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More than 1,000 Spiroplasma isolates have been obtained from horse flies and deer flies (Diptera:Tabanidae) in the United States and Canada. However, the spiroplasma biota of Central America is poorly known. In August of 1995 and 1998, 13 isolates were obtained in 14 attempts from horse flies of a single species, Poeciloderas quadripunctatus, taken in the Costa Rican highlands (1,100–2,000 m). The majority of the “isolates” proved to be mixtures of two or more Spiroplasma species, but after filter cloning, single strains emerged that were designated as representatives of the 13 accessions. Six distinct spiroplasma serogroups were identified from these isolations. Three of the strains are putative new species with no serological relationship to any other Spiroplasma species. A fourth strain is a putative new species that may be distantly related to S. helicoides, a southeastern U.S. species. These four strains are accorded herein status as representatives of new serogroups: strain BARC 4886 (group XXXV); strain BARC 4900 (group XXXVI); strain BARC 4908 (group XXXVII); and GSU5450 (group XXXVIII). A fifth Spiroplasma species was very closely related to S. lineolae, known previously only from the Georgia (U.S.) coast. The sixth was most closely related to subgroup VIII-3, known from Texas and the southeastern U.S. Discovery of six spiroplasma species in only 13 attempted isolations reflects diversity seldom equaled in southeast Georgia, and never elsewhere in the U.S. These results are consistent with a hypothesis that spiroplasma diversity increases from north (Nova Scotia) to south (Georgia and Costa Rica). The discovery of significant affinity between some spiroplasmas of the southeastern U.S. and the Costa Rican highlands was unexpected, but may reflect a climatically complex Pleistocene history.
Robert F. WhitcombEmail:

Aim To examine whether at a sub‐continental scale range‐limited species tend to occur close to areas of transition between vegetation boundaries more often than expected by chance. Location South Africa and Lesotho. Methods We examined the relationship between the distance of a grid square to ecological transition areas between vegetation types and both avian and frog range‐limited species richness in the quadrat. We used quadrats at a spatial resolution of quarter degree (15′ × 15′≈ 676 km2). Spatial congruence between areas representing range‐restricted species and those representing ecological transition zones was assessed using a random draw technique. Results Species richness and range size rarity are generally negatively correlated with distance to transition areas between vegetation communities when analysed for the whole region for both groups. Although this relationship becomes weaker after controlling for environmental energy and topographical heterogeneity, the explanatory power of distance to transition areas remains significant, and compared to the different biomes examined, accounts for most of the variation in bird richness (20%), frog richness (18%), range‐restricted bird species (17%) and range‐restricted frog species (16%) in the savanna biome. The random draw technique indicated that areas representing range‐restricted species were situated significantly closer in space to those areas representing transition areas between vegetation communities than expected by chance. Main conclusions We find that at the sub‐continental scale, when examined for South Africa, areas of transition between vegetation communities hold concentrations of range‐limited species in both birds and frogs. We find that South African endemic/range‐limited birds and frogs are located closer to ecological transition zones than endemics and non‐endemics combined. This has important implications for ongoing conservation planning in a biogeographical context.  相似文献   

The rodent genus Praomys is widely distributed in the African tropics. The species are cryptic, rendering the species taxonomy unclear. There are differences of opinion concerning the specific status of Praomys misonnei and Praomys tullbergi, and their geographical distribution. We sequenced the cytochrome b and/or the 16S gene of 221 specimens from 12 countries in order to evaluate the genetic variability within these two species, and to precisely determine their geographical distribution. Morphological and morphometrical analyses on the sequenced specimens were also performed to find criteria useful for the identification of museum specimens. Our results confirm that P. misonnei and P. tullbergi are two valid species that can be separated by molecular data. However, no single discrete morphological character or simple metric measurement can be used to discriminate them. The percentage of misclassified individuals in multivariate discriminant analysis is relatively high (10%). The two species have allopatric distributions: P. tullbergi occurs in West Africa, from eastern Guinea to western Ghana, and P. misonnei is widely distributed from eastern Ghana to western Kenya. Within P. misonnei we identified three or four major geographical clades: a West Central African clade, an East African clade, a Nigerian clade, and a possible West African clade. Within P. misonnei, high geographical morphometrical variability was also identified. The role of both rivers and Pleistocene forest refugia in promoting speciation within the genus Praomys is discussed. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 160 , 397–419.  相似文献   

