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Abstract Cane toads (Bufo marinus) are large toxic anurans that have spread through much of tropical Australia since their introduction in 1935. Our surveys of the location of the toad invasion front in 2001 to 2005, and radiotracking of toads at the front near Darwin in 2005, reveal much faster westwards expansion than was recorded in earlier stages of toad invasion through Queensland. Since reaching the wet‐dry tropics of the Northern Territory, the toads have progressed an average of approximately 55 km year−1 (mean rate of advance 264 m night−1 along a frequently monitored 55‐km road transect during the wet season of 2004–2005). Radiotracking suggests that this displacement is due to rapid locomotion by free‐ranging toads rather than human‐assisted dispersal; individual toads frequently moved >200 m in a single night. One radiotracked toad moved >21 800 m in a 30‐day period; the fastest rate of movement yet recorded for any anuran. Daily displacements of radiotracked toads varied with time and local weather conditions, and were highest early in the wet season on warm, wet and windy nights. The accelerated rate of expansion of the front may reflect either, or both: (i) evolved changes in toads or (ii) that toads have now entered an environment more favourable to spread. This accelerated rate of expansion means that toads will reach the Western Australian border and their maximal range in northern Australia sooner than previously predicted.  相似文献   

Abstract The impact of introducing animals into an established ecosystem can be directly observed through predator-prey and competition interactions. The impact of animals via more obscure relationships, such as the host-parasite relationship, are generally not considered. The cane toad Bufo marinus (Linnaeus) was introduced to Australia in 1935. Despite intensive research into many aspects of the biology of the toad, there has been no systematic survey of the parasite fauna of B. marinus in Australia. It is unknown exactly what parasites the toad may have introduced to Australia and also the range of parasites that may have adapted to the toad from native fauna since its introduction. The provisional conclusion from this review is that all the helminth parasites so far recorded from B. marmus in Australia have been acquired from local hosts. The interaction of toads and nativa fauna via their parasites remains unknown.  相似文献   

Adult cane toads, B. marinus, survived in salinities up to 40% sea-water (SW). Pre-exposure to 30, then 40% SW, increased the survival time of toads in 50% SW. Plasma from toads acclimated to salt water is hyperosmotic to the environment--a result of increased plasma sodium, chloride and urea concentrations. When toads were placed in tap-water and 20% SW, all significant changes to plasma sodium, chloride, urea and osmotic pressure occurred within the first 2 days of exposure. When toads were placed in 30 and 40% SW environments, the increases in plasma sodium and chloride concentrations occurred within the first 2 days of exposure while urea and total osmotic pressure continued to rise until some time between 2 and 7 days exposure.  相似文献   

Thirty-four adult cane toads Bufo marinus L. (12 males and 22 females) collected from 2 localities in Mexico (Cerro de Oro and Temascal Dams, Oaxaca) in September 2003 were examined for helminth parasites. In total, 14,749 helminths belonging to 14 taxa were collected. Included were 2 adult digeneans (Choledocystus hepaticus, Mesocoelium monas); 1 larval cestode (an unidentified pseudophyllidean); and 11 nematodes, including 3 species of larvae (Contracaecum sp., Physaloptera sp., Physocephalus sexalatus) and 8 species of adults (Aplectana itzocanensis, Cosmocerca sp., Cruzia morleyi, Ochoterenella digiticauda, Oswaldocruzia sp., Raillietnema sp., Rhabdias americanus, and Rhabdiasfuelleborni). Higher species richness was recorded in B. marinus from Cerro de Oro (12 taxa versus 9 in those from Temascal); hosts from both localities shared 7 taxa. There were 25 new locality records, and 2 taxa were registered in Mexico for the first time. To date, 112 helminth species have been recorded parasitizing B. marinus along its native and introduced range of distribution, with 40.5% of them reported from Mexico.  相似文献   

