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In most mammals, juvenile males tend to be more vulnerable to starvation than females and consequently experience a higher mortality. This has been attributed to selection on high male growth rates in response to strong intrasexual competition. Among primates, by contrast, it has been noted that females tend to be less viable as juveniles. This has been attributed to a greater ability of juvenile males to contest for food. An alternative explanation is that there is local resource competition, and adults of the resident sex (usually females) attempt to limit the recruitment of unrelated immatures of the same sex by harassing them. These ideas are not mutually exclusive. A set of predictions from these three hypotheses was derived for two social systems and two levels of food supply. They were tested using estimates of juvenile mortality and juvenile sex ratios of non-human primates based on over 40 data sets drawn from the literature. The results indicate that the local resource competition hypothesis provides the best explanation for the observed patterns in differential juvenile mortality in primates. The contrast between the findings for primates and those for other taxa is attributed to the low growth rate of immatures and the widespread occurrence of conditions conducive to local resource competition in primates.  相似文献   

There is little direct evidence of the fitness effects of changes in malaria gametocyte sex ratio. Gametocyte sex ratios in haemospororin parasites (phylum Apicomplexa) are usually female skewed. However, in some cases and especially in Haemoproteus parasites, less female-biased and even male-biased sex ratios are encountered. The 'fertility insurance hypothesis' tries to explain these biases as an evolutionary strategy to facilitate gamete encounter. Thus, the hypothesis predicts that, if there is a reduction in gametocyte density (intensity of infection) or other factors preventing gametes from meeting, a change to a higher proportion of male gametocytes may be favoured. By contrast, a change in sex ratio may be caused by other non-adaptive mechanisms, for example differential survival of the gametocytes of each sex. We study within-host changes in Haemoproteus majoris sex ratios following an experimental reduction in the density of the parasites in the blood in a breeding population of blue tits (Parus caeruleus). Medication with the antimalarial drug primaquine induced a significant reduction in Haemoproteus gametocyte infection intensity in two different breeding seasons and under two different doses of medication. Sex ratios became male skewed following the experimental treatment in agreement with the predictions of the 'fertility insurance' hypothesis. Also in support of the hypothesis, a significant change towards male-biased sex ratios emerged for non-medicated birds in one year, probably owing to the natural immune reduction of the density of the parasites in the blood. The alternative possibility that changes are caused by different lifespans of gametocytes is not supported by changes in sex ratios in control hosts, where new production and release of gametocytes occur.  相似文献   

Majority influences have long been a subject of great interest for social psychologists and, more recently, for researchers investigating social influences in nonhuman primates. Although this empirical endeavor has culminated in the conclusion that some ape and monkey species show “conformist” tendencies, the current approach seems to suffer from two fundamental limitations: (a) majority influences have not been operationalized in accord with any of the existing definitions, thereby compromising the validity of cross-species comparisons, and (b) the results have not been systematically scrutinized in light of alternative explanations. In this review, we aim to address these limitations theoretically. First, we will demonstrate how the experimental designs used in nonhuman primate studies cannot test for conformity unambiguously and address alternative explanations and potential confounds for the presented results in the form of primacy effects, frequency exposure, and perception ambiguity. Second, we will show how majority influences have been defined differently across disciplines and, therefore, propose a set of definitions in order to streamline majority influence research, where conformist transmission and conformity will be put forth as operationalizations of the overarching denominator majority influences. Finally, we conclude with suggestions to foster the study of majority influences by clarifying the empirical scope of each proposed definition, exploring compatible research designs and highlighting how majority influences are inherently contingent on situational trade-offs.  相似文献   


The RAS and RHO family comprise two major branches of the RAS superfamily of small GTPases. These proteins function as regulated molecular switches and control cytoplasmic signaling networks that regulate a diversity of cellular processes, including cell proliferation and cell migration. In the early 1980s, mutationally activated RAS genes encoding KRAS, HRAS and NRAS were discovered in human cancer and now comprise the most frequently mutated oncogene family in cancer. Only recently, exome sequencing studies identified cancer-associated alterations in two RHO family GTPases, RAC1 and RHOA. RAS and RHO proteins share significant identity in their amino acid sequences, protein structure and biochemistry. Cancer-associated RAS mutant proteins harbor missense mutations that are found primarily at one of three mutational hotspots (G12, G13 and Q61) and have been identified as gain-of-function oncogenic alterations. Although these residues are conserved in RHO family proteins, the gain-of-function mutations found in RAC1 are found primarily at a distinct hotspot. Unexpectedly, the cancer-associated mutations found with RHOA are located at different hotspots than those found with RAS. Furthermore, since the RHOA mutations suggested a loss-of-function phenotype, it has been unclear whether RHOA functions as an oncogene or tumor suppressor in cancer development. Finally, whereas RAS mutations are found in a broad spectrum of cancer types, RHOA and RAC1 mutations occur in a highly restricted range of cancer types. In this review, we focus on RHOA missense mutations found in cancer and their role in driving tumorigenesis, with comparisons to cancer-associated mutations in RAC1 and RAS GTPases.  相似文献   