In this study we revise the cheilostome bryozoan genus Buffonellaria Canu & Bassler, 1927 and its Mediterranean and north-east Atlantic species, thereby addressing several existing problems. First, a lectotype for the type species, Buffonellaria divergens (Smitt, 1873) from Florida, is chosen, which proves to be distinct from the European species. Second, the two hitherto established north-east Atlantic species [ Buffonellaria nebulosa ( Jullien & Calvet, 1903 ) and Buffonellaria porcellanum Arístegui Ruiz, 1987], are redescribed, which were poorly documented until now. Third, close inspection of material, collected from Spitsbergen to tropical West Africa, using scanning electron microscopy reveals that the actual number of species, all previously referred to either B. divergens or Stephanosella biaperta (Michelin, 1848), is distinctly greater in the north-east Atlantic than has been previously acknowledged. As a result, seven new species are introduced ( Buffonellaria acorensis sp. nov. , Buffonellaria antoniettae sp. nov. , Buffonellaria arctica sp. nov. , Buffonellaria harmelini sp. nov. , Buffonellaria jensi sp. nov. , Buffonellaria muriella sp. nov. , and Buffonellaria ritae sp. nov. ), whereas two are left in open nomenclature. With the increase in number of species, the extremely broad geographical range of distribution assumed for B. divergens breaks down to numerous restricted areas. However, although most species have only been reported from a single location, B. arctica sp. nov. seems to have a fairly wide distribution in the Arctic region.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 152 , 537–566.  相似文献   

Vallinoto, M., Sequeira, F., Sodré, D., Bernardi, J. A. R., Sampaio, I. & Schneider, H. (2009). Phylogeny and biogeography of the Rhinella marina species complex (Amphibia, Bufonidae) revisited: implications for Neotropical diversification hypotheses. —Zoologica Scripta, 39, 128–140. A number of distinct hypotheses have been proposed to account for the origin of the considerable biological diversity found in the Neotropics, which is still a matter of intense debate. Here, we conducted a phylogenetic analysis of the Rhinella marina complex, a group of species widely distributed in Central and South America, combining published data with new sequences of three mtDNA genes (12S, 16S and cyt b) in order to clarify the evolutionary relationships and biogeographical history of the group. We included eight of the ten currently recognized R. marina group species and several outgroups. Maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian inference analyses produced similar topologies, with two well‐supported main clades, each characterized by a deep subdivision. One of these major clades includes the samples of R. marina from Central America and Ecuador (west of the Andes), whereas the other comprises the remaining species of the group and samples of R. marina from the Amazon basin and other areas east of the Andes. A Bayesian coalescent‐based method (BEAST) dated the divergence between the two major clades, and between the Central American and Ecuadorian clades to the Miocene, matching the timing of other Central‐South American faunal divergences. Taken together, the results highlight the importance of Tertiary events such as the Pebas/marine incursions into the Amazon basin and Andean uplift for the diversification and historical biogeography of R. marina, making such taxa paraphyletic, and provide new perspectives on the debate on its species status.  相似文献   

Aim  African forests are divided by an arid corridor which runs from the Horn of Africa to the Namib Desert. Several forest species occur in the forests of eastern Africa as well as in the Guineo-Congolian forest block. We evaluate the possibility that such species may have crossed the arid corridor along a route through the Kenyan Highlands and down the eastern drainages during climatologically favourable periods in the past.
Locations  Eastern Africa, Ivory Coast.
Methods  We used the termite species Schedorhinotermes lamanianus (Sjöstedt). This species occurs in lowland forests and woodland throughout Africa south of the Sahara. We sampled termites from 12 populations. We evaluated the differentiation between populations using amplified fragment length polymorphisms as well as morphometrical measurements.
Results  Genetic and morphometrical analysis demonstrated substantial differentiation between populations west and east of the arid corridor in Kenya. To the east of this corridor we found an increase of morphological distance with geographical distance. Schedorhinotermes lamanianus occurs not only along the coast but also at isolated locations (e.g. ground-water forests in foothills) within the arid hinterland.
Main conclusions  We interpret these populations as remnants of a wider distribution during wet climatic periods. At these times, populations of S. lamanianus were apparently able to establish along extensive gallery forests protruding into the arid belt of the Kenyan hinterland. There have been no connections between populations of this species east and west of the arid corridor across the Kenyan Highlands.  相似文献   

