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The Caenorhabditis elegans unc-60 gene encodes two functionally distinct isoforms of ADF/cofilin that are implicated in myofibril assembly. Here, we show that one of the gene products, UNC-60B, is specifically required for proper assembly of actin into myofibrils. We found that all homozygous viable unc-60 mutations resided in the unc-60B coding region, indicating that UNC-60B is responsible for the Unc-60 phenotype. Wild-type UNC-60B had F-actin binding, partial actin depolymerizing, and weak F-actin severing activities in vitro. However, mutations in UNC-60B caused various alterations in these activities. Three missense mutations resulted in weaker F-actin binding and actin depolymerizing activities and complete loss of severing activity. The r398 mutation truncated three residues from the COOH terminus and resulted in the loss of severing activity and greater actin depolymerizing activity. The s1307 mutation in a putative actin-binding helix caused greater activity in actin-depolymerizing and severing. Using a specific antibody for UNC-60B, we found varying protein levels of UNC-60B in mutant animals, and that UNC-60B was expressed in embryonic muscles. Regardless of these various molecular phenotypes, actin was not properly assembled into embryonic myofibrils in all unc-60 mutants to similar extents. We conclude that precise control of actin filament dynamics by UNC-60B is required for proper integration of actin into myofibrils.  相似文献   

The Caenorhabditis elegans genome encodes one alpha spectrin subunit, a beta spectrin subunit (beta-G), and a beta-H spectrin subunit. Our experiments show that the phenotype resulting from the loss of the C. elegans alpha spectrin is reproduced by tandem depletion of both beta-G and beta-H spectrins. We propose that alpha spectrin combines with the beta-G and beta-H subunits to form alpha/beta-G and alpha/beta-H heteromers that perform the entire repertoire of spectrin function in the nematode. The expression patterns of nematode beta-G spectrin and vertebrate beta spectrins exhibit three striking parallels including: (1) beta spectrins are associated with the sites of cell-cell contact in epithelial tissues; (2) the highest levels of beta-G spectrin occur in the nervous system; and (3) beta spectrin-G in striated muscle is associated with points of attachment of the myofilament apparatus to adjacent cells. Nematode beta-G spectrin associates with plasma membranes at sites of cell-cell contact, beginning at the two-cell stage, and with a dramatic increase in intensity after gastrulation when most cell proliferation has been completed. Strikingly, depletion of nematode beta-G spectrin by RNA-mediated interference to undetectable levels does not affect the establishment of structural and functional polarity in epidermis and intestine. Contrary to recent speculation, beta-G spectrin is not associated with internal membranes and depletion of beta-G spectrin was not associated with any detectable defects in secretion. Instead beta-G spectrin-deficient nematodes arrest as early larvae with progressive defects in the musculature and nervous system. Therefore, C. elegans beta-G spectrin is required for normal muscle and neuron function, but is dispensable for embryonic elongation and establishment of early epithelial polarity. We hypothesize that heteromeric spectrin evolved in metazoans in response to the needs of cells in the context of mechanically integrated tissues that can withstand the rigors imposed by an active organism.  相似文献   

The sinusoidal locomotion of Caenorhabditis elegans requires synchronous activities of neighboring body wall muscle cells. However, it is unknown whether the synchrony results from muscle electrical coupling or neural inputs. We analyzed the effects of mutating gap junction proteins and blocking neuromuscular transmission on the synchrony of action potentials (APs) and Ca2+ transients among neighboring body wall muscle cells. In wild-type worms, the percentage of synchronous APs between two neighboring cells varied depending on the anatomical relationship and junctional conductance (Gj) between them, and Ca2+ transients were synchronous among neighboring muscle cells. Compared with the wild type, knock-out of the gap junction gene unc-9 resulted in greatly reduced coupling coefficient and asynchronous APs and Ca2+ transients. Inhibition of unc-9 expression specifically in muscle by RNAi also reduced the synchrony of APs and Ca2+ transients, whereas expression of wild-type UNC-9 specifically in muscle rescued the synchrony defect. Loss of the stomatin-like protein UNC-1, which is a regulator of UNC-9-based gap junctions, similarly impaired muscle synchrony as unc-9 mutant did. The blockade of muscle ionotropic acetylcholine receptors by (+)-tubocurarine decreased the frequencies of APs and Ca2+ transients, whereas blockade of muscle GABAA receptors by gabazine had opposite effects. However, both APs and Ca2+ transients remained synchronous after the application of (+)-tubocurarine and/or gabazine. These observations suggest that gap junctions in C. elegans body wall muscle cells are responsible for synchronizing muscle APs and Ca2+ transients.  相似文献   

