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We isolated and characterized 10 polymorphic microsatellite loci for the mustached and cotton‐top tamarin (Saguinus mystax and S. oedipus) and also tested their applicability in other New World monkey genera. Six loci proved to be variable in Cebus apella and Saimiri sciureus/S. boliviensis, respectively. We also show that faeces‐derived DNA is suitable for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analyses of a primate taxon that gives birth to twins with individuals exhibiting a haematopoetic chimaerism. The microsatellite fingerprint patterns do not display a complex mixture of the PCR‐products derived from the alleles of both dizygotic twins, but exhibit the constitutive alleles of one sibling only.  相似文献   

The hypothesis tested was that Saguinus oedipus oedipus females housed with adult males would mature, sexually, at an earlier age than females remaining in their natal family groups. Six females were housed with strange, unrelated males. Five females remained in their natal groups. Blood samples were taken twice weekly, and the plasma was assayed for progesterone. Sexual maturation was operationally defined as that age at which plasma progesterone levels became consistently detectable. Females housing with males did mature at an earlier age than females remaining in their natal groups. In addition, it was noted that the presence or absence of a healthy, reproductive mother in the natal group was not related to the daughter's maturation age. However, whether the natal group, as a whole, inhibited maturation of young females, or an unrelated male accelerated maturation, or both, remains unknown.  相似文献   

Two hundred UK zoo visitors were asked about their attitudes regarding the feeding of live prey to zoo animals. All visitors agreed with live insects being fed to lizards, providing it was done off-exhibit, and only 4% objected if done on-exhibit. Seventy-two percent of visitors agreed with live fish being fed to penguins on-exhibit and 84.5% agreed to feeding live fish off-exhibit. However, only 32% agreed to a live rabbit being fed to a cheetah on exhibit, whereas 62.5% agreed to this if done off-exhibit. In general we found female interviewees more likely to object to the feeding of live vertebrate prey. Comments volunteered by interviewees suggested that they agreed with feeding live vertebrate prey because ‘it is natural’. If they objected, it was because ‘it would upset them or their children’. Zoo Biol 16:343–347, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We investigated the development of food transfer and independent feeding in cotton-top tamarin (Saguinus oedipus) families. We studied the relationship between infant-directed vocalizations and food transfers on the development of independent feeding in infants. We experimentally tested ten infants (eight twins and two singletons) three times a week for 17 weeks from before weaning through 20 weeks. Food transfers and vocalizations made during tests were recorded and analyzed to determine (1) the role of vocalizations (C- and D- chirps and D-chirp series) in food acquisition, (2) the relationship between food transfers and individual food acquisition, and (3) whether, owing to energetic costs of nursing and carrying twins, food is transferred to twins sooner than to singletons. Infants were more successful in acquiring food via begging when adults produced repeated vocalizations than when adults did not vocalize. Adults emitted more food-related vocalizations in rapid series when in the presence of infants, whereas during feeding in the absence of infants only single unit vocalizations were produced. Begging occurred frequently. Changes over infant age were not significant when all infants were included in analysis. However, when twin data were analyzed alone, begging success changed significantly over months, with successful begging peaking in month 3 (week 12). Begging success rate did not differ between twins and singletons, although twins fed independently sooner and at a higher rate than did singletons.  相似文献   

The survival rate for offspring of mothers who either had or did not have previous experience rearing younger siblings was compared in two callitrichid species, Callithrix jacchus and Saguinus oedipus. Offspring of mothers with sibling-rearing experience had a higher survival percentage than offspring of inexperienced mothers in both species. While 50–60% of offspring of inexperienced C. jacchus mothers survived, no offspring of inexperienced S. oedipus mothers survived. The results suggest that sibling-rearing experience is necessary for adequate maternal behavior in S. oedipus, but not necessary to the development of maternal behavior in C. jacchus. Effects of previous sibling-rearing experience of S. oedipus fathers on offspring survival were also examined. Whether the father had rearing experience was not related to the survival of their offspring.  相似文献   