Background and Aims Although mycorrhizal associations are predominantly generalist, specialized mycorrhizal interactions have repeatedly evolved in Orchidaceae, suggesting a potential role in limiting the geographical range of orchid species. In particular, the Australian orchid flora is characterized by high mycorrhizal specialization and short-range endemism. This study investigates the mycorrhizae used by Pheladenia deformis, one of the few orchid species to occur across the Australian continent. Specifically, it examines whether P. deformis is widely distributed through using multiple fungi or a single widespread fungus, and if the fungi used by Australian orchids are widespread at the continental scale.Methods Mycorrhizal fungi were isolated from P. deformis populations in eastern and western Australia. Germination trials using seed from western Australian populations were conducted to test if these fungi supported germination, regardless of the region in which they occurred. A phylogenetic analysis was undertaken using isolates from P. deformis and other Australian orchids that use the genus Sebacina to test for the occurrence of operational taxonomic units (OTUs) in eastern and western Australia.Key Results With the exception of one isolate, all fungi used by P. deformis belonged to a single fungal OTU of Sebacina. Fungal isolates from eastern and western Australia supported germination of P. deformis. A phylogenetic analysis of Australian Sebacina revealed that all of the OTUs that had been well sampled occurred on both sides of the continent.Conclusions The use of a widespread fungal OTU in P. deformis enables a broad distribution despite high mycorrhizal specificity. The Sebacina OTUs that are used by a range of Australian orchids occur on both sides of the continent, demonstrating that the short-range endemism prevalent in the orchids is not driven by fungal species with narrow distributions. Alternatively, a combination of specific edaphic requirements and a high incidence of pollination by sexual deception may explain biogeographic patterns in southern Australian orchids.  相似文献   

We investigated Viburnum phylogeny using separate and combined analyses of DNA sequence data from two chloroplast and three nuclear loci. Separate analyses of nuclear and chloroplast data sets resulted in gene trees that were generally congruent with one another and with trees from two previous analyses. Our gene trees do differ in the position of section Pseudotinus, as well as in species relationships within sections Pseudotinus and Lentago. However, tests for incongruence indicate that differences between the nuclear and chloroplast data are not significant. Furthermore, gene trees from combined analyses were highly similar to those found in separate analyses, suggesting that these localized differences do not affect other parts of the tree. Our analyses provide convincing support for numerous relationships, although there is still uncertainty at the base of the tree. To facilitate future study, we propose informal names for 12 well-supported species groups, as well as for several higher-level clades. We also discuss the biogeographic implications of our phylogeny, focusing on repeated, although apparently temporally incongruent, patterns of disjunction between the Old and New Worlds.  相似文献   

There is still no clear consensus on how to relate geographical variation in the morphology and genetics of the globally widespread wildcat Felis silvestris to its taxonomy and systematics. Reconstructing the dynamic biogeography of the wildcat provides insight into how current geographical patterns of morphological and molecular variation may have developed. A geographical information system was used to infer climate-change influences using a deduced distribution model (DDM) to reconstruct the wildcat's geographical distribution at four points in time from the Last Glacial Maximum [LGM; 18 000 years before present ( bp )] until today. The DDM for 9000  bp , when mean global temperatures were 2 °C more than today, provides insight into how current global warming will affect the wildcat's distribution 50–100 years into future. Modelled distributions were assessed against known geographical barriers or unsuitable habitats, which may have separated populations and led to known morphological and genetic divergence. The DDMtoday corresponds well with known contemporary wildcat distribution records, except where wildcats would be expected to be excluded (e.g. high human population densities, potential competitors, inaccessible islands). The DDMtoday also corresponds closely with the results of recent studies on skull morphometrics and phylogeography, which support hypothesized colonizations of Africa and Asia from Europe during the late Pleistocene. Although DDM palaeo-distributions are more uncertain, they correspond to expected dramatic declines in northern Eurasia during the LGM, and significant distributional decline in central Asia, the Sahara and southern Africa, owing to increased aridity during climate cooling. From the DDM9000 model moderate global warming is hypothesized to impact minimally on wildcats, except in the Middle East and south-west Asia.  相似文献   

Excavations at Liang Bua, on the Indonesian island of Flores, have yielded a stratified sequence of stone artifacts and faunal remains spanning the last 95 k.yr., which includes the skeletal remains of two human species, Homo sapiens in the Holocene and Homo floresiensis in the Pleistocene. This paper summarizes and focuses on some of the evidence for Homo floresiensis in context, as presented in this Special Issue edition of the Journal of Human Evolution and elsewhere. Attempts to dismiss the Pleistocene hominins (and the type specimen LB1 in particular) as pathological pygmy humans are not compatible with detailed analyses of the skull, teeth, brain endocast, and postcranium. We initially concluded that H. floresiensis may have evolved by insular dwarfing of a larger-bodied hominin species over 880 k.yr. or more. However, recovery of additional specimens and the numerous primitive morphological traits seen throughout the skeleton suggest instead that it is more likely to be a late representative of a small-bodied lineage that exited Africa before the emergence of Homo erectus sensu lato. Homo floresiensis is clearly not an australopithecine, but does retain many aspects of anatomy (and perhaps behavior) that are probably plesiomorphic for the genus Homo. We also discuss some of the other implications of this tiny, endemic species for early hominin dispersal and evolution (e.g., for the “Out of Africa 1” paradigm and more specifically for colonizing Southeast Asia), and we present options for future research in the region.  相似文献   

