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Tooth replacement and implantation of Sauropterygia is described with special reference to the generaPlacodus andNothosaurus. Tooth replacement is horizontal, with the exception of the enlarged crushing tooth plates on the maxilla, palatine, and dentary ofPlacodus (placodonts), which are replaced vertically. Tooth implantation is thecodont, with variable ankylosis of the base of the root. Sauropterygia is unique compared to other reptiles in that replacement teeth are “alveolarized.” The alveolarization of replacement teeth adds to the evidence supporting of a monophyletic Sauropterygia (Placodontia plus Eosauropterygia).   相似文献   

Although there are many reports of tooth replacement patterns in lower vertebrates, few show the range of pattern to be found in a number of similar aged specimens of one species. Fifteen specimens of Caiman sclerops, head length 4–5 cms, were examined by a radiographic technique and their tooth replacement patterns analysed. Whole head radiography and dissected head radiographs were compared and the resulting tooth replacement waves were found to be comparable. Wave replacement (sensu Edmund, '60) in odd and even tooth positions in the tooth row was observed in all the specimens examined. Whereas most waves passed in a cephalad direction, wave reversal (caudad) was also observed, particularly in the anterior parts of the jaws. In some specimens simple alternation in tooth replacement was observed, particularly in the mid-portion of each quadrant. The smooth, age-related change-over from cephalad to caudad demonstrated by Edmund ('62) in captive Alligator mississippiensis was not observed in wild specimens of Caiman sclerops.  相似文献   

The development and replacement of teeth in the frog Rana temporaria is analyzed by dividing the life cycle of the tooth into a number of stages. These stages are identified by the examination of alizarin whole mounts. The dentition in this species is fairly complete and the percentage of functional loci is approximately 74. The teeth in alternate loci are usually at about the same stage in development. The low percentage of non-functional loci is accounted for by the retention of functional teeth over a large fraction of the total life cycle time and the relatively rapid ankylosis of replacement teeth. It is suggested that tooth replacement is essentially a process which involves teeth in alternate loci and that the replacement waves (which connect alternate loci) run parallel to the longitudinal axis of the jaw and are of infinite length. This basic pattern is obscured by many breaks which occur in the replacement waves. The presence of such breaks may be accounted for by variations in the time intervals between the successive stimuli which initiate the Zahnreihen, or simply by the acceleration or deceleration of the development of teeth in one or more loci.  相似文献   

The developmental cycle of the teeth in Plethodon cinereus is analyzed on morphological grounds using alizarin preparations. All the stages in development do not occupy the same proportion of the life cycle time. Functional teeth and germs at an early stage in development occupy a large proportion of the life cycle time, whereas the processes of tooth shedding and ankylosis occur very quickly. The time during which any locus does not bear a functional tooth, and is therefore a non-functional locus, is reduced to a minimum. P. cinereus has a basic pattern of tooth replacement which is consistent with Zahnreihen which are 2.0 tooth spaces apart. Variations in the replacement pattern are common and these are produced by relatively small fluctuations in the spacing of the Zahnreihen around the ?mean? of 2.0. Localized disturbances which produce breaks in the replacement pattern and cause waves to cross also occur. These may be due to the failure of tooth germs to develop, the fusion of tooth germs, or may be the result of the inherent variability in a complex biological system. This variability causes individual tooth germs to develop too slowly or too quickly and hence assume an ?abnormal”? position thus causing breaks in the replacement pattern. Tooth replacement may be controlled by an intra-local mechanism(s) rather than by stimuli which travel along the jaw.  相似文献   

Summary Ecological species replacement of Liolaemus platei by Liolaemus lemniscatus appears to occur along a north-south oriented herb density gradient. Both congeners are the only ground-dwelling lizards in the area; this suggests that L. lemniscatus is an ecological counterpart of L. platei in herbaceous habitats. Relatively longer legs appear to be associated with the utilization of herb-free habitats by L. platei; the shorter legs possessed by L. lemniscatus are associated with the utilization of habitats of higher herb density. Morphological evidence indicates the presence of intermediate populations in the zone of intermediate herb density. Alternatives of a single-species cline versus interspecific hybridization between the two taxa are discussed.  相似文献   

The continuous replacement of teeth throughout their lifetime is a common characteristic of most chondrichthyans. This process was already present in the earliest representatives of the group. It has been well established that different species of extant sharks show rapid tooth replacement rates; however, some authors have suggested that in early chondrichthyans this rate might have been much slower. Here we present a qualitative approach to analyse tooth replacement rates in the Early Devonian shark Leonodus carlsi , the earliest tooth-bearing shark known to date. For this, we have examined 1,103 isolated teeth from Celtiberia, Spain. Our study provides strong evidences of an extremely slow dental replacement in this primitive chondrichthyan based on three independents analyses: (1) statistical analysis of the wear degree, demonstrating that teeth remain functional for a long period of time; (2) analysis of both the histological and the morphological features of the teeth cusps suggests that this chondrichthyan used a maturation process that optimizes its function, thus worn teeth show an efficient working shape that implies their teeth remained functional for a long time after being modelled by use; and (3) estimations of size increments between teeth (Δs) of the same dental family for some recent sharks whose rates of replacement were known prove that Δs is inversely proportional to the rate of replacement ( R 2 = 0.8327). The estimated values of tooth replacement rates obtained from Δs for L. carlsi and for some Late Devonian cladoselachian sharks are significatively slower than those observed in current sharks.  相似文献   

