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Design and mechanical properties of insect cuticle   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Since nearly all adult insects fly, the cuticle has to provide a very efficient and lightweight skeleton. Information is available about the mechanical properties of cuticle-Young's modulus of resilin is about 1 MPa, of soft cuticles about 1 kPa to 50 MPa, of sclerotised cuticles 1-20 GPa; Vicker's Hardness of sclerotised cuticle ranges between 25 and 80 kgf mm(-2); density is 1-1.3 kg m(-3)-and one of its components, chitin nanofibres, the Young's modulus of which is more than 150 GPa. Experiments based on fracture mechanics have not been performed although the layered structure probably provides some toughening. The structural performance of wings and legs has been measured, but our understanding of the importance of buckling is lacking: it can stiffen the structure (by elastic postbuckling in wings, for example) or be a failure mode. We know nothing of fatigue properties (yet, for instance, the insect wing must undergo millions of cycles, flexing or buckling on each cycle). The remarkable mechanical performance and efficiency of cuticle can be analysed and compared with those of other materials using material property charts and material indices. Presented in this paper are four: Young's modulus-density (stiffness per unit weight), specific Young's modulus-specific strength (elastic hinges, elastic energy storage per unit weight), toughness-Young's modulus (fracture resistance under various loading conditions), and hardness (wear resistance). In conjunction with a structural analysis of cuticle these charts help to understand the relevance of microstructure (fibre orientation effects in tendons, joints and sense organs, for example) and shape (including surface structure) of this fibrous composite for a given function. With modern techniques for analysis of structure and material, and emphasis on nanocomposites and self-assembly, insect cuticle should be the archetype for composites at all levels of scale.  相似文献   

1. The mechanical properties of loops of cuticle cut from the abdomens of 5th instar Rhodnius have been investigated. The cuticle shows pronounced viscoelastic behaviour. 2. Stress-relaxation tests show a continuously falling modulus over a wide range of times after the imposition of a strain. 3. Plasticized samples of cuticle show stress-relaxation curves which are shifted along the time axis towards earlier times by up to times 10-3. The modulus at any particular time after the imposition of strain is about 10 times lower than that of the unplasticized cuticle. 4. It is concluded that the mechanical properties of this cuticle are determined, at least for maintained stresses, largely by the matrix material. Chitin microfibrils may act as a reinforcing filler for short-term, rapid stresses. The cuticular macromolecules are probably not extensively cross-linked by primary bonds, though secondary interactions between them are probably important in the viscoelastic properties of the cuticle. 5. Plasticization probably involves a change in either the number or the strength of secondary interactions between the cuticle macromolecules, or both.  相似文献   

Summary Photoreceptor membrane fractions of the lateral eye ofLimulus were solubilized in the detergent emulphogene, and three photobleachable materials were observed with respective max values at 330nm±10nm, 450 nm±10 nm, and 530 nm±10 nm. A530 is the pigment which had been reported earlier by Hubbard and Wald (1960), and it can be separated from A330 and A450 on the basis of differential solubility in digitonin. Approximately the same number of incident quanta were required for a unit absorbance change at max for all three pigments, but measurable photo-products were not observed after bleaching A330 and A450.We thank Daniel Inners for discussion and Thomas Wheeler and Vivian Leitner for assistance. This work was supported by NSF grants GB-33499 and BMS 75-07197, NIH grants EY-00871 and EY-00244, and The Institute of Ophthalmology, Houston. We also thank I.L. and Bertha Gordon Miller for their generous gift of the Cary 118C.  相似文献   

The ultimate tensile strength (σUT) and the modulus of elasticity (E) of Rhodnius extensible cuticle are σUT = 2.20 × 107 Nm?2, E = 2.43 × 108 Nm?2 (unplasticised); σUT = 1.43 × 107 Nm?2, E = 9.45 × 106 Nm?2 (plasticised with 5HT) and σUT = 9.05 × 106 Nm, E = 2.46 × 106 Nm?2 (plasticised in pH 5 buffer).The mechanical properties of cuticle from insects which have deposited additional layers of cuticle after they have been fed differ from those of cuticle from unfed insects. This is possibly due to the different composition of the additional cuticle: it is suggested that the post-feeding cuticle is providing protection and a template for the next instars cuticle.The maximum strain of extensible cuticle from starved insects is related to the amount of matrix protein present.  相似文献   