Lithophyllum species in the Mediterranean Sea function as algal bioconstructors, contributing to the formation of biogenic habitats such as coralligenous concretions. In such habitats, thalli of Lithophyllum, consisting of crusts or lamellae with entire or lobed margins, have been variously referred to as either one species, L. stictiforme, or two species, L. stictiforme and L. cabiochiae, in the recent literature. We investigated species diversity and phylogenetic relationships in these algae by sequencing three markers (psbA and rbcL genes, cox2,3 spacer), in conjunction with methods for algorithmic delimitation of species (ABGD and GMYC). Mediterranean subtidal Lithophyllum belong to a well‐supported lineage, hereby called the L. stictiforme complex, which also includes two species described from the Atlantic, L. lobatum and L. searlesii. Our results indicate that the L. stictiforme complex consists of at least 13 species. Among the Mediterranean species, some are widely distributed and span most of the western and central Mediterranean, whereas others appear to be restricted to specific localities. These patterns are interpreted as possibly resulting from allopatric speciation events that took place during the Messinian Salinity Crisis and subsequent glacial periods. A partial rbcL sequence from the lectotype of L. stictiforme unambiguously indicates that this name applies to the most common subtidal Lithophyllum in the central Mediterranean. We agree with recent treatments that considered L. cabiochiae and L. stictiforme conspecific. The diversity of Lithophyllum in Mediterranean coralligenous habitats has been substantially underestimated, and future work on these and other Mediterranean corallines should use identifications based on DNA sequences.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that switching from the widely used Biological Species Concept to a Phylogenetic Species Concept, would result in the appearance of hitherto neglected patterns of endemism. The problem has mainly been analyzed with respect to endemic taxa and for rather limited geographical regions, but will here be analysed for the entire resident avifauna of sub-Saharan Africa. A database of African bird distributions was re-edited to create two new datasets representing 1572 biological species and 2098 phylogenetic species. Species richness patterns were virtually identical with the two taxonomies, and only subtle changes were found in the geographical variation in range-size rarity sum. However, there were some differences in the most range-restricted species, with increased complexity of long-recognized centres of endemism. Overall, then, the large-scale biogeographic patterns are robust to changes in species concepts. This reflects the aggregated nature of endemism, with certain areas acting as "species pumps" and large intervening areas being characterised by a predominance of widespread species which distribute themselves in accordance with contemporary environmental conditions. The percentages of phylogenetic and threatened species captured in a BSC near-minimum set of 64 grid-cells and a PSC near-maximum set, with the same number of grid-cells, are very similar.  相似文献   

Science-based indicators aimed at measuring the sustainability of human activities on the environment have become of prime importance in the policy arena. At the international level, the Commission on Sustainable Development and the Convention on Biological Diversity and other Multilateral Environmental Agreements have recognised the need to develop a set of scientific indicators related to changes in biodiversity and other environmental issues able to direct policy decisions. In the marine realm, the study of the effects of both ‘top-down’ extractive activities such as fishing is more and more dealt with, in conjunction with ‘bottom-up’ activities such as nutrient loading and the effects on biogeochemical cycles, marine geochemistry and ecosystem structure and functioning of other pollutants and contaminants. ‘Conventional’ approaches such as the identification of taxa, model organisms and related methodologies will continue playing a key role for the monitoring of human-induced changes in the marine environment. On the other hand, newly developed disciplines such as genomics, proteomics and biodiversity informatics are increasingly looked at as a source of information and applications that can respond to questions and concerns by the policy community such as the need to adapt to global and climate change in the marine environment so as to mitigate its societal implications.
Salvatore AricòEmail:

Chromosome number is the karyotype feature most commonly used in cytotaxonomical analyses. The chromosome number can be a plesiomorphic characteristic of a large clade or a recurrent trait which arose independently in two or more clades. Some concepts regarding chromosome number variation, such as base number, aneuploidy, paleopolyploidy, and neopolyploidy have been used by different authors in quite different ways. Therefore, its use in cytotaxonomy and karyotype evolution deserves much attention. In this paper, these terms are reappraised and their meaning and implication for plant cytotaxonomy are discussed.  相似文献   

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