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Deletion mutants were constructed from pZEP12, which contained the intact Thermoanaerobacterium saccharolyticum endoxylanase gene (xynA). Deletion of 1.75 kb from the N-terminal end of xynA resulted in a mutant enzyme that retained activity but lost thermostability. Deletion of 1.05 kb from the C terminus did not alter thermostability or activity. The deduced amino acid sequence of T. saccharolyticum B6A-RI endoxylanase XynA was aligned with five other family F beta-glycanases by using the PILEUP program of the Genetics Computer Group package. This multiple alignment of amino acid sequences revealed six highly conserved motifs which included the consensus sequence consisting of a hydrophobic amino acid, Ser or Thr, Glu, a hydrophobic amino acid, Asp, and a hydrophobic amino acid in the catalytic domain. Endoxylanase was inhibited by EDAC [1-(3-dimethylamino propenyl)-3-ethylcarbodiimide hydrochloride], suggesting that Asp and/or Glu was involved in catalysis. Three aspartic acids, two glutamic acids, and one histidine were conserved in all six enzymes aligned. Hydrophobic cluster analysis revealed that two Asp and one Glu occur in the same hydrophobic clusters in T. saccharolyticum B6A-RI endoxylanase and two other enzymes belonging to family F beta-glycanases and suggests their involvement in a catalytic triad. These two Asp and one Glu in XynA from T. saccharolyticum were targeted for analysis by site-specific mutagenesis. Substitution of Asp-537 and Asp-602 by Asn and Glu-600 by Gln completely destroyed endoxylanase activity. These results suggest that these three amino acids form a catalytic triad that functions in a general acid catalysis mechanism.  相似文献   

The amylopullulanase gene (apu) of the thermophilic anaerobic bacterium Thermoanaerobacterium saccharolyticum B6A-RI was cloned into Escherichia coli. The complete nucleotide sequence of the gene was determined. It encoded a protein consisting of 1,288 amino acids with a signal peptide of 35 amino acids. The enzyme purified from E. coli was a monomer with an M(r) of 142,000 +/- 2,000 and had same the catalytic and thermal characteristics as the native glycoprotein from T. saccharolyticum B6A. Linear alignment and the hydrophobic cluster analysis were used to compare this amylopullulanase with other amylolytic enzymes. Both methods revealed strictly conserved amino acid residues among these enzymes, and it is proposed that Asp-594, Asp-700, and Glu-623 are a putative catalytic triad of the T. saccharolyticum B6A-RI amylopullulanase.  相似文献   

During growth on xylan and xylose Thermoanaerobacterium saccharolyticum B6A-RI produced endoxylanase, β-xylosidase, arabinofuranosidase, and acetyl esterase, and the first three activities appeared to be produced coordinately. During nonlimiting growth on xylan, these enzyme activities were predominantly cell associated; however, during growth on limiting concentrations of xylan, the majority of endoxylanase activity was extracellular rather than cell associated. Endoxylanase, β-xylosidase, and arabinofuranosidase activities were induced by xylan, xylose, and arabinose, respectively. Acetyl esterase activity was constitutive, and endoxylanase activity was catabolite repressed by glucose. Extracellular endoxylanase existed as a high-molecular-weight complex (molecular weight, more than 106). When analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and zymograms, the crude endoxylanase complex was composed of at least six activity bands. Endoxylanase was purified by gel filtration with Sephacryl S-300 and affinity chromatography with xylan coupled to Sepharose CL-4B preequilibrated to 45°C with 50 mM sodium acetate buffer (pH 4.0) and eluted with 0.1% soluble xylan. A single area of endoxylanase activity was identified on the zymogram; when this activity was analyzed by SDS-PAGE, it was composed of a major protein with a molecular weight of approximately 160,000 and a minor protein with a molecular weight of approximately 130,000. The endoxylanase activity stained with Schiff's reagent, indicative of glycoproteins, displayed a specific activity of 41 U/mg of protein on xylan, and had pH and temperature optima of 6.0 and 70°C, respectively.  相似文献   