Hematologic reference values have been established for captive adult cotton-top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus oedipus) by carrying out full blood counts and fibrinogen estimation on 43 clinically normal animals. Females were shown to have significantly lower hemoglobin levels, red cell counts and packed cell volumes, and higher reticulocyte counts than males. The reference values were used to identify abnormal changes in the blood of 13 clinical cases. Marked neutrophilia was found in animals with localized bacterial infections, and a degenerative left shift was recorded in an individual with streptococcal septicemia. Three cases of unexplained progressive muscle wasting showed Heinz body anemia and abnormal white cell changes. These hematologic responses have been compared where possible with those recorded in other species of Callithricidae.  相似文献   

Conservation education programs are listed as priority actions for almost every threatened species on the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List. Zoos play an important role in delivering such programs, yet evidence of zoo education in many non-western countries is limited. Here, we evaluate animal identification signage prevalence and quality at zoo exhibits and investigate whether animal welfare, zoo type (accredited, government, and private), admission fee, zoo size, and proximity to urban centers are influencing factors. We used hornbills (Bucerotidae) as a model taxon, surveyed hornbill signage, and conducted welfare assessments of hornbill exhibits. We developed scoring frameworks and applied content analysis to analyze signage quality. Our results show that out of 18 zoos that displayed hornbills, 15 had hornbill signage. However, of the 106 hornbill exhibits in these zoos, 33% had no signage. We also found that signage presence or absence at individual zoos and signage quality is strongly correlated with animal welfare quality. Zoo type is a key factor in predicting signage and welfare quality, with accredited zoos scoring highest for both signage and welfare, followed by government and private zoos. Private zoos charged higher admission than other zoo types, and zoo size and proximity to urban centers did not influence signage or welfare scores. Overall, we conclude that in our study, signage usage and quality are inadequate, highlighting the importance of compliance with robust zoo standards to improve education and welfare within zoos to support global conservation goals.  相似文献   

Abstract: A rare case of bilateral adrenal myelolipomas in a female cotton-top tamarin is reported. Large bilateral masses in the adrenal glands were composed of mature adipose cells containing varying amounts of hematopoietic cells of the myeloid, erythroid, and megakaryocyte series. The gross and histologic features of this case closely resemble human “giant” adrenal myelolipomas.  相似文献   

Tamarins are small New World monkeys that have been described as "squirrellike." Squirrels, along with bats and birds, are the taxa most likely to utilize resources similar to those used by primates in the tropical forest canopy. In this paper we compare differences in ecology, diet, locomotion, and habitat utilization between sympatric populations of tamarins (Saguinus oedipus) and tree squirrels (Sciurus granatensis) in Panama. Data presented indicate that although there is some degree of resource overlap, patterns of habitat utilization differ significantly. Rather than being "squirrellike," the Panamanian tamarin exhibits a pattern of locomotor and feeding behavior consistent with that found in other arboreal primates.  相似文献   

Stereotyped behavior is the uniform repetition of a motor pattern that occurs at a higher frequency than considered typical for a species when observed in a natural environment. Stereotypies may be considered atypical behavior and usually indicate that an animal's psychological welfare is at a suboptimal level. Instantaneous scans at 30-sec intervals during 20-min observation periods were conducted on eight primate species at the St. Louis Zoo to determine frequency of occurrence of stereotyped behavior. Results indicated that many biotic and abiotic factors were related to the frequency of stereotyped behavior by captive primates, although rearing method was more important than present environmental conditions. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

From field data collected in the Amazon Basin of northeastern Peru, I present evidence that moustached (Saguinus mystax) and saddle-back (Saguinus fuscicollis) tamarins maintain detailed knowledge of the distribution and location of many tree species in their home range. During the wet season months of October through December 1984, fruits and exudates from 20 tree species and over 150 individual trees accounted for 75% of plant feeding time. These trees exhibited a patchy distribution; mean nearest-neighbor distances between trees of the same species averaged 148 meters. Moustached and saddle-back tamarins visited an average of 13 trees per day, concentrating their feeding efforts on 4–11 individual trees from a small number of target species. In 70% of all cases the nearest tree of a given species was selected as the next feeding site. Movement between these sites was characterized by relatively straight-line travel. It is argued that S. mystax and S. fuscicollis offset the patchiness component of the fruit and exudate part of their diet through goal-directed foraging and an ability to compare accurately the distances and directions from their present location to a large number of potential feeding trees.  相似文献   

