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Summary Segment polarity genes define the cell states that are required for proper organization of each metameric unit of the Drosophila embryo. Among these, the gooseberry locus has been shown to be composed of two closely related genes which are expressed in an overlapping single-segment periodicity. We have used specific antibodies raised against the protein product of the gooseberry proximal (gsb-p) gene to determine the spatial distribution of this antigen in wild type embryos, and to monitor the effects of segment polarity mutants on the pattern of the gsb-p protein distribution. We find that the gsb-p protein accumulates beneath each posterior axonal commissure in the progeny of neuroblasts deriving from the epidermal compartments of wingless (wg) and engrailed (en) expression. The results of this analysis support the idea that gsb-p has a specific role in the control of cell fates during neurogenesis, and indicate that en and wg provide critical positional cues to define the domain in which gsbp will be activated. Furthermore, these data suggest that, in order to be expressed in the embryonic CNS, gsb-p may preliminarily require activity of the gooseberry-distal gene in the epidermis. Offprint requests to: S. Côté  相似文献   

Mutagenesis provides a powerful way of isolating genetic and physiological processes underlying complex traits, but this approach has rarely been applied to investigating water balance in insects. Here, we describe the isolation of a desiccation-resistant mutant of Drosophila melanogaster. Mutagenesis of a desiccation sensitive line resulted in the isolation of a mutant with two-fold higher resistance. The mutant was partially dominant and mapped to the second chromosome. Mutant flies showed lower rates of water loss, and had a higher water content, but showed no change in body mass, glycogen content, hemolymph volume or water content tolerated at death from desiccation. These physiological differences are contrasted to changes in lines of D. melanogaster mass selected for altered stress resistance. Isolation of this mutant provides an opportunity to identify a gene involved in water balance in insects.  相似文献   

Significant progress has been made in our understanding of the neurogenetics of circadian clocks in fruit flies Drosophila melanogaster. Several pacemaker neurons and clock genes have now been identified and their roles in the cellular and molecular clockwork established. Some recent findings suggest that the basic architecture of the clock is multi-oscillatory; the clock mechanisms in the ventral lateral neurons (LN(v)s) of the fly brain govern locomotor activity and adult emergence rhythms, while the peripheral oscillators located in antennal cells regulate olfactory rhythm. Among circadian phenomena exhibited by Drosophila, the egg-laying rhythm is unique in many ways: (i) this rhythm persists under constant light (LL), while locomotor activity and adult emergence become arrhythmic, (ii) its circadian periodicity is much longer than 24h, and (iii) while egg-laying is rhythmic under constant darkness, the expression of two core clock genes period (per) and timeless (tim), is non-oscillatory in the ovaries. In this paper, we review our current knowledge of the circadian regulation of egg-laying behavior in Drosophila, and provide some possible explanations for its self-sustained nature. We conclude by discussing the existing limitations in our understanding of the regulatory mechanisms and propose few approaches to address them.  相似文献   

We examined the association between body mass and metabolic rate in Drosophila melanogaster under a variety of conditions. These included comparisons of body mass and metabolic rate in flies from different laboratory lines measured at different ages, over different metabolic sampling periods, and comparisons using wet versus dry mass data. In addition, the relationship between body mass and metabolic rate was determined for flies recently collected from wild populations. In no case was there a significant correlation between body mass and metabolic rate. These results indicate that care must be taken when attempting to account for the effects of body mass on metabolic rate. Expressing such data in mass-specific units may be an inappropriate method of attempting to control for the effects of differences in body mass.  相似文献   

The genome of Drosophila melanogaster contains methylated cytosines. Recent studies indicate that DNA methylation in the fruit fly depends on one DNA methyltransferase, dDNMT2. No obvious phenotype is associated with the downregulation of this DNA methyltransferase. Thus, identifying the target sequences methylated by dDNMT2 may constitute the first step towards understanding the biological functions of this enzyme. We used anti-5-methylcytosine antibodies as affinity column to identify the methylated sequences in the genome of adult flies. Our analysis demonstrates that components of retrotransposons and repetitive DNA sequences are putative substrates for dDNMT2. The methylation status of DNA encoding Gag, a protein involved in delivering the transposition template to its DNA target, was confirmed by sodium bisulfite sequencing.  相似文献   