Solid films of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) from salmon testes were prepared by a solvent-casting method. The thermal molecular motion of the DNA film was examined by dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA). Four absorption peaks and one shoulder of the loss modulus were observed in the temperature domain from approximately 150 to 490 K. To assign these, thermal analysis employing thermogravimetry (TG) and differential thermal analysis (DTA) was used in conjunction with ultraviolet (UV)-visible and Fourier-transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy. It seems most likely that, in order of increasing temperature, they are a B(I)→B(II) conformational transition, a relatively large-scale movement associated with water molecules, water evaporation, thermal denaturation of DNA, and a glass transition.  相似文献   

The chitin architecture of Mecoptera cuticle is of two kinds: helicoidal and helicoidal preferred with the preferred layers being cross-plied. Comparison of both systems of terminology currently in use to differentiate the subtypes of cuticle indicates that neither provides much information about the arrangement of chitin within cuticle and that both give information only about the extent of hardening in cuticle. All of the specimens of solid cuticle broken in tension exhibited a similar fracture behaviour in which the exocuticle failed in a brittle manner and the endocuticle failed plastically. The mode of endocuticular failure is dependent upon the arrangement of chitin microfibres within this region. The ultrastructural patterns of chitin microfibres determined by electron microscopy cannot be related to current notions about the phylogenetic interrelationships among Mecoptera and the usefulness of chitin fibre arrangement as a phylogenetic tool remains an open question.  相似文献   

(1) At the imaginal ecdysis of Schistocerca, the cuticle is viscoelastic rather than elastic. (2) The cuticle becomes softer just before emergence. It is suggested that this is due to an ‘eclosion hormone’. The softening permits the extrication of the appendages and an increase in the size of the locust. (3) The stiffness of the cuticle increases transiently at the end of emergence. (4) In the later part of wing expansion, the cuticle becomes elastic and its stiffness again increases. (5) Maximum pressures are recorded about 10 min into emergence, and pressures in the gut are greater than those in the tracheal system. (6) From these results it is concluded that the expansion of the wings initially depends on the high haemolymph pressure and low stiffness. Only in the last 15 min of wing expansion do the processes involved in autonomous expansion become important.  相似文献   

Photoperiodically controlled adult diapause in the bean bug, Riptortus clavatus (Thunberg) (Heteroptera: Alydidae) was due to suppression of corpus allatum activity under short-day conditions. The mechanical extensibility of the cuticle of the pronotum was significantly higher in nondiapause adults reared under long-day conditions than in diapause adults reared under short-day conditions. Furthermore, diapause adults accumulated significantly larger amount of lipids than nondiapause ones. It was then examined whether these two characteristics of adult diapause also depend on activity of the corpus allatum, by removal of the corpus allatum and transection of the nervi corporis allati. Even after these two kinds of surgery, adults responded to photoperiod and showed similar differences both in mechanical properties of the cuticle and in lipid content between long-day and short-day conditions. Therefore, inactivity of the corpus allatum is not responsible for the stiffer cuticle or higher lipid accumulation in diapause adults.  相似文献   

Scanning and transmission electron microscopy have confirmed and elaborated reports of an intricate hexagonal sculpturing on the surface of the cuticle of Tomocerus flavescens, a Collembolan. Differential staining with lanthanum nitrate indicates that the cuticle is covered with a wax layer which, in combination with the sculpturing, renders the cuticle highly hydrophobic.  相似文献   

On the mechanical properties of human intervertebral disc material.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Cuticle thickness of leaves varies >?100 times across species, yet its dry mass cost and ecological benefits are poorly understood. It has been repeatedly demonstrated that thicker cuticle is not superior as a water barrier, implying that other functions must be important. Here, we measured the mechanical properties, dry mass and density of isolated cuticle from 13 evergreen woody species of Australian forests. Summed adaxial and abaxial cuticle membrane mass per unit leaf area (CMA) varied from 2.95 to 27.4?g m(-2) across species, and accounted for 6.7-24% of lamina dry mass. Density of cuticle varied only from 1.04 to 1.24?g?cm(-3) ; thus variation in CMA was mostly due to variation in cuticle thickness. Thicker cuticle was more resistant to tearing. Tensile strength and modulus of elasticity of cuticle were much higher than those of leaf laminas, with significant differences between adaxial and abaxial cuticles. While cuticle membranes were thin, they could account for a significant fraction of leaf dry mass due to their high density. The substantial cost of thicker cuticle is probably offset by increased mechanical resistance which might confer longer leaf lifespans among evergreen species.  相似文献   