The xylA gene coding for xylose isomerase from the hyperthermophile Thermotoga neapolitana 5068 was cloned, sequenced, and expressed in Escherichia coli. The gene encoded a polypeptide of 444 residues with a calculated molecular weight of 50,892. The native enzyme was a homotetramer with a molecular weight of 200,000. This xylose isomerase was a member of the family II enzymes (these differ from family I isomerases by the presence of approximately 50 additional residues at the amino terminus). The enzyme was extremely thermostable, with optimal activity above 95 degrees C. The xylose isomerase showed maximum activity at pH 7.1, but it had high relative activity over a broad pH range. The catalytic efficiency (kcat/Km) of the enzyme was essentially constant between 60 and 90 degrees C, and the catalytic efficiency decreased between 90 and 98 degrees C primarily because of a large increase in Km. The T. neapolitana xylose isomerase had a higher turnover number and a lower Km for glucose than other family II xylose isomerases. Comparisons with other xylose isomerases showed that the catalytic and cation binding regions were well conserved. Comparison of different xylose isomerase sequences showed that numbers of asparagine and glutamine residues decreased with increasing enzyme thermostability, presumably as a thermophilic strategy for diminishing the potential for chemical denaturation through deamidation at elevated temperatures.  相似文献   

A xylanase gene was PCR-cloned from Thermoanaerobacterium saccharolyticum and expressed in Escherichia coli. The xylanase (XynA) consisted of a signal peptide, glycoside hydrolase family 10 domains, carbohydrate-binding modules, and surface layer homology domains. It was optimally active at 70–73°C and at pH 5–7. It had enhanced activity with NaCl with optimal activity at 0.4 M but was tolerant up to 2 M NaCl. The thermostable and salt-tolerant properties of this xylanase suggest that it may be useful for industrial applications.  相似文献   

论文对筛选并鉴定为Thermoanaerobacterium saccharolyticum菌株的生长、底物利用情况、产物生成以及酒精耐受性进行了研究。结果表明,该菌在以甘露糖、葡萄糖和木糖为碳源时生长较好,同时能够较好的利用木聚糖和木薯淀粉;最适底物浓度为15g/L;不同的葡萄糖:木糖比例对其生长无显著影响;能耐受的培养基最高初始酒精浓度为3%(V/V)。在5g/L的木聚糖、木糖和木薯淀粉培养基中发酵60h后,产物主要有乙醇、乳酸和乙酸,乙醇产量分别为0.824、0.867和0.916g/L。  相似文献   

The manA gene of Thermoanaerobacterium polysaccharolyticum was cloned in Escherichia coli. The open reading frame of manA is composed of 3,291 bases and codes for a preprotein of 1,097 amino acids with an estimated molecular mass of 119,627 Da. The start codon is preceded by a strong putative ribosome binding site (TAAGGCGGTG) and a putative -35 (TTCGC) and -10 (TAAAAT) promoter sequence. The ManA of T. polysaccharolyticum is a modular protein. Sequence comparison and biochemical analyses demonstrate the presence of an N-terminal leader peptide, and three other domains in the following order: a putative mannanase-cellulase catalytic domain, cellulose binding domains 1 (CBD1) and CBD2, and a surface-layer-like protein region (SLH-1, SLH-2, and SLH-3). The CBD domains show no sequence homology to any cellulose binding domain yet reported, hence suggesting a novel CBD. The duplicated CBDs, which lack a disulfide bridge, exhibit 69% identity, and their deletion resulted in both failure to bind to cellulose and an apparent loss of carboxymethyl cellulase and mannanase activities. At the C-terminal region of the gene are three repeats of 59, 67, and 56 amino acids which are homologous to conserved sequences found in the S-layer-associated regions within the xylanases and cellulases of thermophilic members of the Bacillus-Clostridium cluster. The ManA of T. polysaccharolyticum, besides being an extremely active enzyme, is the only mannanase gene cloned which shows this domain structure.  相似文献   