To gain further insight into the molecular architecture, assembly, and maintenance of the sarcomere, we have carried out a molecular analysis of the UNC-96 protein in the muscle of Caenorhabditis elegans. By polarized light microscopy of body wall muscle, unc-96 mutants display reduced myofibrillar organization and characteristic birefringent "needles." By immunofluorescent staining of known myofibril components, unc-96 mutants show major defects in the organization of M-lines and in the localization of a major thick filament component, paramyosin. In unc-96 mutants, the birefringent needles, which contain both UNC-98 and paramyosin, can be suppressed by starvation or by exposure to reduced temperature. UNC-96 is a novel approximately 47-kDa polypeptide that has no recognizable domains. Antibodies generated to UNC-96 localize the protein to the M-line, a region of the sarcomere in which thick filaments are cross-linked. By genetic and biochemical criteria, UNC-96 interacts with UNC-98, a previously described component of M-lines, and paramyosin. Additionally, UNC-96 copurifies with native thick filaments. A model is presented in which UNC-96 is required in adult muscle to promote thick filament assembly and/or maintenance.  相似文献   

Furrow ingression in animal cell cytokinesis is controlled by phosphorylation of myosin II regulatory light chain (mRLC). In Caenorhabditis elegans embryos, Rho-dependent Kinase (RhoK) is involved in, but not absolutely required for, this phosphorylation. The calmodulin effector myosin light chain kinase (MLCK) can also phosphorylate mRLC and is widely regarded as a candidate for redundant function with RhoK. However, our results show that RNA mediated interference against C. elegans calmodulin and candidate MLCKs had no effect on cytokinesis in wild-type or RhoK mutant embryos, ruling out the calmodulin/MLCK pathway as the missing regulator of cytokinesis in the C. elegans early embryo.  相似文献   

Facilitated by recent advances using CRISPR/Cas9, genome editing technologies now permit custom genetic modifications in a wide variety of organisms. Ideally, modified animals could be both efficiently made and easily identified with minimal initial screening and without introducing exogenous sequence at the locus of interest or marker mutations elsewhere. To this end, we describe a coconversion strategy, using CRISPR/Cas9 in which screening for a dominant phenotypic oligonucleotide-templated conversion event at one locus can be used to enrich for custom modifications at another unlinked locus. After the desired mutation is identified among the F1 progeny heterozygous for the dominant marker mutation, F2 animals that have lost the marker mutation are picked to obtain the desired mutation in an unmarked genetic background. We have developed such a coconversion strategy for Caenorhabditis elegans, using a number of dominant phenotypic markers. Examining the coconversion at a second (unselected) locus of interest in the marked F1 animals, we observed that 14–84% of screened animals showed homologous recombination. By reconstituting the unmarked background through segregation of the dominant marker mutation at each step, we show that custom modification events can be carried out recursively, enabling multiple mutant animals to be made. While our initial choice of a coconversion marker [rol-6(su1006)] was readily applicable in a single round of coconversion, the genetic properties of this locus were not optimal in that CRISPR-mediated deletion mutations at the unselected rol-6 locus can render a fraction of coconverted strains recalcitrant to further rounds of similar mutagenesis. An optimal marker in this sense would provide phenotypic distinctions between the desired mutant/+ class and alternative +/+, mutant/null, null/null, and null/+ genotypes. Reviewing dominant alleles from classical C. elegans genetics, we identified one mutation in dpy-10 and one mutation in sqt-1 that meet these criteria and demonstrate that these too can be used as effective conversion markers. Coconversion was observed using a variety of donor molecules at the second (unselected) locus, including oligonucleotides, PCR products, and plasmids. We note that the coconversion approach described here could be applied in any of the variety of systems where suitable coconversion markers can be identified from previous intensive genetic analyses of gain-of-function alleles.  相似文献   

