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1. Octopine dehydrogenase and lactate dehydrogenase were purified 190-fold and 10-fold respectively from the adductor muscle of the marine bivalve Cardium edule by gel filtration on Sephadex G-100 and chromatography on DEAE-Sephadex A-50. 2. Lactate dehydrogenase was capable to convert D- and L-lactate, had a molecular weight of about 70 000 and 280 000 daltons, exhibits no distinct pH optimum and was not inhibited by lactate. The enzyme showed apparent Km values of 0.16 mM for pyruvate and 16 mM and 48 mM for D- and L-lactate respectively. 3. In comparison to the purified enzymes from other species, octopine dehydrogenase from Cardium edule showed similar biochemical properties : pH optima of 6.8 and 8.7 respectively, Km values of 0.9 mM (for pyruvate) and 2.0 mM (for arginine), a molecular weight of 37 000 daltons and inhibition by octopine. Electrophoretic studies on standard polyacrylamide gels showed five isoenzymes. 4. The biochemical properties of both dehydrogenases are compared to the conditions in vivo of these animals and the biological role of the octopine dehydrogenase is discussed.  相似文献   

1. Halobacterium cutirubrum L-alanine dehydrogenase was purified approx. 100-fold. 2. It has a mol. wt. of 72 500, about one-third that of two well-studied alanine dehydrogenases from non-halophiles. 3. The activity of the enzyme increases with temperature up to 70 degrees C, but the protein itself is not thermostable. 4. In the reductive amination reaction, the enzyme is fully active in the presence of high concentrations of K+, Na+ or NH4+ and partially active with Cs+ or Li+, but for oxidative deamination it has an absolute requirement for K+.  相似文献   

The partial purification of shikimate dehydrogenase (SDH) from tomato fruit was achieved by precipitation with ammonium sulphate, and chromatography on DEAE-cellulose and hydroxyapatite. The enzyme has a MW of 73000, shows an optimum at pH 9.1 and Km values of 3.8 × 10?5 M and 1.0 × 10?5 M with shikimic acid and NADP as substrates. NADP could not be replaced by NAD. The tomato enzyme is competitively inhibited by protocatechuic acid with a Ki value of 7.7 × 10?5 M. On the other hand, cinnamic acid derivatives and 2-hydroxybenzoic acid were ineffective. At 50° for 5 min the SDH is inactivated by 85%. The activity was inhibited by pCMB and N-ethylmaleimide, suggesting a requirement for SH groups. The inactivation plot of oxidation by pCMB was biphasic, and NADP decreased the reactivity of sulphydryl groups to the reagent. The activation energy was found to be 14.2kcal/mol. The properties of the SDH are discussed in relation to the enzymes from other sources.  相似文献   

Sorbitol dehydrogenase was isolated from human brain and purified 690-fold, giving a final specific activity of 11.1 units/mg of protein. The enzyme preparation was nearly homogeneous, but was unstable at most temperatures. It exhibited a broad pH optimum of 7.5-9.0 in the forward reaction (i.e. sorbitol leads to fructose), and of 7.0 in the reverse reaction (i.e. fructose leads to sorbitol). Substrate-specificity studies demonstrated that the enzyme had the capability to oxidize a wide range of polyols and that the enzyme had a higher affinity for substrates in the forward reaction than in the reverse reaction, e.g. Km for sorbitol was 0.45 mM, and that for fructose was 480 mM. However, the Vmax. was 10 times greater in the reverse reaction. At high concentrations of fructose (500 mM) the enzyme exhibited substrate inhibition in the reverse reaction. The enzyme mechanism was sequential, as determined by the kinetic patterns arising from varying the substrate concentrations. In addition, both fructose and NADH protected the enzyme against thermal inactivation. These findings, together with product-inhibition data, suggested that the mechanism is random rapid equilibrium with two dead-end complexes.  相似文献   

The enzyme system, 15-hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase, which catalyzes the first inactivation step in the catabolism of the prostaglandins has been isolated and purified 107-fold from human placenta. Kinetic studies reveal different Michaelis-Menten constants for most of the naturally occurring prostaglandins. The Km for PGE2 was found to be 10 μM, for PGE1, 27 μM; for PGA2, 32 μM; for PGA1, 33 μM; and for PGF 59 μM. The enzyme has a sharp pH-optimum between 7.5 and 8.8. Prostaglandin dehydrogenase appears to be isoenzymic as judged by separation on polyacrylamide disc gel electrophoresis. Inhibition studies with the partially purified enzyme indicate that progesterone and estrogen may influence the conversion of biologically active prostaglandins into the biologically inactive 15-ketoprostaglandins. These findings offer evidence for the control of prostaglandin metabolism in the human placenta.  相似文献   

Aldose reductase and hexonate dehydrogenase were isolated from human brain and partially purified. The two enzymes exhibited distinctive substrate-specificity profiles with a variety of aldoses,and aliphatic and aromatic aldehydes. Aldose reductase exhibited a high affinity for DL-glyceraldehyde (Km of 62 microM) and a low affinity (Km of 90 mM) for glucose, the physiological substrate of the polyol pathway. Hexonate dehydrogenase exhibited a relatively low affinity for D-glucuronate (Km of 4.6 mM) and a very low affinity for glucose (Km of 390 mM). Both enzymes exhibited a high specificity for NADPH, and both were inhibited competitively by NADP+. Hexonate dehydrogenase was inhibited by iodoacetate, iodoacetamide, N-ethylmaleimide and p-chloromercuribenzoate. Preincubation with 2-mercaptoethanol resulted in activation. Both enzymes were inhibited by a number of barbiturates (barbital, phenobarbital and pentobarbital) and by the central-nervous-system drugs diphenylhydantoin and ethosuccinimide. The substrate specificity and pattern of inhibition suggest that the two enzymes isolated correspond to two of four previously reported aldehyde reductases isolated from human brain.  相似文献   

