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The emesine assassin bug genus Emesopsis is reported from Vietnam for the first time and is briefly diagnosed, and two new species of the genus, E. longipilosa and E. albispinosa, are described. They were collected by beating dead, drooping leaves of the banana, Musa acuminata (Musaceae).  相似文献   

Zhang, G. and Weirauch, C. 2011. Sticky predators: a comparative study of sticky glands in harpactorine assassin bugs (Insecta: Hemiptera: Reduviidae). —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 00 : 1–10. For more than 50 years, specialized dermal glands that secrete sticky substances and specialized setae have been known from the legs of New World assassin bugs in the genus Zelus Fabricius (Reduviidae: Harpactorinae). The gland secretions and specialized ‘sundew setae’ are involved in enhancing predation success. We here refer to this predation strategy as ‘sticky trap predation’ and the specialized dermal glands as ‘sticky glands’. To determine how widespread sticky trap predation is among Reduviidae, we investigated taxonomic distribution of sticky glands and sundew setae using compound light microscopical and scanning electron microscopical techniques and sampling 67 species of Reduviidae that represent 50 genera of Harpactorini. We found sticky glands in 12 genera of Harpactorini and thus show that sticky trap predation is much more widespread than previously suspected. The sticky glands vary in shape, size and density, but are always located in a dorsolateral position on the fore tibia. Sundew setae are present in all taxa with sticky glands with the exception of Heza that instead possesses unique lamellate setae. The sticky trap predation taxa are restricted to the New World, suggesting a New World origin of this unique predation strategy.  相似文献   

通过解剖Oxaenanus scopigeralis正模标本和同种雌雄外生殖器,发现O.scopigeralis(Moore,1867),sp.rev.&comb.nov.,(模式产地:印度)命名有效,其曾被认为是O.brontesalis(Walker,1858)(模式产地:婆罗洲)的同物异名.张,韩二人2019年发表的云南奥胸须夜蛾O.yunnana(模式产地:云南)应为O.scopigeralis的同物异名.作者在海南省采集到了奥胸须夜蛾属Oxaenanus 1新种海南奥胸须夜蛾Oxaenanus hainana sp.nov.,其与O.scopigeralis近似,但海南奥胸须夜蛾的前后翅亚外缘线更加模糊,抱器端骨化突起更短更细,阳茎端膜也更加复杂多变.  相似文献   

重楼属的四个新异名   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将小重楼Paris polyphylla Smith var.minora S.F.Wang、长药隔重楼P.polyhylla Smith var.pseudothibetica H.Li处理为金线重楼P.delavayi Franch.的异名;将广东重楼P.polyphylla Smith var.kwantungensis(R.H.Miau)S.C.Chen&S.Y.Liang处理为多叶重楼P.polyphylla Smith的异名;将文县重楼P.wenxianensis Z.X.Peng&R.N.Zhao处理为黑籽重楼P.thibetica Franch.的异名。  相似文献   

The trichome in ant-feeding Holoptilinae (Insecta: Heteroptera: Reduviidae) comprises remarkable modifications of abdominal sternites 2 and 3. It has been hypothesized that this structure plays a role in attracting and drugging ants. In the present study the trichome of 14 species of Holoptilini, comprising 11 species of Ptilocnemus Westwood and representatives of three additional genera of Holoptilini, is examined using scanning electron and light microscopy. The astoundingly diverse species-level modifications of sternites and vestiture are described and primary homology hypotheses are proposed. The trichome provides species-specific diagnostic characters within Ptilocnemus and evidence for species-groups within the genus, but also for the sistergroup relationship of Ptilocnemus and Smiliopus Bergroth. The comparative morphology establishes a framework for investigations into systematics, functional morphology, and behavioral ecology of these myrmecophagous assassin bugs.  相似文献   

《Zoologischer Anzeiger》2009,248(4):237-253
The trichome in ant-feeding Holoptilinae (Insecta: Heteroptera: Reduviidae) comprises remarkable modifications of abdominal sternites 2 and 3. It has been hypothesized that this structure plays a role in attracting and drugging ants. In the present study the trichome of 14 species of Holoptilini, comprising 11 species of Ptilocnemus Westwood and representatives of three additional genera of Holoptilini, is examined using scanning electron and light microscopy. The astoundingly diverse species-level modifications of sternites and vestiture are described and primary homology hypotheses are proposed. The trichome provides species-specific diagnostic characters within Ptilocnemus and evidence for species-groups within the genus, but also for the sistergroup relationship of Ptilocnemus and Smiliopus Bergroth. The comparative morphology establishes a framework for investigations into systematics, functional morphology, and behavioral ecology of these myrmecophagous assassin bugs.  相似文献   


