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In this work we investigated the frequency of polymorphism in exon II of the gene encoding most of the amino-terminal region of the serine rich antigen (SERA) in Plasmodium falciparum field samples. The blood samples were collected from P. falciparum infected individuals in three areas of the Brazilian Amazon. Two fragments have been characterized by polymerase chain reaction: one of 175 bp corresponding to the repeat region with 5 octamer units and one other of 199 bp related to the 6 repeat octamer units of SERA protein. The 199 bp fragment was the predominant one in all the studied areas. The higher frequency of this fragment has not been described before and could be explained by an immunological selection of the plasmodial population in the infected individuals under study. Since repeat motifs in the amino-terminal region of SERA contain epitopes recognized by parasite-inhibitor antibodies, data reported here suggest that the analysis of the polymorphism of P. falciparum isolates in different geographical areas is a preliminary stage before the final drawing of an universal vaccine against malaria can be reached.  相似文献   

The cysteine-rich C-terminal region of the merozoite surface protein-1, MSP-119, of Plasmodium falciparum has been the most promising vaccine target antigen to date, based on protective immunization studies with recombinant proteins in mice and monkey models. To be further developed as a vaccine candidate, it is essential to study its sequence heterogeneity in field isolates from diverse geographical areas. We have analyzed the DNA sequences encoding the C-terminal region of P. falciparum MSP-1 (1526-1744 aa, corresponding to part of the 16th and all of the 17th blocks) of 16 isolates from different regions in India. The PNG-MAD20 type of MSP-1 sequence predominated in this subcontinent. The MSP-119 region as usual was found to be highly conserved, with amino acid variations at four positions. Based on these variations, only three MSP-119 forms (Q-KNG, E-KNG, and E-TSG, a novel variant) were detected among these isolates. The two MSP-119 variant forms (Q-KNG and E-TSG) were expressed in Escherichia coli as histidine-tagged polypeptides and were characterized immunologically to corroborate the sequence data.  相似文献   

Adhesion of human erythrocytes infected with the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum to host endothelium has been associated with severe forms of this disease. A number of endothelial receptors have been identified, and there is evidence that one of these, intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), may play an important role in the pathology of cerebral malaria. Mutagenesis of domain 1 of ICAM-1, which is involved in parasite adhesion, shows that the binding sites for different parasite variants overlap to a large extent, but that there are subtle differences between them that correlate with their adhesive phenotypes. This suggests that the ability to bind to ICAM-1 has arisen from a common variant, but that subsequent changes have led to differences in binding avidity, which may affect pathogenesis. The definition of common binding determinants and the elucidation of links between ICAM-1 binding phenotype and disease will provide new leads in the design of therapeutic interventions.  相似文献   

Plasmodium falciparum SURFIN4.2 (PFD1160w) is a polymorphic protein expressed on the surface of parasite-infected erythrocytes. Such molecules are expected to be under strong host immune pressure, thus we analyzed the nucleotide diversity of the N-terminal extracellular region of SURFIN4.2 using P. falciparum isolates obtained from a malaria hypoendemic area of Thailand. The extracellular region of SURFIN4.2 was divided into four regions based on the amino acid sequence conservation among SURFIN members and the level of polymorphism among SURFIN4.2 sequences; N-terminal segment (Nter), a cysteine-rich domain (CRD), a variable region 1 (Var1), and a variable region 2 (Var2). Comparison between synonymous and non-synonymous substitutions, Tajima's D test, and Fu and Li's D* and F* tests detected signatures of positive selection on Var2 and to a lesser extent Var1, suggesting that these regions were likely under host immune pressure. Strong linkage disequilibrium was detected for nucleotide pairs separated by a distance of more than 1.5 kb, and 7 alleles among 19 alleles detected in 1988–1989 still circulated 14 years later, suggesting low recombination of the analyzed surf4.2 sequence region in Thailand. The allele frequency distribution of polymorphic areas in Var2 did not differ between two groups collected in different time points, suggesting the allele frequency distribution of this region was stable for 14 years. The observed allele frequency distribution of SURFIN4.2 Var2 may be fixed in Thai P. falciparum population as similar to the observation for P. falciparum merozoite surface protein 1, for which a stable allele frequency distribution was reported.  相似文献   