An endoxylanase (β-1,4-xylan xylanohydrolase, EC was purified from the culture filtrate of a strain of Aspergillus versicolor grown on oat wheat. The enzyme was purified to homogeneity by chromatography on DEAE-cellulose and Sephadex G-75. The purified enzyme was a monomer of molecular mass estimated to be 19 kDa by SDS-PAGE and gel filtration. The enzyme was glycoprotein with 71% carbohydrate content and exhibited a pI of 5.4. The purified xylanase was specific for xylan hydrolysis. The enzyme had a K m of 6.5 mg ml−1 and a V max of 1440 U (mg protein)−1.  相似文献   

1,4-beta-D-Xylan is the major component of plant cell-wall hemicelluloses. beta-D-Xylosidases are involved in the breakdown of xylans into xylose and belong to families 3, 39, 43, 52, and 54 of glycoside hydrolases. Here, we report the first crystal structure of a member of family 39 glycoside hydrolase, i.e. beta-D-xylosidase from Thermoanaerobacterium saccharolyticum strain B6A-RI. This study also represents the first structure of any beta-xylosidase of the above five glycoside hydrolase families. Each monomer of T. saccharolyticum beta-xylosidase comprises three distinct domains; a catalytic domain of the canonical (beta/alpha)(8)-barrel fold, a beta-sandwich domain, and a small alpha-helical domain. We have determined the structure in two forms: D-xylose-bound enzyme and a covalent 2-deoxy-2-fluoro-alpha-D-xylosyl-enzyme intermediate complex, thus providing two snapshots in the reaction pathway. This study provides structural evidence for the proposed double displacement mechanism that involves a covalent intermediate. Furthermore, it reveals possible functional roles for His228 as the auxiliary acid/base and Glu323 as a key residue in substrate recognition.  相似文献   

The gene (xynA) encoding a surface-exposed, S-layer-associated endoxylanase from Thermoanaerobacterium sp. strain JW/SL-YS 485 was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. A 3.8-kb fragment was amplified from chromosomal DNA by using primers directed against conserved sequences of endoxylanases isolated from other thermophilic bacteria. This PCR product was used as a probe in Southern hybridizations to identify a 4.6-kb EcoRI fragment containing the complete xynA gene. This fragment was cloned into E. coli, and recombinant clones expressed significant levels of xylanase activity. The purified recombinant protein had an estimated molecular mass (150 kDa), temperature maximum (80 degrees C), pH optimum (pH 6.3), and isoelectric point (pH 4.5) that were similar to those of the endoxylanase isolated from strain JW/SL-YS 485. The entire insert was sequenced and analysis revealed a 4,044-bp open reading frame encoding a protein containing 1,348 amino acid residues (estimated molecular mass of 148 kDa).xynA was preceded by a putative promoter at -35 (TTAAT) and -10 (TATATT) and a potential ribosome binding site (AGGGAG) and was expressed constitutively in E. coli. The deduced amino acid sequence showed 30 to 96% similarity to sequences of family F beta-glycanases. A putative 32-amino-acid signal peptide was identified, and the C-terminal end of the protein contained three repeating sequences 59, 64, and 57 amino acids) that showed 46 to 68% similarity to repeating sequences at the N-terminal end of S-layer and S-layer-associated proteins from other gram-positive bacteria. These repeats could permit an interaction of the enzyme with the S-layer and tether it to the cell surface.  相似文献   

The cDNA for xylanase B from Penicillium purpurogenum was cloned and sequenced. This DNA encodes a protein of 208 amino acids which is expected to yield a protein of 183 residues upon processing of the N terminus. The sequence of the predicted protein is very similar to that of 40 other xylanase domains which belong to family G of cellulases/xylanases (73–21% identity).  相似文献   

