity and biomass of tintinnids (Ciliophora:Tintinnida) were investigated at two fixed stations in the innerpart of the Bahía Blanca Estuary (38°42' S, 61°50'W) during an annual cycle. The variations were analysed in relationto surface temperature, salinity, transparency, solar radiationand chlorophyll a (Chl a)concentration. Biomass was calculatedin terms of biovolume and carbon units. Diversity was estimatedas the number of species and the Shannon Index (H', ln based).Density of tintinnids ranged from 100 to 7800 individuals L–1H' ranged from 0 to 1.81. The biomass varied from 0.3 to 127.78x 106 µm3 L–1 (0.02–39.4 µg C L–1).Density was significantly related to temperature, solar radiationand Secchi distance (P < 0.01); diversity was significantlyrelated to temperature (P < 0.01) and solar radiation (P< 0.05). Biomass was significantly related only to temperature(P < 0.01) in one of the stations. According to principalcomponents analysis (PCA) tintinnids exhibited a segregationof three groups: winter, spring–summer and autumn forthe most internal station and winter, spring and summer–autumnfor the most external station. H' values were lower than thoseobserved in other coastal systems found at about the same latitudein the northern hemisphere.  相似文献   

The plastochron index (PI) has been compared with leaf growthand biomass accumulation in young soya bean plants of severalcultivars that were grown in controlled environments with differentirradiance levels and durations, temperatures, and nitrogen(N) regimes. Increasing the photoperiod from 10 to 16 h day–1 increasedthe plastochron rate (PR) and the proportion of axillary growth.Doubling the photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) to 1000µmol m–2S–1, increased PR and the proportionof roots to total plant weight, but decreased the proportionof stems plus petioles to total. In a series of experiments,the plants were grown in an 8 h photoperiod at constant temperaturesof 17, 20, 26 or 32 °C. As temperature increased, PR increased,but the duration of leaf expansion decreased. Leaves were largestat 20 and progressively smaller at 26, 32 and 17 °C. Biomasswas greatest for a given PI at 20 °C and decreased in theorder of 26, 32, and 17 °C. The proportion of axillary growthalso was greatest at 20 °C. When plants were grown in a15 h photoperiod at temperatures from 17.1 to 26.6 °C, leafsize continued to increase up to the highest temperature. At17 °C, the PR in the 15 h photoperiod (PPFD 390 µmol;m–2S–1) was about threefold greater than in 8 h(500 µmol m–2 S–1); biomass accumulation perday was about fivefold greater. Increasing N from 3 to 36 mMincreased PR about 10 per cent, altered biomass partitioningamong plant parts, and increased the biomass of the plants.The NO2 form of N markedly stimulated axillary growth as comparedwith the NH4+ form. Environment or cultivar had little influenceon the duration of leaf expansion in terms of PI. Cultivarsdid not differ consistently in biomass production and allocationin the different environments. Glycine max (L.) Merrill, soybean, soya bean, plastochron index, leaf development, growth analysis, partitioning, light, nitrogen, temperature  相似文献   

During the 1983 ‘el Niño’, filter fractionationshowed that over 80% of the chlorophyll-based phytoplanktonbiomass in the Santa Barbara Channel was <5 µm. Largernanoplankton (5–30 µm) accounted for the chlorophyllin the remaining fraction but, unlike other years, no significantquantities of net plankton <30 µm were detected. Thepopulation as a whole was dominated by chroococcalean cyanobacteriawhich were two times were abundant (123±24x103 cellsml–1 than previously reported for the California CurrentSystem (Krempin and Sullivan, 1981). Numbers of other typesof bacteria were uniformly low (277±44x103 cells ml–1Cyanobacteria and larger nanoplankton exhibited similar diurnalpatterns of photosynthesis, i.e., maximal rates of light-saturatedphotosynthesis (Pmax) occurred mid-day and day-night amplitudeswere >2.0. In both size fractions the onset of the rise andfall in Pmax preceded sunrise and sunset, respectively, andthe photosynthetic periodicity was independent of both chlorophyllcontent and dark fixation of inorganic carbon. Unlike previousstudies on diel periodicity in phytoplankton, no significantoscillations in light-limited rates of photosynthesis (  相似文献   

Despite the potential importance of zooplankton in degradationof marine snow, the association of colonising zooplankton withdiscarded appendicularian houses has not been investigated innorthern areas. We sampled the vertical distributions of appendicularians,houses and potential zooplankton colonisers at two stationsin the central North Sea during late summer. In addition, grazingexperiments were performed with the copepod Microsetella norvegica,which was assumed to be the main contributor to house degradation.The results were used in (i) inverse modelling, to estimatethe factors which were significant in shaping the vertical distributionof houses and (ii) calculations to estimate potential housedegradation rates. M. Norvegica was able to feed on appendicularianhouses, with feeding rates up to 0.42 g C (g C)–1 day–1(0.14 µg C ind.–1 day–1). The model resultssuggested that the vertical distribution of houses was shapedby sinking of houses, bacterial degradation and feeding of M.norvegica and invertebrate larvae. The estimated community degradationrate by M. norvegica was low, whereas invertebrate larvae haddegradation rates close to bacterial degradation. We concludethat at the typical concentrations of M. norvegica in the NorthSea (104 ind. m–2), its role in marine snow degradationis likely to be small. Degradation by other zooplankton groups,such as invertebrate larvae, can, however, be substantial.  相似文献   

Growth rates of two freshwater diatoms and three chlorophyteswere compared under 3 h days at 10 µmol m–2 s–1.Specific growth rates ranged between µ=0.03 day–1and µ=0.055 day–1 for the different species andwere in every species independent of temperature between 8 and16°C.  相似文献   

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