Maintenance of bilateral symmetry throughout animal development requires that both left and right halves of the body follow nearly identical patterns of cell proliferation, differentiation, death and migration. During formation of the perfectly bilateral Drosophila larval peripheral nervous system (PNS), the sensory precursor cells of the ventral multidendritic neuron vmd1a originating from each hemisegment migrate away from the ventral midline. Our observations indicate that in slit mutant embryos, as well as in robo, robo2 double mutants, sensory precursor cells of the left and right vmd1a neurons aberrantly cluster at the midline and then the pair of vmd1a neurons migrate to their final position on the same side of the embryo. This results in disruption of PNS bilateral symmetry. Expression of slit at the midline rescues the slit mutant vmd1a phenotype, suggesting that midline-secreted Slit activates Robo/Robo2 signalling to control the migration of the vmd1a sensory precursor cells. Our study indicates that midline-secreted Slit prevents vmd1a sensory cells from crossing the midline and thereby maintains PNS bilateral symmetry during development.  相似文献   

Insect endosymbionts often influence host nutrition but these effects have not been comprehensively investigated in Wolbachia endosymbionts that are widespread in insects. Using strains of Drosophila melanogaster with the wMel Wolbachia infection, we showed that Wolbachia did not influence adult starvation resistance. Wolbachia also had no effect on larval development time or the size of emerging adults from a low nutrition medium. While Wolbachia may influence the expression of heat shock proteins, we found that there was no effect on adult heat resistance when tested in terms of survival or virility following heat stress. The absence of nutrition or stress effects suggests that other processes maintain wMel frequencies in natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster.  相似文献   

It remains a central problem in population genetics to infer the past action of natural selection, and these inferences pose a challenge because demographic events will also substantially affect patterns of polymorphism and divergence. Thus it is imperative to explicitly model the underlying demographic history of the population whenever making inferences about natural selection. In light of the considerable interest in adaptation in African populations of Drosophila melanogaster, which are considered ancestral to the species, we generated a large polymorphism data set representing 2.1 Mb from each of 20 individuals from a Ugandan population of D. melanogaster. In contrast to previous inferences of a simple population expansion in eastern Africa, our demographic modeling of this ancestral population reveals a strong signature of a population bottleneck followed by population expansion, which has significant implications for future demographic modeling of derived populations of this species. Taking this more complex underlying demographic history into account, we also estimate a mean X-linked region-wide rate of adaptation of 6 × 10−11/site/generation and a mean selection coefficient of beneficial mutations of 0.0009. These inferences regarding the rate and strength of selection are largely consistent with most other estimates from D. melanogaster and indicate a relatively high rate of adaptation driven by weakly beneficial mutations.  相似文献   

完整基因结构的预测是当前生命科学研究的一个重要基础课题,其中一个关键环节是剪接位点和各种可变剪接事件的精确识别.基于转录组测序(RNA-seq)数据,识别剪接位点和可变剪接事件是近几年随着新一代测序技术发展起来的新技术策略和方法.本工作基于黑腹果蝇睾丸RNA-seq数据,使用TopHat软件成功识别出39718个果蝇剪接位点,其中有10584个新剪接位点.同时,基于剪接位点的不同组合,针对各类型可变剪接特征开发出计算识别算法,成功识别了8477个可变剪接事件(其中新识别的可变剪接事件3922个),包括可变供体位点、可变受体位点、内含子保留和外显子缺失4种类型.RT-PCR实验验证了2个果蝇基因上新识别的可变剪接事件,发现了全新的剪接异构体.进一步表明,RNA-seq数据可有效应用于识别剪接位点和可变剪接事件,为深入揭示剪接机制及可变剪接生物学功能提供新思路和新手段.  相似文献   

Homologous recombination affects myriad aspects of genome evolution, from standing levels of nucleotide diversity to the efficacy of natural selection. Rates of crossing over show marked variability at all scales surveyed, including species-, population-, and individual-level differences. Even within genomes, crossovers are nonrandomly distributed in a wide diversity of taxa. Although intra- and intergenomic heterogeneities in crossover distribution have been documented in Drosophila, the scale and degree of crossover rate heterogeneity remain unclear. In addition, the genetic features mediating this heterogeneity are unknown. Here we quantify fine-scale heterogeneity in crossover distribution in a 2.1-Mb region of the Drosophila melanogaster X chromosome by localizing crossover breakpoints in 2500 individuals, each containing a single crossover in this specific X chromosome region. We show 90-fold variation in rates of crossing over at a 5-kb scale, place this variation in the context of several aspects of genome evolution, and identify several genetic features associated with crossover rates. Our results shed new light on the scale and magnitude of crossover rate heterogeneity in D. melanogaster and highlight potential features mediating this heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Summary Regulator of bithorax (Rg-bx), or trithorax (trx) lethal larvae occasionally show a homoeotic transformation of the dorsal prothorax to mesothoracic structures. This transformation suggests a reduced activity of the Sex combs reduced (Scr) gene on the basis of gene dosage studies, as well as enhanced expression of the phenotypes of the weak Scr alleles in Rg-bx larvae. Morphological observations of adult flies doubly heterozygous for Rg-bx and Scr mutations also suggest the enhancement of an aspect of Scr adult phenotypes. I conclude that the Rg-bx + gene function is required for the optimal expression of the Scr gene in larval and imaginai cells.  相似文献   

Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) play an important role in the innate immunity of insects. In Drosophila 17 additional immune induced molecules (DIMs) were found in the haemolymph of adult flies upon septic injury. Previous studies using MALDI mass spectrometry combined with Edman degradation, detected AMPs and DIMs of a predominantly large size. By means of 2D-nanoLC ESI MS/MS, 43 DIMs were identified in this study from the haemolymph of Drosophila third instar larvae 12h after challenge with a mixture of Micrococcus luteus and Escherichia coli. Most peptides were derived from known AMP or DIM precursors, but only four peptides were purified and identified before. The majority of the peptides that we detected were smaller in size. Interestingly, two previously unknown peptide precursors were found and hereby related to immune defense. These include CG7738 and CG32185. Many of the identified peptides are post-translationally modified by an N-terminal pyroglutamic acid and/or a C-terminal amide. Haemolymph of control larvae was treated in the same way and revealed only one peptide.  相似文献   

In the present review we discuss strategies that have been used for heterologous gene expression in Drosophila melanogaster Schneider 2 (S2) cells using plasmid vectors. Since the growth of S2 cells is not dependent on anchorage to solid substrates, these cells can be easily cultured in suspension in large volumes. The factors that most affect the growth and gene expression of S2 cells, namely cell line, cell passage, inoculum concentration, culture medium, temperature, dissolved oxygen concentration, pH, hydrodynamic forces and toxic metabolites, are discussed by comparison with other insect and mammalian cells. Gene expression, cell metabolism, culture medium formulation and parameters involved in cellular respiration are particularly emphasized. The experience of the authors with the successful expression of a biologically functional protein, the rabies virus glycoprotein (RVGP), by recombinant S2 cells is presented in the topics covered.  相似文献   

Thioredoxins (Trx) participate in essential antioxidant and redox-regulatory processes via a pair of conserved cysteine residues. In dipteran insects like Drosophila and Anopheles, which lack a genuine glutathione reductase (GR), thioredoxins fuel the glutathione system with reducing equivalents. Thus, characterizing Trxs from these organisms contributes to our understanding of redox control in GR-free systems and provides information on novel targets for insect control. Cytosolic Trx of Drosophila melanogaster (DmTrx) is the first thioredoxin that was crystallized for X-ray diffraction analysis in the reduced and in the oxidized form. Comparison of the resulting structures shows rearrangements in the active-site regions. Formation of the C32-C35 disulfide bridge leads to a rotation of the side-chain of C32 away from C35 in the reduced form. This is similar to the situation in human Trx and Trx m from spinach chloroplasts but differs from Escherichia coli Trx, where it is C35 that moves upon change of the redox state. In all four crystal forms that were analysed, DmTrx molecules are engaged in a non-covalent dimer interaction. However, as demonstrated by gel-filtration analyses, DmTrx does not dimerize under quasi in vivo conditions and there is no redox control of a putative monomer/dimer equilibrium. The dimer dissociation constants K(d) were found to be 2.2mM for reduced DmTrx and above 10mM for oxidized DmTrx as well as for the protein in the presence of reduced glutathione. In human Trx, oxidative dimerization has been demonstrated in vitro. Therefore, this finding may indicate a difference in redox control of GR-free and GR-containing organisms.  相似文献   

Summary The ectodermal germ layer of Drosophila melanogaster gives rise to two major cell lineages, the neural and the epidermal. Progenitor cells for each of these lineages arise from groups of cells, whose elements must decide between taking on either fate. Commitment of the progenitor cells to one of the developmental fates implies two factors. One is intrinsic to the ectodermal cells and determines a propensity to take on neural fate; this factor is probably represented by the products of the so-called proneural genes, which are differentially distributed throughout the ectoderm. The other factor in the cells' decision to adopt one of the two alternative fates is intercellular communication, which is mediated by the products of the so-called neurogenic genes. Two types of interactions, one inhibiting and the other stimulating neural development, have been inferred. We discuss here the assumed role of various neurogenic genes, in particular Notch and Delta, in these processes. Offprint requests to: J.A. Campos-Ortega  相似文献   

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