Under temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD), temperatures experienced by embryos during development determine the sex of the offspring. Consequently, populations of organisms with TSD have the potential to be strongly impacted by climatic warming that could bias offspring sex ratio, a fundamental demographic parameter involved in population dynamics. Moreover, many taxa with TSD are imperiled, so research on this phenomenon, particularly long-term field study, has assumed great urgency. Recently, turtles with TSD have joined the diverse list of taxa that have demonstrated population-level changes in breeding phenology in response to recent climate change. This raises the possibility that any adverse impacts of climate change on populations may be alleviated by individual plasticity in nesting phenology. Here, we examine data from a long-term study on a population of painted turtles (Chrysemys picta) to determine whether changes in phenology are due to individual plasticity and whether individual plasticity in the timing of nesting has the capacity to offset the sex ratio effects of a rise in climatic temperature. We find that individual females show plasticity in the date of first nesting each year, and that this plasticity depends on the climate from the previous winter. First nesting date is not repeatable within individuals, suggesting that it would not respond to selection. Sex ratios of hatchlings within a nest declined nonsignificantly over the nesting season. However, small increases in summer temperature had a much stronger effect on nest sex ratios than did laying nests earlier in the season. For this and other reasons, it seems unlikely that individual plasticity in the timing of nesting will offset the effects of climate change on sex ratios in this population, and we hypothesize that this conclusion applies to other populations with TSD.  相似文献   

The Trivers–Willard hypothesis predicts that natural selection should favor unequal parental investment between daughters and sons based upon maternal condition and offspring reproductive potential. Specifically, it predicts that mothers in good condition should increase investment toward sons, while mothers in poor condition should favor daughters. Previous tests of the hypothesis in human populations overwhelmingly focused on economic resources as maternal condition indicators. We test the Trivers–Willard hypothesis using maternal nutrition—energy and vitamin A status representing macro- and micronutrition, respectively—as the indicator for maternal condition, with breastfeeding frequency recalls serving as the indicator for parental investment. Data from exclusively breastfeeding mothers (n=83) in drought-ridden Ariaal agropastoral villages of northern Kenya were used to test the hypothesis that mothers in poor condition will breastfeed daughters more frequently than sons. Poor condition was defined as having a body mass index <18.5 or serum retinol (vitamin A) concentration <1.05 µmol/l. A linear regression model was applied using breastfeeding frequency as the dependent variable and respective maternal condition, infant's sex, and the maternal condition–infant's sex interaction as the predictors, controlling for covariates. Results supported the hypothesis only in the vitamin A model which predicts that low-vitamin-A mothers breastfeed daughters significantly more frequently than sons (11 vs. 6 times/day), while vitamin-A-sufficient mothers breastfeed daughters and sons equivalently (9 times). These results indicate that maternal nutritional status, particularly micronutrient status, can contribute to the investigation of the evolutionary hypothesis of sex-biased parental investment.  相似文献   

A sex-specific genetic marker (growth hormone pseudogene) and age-at-maturation data were used to infer the cause of male-biased phenotypic sex ratios in adult chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha from the Kwethluk and Tuluksak Rivers, south-west Alaska. The results showed that: (1) adult genetic and phenotypic sex ratios were similar and were male biased, (2) genetic sex ratios of pre-smolts were not male biased and (3) the average age-at-maturation for males was significantly less than for females. These results suggest that the sex ratio distortion is due to gender bias in marine survival probably related to gender differences in marine life-history strategies.  相似文献   

Under certain environmental situations, selection may favour the ability of females to adjust the sex ratio of their offspring. Two recent studies have suggested that viviparous scincid lizards can modify the sex ratio of the offspring they produce in response to the operational sex ratio (OSR). Both of the species in question belong to genera that have also recently been shown to exhibit temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD). Here we test whether pregnant montane water skinks (Eulamprus tympanum) utilise TSD to select offspring sex in response to population wide imbalances in the OSR, by means of active thermoregulation. We use a combination of laboratory and field-based experiments, and conduct the first field-based test of this hypothesis by maintaining females in outdoor enclosures of varying OSR treatments throughout pregnancy. Although maternal body temperature during pregnancy was influenced by OSR, the variation in temperature was not great enough to affect litter sex ratios or any other phenotypic traits of the offspring.  相似文献   

