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We investigated the heat tolerance of adults of three replicated lines of Drosophila melanogaster that have been evolving independently by laboratory natural selection for 15 yr at “nonextreme” temperatures (18°C, 25°C, or 28°C). These lines are known to have diverged in body size and in the thermal dependence of several life-history traits. Here we show that they differ also in tolerance of extreme high temperature as well as in induced thermotolerance (“heat hardening”). For example, the 28°C flies had the highest probability of surviving a heat shock, whereas the 18°C flies generally had the lowest probability. A short heat pretreatment increased the heat tolerance of the 18°C and 25°C lines, and the threshold temperature necessary to induce thermotolerance was lower for the 18°C line than for the 25°C line. However, neither heat pretreatment nor acclimation to different temperatures influenced heat tolerance of the 28°C line, suggesting the loss of capacity for induced thermotolerance and for acclimation. Thus, patterns of tolerance of extreme heat, of acclimation, and of induced thermotolerance have evolved as correlated responses to natural selection at nonextreme temperatures. A genetic analysis of heat tolerance of a representative replicate population each from the 18°C and 28°C lines indicates that chromosomes 1, 2, and 3 have significant effects on heat tolerance. However, the cytoplasm has little influence, contrary to findings in an earlier study of other stocks that had been evolving for 7 yr at 14°C versus 25°C. Because genes for heat stress proteins (hsps) are concentrated on chromosome 3, the potential role of hsps in the heat tolerance and of induced thermotolerance in these naturally selected lines is currently unclear. In any case, species of Drosophila possess considerable genetic variation in thermal sensitivity and thus have the potential to evolve rapidly in response to climate change; but predicting that response may be difficult.  相似文献   

Although Hsp70, the principal inducible heat-shock protein of Drosophila melanogaster, has received intense scrutiny in laboratory strains, its variation within natural populations and the consequences of such variation for thermotolerance are unknown. We have characterized variation in first-instar larvae of 20 isofemale lines isolated from a single natural population of D. melanogaster, in which larvae are prone to thermal stress in nature. Hsp70 expression varied more than twofold among lines after induction by exposure to 36°C for one hour, with an estimated proportion of the variation due to genetic differences of 0.24 ± 0.08. Thermotolerance with and without a Hsp70-inducing pretreatment, survival at 25°C, and developmental time also varied significantly. As expected, expression of Hsp70 correlated positively with larval thermotolerance. By contrast, lines in which larval survival was high in the absence of heat stress showed lower than average Hsp70 expression and lower than average inducible thermotolerance. This conditional performance suggests an evolutionary trade-off between thermotolerance and the ability to produce higher concentrations of Hsp70, and survival in a benign environment.  相似文献   

This paper describes the effect of weak microwave fields on the amounts of heat-shock proteins in cell cultures at various temperatures.

The field was generated by signal simulation of the Global System for Mobile communications (GSM) of 960 Mhz, used in portable phones. Transformed human epithelial amnion (AMA) cells, growing on glass coverslips, were exposed in a transverse electromagnetic (TEM) cell to a microwave field, generating a specific absorption rate (SAR) of 2.1 mW.kg?1 in the cells. Exposure temperatures were 35, 37, and 40 ± 0.1°C, respectively, and the exposure time was 20 min.

The heat-shock proteins Hsp-70 and Hsp-27 were detected by immuno-fluorescence. Higher amounts of Hsp-70 were present in the cells exposed at 35 and 37°C than in the sham-exposed cells.

These effects can be considered to be athermal, since the field strength was much lower than the safety standard for absence of heat generation by microwave fields.

There was no significant response in the case of Hsp-27.  相似文献   


LEA蛋白是与植物抗逆反应相关的一类重要蛋白质,可以在发育的植物胚胎、处于干旱、寒冷、盐胁迫的植物组织中高水平表达。LEA蛋白最早发现于棉花子叶中,随后也在其他高等植物、藻类、真菌、蓝藻以及线虫中被发现。LEA蛋白代表一个庞大的基因家族,早期是根据  相似文献   

氧化胁迫对水稻幼苗抗冷力的影响   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
利用H2O2和甲基紫精(MV)对水稻幼苗作三种不同程度的氧化胁迫预处理。结果表明:轻度氧化胁迫预处理(10umol/LH2O2或10umol/LMV处理4h)提高了水稻幼苗的抗冷力,严重氧化胁迫预处理(10umol/LH2O2或10umol/LMV分别处理16h和40h)则削弱水稻幼苗的抗冷力。氧化胁迫预处理刺激了水稻幼苗叶片抗氧化酶(SOD,CAT,POX和APX)的活性。经冷胁迫后,不同预处理苗的叶片抗氧化酶活性、膜脂过氧化和膜结构的变化趋势不同:轻度氧化胁迫预处理使幼苗仍保持较高的抗氧化酶活性,减轻了由冷胁迫引起的膜脂过氧化和细胞膜的渗漏程度,而严重氧化胁迫预处理则相反。因此,水稻幼苗对氧化胁迫感知并作出反应的机制(氧化应激机制)在水稻幼苗对低温反应和适应过程中起着很重要的调节作用。  相似文献   

1. When myosin is exposed to a typical denaturing agent (acid) it becomes insoluble and its SH groups are activated. 2. The same number of active SH groups is found in the soluble myosin of resting muscle as in the insoluble myosin of muscle in rigor. No activation of SH groups accompanies the formation of insoluble protein in rigor. 3. When the insoluble myosin of muscle in rigor is treated with a denaturing agent its SH groups are activated. 4. Protein coagulation as brought about by denaturing agents (heat, acid, alkali, alcohol, urea, salicylate, surface forces, ultraviolet light) is a distinctly different change from the coagulation of myosin brought about by the unknown agent in muscle.  相似文献   

