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Protein translocation across biological membranes can expend a large portion of the total cellular metabolic energy. Although energy sources for this process have been well characterized, its total energy cost was unclear. Recently, this problem was addressed in the thylakoidal pH-dependent cpTat pathway. It was estimated that approximately 3% of the total energy output of the chloroplast is used by this pathway.  相似文献   

Translocation of proteins across membranes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The interaction of phospholipids with precursor proteins, particularly with the mitochondrial precursor protein apocytochromec is reviewed and integrated with other aspects of protein insertion and translocation, leading to a model for (apo)cytochrome c import into mitochondria, in which phospholipids play a dominant role.  相似文献   

Effect of PCMBS on water transfer across biological membranes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
P-chloromercuriphenylsulfonate, PCMBS, and 5, 5′ dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid), DTNB at a concentration of 1 mM are found to inhibit the rate of water transport across human red cell membrane. In addition PCMBS inhibits the rates of transport of small hydrophilic but not hydrophobic nonelectrolytes. Other sulfhydryl reagents such as N-ethylmaleimide and iodoacetamide have no significant effect on the rate of water transfer in these cells. The results suggest that there are at least two populations of membrane bound SH-groups which differ in their topical location which participate in the control of water transfer. One is located closer to the outer surface of the membrane, and thus is readily accessible to PCMBS while the other component is probably located in the membrane interior. These two populations can be dissociated by pH. The effect of PCMBS on water transfer can be greatly influenced by pH and temperature. The main effect of temperature and pH is on the permeability of the membrane to the drug. The same concentration of PCMBS is also found to inhibit to a lesser degree water transfer across other biological membranes.  相似文献   

Summary The derivation of a diffusion equation is given for the transport of ions across biological membranes. It is suggested that the diffusion proceeds by the jumps of ions from one site to another and the number of such sites in the membrane is restricted.  相似文献   

All cells need to transport proteins across hydrophobic membranes. Several mechanisms have evolved to facilitate this transport, including: (i) the universally-conserved Sec system, which transports proteins in an unfolded conformation and is thought to be the major translocation pathway in most organisms and (ii) the Tat system, which transports proteins that have already obtained some degree of tertiary structure. Here, we present the current understanding of these processes in the domain Archaea, and how they compare to the corresponding pathways in bacteria and eukaryotes.  相似文献   

A model is presented which explains the biological role of the leader peptide in protein export. Along the lines of this model, the conformational changes of a protein with environment serves as a general mechanism for translocation. The leader peptide in the cytoplasm takes a hairpin like conformation which reverts to an extended helix upon integration into the membrane. The essential features of this model are in accord with recent results of protein export.  相似文献   

Move it or lose it: axis specification in Xenopus   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A long-standing question in developmental biology is how amphibians establish a dorsoventral axis. The prevailing view has been that cortical rotation is used to move a dorsalizing activity from the bottom of the egg towards the future dorsal side. We review recent evidence that kinesin-dependent movement of particles containing components of the Wnt intracellular pathway contributes to the formation of the dorsal organizer, and suggest that cortical rotation functions to align and orient microtubules, thereby establishing the direction of particle transport. We propose a new model in which active particle transport and cortical rotation cooperate to generate a robust movement of dorsal determinants towards the future dorsal side of the embryo.  相似文献   

Subcellular organelles in eukaryotes are surrounded by lipid membranes.In an endomembrane system,vesicle trafficking is the primary mechanism for the delivery of organellar proteins to specific organelles.However,organellar proteins for chloroplasts,mitochondria,the nucleus,and peroxisomes that are translated in the cytosol are directly imported into their target organelles.Chloroplasts are a plant-specific organelle with outer and inner envelope membranes,a dual-membrane structure that is simil...  相似文献   

To gain insight into adaptations of proteins to their membranes, intrinsic hydrophobic thicknesses, distributions of different chemical groups and profiles of hydrogen-bonding capacities (α and β) and the dipolarity/polarizability parameter (π*) were calculated for lipid-facing surfaces of 460 integral α-helical, β-barrel and peripheral proteins from eight types of biomembranes. For comparison, polarity profiles were also calculated for ten artificial lipid bilayers that have been previously studied by neutron and X-ray scattering. Estimated hydrophobic thicknesses are 30–31 Å for proteins from endoplasmic reticulum, thylakoid, and various bacterial plasma membranes, but differ for proteins from outer bacterial, inner mitochondrial and eukaryotic plasma membranes (23.9, 28.6 and 33.5 Å, respectively). Protein and lipid polarity parameters abruptly change in the lipid carbonyl zone that matches the calculated hydrophobic boundaries. Maxima of positively charged protein groups correspond to the location of lipid phosphates at 20–22 Å distances from the membrane center. Locations of Tyr atoms coincide with hydrophobic boundaries, while distributions maxima of Trp rings are shifted by 3–4 Å toward the membrane center. Distributions of Trp atoms indicate the presence of two 5–8 Å-wide midpolar regions with intermediate π* values within the hydrocarbon core, whose size and symmetry depend on the lipid composition of membrane leaflets. Midpolar regions are especially asymmetric in outer bacterial membranes and cell membranes of mesophilic but not hyperthermophilic archaebacteria, indicating the larger width of the central nonpolar region in the later case. In artificial lipid bilayers, midpolar regions are observed up to the level of acyl chain double bonds.  相似文献   

Cryptophytes, unicellular algae, evolved by secondary endosymbiosis and contain plastids surrounded by four membranes. In contrast to cyanobacteria and red algae, their phycobiliproteins do not assemble into phycobilisomes and are located within the thylakoid lumen instead of the stroma. We identified two gene families encoding phycoerythrin alpha and light-harvesting complex proteins from an expressed sequence tag library of the cryptophyte Guillardia theta. The proteins bear a bipartite topogenic signal responsible for the transport of nuclear encoded proteins via the ER into the plastid. Analysis of the phycoerythrin alpha sequences revealed that more than half of them carry an additional, third topogenic signal comprising a twin arginine motif, which is indicative of Tat (twin arginine transport)-specific targeting signals. We performed import studies with several derivatives of one member using a diatom transformation system, as well as intact chloroplasts and thylakoid vesicles isolated from pea. We demonstrated the different targeting properties of each individual part of the tripartite leader and show that phycoerythrin alpha is transported across the thylakoid membrane into the thylakoid lumen and protease-protected. Furthermore, we showed that thylakoid transport of phycoerythrin alpha takes place by the Tat pathway even if the 36 amino acid long bipartite topogenic signal precedes the actual twin arginine signal. This is the first experimental evidence of a protein being targeted across five biological membranes.  相似文献   

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