Teixeira  J.E.  Martinez  R.  Câmara  L.M.C.  Barbosa  J.E. 《Mycopathologia》2001,152(3):125-133
Complement receptor type 1 (CR1) is a membrane glycoprotein that acts as a receptor for the C3b, iC3b and C4b fragments of complement. In primates, one function of erythrocytes is to promote safe clearance of immunocomplexes (IC) from the circulation through CR1. Theoretically, in diseases characterized by high levels of circulating IC, an erythrocyte CR1 (CR1/E) deficiency may favor IC deposition in tissues or facilitate inappropriate activation of leukocytes in the circulation. Depression of the cell immune response occurs in paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM), especially in the more severe cases, and is frequently associated with high serum IC levels. In the present study we quantified the number of CR1/E in patients with the acute and chronic forms of PCM before and after treatment and correlated it with serum IC levels and CD4+ and CD8+ T cell concentration in the peripheral blood of these patients. Patients with PCM, particularly those with active disease and who had received treatment for shorter periods of time, had low numbers of CR1/E. In addition, an increase in serum IC concentration and a reduction in the CD4+/CD8+ T cell ratio were observed. After treatment there was a significant increase in mean CR1/E number and a reduction in serum IC levels. In patients with the chronic form of the disease the CD4+/CD8+ T cell ratio tended to increase after treatment and was associated with increased CR1/E levels. These results suggest that the reduction in CR1/E observed in patients is a phenomenon acquired with the disease and that CR1 could play a role in the pathogenesis of PCM.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Malaria parasites exhibit sequence diversity for a number of stage specific antigens. Several studies have proved that merozoite surface protein-1 (MSP-1) is an effective target eliciting a protective immune response. The MSP-1(42) region comprising two EGF-like domains is involved in generating protective immune response in humans and other experimental animals. Searching for point mutations in this region is essential in view of vaccine development. We have investigated the sequence variations in Plasmodium falciparum MSP-1 carboxy terminal region in field isolates from different regions in India. Our study reveals the presence of eight variant types of MSP-1(19) in the Indian sub-continent, which comprise of E-TSR-L, Q-TSR-L, E-TSG-L, Q-KNG-L, Q-KNG-F, E-KNG-L, E-KNG-F, and E-KYG-F. The last named allele is a novel variant being reported for the first time.  相似文献   

Plasmodium falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1), a major adhesin molecule expressed on Plasmodium-falciparum-infected erythrocytes, interacts with several receptors on endothelial cells and uninfected erythrocytes. This 'stickiness', known as rosetting, is a strategy used by the parasite to remain sequestered in the microvasculature to avoid destruction in the spleen and liver. Erythrocyte rosetting causes obstruction of the blood flow in microcapillaries. Recent data suggest a direct interaction between PfEMP1 and a functional site of complement receptor type 1 (CR1; CD35) on uninfected erythrocytes. Consistent with the hypothesis that CR1 is important in malaria pathogenesis is a 40-70-fold increase in the frequency of two CR1 blood-group antigens (at least one of which might rosette less efficiently) in malaria-exposed African populations. Furthermore, structural differences in erythrocyte CR1 between human and non-human primates are probably explained by the selective pressure of malaria.  相似文献   

The distribution of CR1 on human E was studied using label-fracture and thin section electron microscopy. CR1 was found to be organized in clusters on unfixed cells and on cells that had been prefixed with paraformaldehyde or glutaraldehyde before labeling. The number of clusters/E ranged from 8 to 20 as estimated from the examination of freeze-fracture replicas of labeled cells. Clusters contained an average of 30 to 75 gold particles on cells from two donors which expressed 462 and 586 CR1 Ag sites/cell, as determined by flow cytometry. In thin section electron micrographs, gold complexes were seen surrounding an electron-dense material protruding from the membrane which represents compact aggregates of CR1. The maximal distance between gold particles and the membrane was 100 nm, which corresponds to the estimated length of the major allotypic form of CR1, as calculated from the primary DNA sequence of the molecule. The distribution in clusters of CR1 on the E membrane may provide the basis for an enhanced affinity of C3b-CR1 interactions on the plasma membrane of the cells and may explain the preferential binding of C3b-bearing immune complexes to E in vivo.  相似文献   

Abstract The receptors involved in the recognition of Salmonella typhimurium and S. typhi by murine macrophages were identified, and their relevance to phagosome-lysosome fusion was also investigated. Phagocytosis of S. typhimurium by murine macrophages was dependent on the opsonization with normal fresh serum, although the opsonin had no triggering activity in phagosome-lysosome fusion. In contrast, the opsonization of S. typhi with normal fresh serum efficiently triggered both phagocytosis and following phagosome-lysosome fusion. Anti-murine CR1 antibody suppressed phagocytosis of S. typhimurium by 36%, whereas anti-CR3 antibody, mannan, and advanced glycosylation endproducts (AGE)-BSA all failed to prevent phagocytosis of S. typhimurium , suggesting that CR1 may only contribute to the recognition of S. typhimurium and may possibly play a minor role. Other receptors involved may also influence the outcome phagocytosis in terms of phagosome-lysosome fusion. In the case of S. typhi , only anti-CR3 antibody significantly inhibited not only phagocytosis of S. typhi but also following phagosome-lysosome fusion. Treatment with K76COONa, an inhibitor of C3bINA (I factor), resulted in a marked inhibition of phagosomelysosome fusion in S. typhi -infected macrophages, although no significant inhibition was observed on phagocytosis of S. typhi . These results suggest that S. typhimurium and S. typhi may be recognized at least in part by CR1 and CR3, respectively, and that the recognition by CR3 but not CR1 is functionally associated with subsequent phagosomelysosome fusion in murine macrophages.  相似文献   