To determine the time scale of tooth replacement in adult Xenopus laevis (Daudin), three large females of similar size were kept in aquaria at 25 °C for ten weeks. They were anaesthetized twice weekly with MS 222 and impressions of their upper jaws were taken using thin sheets of dental gold-casting wax. Because the erupted tips of the teeth were small (100 μm), the impressions were enlarged by projection so that the presence or absence of a tooth at each locus in the jaw could be recorded. Each half of each animal's jaw was analysed separately and a statistical analysis of the records yielded results for the duration of the Replacement Cycle and Functional Life of the teeth. The range of the median Replacement Cycle time between specimens was 910–1,010h, that of the Functional Life 580–700 h and that of the Gap Period (the time over which loci were unoccupied by functional teeth) 230–420 h. A tentative time scale for the complete tooth development cycle (from tooth germ initiation to complete resorption) was calculated by extrapolation from the results and ranged from 59.07 to 71.29 days.  相似文献   

The predaceous neotropical characoid fish Ctenolucius has an essentially homodont dentition, the number of teeth increasing linearly with age. The basic manner of tooth replacement suggests that Ctenolucius is a primitive characoid. Tooth replacement continues throughout life and is similar to that of tetrapods, involving replacement waves which pass from the back to the front of the jaws. The waves containing the greatest number of teeth are found just anterior to the middle of the jaws. In the upper jaw the increase in the number of teeth is restricted to the anterior portion (premaxillary) whereas the number on the posterior part (maxillary) remains constant. In specimens measuring from 68–230 mm in standard length the posterior portion of the upper jaw doubles in length whereas the anterior portion triples. It is suggested that the area immediately anterior to the middle of the jaw, where replacement waves are longest, is where most of the increase in tooth numbers occurs. During growth of the teeth the absolute height is always greater than the absolute width as the shape changes. The final shape of the recurved conical teeth is determined only in the last stages of tooth formation when the main axis of growth abruptly changes.  相似文献   

A study using eight rapidly growing young green iguanas (Iguana iguana; initial mean weight 68.0 ± 3.8 gm) examined the changes in the wave replacement of teeth, the increased size of the teeth, and the posterior migration of tooth positions over a period of 16 weeks. The teeth increase in width as the lizards grow. The tooth positions shifted posteriorly, providing adequate space for the larger replacement teeth. These observations suggest that the wave replacement of teeth allows for growth of the dentition in length and height adequate to maintain tooth size in proportion to the overall size of the individual.  相似文献   

Thulborn (1978, Leihaia II ) suggests that ornithischian dinosaurs of the upper Stormberg Series (Late Triassic-Early Jurassic) of southern Africa underwent aestivation during an annual dry season. His argument, based on an interpretation of tooth function and replacement in heterodontosaurids, is: (1) unequivocal evidence of tooth replacement is not seen, and (2) piecemeal replacement of the dentition would be incompatible with maintenance of a fore-aft grinding function of the teeth; therefore, the entire dentition must have been rapidly replaced as a unit during periods of non-feeding, i.e. during aestivation. However, study of tooth wear patterns in Lanasaurus, Lycorhinus , and Heterodontosaurus show that jaw movements during mastication were orthal (open-and-close) and lateral to medial, not forwards and backwards. Differences in degree of tooth wear would not interfere with masticatory movements. Patterns of differential wear indicate that tooth replacement was not periodic but continuous, as in other reptiles. Zahnreihen , with a Z-spacing of about 3.0, are recognizable. Replacement ceased in mature individuals. The dentition shows adaptations for prolonging its effective life despite heavy wear. Differential tooth wear is incompatible with the idea of replacement of the entire dentition as a unit during an hypothesized period of aestivation. Thulborn's suggestion of aestivation in fabrosaurid ornithischians is also shown to be unlikely.  相似文献   

The dissected tooth bearing bones of 20 specimens of Amia calva (Pisces:Holostei) ranging from the third to tenth season have been examined radiographically and in alizarin red S stained and cleared specimens. Although forms of alternate (1:1) tooth series replacement (sensu Edmund, '60) were frequently observed, even in the youngest, immature specimens, many examples of irregular replacement were recorded. In several bones, the maxillae in particular, series with every third (2:1) or fourth (3:1) tooth replacing were seen and possible patterns of 2:2, were recorded. It is concluded that these data are not consistent with the Zahnreihen concept but support a morphogenic field concept of tooth development.  相似文献   