Voltage-gated calcium channels, which play key roles in many physiological processes, are composed of a pore-forming α1 subunit associated with up to three auxiliary subunits. In vertebrates, the role of auxiliary subunits has mostly been studied in heterologous systems, mainly because of the severe phenotypes of knock-out animals. The genetic model Caenorhabditis elegans has all main types of voltage-gated calcium channels and strong loss-of-function mutations in all pore-forming and auxiliary subunits; it is therefore a useful model to investigate the roles of auxiliary subunits in their native context. By recording calcium currents from channel and auxiliary subunit mutants, we molecularly dissected the voltage-dependent calcium currents in striated muscle of C. elegans. We show that EGL-19 is the only α1 subunit that carries calcium currents in muscle cells. We then demonstrate that the α2/δ subunit UNC-36 modulates the voltage dependence, the activation kinetics, and the conductance of calcium currents, whereas another α2/δ subunit TAG-180 has no effect. Finally, we characterize mutants of the two β subunits, CCB-1 and CCB-2. CCB-1 is necessary for viability, and voltage-dependent calcium currents are abolished in the absence of CCB-1 whereas CCB-2 does not affect currents. Altogether these results show that EGL-19, UNC-36, and CCB-1 underlie voltage-dependent calcium currents in C. elegans striated muscle.  相似文献   

Husson SJ  Schoofs L 《FEBS letters》2007,581(22):4288-4292
Cellular synthesis of naturally occurring, bioactive peptides requires the proprotein convertase PC2/EGL-3 for cleavage from the larger peptide precursors. A neuroendocrine chaperone 7B2 is needed for the proteolytical activation of proPC2, as extensively studied in mouse models. To determine the role of its orthologue in Caenorhabditis elegans, we analyzed wild-type and 7B2-null strains by HPLC and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry, which allowed the identification of a novel neuropeptide gene, flp-33. The presence and/or absence of some neuropeptides in 7B2-null animals strongly differs form the peptide profile in wild-type, suggesting a specific and determined action of 7B2 in C. elegans.  相似文献   

Regulation of muscle contraction via the myosin filaments occurs in vertebrate smooth and many invertebrate striated muscles. Studies of unphosphorylated vertebrate smooth muscle myosin suggest that activity is switched off through an intramolecular interaction between the actin-binding region of one head and the converter and essential light chains of the other, inhibiting ATPase activity and actin interaction. The same interaction (and additional interaction with the tail) is seen in three-dimensional reconstructions of relaxed, native myosin filaments from tarantula striated muscle, suggesting that such interactions are likely to underlie the off-state of myosin across a wide spectrum of the animal kingdom. We have tested this hypothesis by carrying out cryo-electron microscopy and three-dimensional image reconstruction of myosin filaments from horseshoe crab (Limulus) muscle. The same head-head and head-tail interactions seen in tarantula are also seen in Limulus, supporting the hypothesis. Other data suggest that this motif may underlie the relaxed state of myosin II in all species (including myosin II in nonmuscle cells), with the possible exception of insect flight muscle.The molecular organization of the myosin tails in the backbone of muscle thick filaments is unknown and may differ between species. X-ray diffraction data support a general model for crustaceans in which tails associate together to form 4-nm-diameter subfilaments, with these subfilaments assembling together to form the backbone. This model is supported by direct observation of 4-nm-diameter elongated strands in the tarantula reconstruction, suggesting that it might be a general structure across the arthropods. We observe a similar backbone organization in the Limulus reconstruction, supporting the general existence of such subfilaments.  相似文献   

Cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channels encoded by tax-4 and tax-2 genes are required for chemo- and thermo-sensation in Caenorhabditis elegans. Here we report the identification and the characterization of cng-3, a new CNG channel gene, found in C. elegans. CNG-3 contains six putative transmembrane regions and a cyclic nucleotide-binding domain that show high homology with CNG channels of higher animals as well as TAX-4. The expression of cng-3 is detected from early stages in worm development and restricted in five sensory neurons of amphid including AFD neuron. While a cng-3 null mutant displays normal chemotaxis to volatile odorants, the mutant worms exhibit impaired thermal tolerance. These results indicate that CNG-3, a new member of CNG channel subunits, may play a critical role in sensation or response of thermal stress in C. elegans.  相似文献   

