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《Field Mycology》2002,3(1):34-35

Aquaporins and plant water balance   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The impact of aquaporin function on plant water balance is discussed. The significance of these proteins for root water uptake, water conductance in the xylem, including embolism refilling and the role of plant aquaporins in leaf physiology, is described. Emphasis is placed on certain aspects of water stress reactions and the correlation of aquaporins to abscisic acid as well as on the relation of water and CO2 permeability in leaves.  相似文献   

《Journal of Ecology》2000,88(2):370-370

Apelin受体与血管加压素Ⅱ型受体均属于G蛋白偶联受体,Apelin与血管加压素均由下丘脑大细胞AVP神经元分泌,Apelin受体与血管加压素Ⅱ型受体均在肾脏表达,本文就Apelin与血管加压素的分布及参与水平衡调节做简单的综述,为其参与水代谢疾病的发病机制提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Glomerulo-tubular balance of sale and water   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Background Mangroves are a group of highly salt-tolerant woody plants. The high water use efficiency of mangroves under saline conditions suggests that regulation of water transport is a crucial component of their salinity tolerance.Scope This review focuses on the processes that contribute to the ability of mangroves to maintain water uptake and limit water loss to the soil and the atmosphere under saline conditions, from micro to macro scales. These processes include: (1) efficient filtering of the incoming water to exclude salt; (2) maintenance of internal osmotic potentials lower than that of the rhizosphere; (3) water-saving properties; and (4) efficient exploitation of less-saline water sources when these become available.Conclusions Mangroves are inherently plastic and can change their structure at the root, leaf and stand levels in response to salinity in order to exclude salt from the xylem stream, maintain leaf hydraulic conductance, avoid cavitation and regulate water loss (e.g. suberization of roots and alterations of leaf size, succulence and angle, hydraulic anatomy and biomass partitioning). However, much is still unknown about the regulation of water uptake in mangroves, such as how they sense and respond to heterogeneity in root zone salinity, the extent to which they utilize non-stomatally derived CO2 as a water-saving measure and whether they can exploit atmospheric water sources.  相似文献   



Aquaporins (AQPs) are a family of proteins that can act as water channels. Regulation of AQPs is critical to osmoregulation and the maintenance of body water homeostasis. Eight AQPs are expressed in the kidney of which five have been shown to play a role in body water balance; AQP1, AQP2, AQP3, AQP4 and AQP7. AQP2 in particular is regulated by vasopressin.

Scope of review

This review summarizes our current knowledge of the underlying mechanisms of various water balance disorders and their treatment strategies.

Major conclusions

Dysfunctions of AQPs are involved in disorders associated with disturbed water homeostasis. Hyponatremia with increased AQP levels can be caused by diseases with low effective circulating blood volume, such as congestive heart failure, or osmoregulation disorders such as the syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone. Treatment consists of fluid restriction, demeclocycline and vasopressin type-2 receptor antagonists. Decreased AQP levels can lead to diabetes insipidus (DI), characterized by polyuria and polydipsia. In central DI, vasopressin production is impaired, while in gestational DI, levels of the vasopressin-degrading enzyme vasopressinase are abnormally increased. Treatment consists of the vasopressin analogue dDAVP. Nephrogenic DI is caused by the inability of the kidney to respond to vasopressin and can be congenital, but is most commonly acquired, usually due to lithium therapy. Treatment consists of sufficient fluid supply, low-solute diet and diuretics.

General significance

In recent years, our understanding of the underlying mechanisms of water balance disorders has increased enormously, which has opened up several possible new treatment strategies. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Aquaporins.  相似文献   