Human erythrocytes were found to contain two prostaglandin metabolizing enzymes: a prostaglandin E 9-ketoreductase catalyzing the reduction of prostaglandin E2 to form prostaglandin F and a 15-hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase that catalyzes the oxidation of prostaglandin F to form 15-ketoprostaglandin F. Both enzymes are found in the cytoplasmic fraction of erythrocytes and both enzymes use the triphosphopyridine nucleotides as cofactors more effectively than the diphosphopyridine nucleotides. These two enzymes were partially purified from erythrocyte homogenates and some of their properties were studied.  相似文献   

Reduced 3-thionicotinamide--adenine dinucleotide (sNADH) is shown to be fluorescent, with an emission maximum at 510 nm when excited in the region of the absorption maximum (398 nm), and with a very low quantum yield, (3.4 +/- 0.5) x 10(-4). The interaction between sNADH and octopine dehydrogenase was investigated by ultraviolet-difference spectroscopy and fluorescence. Some surprising fluorescence features were found when sNADH was bound to the enzyme in the presence of D-octopine, as follows. (a) There is an unusually high enhancement of the dinucleotide fluorescence (by at least a factor of 100) attended by a 40-nm blue shift of the emission maximum. (b) The protein fluorescence is quenched almost completely. (c) The bound coenzyme analog undergoes a photoreaction, which proceeds differently from that occurring the free form. These features appear to be unique to the octopine.sNADH complex, as for example they are not present when sNADH is bound to horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase, or when NADH is bound to octopine dehydrogenase. The possible origin of these fluorescence features is discussed. Binding and kinetic studies were carried out with sNAD and sNADH. It was found that sNAD neither binds nor acts kinetically as a coenzyme. sNADH exhibits relatively good binding, with Km and Ki values close to those of the natural coenzyme, but the turnover number is 460 times smaller than that with NADH. The kinetic consequences of these findings are discussed. The sNADH dissociation constants were determined as a function of temperature, and appear to be practically temperature-independent in the range 10--40 degrees C. It seems thus, in agreement with previous studies, that the interaction between octopine dehydrogenase and coenzymes proceeds athermically, regardless of the structure, affinity, and chemical reactivity of the coenzyme. The possible biological and chemical meaning of this finding is discussed.  相似文献   

The external NADH dehydrogenase has been purified from Arum maculatum (cuckoo-pint) mitochondria by phosphate washing, extraction with deoxycholate, ion-exchange and gel-filtration chromatography. Sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis shows, when the gel is silver-stained, that the purified enzyme contains two major bands of Mr 78 000 and 65 000 and a minor one of Mr about 76 000. It is not possible at present to determine which of these, or which combination, constitutes the dehydrogenase. The enzyme contains non-covalently bound FAD and a small amount of FMN. Since the conditions of purification lead to considerable loss of flavin and possibly iron-sulphur centres, it is not possible to decide with certainty whether the enzyme is a flavo- or ferroflavo-protein. The enzyme has been distinguished from the other NADH dehydrogenases on the basis of its substrate specificity, its capability of reducing electron acceptors such as ubiquinone-1 and 2,6-dichlorophenol-indophenol and its sensitivity towards Ca2+, EGTA and dicoumarol.  相似文献   

We investigated the temperature dependence of several functions of octopine dehydrogenase, a monomeric enzyme extracted from the shell fish Pecten maximus L. We found that six enzymatic functions are temperature independent or change only negligibly with temperatue. These are the dissociation constants of three coenzyme complexes and the Michaelis Km values for NAD, NADH and one of the substrates (D-octopine). This is taken as an indication of a temperature-regulatory mechanism which enables the enzyme to maintain a constant level of NAD, NADH and D-octopine in binary and ternary complexes independent of fluctuations of the external temperature. This is discussed with reference to enzymes from other poikilotherms, which reportedly display similar biologically meaningful response to temperature. We also discuss the meaning of our data from a thermodynamic viewpoint. Considering that in a temperature-independent binding process only entropy changes contribute to the standard free-energy change, we speculate on possible molecular models which might account for our results. We also investigate the activation-energy parameters for the reaction catalyzed by octopine dehydrogenase, as obtained from the temperature dependence of V. It is found that octopine dehydrogenase, relative to other dehydrogenases, is provided with a rather low delta H not equal to, which enables the enzyme to change its turnover number by only a small factor in the temperature range 5--35 degrees C.  相似文献   

Abstract— Sorbitol dehydrogenase (EC was isolated and purified 700-fold from rat brain. Most substrate specificities and properties are similar to those reported for sorbitol dehydrogenase from other mammalian tissues; however, the substrate specificity of this brain enzyme does not conform to the d -cis 2,4 dihydroxy configuration. The physiological substrate for sorbitol dehydrogenase is probably sorbitol. The isolation of sorbitol dehydrogenase from rat brain tissue is confirmation that (1) all the constituents of the sorbitol (polyol) pathway are present in the brain and that (2) fructose synthesis from glucose in this tissue proceeds via the intermediate formation of sorbitol.  相似文献   

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