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DNA replication initiation sites and initiation frequencies over 12. 5 kb of the human c-myc locus, including 4.6 kb of new 5' sequence, were determined based on short nascent DNA abundance measured by competitive polymerase chain reaction using 21 primer sets. In previous measurements, no comparative quantitation of nascent strand abundance was performed, and distinction of major from minor initiation sites was not feasible. Two major initiation sites were identified in this study. One predominant site has been located at approximately 0.5 kb upstream of exon 1 of the c-myc gene, and a second new major site is located in exon 2. The site in exon 2 has not been previously identified. In addition, there are other sites that may act as less frequently used initiation sites, some of which may correspond to sites in previous reports. Furthermore, a comparison of the abundance of DNA replication intermediates over this same region of the c-myc locus between HeLa and normal skin fibroblast (NSF) cells indicated that the relative distribution was very similar, but that nascent strand abundance in HeLa cells was approximately twice that in NSF relative to the abundance at the lamin B2 origin. This increased activity at initiation sites in the c-myc locus may mainly be influenced by regulators at higher levels in transformed cells like HeLa.  相似文献   

Vertebrates have developed multiple mechanisms to coordinate the replication of epigenetic and genetic information. Dnmt1 encodes the maintenance enzyme DNA-methyltransferase, which is responsible for propagating the DNA methylation pattern and the epigenetic information that it encodes during replication. Direct sequence analysis and bisulfite mapping of the 5' region of DNA-methyltransferase 1 (dnmt1) have indicated the presence of many sequence elements associated with previously characterized origins of DNA replication. This study tests the hypothesis that the dnmt1 region containing these elements is an origin of replication in human cells. First, we demonstrate that a vector containing this dnmt1 sequence is able to support autonomous replication when transfected into HeLa cells. Second, using a gel retardation assay, we show that it contains a site for binding of origin-rich sequences binding activity, a recently purified replication protein. Finally, using competitive polymerase chain reaction, we show that replication initiates in this region in vivo. Based on these lines of evidence, we propose that initiation sites for DNA replication are located between the first intron and exon 7 of the human dnmt1 locus.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that mammalian cells contain replicator sequences, which can determine where DNA replication initiates. However, the specific sequences that confer replicator activity were not identified. Here we report a detailed analysis of replicator sequences that dictate initiation of DNA replication from the human beta-globin locus. This analysis suggests that the beta-globin replication initiation region contains two adjacent, redundant replicators. Each replicator was capable of initiating DNA replication independently at ectopic sites. Within each of these two replicators, we identified short, discrete, nonredundant sequences, which cooperatively determine replicator activity. Experiments with somatic cell hybrids further demonstrated that the requirements for initiation at ectopic sites were similar to the requirements for initiation within native human chromosomes. The replicator clustering and redundancy exemplified in the human beta-globin locus may account for the extreme difficulty in identifying replicator sequences in mammalian cells and suggest that mammalian replication initiation sites may be determined by cooperative sequence modules.  相似文献   

The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method has been used for amplification of two segments of the human beta-globin gene comprising most of pathogenic mutations in the gene.  相似文献   

DNA sequence polymorphism and divergence was examined in the vicinity of the human beta-globin gene cluster origin of replication initiation region (IR), a 1.3-kb genomic region located immediately 5' of the adult-expressed beta-globin gene. DNA sequence variation in the replication origin IR and 5 kb of flanking DNA was surveyed in samples drawn from two populations, one African (from the Gambia, West Africa) and the other European (from Oxford, England). In these samples, levels of nucleotide and length polymorphism in the IR were found to be more than two times as high as adjacent non-IR-associated regions (estimates of per-nucleotide heterozygosity were 0.30% and 0.12%, respectively). Most polymorphic positions identified in the origin IR fall within or just adjacent to a 52-bp alternating purine-pyrimidine ((RY)n) sequence repeat. Within- and between-populations divergence is highest in this portion of the IR, and interspecific divergence in the same region, determined by comparison with an orthologous sequence from the chimpanzee, is also pronounced. Higher levels of diversity in this subregion are not, however, primarily attributable to slippage-mediated repeat unit changes, as nucleotide substitution contributes disproportionately to allelic heterogeneity. An estimate of helical stability in the sequenced region suggests that the hypervariable (RY)n constitutes the major DNA unwinding element (DUE) of the replication origin IR, the location at which the DNA duplex first unwinds and new strand synthesis begins. These findings suggest that the beta-globin IR experiences a higher underlying rate of neutral mutation than do adjacent genomic regions and that enzyme fidelity associated with the initiation of DNA replication at this origin may be compromised. The significance of these findings for our understanding of eukaryotic replication origin biology is discussed.  相似文献   