Monogamy is relatively rarely reported in taxa other than birds. The reproductive system of many lizard species appears to involve multiple mating partners for both the male and the female. However, short-term monogamous relationships have been reported in some lizard species, either where the male defends a territory that is only occupied by a single adult female, or where males stay with females for a period of time after mating, apparently to guard against rival males. There are a few reported cases of more prolonged monogamous relationships in lizards, with the Australian sleepy lizard, Tiliqua rugosa, the best studied example. Adult males and females of this species form monogamous pairs for an extended period before mating each spring, and they select the same partner in successive years. The paper reviews possible functions of monogamy in this and other lizard species, and suggests that the additional perspective from studying lizards may enrich our overall understanding of monogamous behaviour.  相似文献   

The present paper describes the pattern of tooth replacement in the upper jaw of two size ranges of rainbow trout (standard lengths 12-15 cm and 20-23 cm) as determined from wax impressions of the dentitions taken twice weekly on anaesthetised fish. There was considerable variation in the nature of replacement waves (lines constructed on dental charts linking eruption times of alternate teeth) between fish for both the premaxillary/maxillary and vomerine/palatine rows. The wave patterns obtained showed the same consistency of form for any one animal which is to be expected when consecutive generations show constant or proportionately changing life spans. Data relating to the life span of the teeth is given. The results are compared with those derived for the lower jaw and the significance of wave form discussed.  相似文献   

Nakahara T  Ide Y 《Human cell》2007,20(3):63-70
Experiments with animal models have shown that the tooth crown structure can be regenerated using tissue engineering techniques that combine tooth bud cells and biodegradable materials, or by using embryonic tissue and adult stem cells. Moreover, tooth roots and periodontal tissues have been reconstructed by grafting dental stem cells, which leads to the recovery of tooth function, suggesting that tooth regeneration will become possible in humans in the near future. The present article reviews current research on tooth regeneration, discusses a model of tooth replacement that could be used clinically, and proposes a new tooth regeneration approach that overcomes the difficulties associated with the tooth replacement model. Tooth regeneration is an important stepping stone in the establishment of engineered organ transplantation, which is one of the ultimate goals of regenerative therapies.  相似文献   

Ichthyosaurs, an extinct group of Mesozoic marine diapsids, show a relatively small range of tooth crown morphologies. With few exceptions, members of the group bear a large number of conical teeth and show only minor heterodonty within a jaw. This uniformity in gross morphology masks a high degree of variation in both the quantity and arrangement of the mineralized tooth tissues. Here, we describe tooth tissue structure and distribution in derived ichthyosaurs. We synthesize these new observations with the historical literature, to map changes in the quantity and arrangement of tooth tissues. These changes affected tooth attachment, tooth replacement, plicidentine morphology, and the amount and distribution of cellular cementum. The amount of variation detected in features relating to ichthyosaurian dentition is not surprising given the geological longevity and morphological disparity of the group, but does emphasize the importance of extensive taxon sampling in studies of tooth histology and evolution. This study is important in that it incorporates morphological and histological information in a phylogenetic and developmental context, something that is rarely done for marine reptile dentitions.  相似文献   

Previous studies on tooth replacement in lower vertebrates have been plagued by a lack of common integrative approaches and methods, making it impossible to furnish a phylogenetic synthesis. This study is based on serial sections of the jaw of Prionurus microlepidotus. Each Toothgerm was characterized by its developmental stage and its position in the jaw. The relationship between the developmental stage of toothgerm and position in the jaw has been studied and expressed in several graphical illustrations. The following conclusions have been made: (1) The initiation of toothgerms in P. microlepidotus is governed by two Zahnreihen, which respectively initiate toothgerms on the lingual and labial side of the functioning teeth in an alternating pattern. (2) Therefore, functioning teeth in one locus are supplied by the alternate eruption of lingual and labial toothgerms. (3) Advancing of tooth replacement in each locus is independent of functioning teeth and their successors in adjacent loci. (4) The disorders of replacement patterns are caused by an alternated rate of eruption of successive toothgerms as a response to unusual shedding of the functioning teeth.  相似文献   

Tooth replacement in piranhas is unusual: all teeth on one side of the head are lost as a unit, then replaced simultaneously. We used histology and microCT to examine tooth‐replacement modes across carnivorous piranhas and their herbivorous pacu cousins (Serrasalmidae) and then mapped replacement patterns onto a molecular phylogeny. Pacu teeth develop and are replaced in a manner like piranhas. For serrasalmids, unilateral tooth replacement is not an “all or nothing” phenomenon; we demonstrate that both sides of the jaws have developing tooth rows within them, albeit with one side more mineralized than the other. All serrasalmids (except one) share unilateral tooth replacement, so this is not an adaptation for carnivory. All serrasalmids have interlocking teeth; piranhas interdigitate lateral tooth cusps with adjacent teeth, forming a singular saw‐like blade, whereas lateral cusps in pacus clasp together. For serrasalmids to have an interlocking dentition, their teeth need to develop and erupt at the same time. We propose that interlocking mechanisms prevent tooth loss and ensure continued functionality of the feeding apparatus. Serrasalmid dentitions are ubiquitously heterodont, having incisiform and molariform dentitions reminiscent of mammals. Finally, we propose that simultaneous tooth replacement be considered as a synapomorphy for the family.  相似文献   

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