Diurnal water balance of the cowpea fruit   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
The vascular network of the cowpea (Vigna unguiculata [L.] Walp.) fruit exhibits the anatomical potential for reversible xylem flow between seeds, pod, and parent plant. Feeding of cut shoots with the apoplast marker acid fuchsin showed that fruits imported regularly via xylem at night, less frequently in early morning, and only rarely in the afternoon. The dye never entered seeds or inner dorsal pod strands connecting directly to seeds. Root feeding (early morning) of intact plants with 32PO4 or 3H2O rapidly (20 min) labeled pod walls but not seeds, consistent with uptake through xylem. Weak subsequent (4 hours) labeling of seeds suggested slow secondary exchange of label with the phloem stream to the fruit. Vein flap feeding of subtending leaves with [14C]sucrose, 3H2O, and 32PO4 labeled pod and seed intensely, indicating mass flow in phloem to the fruit. Over 90% of the 14C and 3H of fruit cryopuncture phloem sap was as sucrose and water, respectively. Specific 3H activities of transpired water collected from fruits and peduncles were assayed over 4 days after feeding 3H2O to roots, via leaf flaps, or directly to fruits. The data indicated that fruits transpired relatively less xylem-derived (apoplastic) water than did peduncles, that fruit and peduncle relied more heavily on phloem-derived (symplastic) water for transpiration in the day than at night, and that water diffusing back from the fruit was utilized in peduncle transpiration, especially during the day. The data collectively support the hypothesis of a diurnally reversing xylem flow between developing fruit and plant.  相似文献   

Lychee tree parameters for water balance modeling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lychee (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) is widely grown under irrigation in the tropical northern Thailand highlands. Water efficient irrigation requires sound irrigation scheduling for which the requisite soil moisture information can be obtained from water balance modeling. A prerequisite for water balance predictions are plant parameters which describe interception, root distribution evaporation and transpiration. These parameters depend on climate, soil, as well as plant physiology, variety and age. This study investigated the plant parameters for 7-year-old lychee trees in tropical granite landscapes, as they are as yet unavailable. Interception could be satisfactorily predicted with the modified Gash model. The Gash parameters (canopy capacity per canopy cover area (S c), canopy cover factor (c)) were determined to be 21.8 mm and 0.22, respectively. The spatial distribution of lychee tree roots depended on slope inclination. On the level plateau position, root length density (RLD) distribution was trunk-symmetrical and could be predicted with an empirical function. On the slope, the asymmetrical and irregular root development was not predictable. The suitability of the dual crop coefficient approach predicting daily potential evaporation (E pot) and daily potential transpiration (T pot) rates for water balance modeling was limited due to the weak correlations of E pot and T pot with the potential reference evapotranspiration (ETo). As a result, no universal values for the potential evaporation coefficient (K e,max) and the potential transpiration coefficient (K cb) could be determined. Hence, E pot and T pot measurements are mandatory if accurate E pot and T pot data are necessary. In the case of missing measurements, K e,max values of 0.6 and 1.6 are recommended for rough E pot estimates underneath and in-between the lychee tree canopies. For T pot predictions in irrigation scheduling, a relatively high K cb of 0.8 is recommended in order to ensure a water stress free fruit development within the irrigation season. Section Editor: R. E. Munns  相似文献   

Salt and water balance in salmon smolts   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Simultaneous measurements of all major electrolytes including HCO3(-) and H+ as well as water demonstrated that fluids absorbed by the anterior intestine of the marine gulf toadfish under in vivo-like conditions on an overall net basis are hypertonic at 380 mOsm and acidic ([H+] = 27 mM). This unusual composition of fluids absorbed across the intestinal epithelium is due to the unusual intestinal fluid chemistry resulting from seawater ingestion and selective ion and water absorption along the gastro-intestinal tract. Measurement under near symmetrical conditions with high NaCl concentrations and low MgSO4 concentrations revealed absorption of iso-osmotic and much less acidic fluids by the intestinal epithelium, a situation resembling that of other water absorbing leaky vertebrate epithelia. Reduced luminal NaCl concentrations seen in vivo results in lower absolute water absorption rates but higher Cl-/HCO3(-) exchange rates which are associated with higher net H+ absorption rates. It appears that apical anion exchange is important for net Cl- uptake by the marine teleost intestine especially when luminal NaCl concentrations are low and/or when MgSO4 concentrations are high. Observations indicate that fluid absorption from solutions of low NaCl but high MgSO4 concentrations is energetically more demanding than absorption from NaCl rich solutions at the level of the intestinal epithelium. Furthermore, the high luminal MgSO4 concentration which is an unavoidable consequence of seawater ingestion projects a demand for renal and branchial compensation for intestinal MgSO4 uptake and absorption of hypertonic and acidic fluid by the intestine.  相似文献   

