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Aim The rate at which similarity in species composition decays with increasing distance was investigated among communities of parasitic helminths in different populations of the same host species. Rates of distance decay in similarity of parasite communities were compared between populations of fish and mammal hosts, which differ with respect to their vagility and potential to disperse parasite species over large distances. Location Data on helminth communities were compiled for several populations of three mammalian host species (Ondatra zibethicus, Procyon lotor and Canis latrans) and three fish host species (Perca flavescens, Catostomus commersoni and Esox lucius) from continental North America. Methods Distances between localities and similarity in the composition of helminth communities, the latter computed using the Jaccard index, were calculated for all possible pairs of host populations within each host species. Similarity values were then regressed against distance to see if they decayed at exponential rates, as reported for plant communities; the significance of the regressions was assessed using randomization tests. Results The number of hosts examined per population did not correlate with the number of helminth species found per population, and thus sampling effort is unlikely to have confounded the results. In four (two mammals and two fish) of the six host species, similarity in helminth communities decayed exponentially with distance. When the log of similarity is plotted against untransformed distance, the slopes obtained for the two fish species are lower than those obtained for the two mammalian host species. Main conclusions Similarity in the composition of parasite communities appears to decay exponentially with increasing distance in some host species, but not in all host species. The rate of decay is not necessarily associated with the vagility of the host. Although distance decay of similarity is generally occurring, it seems that other ecological processes, related either to the host or its habitat, can obscure it.  相似文献   

Geographical distances between host populations are key determinants of how many parasite species they share. In principle, decay in similarity should also occur with increasing distance along any other dimension that characterizes some form of separation between communities. Here, we apply the biogeographical concept of distance decay in similarity to ontogenetic changes in the metazoan parasite communities of three species of marine fish from the Atlantic coast of South America. Using differences in body length between all possible pairs of size classes as measures of ontogenetic distances, we find that, using an index of similarity (Bray-Curtis) that takes into account the abundance of each parasite species, the similarity in parasite communities showed a very clear decay pattern; using an index (Jaccard) based on presence/absence of species only, we obtained slightly weaker but nevertheless similar patterns. As we predicted, the slope of the decay relationship was significantly steeper in the fish Cynoscion guatucupa, which goes through clear ontogenetic changes in diet and therefore in exposure to parasites, than in the other species, Engraulis anchoita and Micropogonias furnieri, which maintain a roughly similar diet throughout their lives. In addition, we found that for any given ontogenetic distance, i.e. for a given length difference between two size classes, the similarity in parasite communities was almost always higher if they were adult size classes, and almost always lower if they were juvenile size classes. This, combined with comparisons among individual fish within size classes, shows that parasite communities in juvenile fish are variable and subject to stochastic effects. We propose the distance decay approach as a rigorous and quantitative method to measure rates of community change as a function of host age, and for comparisons across host species to elucidate the role of host ecology in the development of parasite assemblages.  相似文献   

Published data were used to compare the distance decay of similarity in parasite communities of three marine fish hosts: Atlantic cod Gadus morhua, the dab Limanda limanda and the flounder Platichthys flesus in two adjacent areas that differ with respect to the strength of a salinity gradient. In the Baltic Sea, which exhibits a strong salinity gradient from its connection with the North Sea in the west to its head in the north‐east, parasite communities in all three fish hosts showed a significant decline of similarity with increasing distance. In contrast, among host populations in the North Sea, which is a fully marine environment, there was no such decline or only a weak relationship. The results suggest that environmental gradients like salinity can be strong driving forces behind patterns of distance decay in parasite communities of fishes.  相似文献   