Human C3b/C4b receptor or complement receptor type one (CR1) is one of a family of receptor and regulatory glycoproteins that are encoded at a single genetic region (1q32) and are composed largely of a tandemly repeated motif (short consensus repeat or SCR) of approximately 60 amino acids. In addition, CR1 features an internal homology of seven SCRs in length, known as a long homologous repeat, that is reiterated four times, in the major polymorphic size variant, from SCR-1 to SCR-28, and may be reiterated three, five, and six times in other polymorphic forms. In the course of studying CR1, we detected sequences closely related to CR1 on several overlapping genomic clones. We have characterized a 40-kilobase CR1-like genomic region containing 10 potential exons that are 95% homologous to the amino-terminal coding portion of CR1. This region appears to be a partial duplication of CR1 and may encode a related gene. A comparison of CR1 and CR1-like sequences suggests that unequal crossing-over and concerted evolution have occurred within the most precisely reiterated subregion of CR1. Similar mechanisms have been important in the evolution of tandemly repeated genes and could provide the means for generation of the CR1 polymorphic size variants.  相似文献   

Since the late 1970s pyrimethamine-sulfadoxine (PS; FansidarTM Hoffman-LaRoche, Basel) has been used as first line therapy for uncomplicated malaria in the Amazon basin. Unfortunately, resistance has developed over the last ten years in many regions of the Amazon and PS is no longer recommended for use in Brazil. In vitro resistance to pyrimethamine and cycloguanil (the active metabolite of proguanil) is caused by specific point mutations in Plasmodium falciparum dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR), and in vitro resistance to sulfadoxine has been associated with mutations in dihydropteroate synthase (DHPS). In association with a proguanil-sulfamethoxazole clinical trial in Brazil, we performed a nested mutation-specific polymerase chain reaction to measure the prevalence of DHFR mutations at codons 50, 51, 59, 108 and 164 and DHPS mutations at codons 436, 437, 540, 581 and 613 at three sites in the Brazilian Amazon. Samples from two isolated towns showed a high degree of homogeneity, with the DHFR Arg-50/Ile-51/Asn-108 and DHPS Gly-437/Glu-540/Gly-581 mutant genotype accounting for all infections in Peixoto de Azevedo (n = 15) and 60% of infections in Apiacás (n = 10), State of Mato Grosso. The remaining infections in Apiacás differed from this predominant genotype only by the addition of the Bolivia repeat at codon 30 and the Leu-164 mutation in DHFR. By contrast, 17 samples from Porto Velho, capital city of the State of Rond?nia, with much in- and out-migration, showed a wide variety of DHFR and DHPS genotypes.  相似文献   

Reoxygenation of hypoxic human umbilical vein endothelial cells(HUVECs) increases protein expression of the complement regulators CD46and CD55. As the receptor for C3b is known to be present on injuredbovine endothelial cells, we investigated whether hypoxia or inflammatory mediators induce complement receptor type 1 (CR1; CD35) expression on HUVECs. CR1 protein expressionincreased 3.7 ± 0.6-fold as measured by ELISA on HUVECsfollowing hypoxia (48 h, 1%O2). Colocalization of CD35 andvon Willebrand factor by confocal microscopy confirmed that CD35 waspredominantly intracellular. Lipopolysaccharide or tumor necrosisfactor- also significantly increased HUVEC CR1 proteinexpression. Western blot analysis of neutrophil or hypoxicHUVEC lysates revealed a 221-kDa CR1 band under nonreducingconditions. RT-PCR of hypoxic HUVEC mRNA revealed a singleband that, after sequencing, was identified as CD35. In situhybridization of hypoxic HUVECs, but not normoxic HUVECs or fibroblasts, demonstrated increased CD35 mRNA.Hypoxic HUVECs bound immune complexes and acted as a cofactorfor factor I-mediated cleavage of C3b. Thus hypoxia induces functionalHUVEC CR1 expression.  相似文献   

