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One version of the Red Queen hypothesis suggests that sexual reproduction may be an advantage in a coevolutionary arms race. Antagonistic biotic interactions, especially those between parasite and host, are thought to represent a sufficient evolutionary force to counterbalance the supposed inefficiency of sexual reproduction. Recent experimental studies demonstrate negative frequency-dependent selection, increased parasite load in parthenogenetic races relative to sympatric sexual conspecifics and correlations between recombination rate and frequency of parasitic chromosomes. These studies provide strong empirical evidence that there is an important role for parasites in maintaining sex.  相似文献   

The widespread occurrence of sexual reproduction despite the two-fold disadvantage of producing males, is still an unsolved mystery in evolutionary biology. One explanatory theory, called the "Red Queen" hypothesis, states that sex is an adaptation to escape from parasites. A more recent hypothesis, the mate selection hypothesis, assumes that non-random mating, possible only with sex, accelerates the evolution of beneficial traits. This paper tests these two hypotheses, using an agent-based or "micro-analytic" evolutionary algorithm where host-parasite interaction is simulated adhering to biological reality. While previous simpler models testing the "Red Queen" hypothesis considered mainly haploid hosts, stable population density, random mating and simplified expression of fitness, our more realistic model allows diploidy, mate selection, live history constraints and variable population densities. Results suggest that the Red Queen hypothesis is not valid for more realistic evolutionary scenarios and that each of the two hypotheses tested seem to explain partially but not exhaustively the adaptive value of sex. Based on the results we suggest that sexual populations in nature should avoid both, maximizing outbreeding or maximizing inbreeding and should acquire mate selection strategies which favour optimal ranges of genetic mixing in accordance with environmental challenges.  相似文献   

For over 25 years, many evolutionary ecologists have believed that sexual reproduction occurs because it allows hosts to change genotypes each generation and thereby evade their coevolving parasites. However, recent influential theoretical analyses suggest that, though parasites can select for sex under some conditions, they often select against it. These models assume that encounters between hosts and parasites are completely random. Because of this assumption, the fitness of a host depends only on its own genotype (“genotypic selection”). If a host is even slightly more likely to encounter a parasite transmitted by its mother than expected by random chance, then the fitness of a host also depends on its genetic similarity to its mother (“similarity selection”). A population genetic model is presented here that includes both genotypic and similarity selection, allowing them to be directly compared in the same framework. It is shown that similarity selection is a much more potent force with respect to the evolution of sex than is genotypic selection. Consequently, similarity selection can drive the evolution of sex even if it is much weaker than genotypic selection with respect to fitness. Examination of explicit coevolutionary models reveals that even a small degree of mother–offspring parasite transmission can cause parasites to favor sex rather than oppose it. In contrast to previous predictions, the model shows that weakly virulent parasites are more likely to favor sex than are highly virulent ones. Parasites have figured prominently in discussions of the evolution of sex, but recent models suggest that parasites often select against sex rather than for it. With the inclusion of small and realistic exposure biases, parasites are much more likely to favor sex. Though parasites alone may not provide a complete explanation for sex, the results presented here expand the potential for parasites to contribute to the maintenance of sex rather than act against it.  相似文献   

Auld SK  Hall SR  Duffy MA 《PloS one》2012,7(6):e39564
The Red Queen hypothesis can explain the maintenance of host and parasite diversity. However, the Red Queen requires genetic specificity for infection risk (i.e., that infection depends on the exact combination of host and parasite genotypes) and strongly virulent effects of infection on host fitness. A European crustacean (Daphnia magna)--bacterium (Pasteuria ramosa) system typifies such specificity and high virulence. We studied the North American host Daphnia dentifera and its natural parasite Pasteuria ramosa, and also found strong genetic specificity for infection success and high virulence. These results suggest that Pasteuria could promote Red Queen dynamics with D. dentifera populations as well. However, the Red Queen might be undermined in this system by selection from a more common yeast parasite (Metschnikowia bicuspidata). Resistance to the yeast did not correlate with resistance to Pasteuria among host genotypes, suggesting that selection by Metschnikowia should proceed relatively independently of selection by Pasteuria.  相似文献   

The Red Queen hypothesis, or the ability organisms have to control and regulate the available trophic energy, is a recently proposed parameter for measuring fitness. Firstly, this hypothesis is analysed in terms of its heuristic power. Secondly, the claimed causal dependence between this parameter and a, still controversial, law of constant extinction is judged to be unjustified, however reasonable such a claim appears to be. Finally, the ubiquity of competition in nature which is seemingly required by the Red Queen and supposedly realized at the expense of a mutualistic alternative, is deemed to be a questionable assumption.  相似文献   

Why sexual reproduction has evolved to be such a widespread mode of reproduction remains a major question in evolutionary biology. Although previous studies have shown that increased sex and recombination can evolve in the presence of host-parasite interactions (the 'Red Queen hypothesis' for sex), many of these studies have assumed that multiple loci mediate infection vs. resistance. Data suggest, however, that a major locus is typically involved in antigen presentation and recognition. Here, we explore a model where only one locus mediates host-parasite interactions, but a second locus is subject to directional selection. Even though the effects of these genes on fitness are independent, we show that increased rates of sex and recombination are favoured at a modifier gene that alters the rate of genetic mixing. This result occurs because of selective interference in finite populations (the 'Hill-Robertson effect'), which also favours sex. These results suggest that the Red Queen hypothesis may help to explain the evolution of sex by contributing a form of persistent selection, which interferes with directional selection at other loci and thereby favours sex and recombination.  相似文献   