The similarity in species composition between two communities generally decays as a function of increasing distance between them. Parasite communities in vertebrate definitive hosts follow this pattern but the respective relationship in intermediate invertebrate hosts of parasites with complex life cycles is unknown. In intermediate hosts, parasite communities are affected not only by the varying vagility of their definitive hosts (dispersing infective propagules) but also by the necessary coincidence of all their hosts in environmentally suitable localities. As intermediate hosts often hardly move they do not contribute to parasite dispersal. Hence, their parasite assemblages may decrease faster in similarity with increasing distance than those in highly mobile vertebrate definitive hosts. We use published field survey data to investigate distance decay of similarity in trematode communities from three prominent coastal molluscs of the Eastern North-Atlantic: the gastropods Littorina littorea and Hydrobia ulvae, and the bivalve Cerastoderma edule. We found that the similarity of trematode communities in all three hosts decayed with distance, independently of local sampling effort, and whether or not the parasites used the mollusc as first or second intermediate host in their life cycle. In H. ulvae, the halving distance (i.e. the distance that halves the similarity from its initial similarity at 1 km distance) for the trematode species using birds as definitive hosts was approximately two to three times larger than for species using fish. The initial similarities (estimated at 1 km distance) among trematode communities were relatively higher, whereas mean halving distances were lower, compared to published values for parasite communities in vertebrate hosts. We conclude that the vagility of definitive hosts accounts for a high similarity at the local scale, while the strong decay of similarity across regions is a consequence of the low probability that all necessary hosts and suitable environmental conditions coincide on a large scale.  相似文献   

Patterns of distance decay in similarity among communities of the fish Pinguipes brasilianus (Teleostei: Pinguipedidae) from five areas in the southwestern Atlantic were investigated to determine whether the rate of decay varied depending on the community level or the parasite guild analyzed (ectoparasites, adult endoparasites and larval endoparasites). Similarities in species composition were computed at both the component community and infracommunity levels. Similarity indices were calculated between all possible pairs of assemblages from different zones. Infracommunity similarity values between and within host populations were averaged. Significance of linear regressions for similarity values against distance was assessed using randomization tests. Different patterns were observed for each guild, and similarity among infracommunities within host populations varied accordingly. Decay in similarity over distance was recorded for most communities. The slopes differed significantly between infracommunities and component communities in all cases, and stronger decay was always observed for infracommunities. Different geographical patterns in parasite communities were a consequence of variability in parasite availability in the different regions, modulated by oceanographic conditions, as well as variation among species in terms of host specificity and life-cycles strategies. Infracommunities showed a stronger effect of distance than component communities, probably due to the influence of short term and local variability of oceanographic conditions.  相似文献   

Aim We test the similarity–distance decay hypothesis on a marine host–parasite system, inferring the relationships from abundance data gathered at the lowest scale of parasite community organization (i.e. that of the individual host). Location Twenty‐two seasonal samples of the bogue Boops boops (Teleostei: Sparidae) were collected at seven localities along a coastal positional gradient from the northern North‐East Atlantic to the northern Mediterranean coast of Spain. Methods We used our own, taxonomically consistent, data on parasite communities. The variations in parasite composition and structure with geographical and regional distance were examined at two spatial scales, namely local parasite faunas and component communities, using both presence–absence (neighbour joining distance) and abundance (Mahalanobis distance) data. The influence of geographical and regional distance on faunal/community divergence was assessed through the permutation of distance matrices. Results Our results revealed that: (1) geographical and regional distances do not affect the species composition in the system under study at the higher scales; (2) geographical distance between localities contributes significantly to the decay of similarity estimated from parasite abundance at the lowest scale (i.e. the individual host); (3) the structured spatial patterns are consistent in time but not across seasons; and (4) a restricted clade of species (the ‘core’ species of the bogue parasite fauna) contributes substantially to the observed patterns of both community homogenization and differentiation owing to the strong relationship between local abundance and regional distribution of species. Main conclusions The main factors that tend to homogenize the composition of parasite communities of bogue at higher regional scales are related to the dispersal of parasite colonizers across host populations, which we denote as horizontal neighbourhood colonization. In contrast, the spatial structure detectable in quantitative comparisons only, is related to a vertical neighbourhood colonization associated with larval dispersal on a local level. The stronger decline with distance in the spatial synchrony of the assemblages of the ‘core’ species indicates a close‐echoing environmental synchrony that declines with distance. Our results emphasize the importance of the parasite supracommunity (i.e. parasites that exploit all hosts in the ecosystem) to the decay of similarity with distance.  相似文献   

