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血液透析治疗毒蛇咬伤致急性肾衰   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张祥文 《蛇志》2000,12(2):58-59
我院自1983年1月至1999年10月共收治毒蛇咬伤患者98例,其中合并急性肾衰(ARF)21例,经中西医结合治疗,疗效满意。现报告如下。1 临床资料1.1 一般资料 21例合并ARF患者中,男16例,女5例;年龄19~68岁,平均40.3岁。均为本地区农民,在夏秋季被咬伤;咬伤下肢17例,上肢4例。咬伤至治疗时间0.5h至3天不等。其中3例行咬伤肢体结扎,19例行伤口清水或肥皂水冲洗或民间土法治疗。1.2 治疗方法 全部病例均予咬伤部位清创排毒,季德胜蛇药片调醋外敷;抗蝮蛇毒血清治疗,每次6000IU,过敏者脱敏治疗后再行给药;中药:陆氏治疗蝮蛇咬伤方[1];抗休克:应…  相似文献   

袁长裕  莫桂英  郑芬 《蛇志》2012,24(3):318-319
蝰蛇是以血循环毒素为主的毒蛇,被蝰蛇咬伤后,蛇毒蛋白酶作用于血管壁,引起凝血功能障碍,导致溶血、出血、血管内皮细胞破损,常伴有休克、微循环障碍、循环衰竭和急性肾功能衰竭等。血液透析是治疗蝰蛇咬伤致急性肾功能衰竭的有效方法,  相似文献   

综合治疗毒蛇咬伤急性肾功能衰竭20例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
符秋红  邓立普  王桥生 《蛇志》2006,18(3):200-201
2001~2005年我院急诊科共收治毒蛇咬伤患者547例,其中发生急性肾功能衰竭(ARF)20例,占3.6%,与相关报道相近。以ARF为起因导致多器官功能衰竭者4例,因家属放弃抢救,经随访均死亡。可见,ARF是毒蛇咬伤病人特别是血循毒或混合毒蛇咬伤最凶险的并发症。近年来,我们采用综合治疗方法治疗ARF,取得满意的疗效,现报告如下。  相似文献   

中西医结合治疗蝮蛇咬伤急性肾功能衰竭18例临床体会   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
龚旭初 《蛇志》2000,12(1):64-66
我院 1 994~ 1 998年间共收治蝮蛇咬伤病人465例 ,其中发生急性肾功能衰竭 ( ARF)者 1 8例 ,占 3.8%,以 ARF为起因导致死亡者 4例 ,占死亡人数的 80 %,可见 ARF是蝮蛇咬伤病人最凶险的并发症。近年来 ,我们采用中西医结合方法预防、治疗 ARF取得满意的疗效 ,现报告如下。1 临床资料1 .1 一般资料 本组病人根据典型症状、体征及对蛇形态描述 ,均明确诊断为蝮蛇咬伤。既往均无肾脏病史 ,符合 BUN>1 4.3mmol/L、 Cr>1 76μmol/L的 ARF诊断标准。按 1 987年第三届全国蛇伤学术会议制定的《毒蛇咬伤临床病情分型标准》,均属危型。其…  相似文献   

血液灌流、血液透析联合治疗重症毒蛇咬伤的护理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
付江丽  夏梨萍 《蛇志》2009,21(3):226-227
我科从2004年3月~2008年9月收治外院所转来的毒蛇咬伤并发急性肾功能衰竭等重症病人60例.通过一系列的救治。使抢救成功率大大提高。现将护理体会报告如下。  相似文献   

覃汉玉 《蛇志》1997,9(2):34-34
腹膜透析具有设备简单、操作简便、滤过面积大、自我感觉良好、费用低等优点.现已成为治疗急性肾功能衰竭的有效方法之一.我院于1995年3月至1996年11月共收治3例毒蛇咬伤所致急性肾功能不全患者,经腹膜透析治疗及精心护理,均治愈.现将护理体会报告如下.1 临床资料本组3例,男性2例,女性1例,年龄最大者56岁,最小者23岁.3例均为急性少尿型肾衰,每日尿量约50ml~100ml,入院后采取腹膜透析治疗,住院12天~16天,平均14天,3例均治愈出院.2 治疗方法我们一般采用切开插管法腹膜透析.常用透析液为NaC16.0克、KC10.3克、CaCl_20.3克、MgSO_40.31克、NaHCO_32.0克、葡萄糖20.0克加注射用水至1000ml,每次灌入500ml~1000ml;保留45min~60min.根据病情每日透析8次~10次.同时准确记  相似文献   

中西医结合治疗蝮蛇咬伤急性肾功能衰竭30例临床体会   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王丹  安明伟  邹国明 《蛇志》2010,22(1):36-38
目的探讨蝮蛇咬伤致急性肾功能衰竭的治疗方法。方法对30例蝮蛇咬伤急性肾功能衰竭的临床资料进行分析。结果30例蝮蛇咬伤致急性肾功能衰竭患者,治愈27例,疗程最短7天,最长60天。结论中西医结合治疗蝮蛇咬伤急性肾功能衰竭有明显优势,极大地降低了病死率。  相似文献   

应用抗蛇毒血清治疗毒蛇咬伤的护理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
曾建英 《蛇志》2005,17(3):167-168
近3年来我科运用上海赛伦生物技术有限公司生产的抗蛇毒血清加本院制剂(南蛇Ⅰ号、南蛇Ⅱ号)以及外用蛇伤解毒散等药物,治疗毒蛇咬伤患者105例,效果满意。现将护理体会报道如下。  相似文献   