The Old World cydnid genus Chilocoris Mayr is recorded from the Australasian region for the first time. A key is provided separating Chilocoris from Centrostephus Horvath and Parachilocoris Horvath. A new species, Chilocoris neozealandicus, is described from New Zealand, along with habitus drawing and illustrations of diagnostic characters.  相似文献   

Focussing on the blood-feeding reduviid Rhodnius prolixus, we investigated the structure and function of the hypopharynx in (1) conducting the saliva towards the mouthparts and (2) bringing together the salivary pump and the stylets to ensure the difficult task of supplying the two closed antidromic streams of blood and saliva, while allowing the mouthparts to be moved forth and back during the feeding process. The distal apex of the hypopharynx forms a needle-like structure that is X-shaped in cross section. It arranges the interlocking of the maxillae in a manner resembling the fixed slider of a zip-lock. Further proximal, the hypopharynx extends into the maxillary food channel as a wide tongue. The salivary pump possesses two separate efferent ducts. The dorsal duct originates in the retrograde angle of the cupula (part of the salivarium) and conducts saliva directly into the maxillary salivary channel. The ventral duct originates at the distal opening of the cupula. It extends into a bag, the distal opening of which can be closed by a ventral bolster-like cuticle and opened by muscles. We show for the first time for heteropteran mouthparts that the saliva is not exclusively discharged into the maxillary salivary channel (via the dorsal efferent duct of the salivary pump), but that a large amount of saliva directly flows into the tube of the labium (via the ventral efferent duct of the salivary pump), which encloses the piercing stylets. However, within a short section, saliva may also pass from the ventral salivary duct into the maxillary salivary channel. Similar double salivary efferent ducts are present in the reduviids Triatoma dimidiata, T. infestans, Dipetalogaster maxima, Panstrongylus megistus, in the pyrrhocorid Pyrrhocoris apterus, and in the pentatomid Troilus luridus. It might thus be a more common feature of the Heteroptera.  相似文献   

The crassipes and pictipes species groups of Apiomerus Hahn together contain 12 species, many with high intraspecific chromatic variability, which represent the majority of Nearctic species in this New World assassin bug genus. Because of their geographical distribution and their varying degrees of polychromatism, these two species groups provide a unique opportunity to study the evolution of polychromatism and analyse relationships among areas of endemism in the Nearctic, as well as determine the boundary between the Nearctic and Neotropical regions. The results of a morphology based phylogenetic analysis allowed investigation of these questions while also determining relationships among the 12 species in the two species groups. The crassipes and pictipes species groups were each supported as monophyletic and as sister taxa. Apiomerus rufipennis (Fallou) was not included in the original concept of the crassipes species group, but is shown here to be a member of the group. Apiomerus barrocoloradoi Forero, Berniker & Szerlip, which had been hypothesized previously to belong to the pictipes species group, is excluded from this group. Intraspecific polychromatism for each species was identified as being present in one of three states: no polychromatism; limited polychromatism; or polychromatism as discrete colour morphs. Limited polychromatism was here found to be the ancestral state for Apiomerus, and species with discrete colour morphs are restricted to the crassipes and pictipes species groups. Polychromatism appears to be a greatly homoplastic character within the genus. A Brooks parsimony analysis recovered distinct Nearctic and Neotropical clades. The Nearctic clade is divided between areas in the central and eastern U.S.A. and areas in the Western U.S.A. and Mexico. The Nearctic–Neotropical boundary for the taxa included in the analysis is along the Isthmus of Tehuantepec in southern Mexico.  相似文献   

A new genus of oribatid mites of the family Tetracondylidae, Umashtanchaeviella gen. n., with type species Umashtanchaeviella plethotricha sp. n., is proposed and described from forest litter, the Bu Gia Map National Park, southern Vietnam. The new genus is distinguishable from other otocepheoid genera by the presence of notogastral plethotrichy.1  相似文献   