Marmosets and tamarins have a communal rearing system in which all group members help to care for the twin infants characteristic of this family of primates. Helpers are likely to incur time and energy costs by contributing to infant care. Predictions that cotton-top tamarin (Saguinus oedipus) helpers would change their behavior when carrying infants because of reduced mobility and/or a need for increased vigilance were tested in a captive colony. Tamarins carrying an infant spent significantly less time feeding, foraging, moving, or engaging in social activities such as grooming than they did when not carrying. Frequencies of scratching, autogrooming, and scent marking were significantly reduced in carriers, suggesting that their mobility was reduced. However, carriers were significantly less likely to be vigilant (measured by direction of gaze) than when not carrying. Further observations showed that carriers spent more time in concealed areas than they did when not carrying and were probably therefore adopting a cryptic strategy to reduce predation risks to themselves and to infants. These results demonstrate that tamarin helpers pay costs by carrying infants. Some possible compensating benefits are indicated.  相似文献   

We report the results of an experiment designed to investigate whether captive cotton-top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus) selectively call back to an absent cagemate. We removed 2 individuals living in separate cages (cycling through the colony so that each individual was removed 10 times) from the homeroom and played back calls produced by one of them. The caller's cagemate, residing in the homeroom, was more likely to be the first individual to call back antiphonally than any other individual in the colony was. In support of previous work using both habituation-discrimination and phonotaxic techniques, our results show that cotton-top tamarins can recognize cagemates and possibly individuals by voice alone, and that the antiphonal playback method provides yet another tool for investigating acoustic perception in nonhuman primates.  相似文献   

Six years of necropsy records from a zoo colony of four tamarin species (Saguinus oedipus, S. geoffroyi, S. imperator, and S. mystax) were examined. Mean age at death was 4.0 years, average length in the colony at time of death was 3.4 years. Annual mortality rate varied between 9 and 30%. Gross necropsy findings, histopathologic, and bacteriological results indicate primary cause of death as follows: peritonitis (26%), septicemia (14%), nephritis (5%), hepatitis (5%), pneumonia (2%), and others.  相似文献   

The aim of this investigation was to study the welfare of 3 captive groups of cotton-top tamarins housed in different zoological parks. Ethological observations were conducted during 1 year. In addition, fecal samples were collected and the concentrations of glucocorticoids, androgens, and progestogens were measured. Within each group, no significant differences in fecal cortisol concentrations were found between subjects. The fecal concentrations of testosterone and progesterone significantly differed depending on the sexes and ages of the tamarins. A significant association was found among hormone concentrations, exhibit dimensions, and group composition. A highly significant correlation was found between all hormones considered and the space available for each subject. Significant differences in behavioral patterns were observed among groups, including social–individual, affiliative–aggressive, and anogenital–suprapubic scent marking. Correlations between hormone measurements and behaviors were detected. In conclusion, this study confirmed the associations between some behaviors exhibited by these nonhuman primates and both cortisol and testosterone; these data also highlight the role played by progesterone in these behaviors.  相似文献   

The Callitrichidae (marmosets and tamarins) typically give birth to twins, and infant care is shared by all group members. The potential benefits to callitrichids of having helpers were investigated in a study of 21 captive cotton-top tamarin (Saguinus oedipus) infants, living in groups with two to 12 older members. Time carried and suckled and amount of food received from other family members were recorded for each infant during the first 12 weeks of life. The results showed that infants in larger groups were carried more and received more food than those in smaller groups. Twin infants in larger families were less likely to be on the same carrier. Singleton infants were carried more than twins but did not receive more food. On average, individual caretakers in larger groups carried less and shared less food with infants than those in smaller groups. When parental contributions to care were analyzed, no effects of group size were found on mothers' contributions to carrying or food sharing, but fathers in larger groups both carried infants less and shared less food with them. There appear to be several benefits of a communal rearing system to cotton-top tamarins. 1) Infants may receive more care in larger families, thus increasing their chances of survival. 2) The burden of care is spread over several animals, reducing the costs to a given individual. 3) The parents, particularly fathers, may benefit most from reducing the costs of investing in the present litter and increasing their ability to invest in future litters.  相似文献   