The life-cycle of Brachylaima cribbi n. sp. was established in the laboratory. Asymmetrical brachylaimid eggs, measuring 26-32 microm (29.1 microm) long and 16 -17.5 microm (16.6 microm) wide, were recovered from human faeces and fed to the helicid land snail Theba pisana as the first intermediate host. Sporocysts and cercariae were recovered from the T. pisana eight weeks after infection. The cercariae were used to infect the helicid land snails Cernuella virgata and Helix aspersa as second intermediate hosts. Metacercariae were recovered from the kidneys of these snails and used to infect mice. Adults of Brachylaima cribbi n. sp. were recovered from the small intestine of the mice. The differential features of B. cribbi n. sp. are the specificity for helicid snails as first and second intermediate hosts; characteristic ventral sucker and body cercarial chaetotaxy; and a long slender adult worm with equal size suckers in the first quarter of the worm, the ventral sucker occupying 41% of the body width, the uterus extending anterior to the ventral sucker and the vitelline follicles falling short of the posterior margin of the ventral sucker. No other known Brachylaima species exhibits all of these features. B. cribbi n. sp. is the first brachylaimid known to have infected humans and is probably of European origin, as the intermediate host snails were all introduced into Australia from Europe.  相似文献   

Invasive species affect native ecosystems in a variety of ways, and the magnitude of impact may depend upon many factors. In an invading species such as the cane toad (Bufo marinus), the multiphasic life history creates a potential for impact to differ between life history stages. Previous research on the impact of cane toads in Australia has focused on fatal poisoning of predators that ingest terrestrial stages of the toad, but aquatic stages (eggs, larvae) are toxic also. We exposed nine native Australian fish species and one native Australian turtle species to the eggs and larvae of toads. Strong species differences were evident, both in palatability (propensity to attack the egg or larva), and in subsequent responses (e.g. taste and reject the item, vs. ingest it). Toad eggs were less likely than toad tadpoles to be attacked, but also less likely to be rejected before ingestion (probably because the non‐toxic jelly coat masks the presence of toxins in the ovum). As a result, predators were far more likely to be killed by ingesting toad eggs than toad tadpoles. Fortuitously, the spatial and temporal availability of toad egg masses restricts encounter rates with predators, so that overall ecological impact may be low despite the high vulnerability of a fish or turtle that encounters such an egg mass. Understanding such ontogenetic shifts in the nature of interactions and magnitude of impact is crucial if we are to understand the overall ecological impact of invasive species.  相似文献   

Summary Microbodies (peroxisomes), a group of cytoplasmic organelles enriched in catalase, are demonstrated in the toad, Bufo marinus, by light and electron microscopy by means of a cytochemical staining procedure that demonstrates the peroxidatic activity of catalase with diaminobenzidine (DAB). Amphibian microbodies are similar to those of other classes in their fine structure and localization in hepatocytes and kidney, where they are prominent in the proximal tubular cells. Nucleoids are present only in renal microbodies. In the proximal renal tubule an unusual group of large brown granules are identified as lysosomes by their acid phosphatase, -glucosaminidase and -glucuronidase activities.This work was supported by U.S. Public Health Service Grants Nos. NS-06856 and HD 00674. We wish to thank Dr. Richard M. Hays who generously supplied us with toads; Dr. Alex B. Novikoff for making available facilities for ultramicrotomy, Miss Betty De Prest for technical assistance; Miss Marianne Van Hooren for preparation of the photomicrographs.  相似文献   

Although invasive species are viewed as major threats to ecosystems worldwide, few such species have been studied in enough detail to identify the pathways, magnitudes, and timescales of their impact on native fauna. One of the most intensively studied invasive taxa in this respect is the cane toad (Bufo marinus), which was introduced to Australia in 1935. A review of these studies suggests that a single pathway-lethal toxic ingestion of toads by frog-eating predators-is the major mechanism of impact, but that the magnitude of impact varies dramatically among predator taxa, as well as through space and time. Populations of large predators (e.g., varanid and scincid lizards, elapid snakes, freshwater crocodiles, and dasyurid marsupials) may be imperilled by toad invasion, but impacts vary spatially even within the same predator species. Some of the taxa severely impacted by toad invasion recover within a few decades, via aversion learning and longer-term adaptive changes. No native species have gone extinct as a result of toad invasion, and many native taxa widely imagined to be at risk are not affected, largely as a result of their physiological ability to tolerate toad toxins (e.g., as found in many birds and rodents), as well as the reluctance of many native anuran-eating predators to consume toads, either innately or as a learned response. Indirect effects of cane toads as mediated through trophic webs are likely as important as direct effects, but they are more difficult to study. Overall, some Australian native species (mostly large predators) have declined due to cane toads; others, especially species formerly consumed by those predators, have benefited. For yet others, effects have been minor or have been mediated indirectly rather than through direct interactions with the invasive toads. Factors that increase a predator's vulnerability to toad invasion include habitat overlap with toads, anurophagy, large body size, inability to develop rapid behavioral aversion to toads as prey items, and physiological vulnerability to bufotoxins as a result of a lack of coevolutionary history of exposure to other bufonid taxa.  相似文献   