索伦沙参Adenophora suolunensis P. F. Tu &; X. F. Zhao与小花沙参A. micrantha D. Y. Hong为同一种植物, 故将前者处理为后者的异名; 坛盘沙参A. urceolata Y. Z. Zhao是壶花沙参A. urceolata C. Y. Wu的晚出同名, 另提出新名库伦沙参A. kulunensis Y. Z. Zhao。  相似文献   

The genus Rhipipalloidea Girault (1934 ), from the Australian region is revised. Rhipipalloidea gruberi Girault (1940 ) is synonymised with R. mira Girault 1934 . A new species, R. madangensis , is described from Papua New Guinea. This species is separated from R. mira from Australia by the distinct striation on the head, and ramose, 12-segmented antennae of the females. Males and a host for the genus are described for the first time.  相似文献   

ADO1 is a toxin purified from the saliva of the assassin bug, Agriosphodrus dohrni. Because of its similarity in sequence to Ptu1 from another assassin bug, we did not assess its pharmacologic target. Here, we demonstrate by electrophysiologic means that ADO1 targets the P/Q-type voltage-sensitive calcium channel. We also determine the solution structure of ADO1 using two-dimensional NMR techniques, followed by distance geometry and molecular dynamics. The structure of ADO1 belongs to the inhibitory cystine knot (ICK) structural family (i.e., a compact disulfide-bonded core from which four loops emerge). ADO1 contains a two-stranded, antiparallel beta-sheet structure. We compare the structure of ADO1 with other voltage-sensitive calcium-channel blockers, analyze the topologic juxtaposition of key functional residues, and conclude that the recognition of voltage-sensitive calcium channels by toxins belonging to the ICK structural family requires residues located on two distinct areas of the molecular surface of the toxins.  相似文献   

Fedorenko DN 《ZooKeys》2010,(65):17-50
Twelve new species of the genus Amphimenes Bates, 1873 are described from Vietnam: Amphimenes maculatussp. n., Amphimenes bidoupensissp. n., Amphimenes gracilissp. n., Amphimenes montanussp. n., Amphimenes giganteussp. n., Amphimenes mediussp. n., Amphimenes minutussp. n., Amphimenes rufipessp. n., Amphimenes reflexicollissp. n., Amphimenes planicollissp. n., Amphimenes nitidussp. n., and Amphimenes kabakovisp. n.. Amphimenes rugulipennis Bates, 1892, comb. n., is transferred from the genus Brachichila Chaudoir, 1869 and is redescribed from fresh material. A key to all congeners is provided, these being arranged into five new species-groups. Adults of the rugulipennis- and piceolus-groups show subcortical habits, while those of the medius-, rufipes- and planicollis- groupsare herpetobiotic, resulting in such morphological adaptations as partly reduced eyes, missing wings and adnate elytra.  相似文献   

Nesotriatoma confusa sp. nov. (Hemiptera, Reduviidae, Triatominae) is described based on specimens from Cuba. From one male, one female, and eleven nymphs of a then‐undescribed species of Nesotriatoma collected in Cuba, a colony was formed and its specimens were used to describe N. confusa sp. nov. Characters were observed on the head, thorax, abdomen, female external genitalia, and male genitalia with optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. We concluded that N. bruneri (Usinger, 1944 ) was indeed a synonym of N. flavida (Neiva, 1911 ) as previously proposed.  相似文献   

Triatomine bugs show a temporal modulation of many activities. Here, we analyse the daily modulation of the aggregation behaviour of Triatoma infestans larvae and its chronobiological basis. In the laboratory, groups of six bugs were released over an experimental arena during six consecutive days, where their aggregation behaviour was quantified every hour. When submitted to a 12/12 h photoperiod (L/D), the larvae of T. infestans exhibited a cyclic pattern of aggregation with a 24 h period, evincing the existence of a daily rhythm of aggregation in this species. Bugs exhibited the maximum aggregation tendency at the end of the scotophase (7:00 h), moment in which they naturally search for refuges. The minimum aggregation (i.e. maximal dispersion) was observed during the last part of the photophase and beginning of the scotophase (15:00 to 1:00 h). This cyclic pattern disappeared when constant conditions of illumination (L/L) or darkness (D/D) were imposed to the bugs, suggesting the absence of an endogenous circadian control of this behaviour. Insects submitted to L/L and D/D photoperiods presented lower global levels of aggregation than those submitted to L/D conditions. The lack of an endogenous control and the relevance of light cycles as a synchronization signal are discussed as the temporal modulation of this behaviour might play an important role in the nocturnal habits of this species.  相似文献   

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