In summer 2007, with the help of a written questionnaire, the attitudes of more than 400 visitors to the zoological garden of Zurich, Switzerland, toward the idea of feeding live insects to lizards, live fish to otters, and live rabbits to tigers were investigated. The majority of Swiss zoo visitors agreed with the idea of feeding live prey (invertebrates and vertebrates) to zoo animals, both off‐ and on‐exhibit, except in the case of feeding live rabbits to tigers on‐exhibit. Women and frequent visitors of the zoo disagreed more often with the on‐exhibit feeding of live rabbits to tigers. Study participants with a higher level of education were more likely to agree with the idea of feeding live invertebrates and vertebrates to zoo animals off‐exhibit. In comparison to an earlier study undertaken in Scotland, zoo visitors in Switzerland were more often in favor of the live feeding of vertebrates. Feeding live prey can counter the loss of hunting skills of carnivores and improve the animals' well‐being. However, feeding enrichments have to strike a balance between optimal living conditions of animals and the quality of visitor experience. Our results show that such a balance can be found, especially when live feeding of mammals is carried out off‐exhibit. A good interpretation of food enrichment might help zoos to win more support for the issue, and for re‐introduction programs and conservation. Zoo Biol 29:344–350, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Postoccupancy evaluation (POE) was used to assess newly constructed zoo exhibits from the perspective of three user groups: zoo staff, zoo visitors, and the animals. Staff represents a generally understudied user group in zoo-based POEs. We asked staff to rate the animals' space, the visitors' space, and the staff's space at previous and new exhibits. We also compared zoo visitors' ratings of the animals' behavior and environments, overall exhibit impressions, and the time visitors spent viewing previous and new exhibits. Lastly, we compared activity and space use of a Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis), two red pandas (Ailurus fulgens), and one rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis) in their previous and new exhibits. Staff rated animal, visitor, and staff areas higher at the new exhibits compared to the previous exhibits. Visitors also rated several factors higher and spent more time at the new exhibits. The most naturalistic exhibit received the most favorable ratings in all categories and animal activity increased visitor stay time. We found that red pandas were less active in their new exhibit, and the Komodo dragon and rhino showed no difference in activity. The red pandas and the Komodo dragon used more available space in their new exhibits; however, we recommend using Electivity index to examine resource preferences for these species, whose enclosure use has been less studied than large mammals. We emphasize the importance of including staff in zoo-based POE, make other recommendations for future POE studies, and discuss various factors that could have influenced our results.  相似文献   

Infant‐carrying behavior among callitrichids seems to be a costly activity. Costs have been related to the physical efforts of carrying the weight of very heavy infants and to the resulting reduction in foraging efficiency. However, the costs of carrying in terms of the physical consequences for carriers have not previously been assessed. In this study, we have regarded weight loss in infant carriers as a measure of costs. We studied five families of cotton‐top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus) during the first 9 weeks following the birth of infants. Captive‐breeding conditions were required so that body weight could be measured frequently. To avoid inflicting undue stress on the subject animals, we used a noninvasive method for weighing the tamarins. Differences in carrying contribution were found amongst fathers and male and female helpers, with female helpers contributing less. We have found that carrying infants in the cotton‐top tamarins is an activity that produces a weight loss. Fathers and male helpers go through a maximal body weight loss. While carrying, the tamarins also decrease food intake. However, no relationship was found between contribution to carrying and feeding time or in energetic intake during feeding observations. Thus, it seems that a direct relation doesn't exist between the observations of feeding and weight loss. Fathers increase their contribution to carrying during mothers' periovulatory periods. In this period, male helpers and especially fathers go through a maximal body weight loss. We found body weight losses of up to 11.3% in one subadult male and 9.1percnt; in a father during the fifth week. No changes occurred in food intake in fathers or other male helpers during this period. During periovulatory periods, mothers carried less frequently but did increase their food intake. They gained weight from the second week after birth onward, especially during the periovulatory period. It seems that the infant‐carrying behavior of fathers and male helpers may contribute to the improvement of the mothers' physical condition after birth and therefore may support a consecutive pregnancy. Am. J. Primatol. 48:99–111, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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