Two specimens of the cane toad, Bufo marinus, were found with single worm infestations of the eye. One worm was excysted in the eye chamber, the other still encysted in the choroid layer; both worms were identified as Clinostomum attenuatum. This finding is both a new host record and a new site of development for this amphibian parasite.  相似文献   

The challenges posed by parasites and pathogens evoke behavioral as well as physiological responses. Such behavioral responses are poorly understood for most ectothermic species, including anuran amphibians. We quantified effects of simulated infection (via injection of bacterial lipopolysaccharide [LPS]) on feeding, activity, and thermoregulation of cane toads Bufo marinus within their invasive range in tropical Australia. LPS injection reduced feeding rates in laboratory trials. For toads in outdoor enclosures, LPS injection reduced activity and shifted body temperature profiles. Although previous research has attributed such thermal shifts to behavioral fever (elevated body temperatures may help fight infection), our laboratory studies suggest instead that LPS-injected toads stopped moving. In a thermal gradient, LPS-injected toads thus stayed close to whichever end of the gradient (hot or cold) they were first introduced; the introduction site (rather than behavioral thermoregulation) thus determined body temperature regimes. Shifts in thermal profiles of LPS-injected toads in outdoor enclosures also were a secondary consequence of inactivity. Thus, the primary behavioral effects of an immune response in cane toads are reduced rates of activity and feeding. Thermoregulatory modifications also occur but only as a secondary consequence of inactivity.  相似文献   

Pepsin in the toad Bufo marinus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The macroscopic localization of pepsinogen in the upper gastrointestinal tract of the anuran Bufo marinus was studied by means of biochemical assay. The pH optimum of the anuran pepsin was determined to be 1.6. The effect of lowered ambient temperature on stored pepsinogen and proteolytic activity was studied. Both parameters were reduced. The results are extrapolated to speculate on the mechanisms of gastric brooding in gastric brooding frogs of the genus Rheobatrachus.  相似文献   

Field potentials have been recorded in the torus semicircularis of the toad, Bufo marinus, in response to brief tones presented in the free field. The amplitude of the potentials varied with the frequency of the stimulus and location of the electrode along the rostro-caudal axis of the torus. All frequencies in the auditory range evoked largest potentials when the stimulus was located in the contralateral auditory field. Potentials evoked by low to mid frequencies were largest when the stimulus was located near the line orthogonal to the long axis of the animal. For progressively higher frequencies, the optimal stimulus position was progressively more anterior in the contralateral field. In animals in which one eighth nerve had been sectioned, field potentials evoked by tones of low to mid frequency were less sensitive to changes in stimulus direction than in normal animals. However, the directional sensitivity of field potentials evoked by mid to high frequencies was similar in monaural and normal animals. These observations suggest that binaural neural integration is important in determining the directional sensitivity of field potentials in the torus evoked by low to mid frequencies but not for potentials evoked by mid to high frequencies.  相似文献   

The renal vasculature of the toad, Bufo marinus, was studied mainly by means of scanning electron microscopy of vascular corrosion casts. All arterial branches terminated in a glomerulus. Each glomerulus was supplied by only one afferent arteriole. No shunts between afferent and efferent arterioles were observed. The glomerular channels appeared to be permanent capillaries. No evidence supporting the theory of freely shifting glomerular blood channels was found. Efferent arterioles radiated out towards the dorsal surface of the kidney where they connected with peritubular vessels. The renal portal veins produced an anastomosing plexus on the dorsal surface of the kidney, giving rise to the peritubular vessels. Peritubular vessels ran radially toward the ventral surface of the kidney, where they formed the roots of the renal veins. Attention is drawn to the possibility of hairpin countercurrent exchange between the capillary-like efferent arterioles and the peritubular vessels in the dorsal kidney.  相似文献   