The 1,914-bp open reading frame of xylC from Thermoanaerobacterium saccharolyticum JW/SL-YS485 encodes a calculated 73-kDa β-xylosidase, XylC, different from any glycosyl hydrolase in the database and representing a novel glycohydrolase family. Hydrolysis occurred under retention of the anomeric configuration, and transglycosylation occurred in the presence of alcohols as acceptors. With the use of vector pHsh, expression of XylC, the third β-xylosidase in this bacterium, increased approximately 4-fold when a loop within the translational initiation region in the mRNA was removed by site-directed mutagenesis. The increased expression of xylC(m) is due to removal of a stem-loop structure without a change of the amino acid sequence of the heterologously expressed enzyme (XylC(rec)). When gel filtration was applied, purified XylC had molecular masses of 210 kDa and 265 kDa using native gradient gel electrophoresis. The protein consisted of 78-kDa subunits based on SDS gel electrophoresis and contained 6% carbohydrates. XylC and XylC(rec) exhibited maximum activity at 65°C and pH(65°C) 6.0, a 1-h half-life at 67°C, a K(m) for p-nitrophenyl-β-D-xyloside of 28 mM, and a V(max) of 276 U/mg and retained 70% activity in the presence of 200 mM xylose, suggesting potential for industrial applications.  相似文献   

l-Arabinose isomerase (EC, l-AI) mainly catalyzes the reversible aldose–ketose isomerization between l-arabinose and l-ribulose. l-AIs can also catalyze other reactions, such as the conversion of d-galactose to d-tagatose. In this study, the araA gene encoding l-AI was PCR-cloned from Thermoanaerobacterium saccharolyticum NTOU1 and then expressed in Escherichia coli. The recombinant l-AI was purified from the cell-free extract using nickel nitrilotriacetic acid metal-affinity chromatography. The purified enzyme showed an optimal activity at 70 °C and pH 7–7.5. The enzyme was stable at pHs ranging from 6.5 to 9.5 and the activity was fully retained after 2 h incubation at 55–65 °C. The low concentrations of divalent metal ions, either 0.1 mM Mn2+ or 0.05 mM Co2+, could improve both catalytic activity and thermostability at higher temperatures. The recombinant T. saccharolyticum NTOU1 l-AI has the lowest demand for metal ions among all characterized thermophilic l-AIs. This thermophilic l-AI shows a potential to be used in industry to produce d-tagatose from d-galactose.  相似文献   

A nitrilase gene blr3397 from Bradyrhizobium japonicum USDA110 was cloned and over-expressed in Escherichia coli, and the encoded protein was purified to give a nitrilase with a single band of about 34.5kD on SDS-PAGE. The molecular weight of the holoenzyme was about 340kD as determined by light scattering analysis, suggesting that nitrilase blr3397 self-aggregated to an active form with the native structure being a decamer. The V(max) and K(m) for phenylacetonitrile were 3.15U/mg and 4.36mM, respectively. The catalytic constant k(cat) and specificity constant k(cat)/K(m) were 111min(-1) and 2.6x10(4)min(-1)M(-1). This nitrilase is most active toward the hydrolysis of hydrocinnamonitrile among the tested substrates (4.3 times that of phenylacetonitrile). The nitrilase blr3397 shows higher activity towards the hydrolysis of aliphatic nitriles than that for the aromatic counterparts, and can be characterized as an aliphatic nitrilase in terms of activity. This nitrilase also possesses distinct features from the nitrilase bll6402 of the same microbe.  相似文献   

The esterase-encoding gene, estA, was cloned from Acinetobacter lwoffii I6C-1 genomic DNA into Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) with plasmid vector pET-22b (pEM1). pEM1 has a 4.4-kb EcoRI insert that contained the complete estA gene. A 2.4-kb AvaI- SphI DNA fragment was subcloned (pEM3) and sequenced. estA gene encodes a protein of 366 amino acids (40,687 Da) with a pI of 9.17. The EstA signal peptide was 31 amino acids long, and the mature esterase sequence is 335 amino acids long (37.5 kDa). The conserved catalytic serine residue of EstA is in position 210. The EstA sequence was similar to that of the carboxylesterase from Acinetobacter calcoaceticus (75% identity, 85% similarity), Archaeoglobus fulgidus (37% identity, 59% similarity), and Mycobacterium tuberculosis (35% identity, 51% similarity). These enzymes contained the conserved motif G-X(1)-S-X(2)-G carrying the active-site serine of hydrolytic enzyme. The EstA activity in A. lwoffii I6C-1 remains constant throughout the stationary phase, and the activity in E. coil BL21 (DE3) with pEM1 was similar to A. lwoffii I6C-1.  相似文献   