We tested whether biogeographic patterns characteristic for biological communities can also apply to populations and investigated geographic patterns of variation in abundance of ectoparasites (fleas and mites) collected from bodies of their small mammalian hosts (rodents and shrews) in the Palearctic at continental, regional and local scales. We asked whether (i) there is a relationship between latitude and abundance and (ii) similarity in abundance follows a distance decay pattern or it is better explained by variation in extrinsic biotic and abiotic factors. We analysed the effect of latitude on mean intraspecific abundance using general linear models including proportional abundance of its principal host as an additional predictor variable. Then, we examined the relative effect of geographic distance, biotic and abiotic dissimilarities among regions, subregions or localities on the intraspecific dissimilarity in abundance among regions, subregions or localities using Generalized Dissimilarity Modelling. We found no relationship between latitude and intraspecific flea or mite abundance. In both taxa, environmental dissimilarity explained the largest part of the deviance of spatial variation in abundance, whereas the effect of the dissimilarity in the principal host abundance was of secondary importance and the effect of geographic distance was minor. These patterns were generally consistent across the three spatial scales, although environmental variation and dissimilarity in principal host abundance were equally important at the local scale in fleas but not in mites. We conclude that biogeographic patterns related to latitude and geographic distance do not apply to spatial variation of ectoparasite abundance. Instead, the geographic distribution of abundance in arthropod ectoparasites depends on their responses, mainly to the off-host environment and to a lesser extent the abundance of their principal hosts.  相似文献   

Species richness and similarity in metazoan parasite communities of fishes can be influenced by several biotic (age, body size, vagility, feeding and social behavior, among others), and local abiotic (temperature, salinity, etc.) factors. The parasite communities of three species of Oligoplites, marine fishes from the Pacific coast of Mexico, were quantified and analyzed. Four hundred sixty‐eight leatherjackets (O. altus, n=94; O. saurus, n=260; and Orefulgens, n=114) were collected from February 2016 to June 2017 from five locations. Twenty‐eight species of metazoan parasites were recovered and identified: four species of Monogenea (adults), nine of Digenea (seven adults and two metacercariae); two of Cestoda (larvae); four of Nematoda (two adults and two larvae); four of Acanthocephala (two adults, one juvenile, and one cystacanth); four of Copepoda; and one Pentastomida (larvae). At the component community level, species richness ranged from 9 in O. saurus to 19 in O. altus. Different species of helminth dominated the component communities of each species of host. Community composition and species richness of parasites differed among the three species of host, locations, and sampling years. Host feeding behavior, body size, and vagility had the most influence on these differences.  相似文献   

There is evidence that, within a region, non-native species introduced from nearby sources (extralimital native) promote homogenization and non-native species introduced from distant sources (exotic) promote differentiation of species composition. A possible explanation for these associations is that they are related to differences in the distribution of geographical range size. We test this by examining geographical ranges, delineated within a defined region, for assemblages of vascular plants in eight urban floras in the USA. Across floras, native species had the largest, least variable ranges and the greatest proportion of shared species. Exotic species had the most variable ranges with concentrations of species with small and large ranges and the lowest proportion of shared species. Extralimital natives had concentrations of species with intermediate-sized ranges and intermediate proportions of shared species. These results suggest that patterns of compositional similarity were associated with the relative strength and equality of two opposing patterns within species range size distributions: species with small vs. large ranges. In general, concentrations of species with small ranges promoted low levels and concentrations of species with large ranges promoted high levels of compositional similarity. However, patterns documented for exotic species will likely continue to develop, possibly taking on new forms, depending on how geographical distributions and the rate of introductions of exotic species change over time. Our findings also suggest that processes underlying these patterns have operated at two spatiotemporal scales. The first scale reflects historical consequences of anthropogenic activities occurring within regional extents that have promoted the introduction of extralimital natives; the second scale reflects modern consequences of anthropogenic activities operating at an increasingly global extent that have promoted the introduction of exotic species.  相似文献   

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