In this paper we develop a model to describe the coevolution of a two-species predator-victim ecosystem. Evolution among the predators acts to displace the predators' zero growth isocline, J, to the left, whereas victim evolution has the opposite effect. More important, we show that for many such systems, there is a value of J, J1, at which the rate of predator evolution exactly equals the rate of victim evolution. This value of J turns out to be a coevolutionary steady state (CSS) which is stable to perturbations. It is suggested that this analysis permits qualitative understanding of why certain real world predator-prey systems oscillate, whereas others do not.  相似文献   

Seaweeds from the genus Gymnogongrus are known to be carrageenophytes; nevertheless, fractionation techniques used previously for the separation of gel-forming and 'soluble' carrageenans, applied to the galactans of Gymnogongrus torulosus together with enantiomeric analysis of the sugar components and (when possible) of the structural units, suggested that the system of galactans biosynthesized by the seaweed was formed by DL-galactan hybrids having major amounts of carrageenan-type or agaran-type chains, with minor quantities of agarans with unusual structural details.  相似文献   

The model of predator-victim coevolution developed in the preceding paper (Schaffer and Rosenzweig, 1978) is used to analyze the coevolutionary response to ecosystem enrichment. It is shown that coevolution tends to oppose the destabilization that results from the enrichment itself. In the circumstance that the victims' r and K are proportional, gradual enrichment followed by coevolutionary adjustment actually enhances ecosystem stability.  相似文献   

Anarchistic queen honey bees have normal queen mandibular pheromones   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary. Anarchistic honey bees are a line developed by recurrent selection in which workers frequently lay eggs. In unselected colonies, workers refrain from reproduction in response to pheromonal signals that indicate the presence of brood and a queen. We show that queen type (anarchistic or wild type) has no effect on rates of ovary activation of anarchistic or wild type workers. In addition, we show that an important component of the queens signalling system, the queen mandibular gland pheromone, is similar in wild type and anarchistic queens. Anarchistic larvae do not inhibit worker ovary development to the same degree as wild type larvae, however all colonies in this experiment contained only wild type larvae. Anarchistic workers had greater rates of ovary activation than wild type workers in colonies headed by either queen type. We therefore conclude that there must be differences in the transmission or reception of queen pheromones, or worker sensitivity to these compounds. These results clearly demonstrate that anarchy is a complex syndrome, not simply the result of reduced pheromone production by anarchist queens and larvae.Received 23 December 2003; revised 14 May 2004; accepted 1 June 2004.  相似文献   

Several membrane ion transporters playing a role in gas transport and exchanges, cell volume regulation and intracellular acid-base regulation have been identified in fish red blood cells (RBCs). This short review focuses on Na+/K+ATPase and its role in establishing the ionic gradients across the membrane, on the Cl-/HCO3- exchanger and its key role in respiration and possibly in inducing a chloride conductance, on the Na+/H+ exchanger and the recent advances on its molecular mechanisms of activation and regulation, on the different types of K-Cl cotransports, the different hypotheses and suggested models and their role in cell volume regulation. There is no evidence in the literature for ionic channels in fish RBCs. We present original data obtained with the patch-clamp technique that shows for the first time the existence of a DIDS-sensitive chloride anionic conductance measured in whole cell configuration and the presence of a stretch-activated nonselective cationic channel recorded in cell-attached and excised inside-out configuration. The part played by these ionic conductances is discussed in relation with their possible involvement in volume regulation.  相似文献   

1. The relationship between the number of queens per nest and their relatedness was examined in the polygyne (multiple queens per nest) social form of the fire ant Solenopsis invicta .
2. No significant relationship between these two variables was found. Moreover, the overall average relatedness among nestmate queens was not significantly different from zero.
3. These findings indicate that polygyne nests of S. invicta do not represent closed societies. Furthermore, they are consistent with continual acceptance of non-nestmate queens throughout a colony's lifetime. This strategy differs from the expectation of kin selection theory that only related queens should be accepted as new reproductives within polygyne colonies.
4. The postulated acceptance of non-nestmate queens is associated with a decrease in the number of parasites, predators and diseases and a concomitant increase in the density of nests in introduced populations, suggesting that the permissive environment experienced by introduced fire ants may have decreased the relative importance of kinship as a stabilizing factor in the evolution of polygyny.  相似文献   

Honeybee, Apis mellifera, colonies replace their queens by constructing many queen cells and then eliminating supernumerary queens until only one remains. The ages of the queens and the variation in their reproductive potential are important factors in the outcome of such events. Selection would favour colonies that requeen as quickly as possible to minimize the brood hiatus, therefore selecting for queens reared from older larvae. Conversely, reproductive potential (queen 'quality') is maximized by rearing queens from younger larvae. This potential trade-off was tested during two phases of queen replacement, namely queen rearing and polygyny reduction. Our results suggest that queen age is a significant element during both queen rearing and polygyny reduction, whereas queen quality, at least to the magnitude tested in this experiment, has little impact on the outcome of either process. The rate of queen replacement therefore appears to be an important factor in the honeybee life cycle, and further mechanisms of potential importance during this life history transition are discussed. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Providing queenless colonies with five queen cells containing larvae or pupae diminished the number of queen cells and queen cell cups subsequently produced, but not as effectively as the provision of a mated laying queen. Immature queens were more effective than the mature queens in stimulating pollen collection, but were less effective in stimulating nectar collection.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Virgin queens are as effective as mated laying queens at inhibiting colonies from rearing queens but not from producing queen cell cups. Colonies without brood produce fewer queen cell cups than similar colonies that have brood. Colonies without queens forage much less and collect less pollen than with either a mated or virgin queen. Colonies with virgin queens forage as much as those with mated queens but collected less pollen.  相似文献   

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