杨柳芬 《蛇志》2007,19(1):71-71
食物中毒是日常生活中常有的,临床上接触较多的是鱼胆中毒,鱼胆中毒对人体损害以肝、肾损害为主,常导致急性肾功能衰竭,成为死亡的主要原因。而血液透析是治疗急性肾功能衰竭的主要方法,因此,在鱼胆中毒的治疗中起关键作用。我院2002年1月~2005年10月收治10例鱼胆中毒致急性肾  相似文献   

苏葵花  廖水珍 《蛇志》2012,24(3):317-318
蛇伤导致呼吸肌麻痹常在咬伤后数小时至数天内发生,是蛇伤病人最常见的危重症状。我科2010年1月~2012年1月共收治16例毒蛇咬伤致急性呼吸肌麻痹患者。经采取紧急气管插管辅予机械通气辅助呼吸以及对症治疗和有效的护理措施,取得满意效果。现将体会报告如下。  相似文献   

三七皂苷对蛇伤致全身炎症反应综合征的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨三七皂苷对毒蛇咬伤致全身炎症反应综合征的影响。方法将60例毒蛇咬伤病人按随机双盲的原则分为两组,治疗组(A组)30例采用常规治疗加用三七皂苷,对照组(B组)30例采用常规治疗。观察两组病人在治疗过程中心率、血压、血常规、体温等的变化,并进行比较。结果A组病人心率、血压、血常规、体温等在治疗过程中的变化均优于B组。结论三七皂苷对毒蛇咬伤病人的全身炎症反应综合征有拮抗作用,有利于蛇伤病人器官功能不全的预防与治疗。  相似文献   

张远新  黄伟青 《蛇志》2006,18(2):121-122
目的通过分析儿童毒蛇咬伤的特点,评价程序化综合救治方法对儿童毒蛇咬伤的疗效。方法通过观察17例毒蛇咬伤儿童的临床特点,尽早进行病情预测,同时根据毒蛇咬伤的临床病情分型予程序化综合救治。监测病情变化、伤口愈合情况及平均住院时间。结果儿童毒蛇咬伤的特点为不明种类毒蛇咬伤多,症状较成人严重,易发生并发症。经过早期程序化综合救治总有效率100%,伤口渗血、肿胀明显缓解,无1例死亡,平均留观时间4.5天。结论根据儿童毒蛇咬伤特点,早期准确预测和尽快应用程序化救治能提高毒蛇咬伤疗效。  相似文献   



Snake bite is a neglected public health problem in the world and one of the major causes of mortality and morbidity in many areas, particularly in the rural tropics. It also poses substantial economic burdens on the snake bite victims due to treatment related expenditure and loss of productivity. An accurate estimate of the risk of snake bite is largely unknown for most countries in the developing world, especially South-East Asia.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We undertook a national epidemiological survey to determine the annual incidence density of snake bite among the rural Bangladeshi population. Information on frequency of snake bite and individuals'' length of stay in selected households over the preceding twelve months was rigorously collected from the respondents through an interviewer administered questionnaire. Point estimates and confidence intervals of the incidence density of snake bite, weighted and adjusted for the multi-stage cluster sampling design, were obtained. Out of 18,857 study participants, over one year a total of 98 snake bites, including one death were reported in rural Bangladesh. The estimated incidence density of snake bite is 623.4 / 100,000 person years (95% C I 513.4–789.2 /100,000 person years). Biting occurs mostly when individuals are at work. The majority of the victims (71%) receive snake bites to their lower extremities. Eighty-six percent of the victims received some form of management within two hours of snake bite, although only three percent of the victims went directly to either a medical doctor or a hospital.


Incidence density of snake bite in rural Bangladesh is substantially higher than previously estimated. This is likely due to better ascertainment of the incidence through a population based survey. Poor access to health services increases snake bite related morbidity and mortality; therefore, effective public health actions are warranted.  相似文献   

Snake bite, a major socio-medical problem of south east asian countries is still depending on the usage of antisera as the one and only source of treatment, which has its own limitations. In India, mostly in rural areas, health centres are inadequate and the snake bite victims mostly depend on traditional healers and herbal antidotes, as an alternative treatment. The present review has been focussed on the varied folk and traditional herbs and their antisnake venom compounds, which might be a stepping stone in establishing the future therapy against snake bite treatment and management.  相似文献   

This article covers the application of proteomic tools ('venomics', 'antivenomics' and 'venom phenotyping') to study the composition and natural history of snake venoms, and the cross-reactivity of antivenoms with homologous and heterologous venoms, to help address the neglected pathology of snake bite envenoming. The identification of evolutionary and immunological trends may help to replace the traditional geographic- and phylogenetic-driven hypotheses for antivenom production strategies with a more rational approach based on proteome phenotype and immunological profile similarities. Antivenomics and venom phenotyping may also contribute to expand the clinical range of currently existing antidotes.  相似文献   

This article covers the application of proteomic tools (‘venomics’, ‘antivenomics’ and ‘venom phenotyping’) to study the composition and natural history of snake venoms, and the cross-reactivity of antivenoms with homologous and heterologous venoms, to help address the neglected pathology of snake bite envenoming. The identification of evolutionary and immunological trends may help to replace the traditional geographic- and phylogenetic-driven hypotheses for antivenom production strategies with a more rational approach based on proteome phenotype and immunological profile similarities. Antivenomics and venom phenotyping may also contribute to expand the clinical range of currently existing antidotes.  相似文献   

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