DNA replication in the human beta-globin locus is subject to long-distance regulation. In murine and human erythroid cells, the human locus replicates in early S phase from a bidirectional origin located near the beta-globin gene. This Hispanic thalassemia deletion removes regulatory sequences located over 52 kb from the origin, resulting in replication of the locus from a different origin, a shift in replication timing to late S phase, adoption of a closed chromatin conformation, and silencing of globin gene expression in murine erythroid cells. The sequences deleted include nuclease-hypersensitive sites 2 to 5 (5'HS2-5) of the locus control region (LCR) plus an additional 27-kb upstream region. We tested a targeted deletion of 5'HS2-5 in the normal chromosomal context of the human beta-globin locus to determine the role of these elements in replication origin choice and replication timing. We demonstrate that the 5'HS2-5-deleted locus initiates replication at the appropriate origin and with normal timing in murine erythroid cells, and therefore we conclude that 5'HS2-5 in the classically defined LCR do not control replication in the human beta-globin locus. Recent studies also show that targeted deletion of 5'HS2-5 results in a locus that lacks globin gene expression yet retains an open chromatin conformation. Thus, the replication timing of the locus is closely correlated with nuclease sensitivity but not globin gene expression.  相似文献   

Using S1 mapping and primer extension analysis, we have identified a number of human kappa-globin and beta-globin 5' RNA termini originating in the 200 bp upstream of the canonical mRNA cap sites. Upstream initiation sites have previously been reported for the human epsilon-globin gene (4,5) and the present work indicates that this is a general feature of the human beta-type globin genes. We have attempted to identify features common to such sites between the three genes. One site 170 bp upstream of the major beta-globin cap site and a site 1400 bp upstream of the major epsilon-globin cap site are located near putative PolIII promoter sequences and may therefore be transcribed by this enzyme. Alternative initiation sites located 200 bp and 50-100 bp upstream of the epsilon-globin and kappa-globin cap sites respectively are located within S1 hypersensitive regions of chromatin.  相似文献   

Several higher eukaryotic replication origins appear to be composed of broad zones of potential nascent strand start sites, while others are more circumscribed, resembling those of yeast, bacteria, and viruses. The most delocalized origin identified so far is approximately 55 kb in length and lies between the convergently transcribed dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) and the 2BE2121 genes on chromosome 2 in the Chinese hamster genome. In some of our studies, we have utilized the rhodopsin origin as an early replicating internal standard for assessing the effects of deleting various parts of the DHFR locus on DHFR origin activity. However, it had not been previously established that the rhodopsin locus was located at a site far enough away to be immune to such deletions, nor had the mechanism of initiation at this origin been characterized. In the present study, we have localized the rhodopsin domain to a pair of small metacentric chromosomes and have used neutral/neutral 2-D gel replicon mapping to show that initiation in this origin is also highly delocalized, encompassing a region more than 50 kb in length that includes the nontranscribed rhodopsin gene itself. The initiation zone is flanked at least on one end by an actively transcribed gene that does not support initiation. Thus, the DHFR and rhodopsin origins belong to a class of complex, polydisperse origins that appears to be unique to higher eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