Hydrology and water balance of Lake Peipsi   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Ago Jaani 《Hydrobiologia》1996,338(1-3):11-23
Lake Peipsi is a large (3558 km2) but shallow (up to 15.3 m deep) tripartite waterbody hydrologically investigated already since the 19th century. Surface discharge by rivers accounts for more than 80% of its water balance. The residental time of water is about two years in the whole lake but several times less in its shallower southern parts receiving the biggest rivers. The annual water regime is characterized by the highest water in spring, the average amplitude of yearly level fluctuations being 1.15 m. There are known long-term hydrological cycles of 80–90, about 22, 9–11, and even fewer years. Several temporary wind-dependent circular currents exist in the subsurface layers. Alternating transitional currents occur in the narrowest part of the lake. Five different periods are distinguishable in the annual thermic cycle. The duration of the stable ice cover is up to five months (December-April) in the shallower parts but a shorter time in the centre of the lake. The maximum surface temperature in July usually reaches 21–22°C in the open regions but considerably higher (up to 27–28°C in some years) on shallows. The unstable summer stratification is often disturbed by waves and currents. Biological summer, with surface temperatures over 10°C, lasts on an average 134 days.  相似文献   

The control of stomata by water balance   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
It is clear that stomata play a critical role in regulating water loss from terrestrial vegetation. What is not clear is how this regulation is achieved. Stomata appear to respond to perturbations of many aspects of the soil-plant-atmosphere hydraulic continuum, but there is little agreement regarding the mechanism (or mechanisms) by which stomata sense such perturbations. This review discusses feedback and feedforward mechanisms by which hydraulic perturbations are putatively transduced into stomatal movements, in relation to generic empirical features of those responses. It is argued that a metabolically mediated feedback response of stomatal guard cells to the water status in their immediate vicinity ('hydro-active local feedback') remains the best explanation for many well-known features of hydraulically related stomatal behaviour, such as transient 'wrong-way' responses and the equivalence of hydraulic supply and demand as stomatal effectors. Furthermore, many curious phenomena that appear inconsistent with feedback, such as 'apparent feedforward' humidity responses and 'isohydric' behaviour (water potential homeostasis), are in fact expected to emerge from the juxtaposition of hydro-active local feedback and the well-known hysteretic and threshold-like effect of water potential on xylem hydraulic resistance.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(50):302-304

A pottery type characterized by a cord-roughened surface, punctates and bosses, and incised line decoration from three sites in southwestern Minnesota is typologically similar to Early Woodland pottery from stratified sites in Illinois (Black Sand Incised) and Wisconsin (Dane Incised). Pending further investigations, the indications are that the Minnesota materials are also Early Woodland and that this may be a fairly widely distributed pottery type.  相似文献   

Stamen abscission and water balance in Metrosideros flowers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cymules (3-flowered units borne on single pedicels) were cut from inflorescences of Metrosideros collina J.R. & G. Forst. cv. Tahiti and used to test the effects of ethephon and ethylene on stamen abscission in the presence of silver thiosulphate (STS) and 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP), and to test the effects of holding solutions on cymule water balance and the progression of floral development. Flower bud and stamen abscission occurred in response to 0.5–5.0 and 0.1 μl l−1 ethylene, respectively. Ethylene effects were partially negated by scrubbing exogenous ethylene, and more completely negated by STS (2.0 m M ). 1-MCP caused greater ethylene production and inhibited stamen abscission for only 1–2 days after treatment. Ethephon (10-10 000 mg l−1) induced stamen wilting rather than abscission, an effect that was not negated by STS. Stamen wilting was negatively correlated with stamen relative water content, and the increase in stamen wilting was generally reduced by treatments that enhanced cymule mass. Stamen wilting was least using a 100 g l−1 sucrose pulse or holding solutions containing 30–40 g l−1 sucrose, with hydroxyquinoline citrate (200 mg l−1) maintained at pH 5. Our results indicate that 1-MCP may be relatively ineffective in blocking the effects of ethylene on the abscission of organs, such as the stamens of M . collina , which are highly sensitive to this hormone.  相似文献   

Leaf water balance during oscillation of stomatal aperture   总被引:12,自引:6,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
Continuous transpiration and β-guage measurements were made on cotton plants, the stomatal apertures of which had been induced to oscillate, thus allowing a water balance to be made, and leaf potential to be measured as functions of time.  相似文献   

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