A novel phytase gene ( phyL) was cloned from Bacillus licheniformis by multiple steps of degenerate and inverse PCR. The coding region of the phyL gene was 1,146 bp in size and a promoter region of approximately 300 bp was identified at the upstream sequence. This gene, together with a phytase gene ( 168phyA) identified in the B. subtilis strain 168 genome by a homology search, was cloned and over-expressed in B. subtilis using a phi105MU331 prophage vector system. Up to 35 units of phytase/ml were secreted into the culture media; and mature enzymes of around 44-47 kDa were purified for characterization. Both phytases exhibited broad temperature and pH optima and showed high thermostability. Of the two, the phytase encoded by phyL exhibited higher thermostability, even at a lower calcium concentration, as it was able to recover 80% of its original activity after denaturation at 95 degrees C for 10 min. With their neutral pH optima and good temperature stabilities, these Bacillus phytases are good candidates for animal feed applications and transgenic studies.  相似文献   

The gene encoding 4-N-trimethylaminobutyraldehyde dehydrogenase (TMABaldehyde-DH) from Pseudomonas sp. 13CM, responsible for the conversion of 4-N-trimethylaminobutyraldehyde (TMABaldehyde) to γ-butyrobetaine in the carnitine biosynthesis pathway, isolated by shotgun cloning and expressed in Escherichia coli DH5α. The recombinant TMABaldehyde-DH was purified 19.5 fold to apparent homogeneity by hydrophobic and affinity chromatography and biochemically characterized. The enzyme was found to be a trimer with identical 52 kDa subunits. The isoelectric point was found to be 4.5. Optimum pH and temperature were found respectively as pH 9.5 and 40 °C. The Km values for TMABaldehyde, 4-dimethylaminobutyraldehyde, and NAD+ were respectively, 0.31, 0.62, and 1.16 mM. The molecular and catalytic properties differed from those of TMABaldehyde-DH I, which was discovered initially in Pseudomonas sp. 13CM. The new enzyme, designated TMABaldehyde-DH II, structural gene was inserted into an expression vector pET24b (+) and over-expressed in E. coli BL21 (DE3) under the control of a T7 promoter. The recombinant TMABaldehyde-DH from Pseudomonas sp. 13CM can now be obtained in large quantity necessary for further biochemical characterization and applications.  相似文献   

The gene encoding the D-stereospecific amino-acid amidase from Ochrobactrum anthropi SV3 was cloned and sequenced. Analysis of 7.3 kb of genomic DNA revealed the presence of six ORFs, one of which (daaA) encodes the D-amino-acid amidase. This enzyme, DaaA, is composed of 363 amino-acid residues (molecular mass 40 082 Da), and the deduced amino-acid sequence exhibits homology to alkaline D-peptidase from Bacillus cereus DF4-B (32% identity), DD-peptidase from Streptomyces R61 (29% identity), and other penicillin-recognizing proteins. The DaaA protein contains the typical SXXK, YXN, and H(K)XG active-site motifs identified in the penicillin-binding proteins and beta-lactamases. The daaA gene modified in the nucleotide sequence upstream from its start codon was overexpressed in Escherichia coli. The activity of the recombinant DaaA enzyme in cell-free extracts of E. coli was 33.6 U. mg-1 with D-phenylalaninamide as substrate, which is about 350-fold higher than in extracts of O. anthropi SV3. This enzyme was purified to electrophoretic homogeneity by ammonium sulfate fractionation and three column chromatography steps. On gel-filtration chromatography, DaaA appeared to be a monomer with a molecular mass of 40 kDa. It had maximal activity at 45 degrees C and pH 9.0, and was completely inactivated in the presence of phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride or Zn2+. DaaA had hydrolyzing activity toward D-amino-acid amides with aromatic or hydrophobic side chains, but did not act on the substrates for the DD-peptidase and beta-lactamase, despite their sequence similarity to DaaA. The characteristics of the recombinant DaaA are similar to those found for the native enzyme partially purified from O. anthropi SV3.  相似文献   

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