Complement receptor type 1 (CR1) is a glycoprotein of Mr about 250 000 present on erythrocytes and other cell types. CR1 acts as a cofactor in the factor I-mediated breakdown of complement fragment C3b to form iC3b. Using an assay of cofactor activity, a wide variation in mean CR1 levels between erythrocytes from individual donors is observed. CR1 levels also decrease on ageing of erythrocytes in vivo, and again the rate of loss is widely variable between individuals. However, variable loss of CR1 during ageing of erythrocytes is likely to make only a minor contribution to the observed variation in mean CR1 levels. CR1 is very sensitive to proteolysis, and random proteolytic removal of CR1 from erythrocytes is likely to be an important factor in loss of CR1 on ageing of red cells in vivo. In vitro, mild trypsin treatment, plasmin or thrombin digestion of erythrocytes results in the loss of the factor I cofactor activity from the cell surface, and appearance of this activity in the supernatant. We conclude that an active fragment of CR1 is released from the cell surface on proteolysis. Subsequent prolonged trypsin treatment destroys most of the activity of this fragment. Proteolytic removal of CR1 from red cells may account not only for loss on ageing of cells, but also for the acquired CR1 deficiencies observed by others in systemic lupus erythematosus.  相似文献   

The complement receptor, type 1 (CR1) is expressed on a variety of cell types including primate erythrocytes, phagocytic cells, and B lymphocytes. On these cells, CR1 plays a role in a diverse spectrum of biological activities including the clearance of immune complexes from the circulation, down-regulation of the complement system, recognition of complement-coated microorganisms, and cellular activation. CR1 is also expressed by some, but not all, T lymphocytes. The present study was undertaken in order to examine the distribution of CR1 on normal human T cell subsets by flow cytometry and to quantify the expression of T cell CR1 by radioimmunoassay. Data presented here indicate that, in a panel of 19 normal individuals, a mean of 9.7% of the overall peripheral blood lymphocyte population expressed CR1 and that, as assessed by two-color flow cytometry, 12.0% of CD3+, 13.0% of CD4+, and 20.0% of CD8+ cells expressed CR1. While single peaks of CR1 staining were observed within the CD3 and CD4 subsets, a biphasic pattern of staining was evident within the CD8 subset in which relatively high-intensity CR1 staining was detected within the subpopulation of "dull" CD8+ cells, whereas a lower intensity of CR1 staining was observed within the subpopulation of "bright" CD8+ cells. Duplicate analyses performed over a relatively short time frame suggested that, while the overall percentage of cells that expressed CR1 varied considerably among normal individuals, in at least some individuals the percentage of cells expressing CR1 was relatively stable, especially within the CD4 subset. In cell suspensions enriched for T lymphocytes by rosetting with sheep erythrocytes, 10.0% of the cells were CR1+ and a mean of approximately 3700 CR1 were expressed per CR1+ cell. There was no apparent correlation between the number of CR1 per T cell and the number of CR1 expressed per erythrocyte in the same blood sample. The expression of CR1 on subpopulations within the CD3+, CD4+, and CD8+ lymphocyte subsets may play a role in both normal cell function and in the pathophysiology of disease states including the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS).  相似文献   

A large-scale procedure for the isolation of complement receptor type 1 (CR1, the C3b receptor) from human erythrocytes is described. Two of the four known phenotypes of CR1 are detectable in the isolated material. Amino acid and hexosamine analysis of the A phenotype (Mr 240 000) indicates a polypeptide chain length of about 2030 amino acids and a carbohydrate content of 8%. Both N- and O-linked sugars appear to be present. Trypsin digestion of isolated CR1 shows that it is degraded rapidly and extensively, and no stable products of Mr greater than 25000 are found. The ability of the receptor to bind to solid-phase ligand is destroyed after a single cleavage by trypsin. The capacity of the receptor to act as a cofactor for Factor I-mediated cleavage of soluble C3b is, however, only gradually decreased by proteolysis, and 30% of this activity remains after extensive degradation. The same pattern of loss of binding to solid-phase ligand, with partial retention of interaction with soluble ligand, is also characteristic of the complement proteins Factor H and C4bp, which are functionally related to CR1.  相似文献   

Mild trypsinization of human erythrocyte stroma solubilized CR1 (complement receptor type 1, C3b/C4b receptor) without significant loss of decay-accelerating activity to C5 convertases on hemolytic intermediate cells (EAC 1-3b, P). The solubilized CR1 was purified using DEAE-Sephacel, C3-Sepharose, and anti-CR1-Sepharose column chromatographies. The purified material showed a single band on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under non-reducing conditions, and its molecular weight was determined to be 175K, about 20K smaller than native CR1. Because the purified sample was separated into the several segments by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under reducing conditions, the molecule is considered to be nicked and those segments are associated by disulfide bonds. These results mean that a large portion of the CR1 molecule is present outside of the plasma membrane of erythrocytes, and the intramembranous and cytoplasmic domains are not necessary for decay-accelerating activity.  相似文献   

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