Three oligonucleotide probes complementary to specific DNA sequences of the six human globin genes (epsilon, G gamma, A gamma, psi beta, delta, beta) were synthesized. The oligonucleotides were used either singly or in combination as hybridization probes to determine the haplotype of the human beta-globin gene cluster employing the four conventionally used restriction endonucleases HincII, HindIII, AvaII, and BamHI, in addition to HpaI. Polymorphism in the epsilon- and psi beta-genes (HincII) can be simultaneously determined with a single probe mixture. One of the probes complementary to both the psi beta- and gamma-genes is useful for determining both HindIII and HincII polymorphisms. The advantages of these probes relative to conventional cDNA probes are discussed.  相似文献   

We have mapped DNase I-hypersensitive sites and topoisomerase II (topo II) sites in the chicken beta-globin locus, which contains four globin genes (5'-rho-beta H-beta A-epsilon-3'). In the 65 kilobases (kb) mapped, 12 strong hypersensitive sites were found clustered within the 25-kb region from 10 kb upstream of rho to just downstream of epsilon. The strong sites were grouped into several classes based on their tissue distribution, developmental pattern, and location. (i) One site was present in all cells examined, both erythroid and nonerythroid. (ii) Three sites, located upstream of the rho-globin gene, were present at every stage of erythroid development, but were absent from nonerythroid cells. (iii) Four sites at the 5' ends of each of the four globin genes were hypersensitive only in the subset of erythroid cells that were transcribing or had recently transcribed the associated gene. (iv) Another three sites, whose pattern of hypersensitivity also correlated with expression of the associated gene, were found 3' of rho, beta H, and epsilon. (v) A site 3' of beta A and 5' of epsilon was erythroid cell specific and present at all developmental stages, presumably reflecting the activity of this enhancer throughout erythroid development. We also mapped the topo II sites in this locus, as determined by teniposide-induced DNA cleavage. All strong teniposide-induced cleavages occurred at DNase I-hypersensitive sites, while lesser amounts of cleavage were observed in transcribed regions of DNA. Most but not all of the DNase I-hypersensitive sites were topo II sites. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that, in vivo, topo II preferentially acts on nucleosome-free regions of DNA but suggest that additional topo II regulatory mechanisms must exist.  相似文献   

We showed previously that DNA replication initiates at multiple sites in the 5-kb histone gene repeating unit in early embryos of Drosophila melanogaster. The present report shows evidence that replication in the same chromosomal region initiates at multiple sites in tissue culture cells as well. First, we analyzed replication intermediates by the two-dimensional gel electrophoretic replicon mapping method and detected bubble-form replication intermediates for all fragments restricted at different sites in the repeating unit. Second, we analyzed bromodeoxyuridine-labeled nascent strands amplified by the polymerase chain reaction method and detected little differences in the size distribution of nascent strands specific to six short segments located at different sites in the repeating unit. These results strongly suggest that DNA replication initiates at multiple sites located within the repeating unit. We also found several replication pause sites located at 5' upstream regions of some histone genes.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase alpha-primase (pol-prim) is the only enzyme that can start DNA replication de novo. The 180-kDa (p180) and 68-kDa (p68) subunits of the human four-subunit enzyme are phosphorylated by Cyclin-dependent kinases (Cdks) in a cell cycle-dependent manner. Cyclin A-Cdk2 physically interacts with pol-prim and phosphorylates N-terminal amino acids of the p180 and the p68 subunits, leading to an inhibition of pol-prim in initiating cell-free SV40 DNA replication. Mutation of conserved putative Cdk phosphorylation sites in the N terminus of human p180 and p68 reduced their phosphorylation by Cyclin A-Cdk2 in vitro. In contrast to wild-type pol-prim these mutants were no longer inhibited by Cyclin A-Cdk2 in the initiation of viral DNA replication. Importantly, rather than inhibiting it, Cyclin A-Cdk2 stimulated the initiation activity of pol-prim containing a triple N-terminal alanine mutant of the p180 subunit. Together these results suggest that Cyclin A-Cdk2 executes both stimulatory and inhibitory effects on the activity of pol-prim in initiating DNA replication.  相似文献   

Role for DNA replication in beta-globin gene activation.   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文

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