Leptospires were isolated from the kidneys of four of 211 toads (Bufo marinus) caught on Barbados. Two of the isolates were identified as Leptospira interrogans serovar bim in the Autumnalis serogroup (the most common cause of leptospiral illness on Barbados), and two as possibly new serovars in the Australis serogroup. Sera from 198 of the toads were examined by the leptospire microscopic agglutination test. Forty-two (21%) were positive at titers of greater than or equal to 1:100, and 54 (27%) at greater than or equal to 1:50. The predominating serogroups were Australis (50%), Autumnalis (23%) and Panama (13%). The agglutination tests on the culture-positive toads showed that serologic studies alone may be of limited value in these animals. Bufo marinus can harbor pathogenic leptospires, and it may be a significant source of the Autumnalis serogroup infections in the Caribbean.  相似文献   

Inferring the spatial expansion dynamics of invading species from molecular data is notoriously difficult due to the complexity of the processes involved. For these demographic scenarios, genetic data obtained from highly variable markers may be profitably combined with specific sampling schemes and information from other sources using a Bayesian approach. The geographic range of the introduced toad Bufo marinus is still expanding in eastern and northern Australia, in each case from isolates established around 1960. A large amount of demographic and historical information is available on both expansion areas. In each area, samples were collected along a transect representing populations of different ages and genotyped at 10 microsatellite loci. Five demographic models of expansion, differing in the dispersal pattern for migrants and founders and in the number of founders, were considered. Because the demographic history is complex, we used an approximate Bayesian method, based on a rejection-regression algorithm, to formally test the relative likelihoods of the five models of expansion and to infer demographic parameters. A stepwise migration-foundation model with founder events was statistically better supported than other four models in both expansion areas. Posterior distributions supported different dynamics of expansion in the studied areas. Populations in the eastern expansion area have a lower stable effective population size and have been founded by a smaller number of individuals than those in the northern expansion area. Once demographically stabilized, populations exchange a substantial number of effective migrants per generation in both expansion areas, and such exchanges are larger in northern than in eastern Australia. The effective number of migrants appears to be considerably lower than that of founders in both expansion areas. We found our inferences to be relatively robust to various assumptions on marker, demographic, and historical features. The method presented here is the only robust, model-based method available so far, which allows inferring complex population dynamics over a short time scale. It also provides the basis for investigating the interplay between population dynamics, drift, and selection in invasive species.  相似文献   

Chemical substrates, central sites and central mechanisms underlying the regulation of breathing in lower vertebrates have not been well characterized. The present study was undertaken to determine the effect of pH changes and cholinergic agents on the central control of respiration in the cane toad, Bufo marinus. Adult toads were anesthetized, catheterized and unidirectionally ventilated before exposing the brainstem. An airtight buccal cannula was also inserted through the tympanum to record buccal pressure. The animal was decerebrated, anesthetic removed and the responses to pH changes of solutions bathing the ventral surface of the medulla (VSM) were tested by superfusing the VSM with mock cerebrospinal fluid (mCSF) of pH 7.8-normal, 7.2-acidic and 8.4-basic. The acidic solution increased respiratory activity, the basic solution decreased activity and the normal solution had no effect. In addition, cholinergeric agents (acetylcholine-ACh, physostigmine-Phy, nicotine-Nic, and atropine-Atr) dissolved in mCSF were applied bilaterally onto the VSM using filter paper pledgets. ACh, Phy and Nic increased episodic breathing frequency by 14.3+/-9.7, 9.4+/-5.4 and 29.1+/-11.8 %, respectively, whereas, Atr caused a decrease (-26.6+/-16.6%). These agents had no effect on blood pressure. It is therefore, concluded that the VSM is pH sensitive and a cholinergic mechanism is involved in the central modulation of respiration in Bufo.  相似文献   

A Brachylaima species recorded previously from the house mouse (Mus domesticus) in South Australia is shown to use the introduced European snails Cernuella virgata and Cochlicella barbara as first intermediate hosts, and the same two species and Theba pisana as second intermediate hosts. The life cycle is typical of Brachylaima species. The parasite is capable of infecting at least two species of native Australian rodent, Rattus fuscipes and Leporillus conditor. Because of the intermediate hosts used, it is hypothesized that this trematode species has been introduced from Europe. The parasite may be conspecific with one of a number of described European species but difficulties with the literature concerning these species have required that the present form be designated only as Brachylaima sp.  相似文献   

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