Analysis of the experimental titration curves shows that gelatin contains acid groups with dissociation indices at pH 2.9 to 3.5 corresponding quantitatively with the content in dicarboxylic amino acids; and that the acidic group at pH 9.4 in egg albumin agrees with the amount of tyrosine. The amounts of histidine and lysine present in both these proteins agree quantitatively with basic groups at pH 6.1 and pH 10.4 to 10.6, respectively. However, the quantity of the arginine group (pH 8.1) in these proteins is considerably less than the amount of arginine found on hydrolysis. This deficiency is compensated (quantitatively with gelatin and approximately with egg albumin) by a basic group at pH 4.6. The structure of this "4.6 group" should be similar to aniline and cytosine in consisting of an amino group on a conjugated unsaturated (perhaps cyclic) system. It would appear that the 4.6 group is disrupted on hydrolysis, producing arginine, and may be referred to as "prearginine." The presence of prearginine in proteins, instead of the full amount of arginine, has an important effect on the properties. Otherwise the isoelectric point of gelatin would be 8.0 (instead of 4.7) and of egg albumin 6.6 (instead of 4.8), and the titration curves would be quite different in shape between pH 4 and 10. Deamination of gelatin produces no decrease in prearginine, arginine, or histidine groups, but removes nearly all of the lysine group.  相似文献   

对近年来植物对水分胁迫(包括干旱、盐害和低温)响应的分子机制的研究进展以及水分胁迫中诱导的植物基因产物的种类、功能及其相关的基因工程作一简要的综述,同时对今后的研究方向提出了一些看法。  相似文献   

盐胁迫下外源ABA对玉米幼苗耐盐性的影响   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
利用不同浓度外源ABA 可以提高生长在盐渍条件下玉米(Zea m ays L.)幼苗的耐盐能力,增加幼苗的干重。其原因是由于幼苗渗透势的降低和渗透调节能力的增大,地上部分拒盐能力的提高,摄取的大量Na+ 积累在根部。同时发现外源ABA 增大幼苗渗透势和渗透调节能力是幼苗有机渗透物质增加的结果。讨论了玉米地上部分拒盐的机理  相似文献   

Whittingham , W. F. (U. Wisconsin, Madison.) The inheritance of acenaphthene tolerance in Neurospora sitophila . Amer. Jour. Bot. 49(8): 866–869. 1962.— Acenaphthene-tolerant strains of N. sitophila, a species that normally does not grow in the presence of the fungistatic hydrocarbon, were isolated. The growth rates of the tolerant strains were less than those exhibited by the parental cultures, especially when acenaphthene was present in the medium. However, the tolerant character was stable for at least 5 generations and apparently resulted from a single-gene mutation as judged from mating experiments.  相似文献   

  1. Soluble proteins prepared from non-vernalized and vernalizedwheat embryos were investigated by means of column chromatographyand disc electrophoresis. As vernalization proceeded, new proteinswere detectable as the fastest moving electrophoretic bandsor as the new peaks which were eluted with 0.025 M and 0.05M phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) from DEAE-cellulose. Plumule wasfound to be the part of embryo in which these proteins appear.After vernalization, protein pattern of winter wheat embryowas very similar to that of spring wheat embryo.
  2. Histoneswere prepared from non-vernalized and vernalized wheatembryosand their chromatographic patterns were investigated.Winterwheat embryo showed more complicated pattern than didspringwheat embryo. Upon vernalization, histone pattern ofwinterwheat embryo became less complicated and similar to thatofspring wheat embryo.
(Received October 4, 1966; )  相似文献   

—Axonal transport of proteins in the hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system of the rat was studied after a local injection of [35S]cysteine in the region of the supraoptic nucleus. The migration of labelled proteins was followed by measuring the specific radioactivity of the proteins in various parts of the hypothalamo-neurohypophysial tract. Between 2 and 4 h after the isotope injection there was a sharp increase in the protein-bound specific radioactivity of the posterior pituitary lobe, demonstrating that a transport of 35S-labelled proteins had occurred from the supraoptic nucleus to the neurohypophysis. The rate of the transport was 2-3 mm/h. During the first 24 h after the injection a continuous accumulation of labelled material occurred in the neural lobe. Considerable radioactivity could still be recovered 6 days after the isotope injection. Fractionation of the neurohypophysial proteins by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed that approximately 90 per cent of the radioactivity of the soluble proteins was recovered in a single protein fraction. Labelling of this fraction was not observed until 2 h after isotope injection. The radioactivity increased markedly up to 4 h. It is suggested that this protein component is involved in the neurohypophysial response to osmotic stress since the protein disappeared from the posterior lobe upon dehydration of the rat.  相似文献   

以2002年4月份的Culled Protein Data Bank数据库中的639条蛋白质多肽链为研究对象,统计分析了其含有的584条二硫键的形成特征,发现半胱氨酸氧化还原状态表现出明显的协同性现象:含有二硫键的蛋白质中几乎所有的半胱氨酸都以氧化态形式存在。这一协同性可以通过蛋白质全局水平上的20种氨基酸组分的百分含量很好地加以说明,由此来预测半胱氨酸的氧化还原状态准确率最高可达84.5%。结果表明半胱氨酸是否形成二硫键主要取决于蛋白质全局的而非局部的结构信息。  相似文献   

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