Successful divisions of eukaryotic cells require accurate and coordinated cycles of DNA replication, spindle formation, chromosome segregation, and cytoplasmic cleavage. The Caenorhabditis elegans gene lin-5 is essential for multiple aspects of cell division. Cells in lin-5 null mutants enter mitosis at the normal time and form bipolar spindles, but fail chromosome alignment at the metaphase plate, sister chromatid separation, and cytokinesis. Despite these defects, cells exit from mitosis without delay and progress through subsequent rounds of DNA replication, centrosome duplication, and abortive mitoses. In addition, early embryos that lack lin-5 function show defects in spindle positioning and cleavage plane specification. The lin-5 gene encodes a novel protein with a central coiled-coil domain. This protein localizes to the spindle apparatus in a cell cycle- and microtubule-dependent manner. The LIN-5 protein is located at the centrosomes throughout mitosis, at the kinetochore microtubules in metaphase cells, and at the spindle during meiosis. Our results show that LIN-5 is a novel component of the spindle apparatus required for chromosome and spindle movements, cytoplasmic cleavage, and correct alternation of the S and M phases of the cell cycle.  相似文献   

The polyamine synthesis enzyme spermidine synthase (SPDS) has been cloned from the model nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Biochemical characterisation of the recombinantly expressed protein revealed a high degree of similarity to other eukaryotic SPDS with the exception of a low affinity towards the substrate decarboxylated S-adenosylmethionine (Km = 110 microM) and a less pronounced feedback inhibition by the second reaction product 5'-methylthioadenosine (IC50 = 430 microM). The C. elegans protein that carries a nematode-specific insertion of 27 amino acids close to its N-terminus was crystallized, leading to the first X-ray structure of a dimeric eukaryotic SPDS.  相似文献   

Previously we reported that CFL-1, the single LRR-type F-box protein in the Caenorhabditis elegans genome, affected defecation behavior and daumone response. CFL-1 is highly homologous to the FBXL20 in mammals, which regulates synaptic vesicle release by targeting its substrate Rim1 for ubiquitin-mediated degradation. The worm homolog of Rim1 is UNC-10, a presynaptic membrane protein that triggers synaptic vesicle fusion through interaction with RAB-3 GTPase. To examine if CFL-1 exerts its modulatory effect on the defecation and daumone response via ubiquitination of UNC-10, we performed RNAi knock-down of CFL-1 in the unc-10(e102) mutant background. We noticed additive increase in defecation interval when the activities of both CFL-1 and UNC-10 were compromised. Also, the degree of dauer formation upon daumone treatment in unc-10 mutants treated with CFL-1 RNAi decreased further than the level observed in untreated mutants or wild type N2 worms with CFL-1 RNAi knock-down. Our data suggest that CFL-1 affects defecation frequency and daumone response in C. elegans through the ubiquitination of UNC-10.  相似文献   

UNC-45 belongs to the UCS (UNC-45, CRO1, She4p) domain protein family, whose members interact with various classes of myosin. Here we provide structural and biochemical evidence that Escherichia coli-expressed Drosophila UNC-45 (DUNC-45) maintains the integrity of several substrates during heat-induced stress in vitro. DUNC-45 displays chaperone function in suppressing aggregation of the muscle myosin heavy meromyosin fragment, the myosin S-1 motor domain, α-lactalbumin and citrate synthase. Biochemical evidence is supported by electron microscopy, which reveals the first structural evidence that DUNC-45 prevents inter- or intra-molecular aggregates of skeletal muscle heavy meromyosin caused by elevated temperatures. We also demonstrate for the first time that UNC-45 is able to refold a denatured substrate, urea-unfolded citrate synthase. Overall, this in vitro study provides insight into the fate of muscle myosin under stress conditions and suggests that UNC-45 protects and maintains the contractile machinery during in vivo stress.  相似文献   

Utilizing a Concanavalin A (Con A)-hemocyanin conjugate, the majority of cuticular Con A binding sites were shown to be localized on the head region of Caenorhabclitis elegans and Meloidogyne incognita. Secretions which apparently emanated from the amphids and inner labial papillae did not label.  相似文献   

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