Consistent electrical and physical phenomena in the cuticle of the Oriental hornet have been recorded and measured. Active or narcotized, live hornets as well as dead ones produce, at optimal temperature for vespine biological activity, voltages of several hundred mV, currents of up to several tenths of nA, and the appropriate power. The electric resistance of the hornet cuticle and hornet silk cocoon point to their being organic semiconductors. Both of these have a large electric capacitance relative to their volume. A theoretical model is proposed to explain the capacitance phenomenon. Other phenomena observed are the production of electric energy under the influence of light and heat and also change in the various other electric properties of hornet cuticle under the influence of solar irradiation. The distribution of daily hornet activities seems to be correlated with the hours of maximal irradiation. All the afore mentioned phenomena point to the fact that there is recourse to electric energy in the daily routine of hornets and that this electric energy seems to be derived from solar energy. The conversion of the latter into the former takes place in the body of the hornet which thereby functions in the manner of a solar cell. The presence of a cuticular exoskeleton containing chitin, characterizes very many species of Invertebrates (Arthropoda). We assume that the phenomena similar to those described in this paper take place also in many other species. We hope that part of our findings will be utilizable in future developments in the fields of semiconductors and the use of solar energy.  相似文献   

The mechanical properties of control and mechanically perturbed (MP) bean stems ( Phaseolus vulgaris L., ev. Cherokee wax) were compared. The rubbed plants were greatly hardened against mechanical rupture by previous MP. This hardening was due to a dramatic increase in the flexibility of the stems, but not in their stiffness. The MP-plants were able lo bend more than 90° without breaking, whereas the control plants broke after just slight bending. A comparison with other work reveals that different species utilize different tactics for achieving similar resistance to rupture due to mechanical stress.  相似文献   

All existing constitutive models for heart valve leaflet tissues either assume a uniform transmural stress distribution or utilize a membrane tension formulation. Both approaches ignore layer specific mechanical contributions and the implicit nonuniformity of the transmural stress distribution. To begin to address these limitations, we conducted novel studies to quantify the biaxial mechanical behavior of the two structurally distinct, load bearing aortic valve (AV) leaflet layers: the fibrosa and ventricularis. Strip biaxial tests, with extremely sensitive force sensing capabilities, were further utilized to determine the mechanical behavior of the separated ventricularis layer at very low stress levels. Results indicated that both layers exhibited very different nonlinear, highly anisotropic mechanical behaviors. While the leaflet tissue mechanical response was dominated by the fibrosa layer, the ventricularis contributed double the amount of the fibrosa to the total radial tension and experienced four times the stress level. The strip biaxial test results further indicated that the ventricularis exhibited substantial anisotropic mechanical properties at very low stress levels. This result suggested that for all strain levels, the ventricularis layer is dominated by circumferentially oriented collagen fibers, and the initial loading phase of this layer cannot be modeled as an isotropic material. Histological-based thickness measurements indicated that the fibrosa and ventricularis constitute 41% and 29% of the total layer thickness, respectively. Moreover, the extensive network of interlayer connections and identical strains under biaxial loading in the intact state suggests that these layers are tightly bonded. In addition to advancing our knowledge of the subtle but important mechanical properties of the AV leaflet, this study provided a comprehensive database required for the development of a true 3D stress constitutive model for the native AV leaflet.  相似文献   

Experimental limitations often prevent to perform biomechanical measurements on fresh arthropod cuticle samples. Hence, in many cases short- or long-term storage of samples is required. So far, it is not known whether any of the standard lab-techniques commonly used to fix or store insect cuticle samples in any way affects the biomechanical properties of the respective samples.In this paper we systematically address this question for the first time, with a focus on practical, easily accessible and common lab-methods including storage in water, ethanol, glutaraldehyde, freezing and desiccation. We performed a comprehensive and sensitive non-destructive Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA) on locust hind leg tibiae using a three-point-bending setup. Our results show that from all tested treatments, freezing samples at −20 °C was the best option to maintain the original values for Young's modulus and damping properties of insect cuticle. In addition, our results indicate that the damping properties of locust hind legs might be mechanically optimized in respect to the jumping and kicking direction.  相似文献   

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