We review and discuss the ultimate and proximate causes of birth seasonality in Neotropical primates and the seasonal patterns shown by each genus within this group. Our review of the literature shows that most New World monkey populations studied so far show some degree of birth seasonality. Photoperiod is the most important proximate cue used by populations living at relatively high latitudes to time their reproductive events, but almost nothing is known about the proximate factors used by those near the equator. The findings are consistent with the hypothesis that food availability is the most important ultimate cause of birth seasonality. Predation seems to promote birth synchrony in some species (e.g., squirrel monkeys). Multiple regression ANCOVA was used to estimate how the degree of birth seasonality is affected by ecological and life history variables. The ANCOVA model shows that three factors affect the degree of birth seasonality: diet, latitude, and body size. Folivores (howlers) are less seasonal than frugivores and insectivores. The degree of seasonality increases with latitude and shows a humped relationship with body size, peaking at 1.66 kg body mass. This last relationship was expected since small bodied species have to pay a cost (in terms of time lost) by being seasonal on a yearly basis, and large species are buffered against fluctuations in food availability due to their large body mass. To understand which of three alternative birth strategies is followed by each species (reduce energy stress during peak lactation, wean infants during peak food availability, or store reserves during peak energy availability), we compared the location of the birth peak in relation to the peak in food-availability for those populations from which data were available. Most species conform to the typical pattern of births concentrated before the peak in food availability, allowing peak lactation (small-sized species) or weaning (capuchins) to take place before the start of the lean season. The pattern of births of the atelines is consistent with the weaning hypothesis. However, since they give birth during the lean season, this pattern is also consistent with an alternative strategy.  相似文献   

Do threatened hosts have fewer parasites? A comparative study in primates   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
1. Parasites and infectious diseases have become a major concern in conservation biology, in part because they can trigger or accelerate species or population declines. Focusing on primates as a well-studied host clade, we tested whether the species richness and prevalence of parasites differed between threatened and non-threatened host species. 2. We collated data on 386 species of parasites (including viruses, bacteria, protozoa, helminths and arthropods) reported to infect wild populations of 36 threatened and 81 non-threatened primate species. Analyses controlled for uneven sampling effort and host phylogeny. 3. Results showed that total parasite species richness was lower among threatened primates, supporting the prediction that small, isolated host populations harbour fewer parasite species. This trend was consistent across three major parasite groups found in primates (helminths, protozoa and viruses). Counter to our predictions, patterns of parasite species richness were independent of parasite transmission mode and the degree of host specificity. 4. We also examined the prevalence of selected parasite genera among primate sister-taxa that differed in their ranked threat categories, but found no significant differences in prevalence between threatened and non-threatened hosts. 5. This study is the first to demonstrate differences in parasite richness relative to host threat status. Results indicate that human activities and host characteristics that increase the extinction risk of wild animal species may lead simultaneously to the loss of parasites. Lower average parasite richness in threatened host taxa also points to the need for a better understanding of the cascading effects of host biodiversity loss for affiliated parasite species.  相似文献   

Mammalian sex chromosomes evolved (and are still evolving) from a homomorphic pair by the progressive loss of active genes from the Y chromosome. Among the changes that have accompanied this differentiation, it is difficult to determine causes, effects and correlates. Comparative studies suggest that the choice of a gene, and thus a chromosome pair, to control the sex-determining pathway may be quite arbitrary, and that sex chromosomes and sex-determining genes are more likely to be the products of random changes than the products of selection for function.  相似文献   

H Ma 《Current biology : CB》1999,9(17):R636-R639
In Arabidopsis, mutations in the genes FIE, FIS2 or MEDEA disrupt the normal dependence of seed development on fertilization. The products of these genes are similar to Polycomb group proteins, suggesting possible mechanisms for determining whether seeds can be produced sexually or asexually.  相似文献   

Sex investment ratios in populations of bumblebees are male biased, which contradicts theoretical predictions. Male-biased investment ratios in eusocial Hymenoptera are assumed to be non-stable for both the queen and her workers. In this paper, we show that male-biased sex allocation does not necessarily decrease fitness in the bumblebee Bombus terrestris. A male-biased investment ratio can be the result of an optimal allocation of resources when resources are scarce if (i) there is a large cost difference between male and female production, (ii) there is uncertainty about the amount of resources a colony can invest, and (iii) only a proportion of the investment made in an individual can be reused. This resource allocation then leads to split sex ratios depending on the amount of resources available to a bumblebee colony: colonies under low resource conditions will show a male-biased investment ratio, whereas colonies under high resource conditions allocate more resources towards females. However, the extent to which bumblebee populations show a male-biased sex allocation cannot be explained by cost differences between male and female production alone. In a recent paper, A. F. G. Bourke argued that male-biased investment ratios in bumblebee populations are a by-product of the occurrence of protandry (males emerge before females). Here we will extend Bourke''s argument and show that within a protandrous population, both protandrous and protogynous (females emerge before males) colonies exist. The existence of protandrous and protogynous colonies results in split sex ratios in time, because protogynous colonies rely on males produced by protandrous colonies (partial protandry).  相似文献   

B. H. King 《Oecologia》1989,78(3):420-426
Summary Waage's (1982) hypothesis that host-size-dependent sex ratios will occur in parasitoids of nongrowing hosts and not in parasitoids of growing hosts is examined using published data on parasitoid wasps. Waage's hypothesis is supported as a general, but not absolute, rule: among solitary parasitoid wasps, a significantly greater proportion of parasitoids of nongrowing than of growing hosts show some evidence of host-size-dependent sex ratios (85% versus 42%, G=6.54, P< 0.05). The premise of Waage's hypothesis-that for parasitoids which develop in a growing stage, host size at oviposition is not a good predictor of the amount of resources available to the developing parasitoid-is also examined. It is suggested that across host species Waage's premise will hold for some, but not all, parasitoids of growing hosts. Likely exceptions to Waage's premise, and thus his prediction, are discussed. Parasitoids of growing hosts which are expected to have evolved hostsize-dependent sex ratios include parasitoids which utilize a narrow size range of host species, parasitoids which can distinguish among host species by some criterion other than size, and parasitoids which utilize host species whose susceptible instars do not overlap in size.  相似文献   

Anthropological focus on public sphere debates can have the unintended consequence of reaffirming ideological oppositions (‘secularism versus Islam’) while ignoring other processes of difference production. In this article, I examine how French school employees build a logic of cultural otherness in an arena of uncertain social reproduction. Contrary to analyses of the French public sphere that emphasize the ideology of secular universalism, I argue that this dominant ideology has little purchase in the thick of social relations in a peripheral school. Faced with neoliberal transformations and diminishing resources, teachers draw instead on diverse discourses that have the effect of producing cultural difference. Through this process, immigrant‐origin students are presented as incommensurable with Frenchness, and Frenchness becomes rooted in family structure and territory. This case illustrates how state actors confront the contradictions that inhabit universal citizenship and reconfigure the project of Republican schooling.  相似文献   

Stimulant abuse continues to be a growing problem among women. Over the last 10-15 years, an increasing number of studies have focused on factors that may be implicated in stimulant abuse in women as compared to men, including the role of hormonal fluctuations across the menstrual cycle. Numerous preclinical studies have documented that female rodents are more sensitive than male rodents to the behavioral effects of stimulant administration and the hormone estradiol is involved in the enhanced response to stimulants observed in females. In contrast, fewer studies have been conducted in humans and non-human primates addressing the role of sex and gonadal hormones on the effects of cocaine. This review paper presents a recent update on data collected in our Human Cocaine Challenge Laboratory and our Non-human Primate Laboratory, including analysis of cocaine pharmacokinetics, sex differences, the menstrual cycle, and the role of progesterone in modulating the response to cocaine. Our studies indicate that there is minimal evidence that the response to intranasal cocaine varies across the menstrual cycle or between men and women. In contrast, the response to smoked cocaine is greater in the follicular phase than the luteal phase and differences between men and women generally only emerge when men are compared to women in the luteal phase. In terms of potential hormonal mechanisms for these differences, the hormone progesterone attenuates the subjective response to cocaine. With respect to cocaine self-administration, there are minimal changes across the menstrual cycle in both humans and non-human primates. Thus, there is converging evidence across a range of species that the behavioral effects of cocaine (1) differ between males and females, (2) differ in relation to hormonal fluctuations, (3) can be attenuated by progesterone (at least in females), and (4) do not appear to be related to differences in cocaine pharmacokinetics.  相似文献   

What causes male‐biased sex ratios in mature damselfly populations?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. Several hypotheses to account for biased sex ratios in mature insect populations were tested by monitoring two field populations of the damselfly Lestes sponsa and by performing experiments in field cages. The population sex ratios are heavily male biased in this species. 2. The observed sex ratio at emergence was even and both sexes emerged synchronously. Females had longer maturation times but these were insufficient to explain the observed sex ratio shift. 3. Mass increases during maturation were consistently larger in females. In agreement with this, immature females made more flights per unit of time, which should make them more vulnerable to predation, however maturation probabilities were lower in females only in one field cage experiment. This inconsistency may be due to long bad weather conditions. Interestingly, predators reduced mass increase and this reduction was larger in females than in males. 4. Calculations based on the sex specific maturation times show that only slightly lower daily survival probabilities during maturation in females are enough to generate the observed sex ratio shift. 5. Mature survival was higher in males than in females in one field population but not in another, indicating that this cannot be a general mechanism causing the sex ratio. A higher maturation probability in males is therefore the most plausible mechanism causing the sex ratio shift in damselfly populations.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that male fruit flies use close-range olfactory cues to assess the status of potential mating partners. The presence of a volatile, male-derived pheromone can suppress the default male behavioral state of courting females.  相似文献   

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