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Mutations of the tyrosinase gene are responsible for type I (tyrosinase-related) oculocutaneous albinism (OCA), an autosomal recessive genetic syndrome with a broad phenotypic spectrum. Mutant tyrosinase alleles can be associated with no melanin synthesis (I-A, tyrosinase-negative OCA), small to moderate amounts of melanin (I-B, yellow OCA) or unusual pigment patterns (I-TS, temperature-sensitive OCA). A total of 26 mutations of this gene have been described in type I OCA. Analysis of all known missense mutations (n = 17) shows that most cluster in three areas of the coding region. Two clusters involve the copper A or copper B binding sites and may disrupt the metal ion-protein interaction necessary for enzyme function and the third cluster is located in exon I. Computer modeling of the secondary structure of the copper binding regions based on homology with the known crystal structure of hemocyanin show that they both consist of two a helicies containing three histidine ligands that complex to a single copper atom. Mutations in the copper B binding region lie in the region between the two a helices that consists of a loop structure. These mutations may affect tyrosinase activity by either altering the position of the a helical domains and thus preventing proper copper binding to the histidine ligands, or affecting a catalytic or substrate binding site located between the two a helical domains.  相似文献   

Three mutant alleles (i1, i4, and i5) of the tyrosinase gene in the i locus of the medaka fish Oryzias latipes have hitherto been described, all being associated with transposable element insertion. We have recently identified another allele causing a complete albino phenotype in homozygous carriers and named it i6. Sequence comparison between the tyrosinase gene for the i6 allele (Tyr-i6) and the wild-type gene previously obtained (Tyr-i +) revealed three deletions of 8, 44, and 245 bp. The first two deletions reside in an intron and are differences in the number of tandem tetranucleotide repeats that are polymorphic even among wild-type genes, and, thus, not likely to be responsible for the i6 albino phenotype. The largest deletion spans over the last 180 bp of the second intron and the first 65 bp of the third exon. Because of this deletion, the Tyr-i6 gene lacks the branch point sequence and the acceptor site for the second intron, both being considered to be necessary for normal RNA splicing. Therefore, the 245-bp deletion is likely to be responsible for the albino phenotype. With a mutant gene of this type, unlike ones bearing transposable element insertions, the possibility of reversion mutations to the wild-type would be negligible. Therefore, fish having the ie/i6 genotype should serve as superior recipients for the tyrosinase gene in rescue experiments.  相似文献   

Research on human albinism has been central to many of the major discoveries in human genetics. These include the first evidence that Mendel's rules of genetic segregation apply to humans, first published in 1903. Contrary to initial thought that albinism is caused by mutations in a single gene, we now know that the genetics of albinism are complex. The complexity of albinism was hinted at, in early publications, but has only recently been fully appreciated with the advent of molecular techniques. Currently, 12 different genes have been identified, that when mutated, result in a different type of albinism. Oculocutaneous albinism type 1 (OCA1), resulting from mutations of the tyrosinase gene, is genetically and biochemically the best understood type of albinism. Though much of the research in albinism has involved OCA1, there are many unanswered questions about OCA1 and albinism, in general. The next 100 yr should still provide many surprises as did the first 100 yr.  相似文献   

Oculocutaneous albinism (OCA) is a heterogeneous group of autosomal recessive disorders resulting from mutations of the tyrosinase (TYR) gene and presents with either complete or partial absence of pigment in the skin, hair and eyes due to a defect in an enzyme involved in the production of melanin. In this study, mutations in the TYR gene of 30 unrelated Iranian OCA1 patients and 100 healthy individuals were examined using PCR-sequencing. Additionally, in order to predict the possible effects of new mutations on the structure and function of tyrosinase, these mutations were analyzed by SIFT, PolyPhen and I-Mutant 2 software. Here, two new pathogenic p.C89S and p.H180R mutations were detected in two OCA1 patients. Moreover, the R402Q and S192Y variants, which are common non-pathogenic polymorphisms, were detected in 17.5% and 35% of the patients, respectively. The outcome of this study has extended the genotypic spectrum of OCA1 patients, which paves the way for more efficient carrier detection and genetic counseling.  相似文献   

Comparison analysis of the sequences of the mouse and human genomes has proven a powerful approach in identifying functional regulatory elements within the non‐coding regions that are conserved through evolution between homologous mammalian loci. Here, we applied computational analysis to identify regions of homology in the 5′ upstream sequences of the human tyrosinase gene, similar to the locus control region (LCR) of the mouse tyrosinase gene, located at ?15 kb. We detected several stretches of homology within the first 30 kb 5′ tyrosinase gene upstream sequences of both species that include the proximal promoter sequences, the genomic region surrounding the mouse LCR, and further upstream segments. We cloned and sequenced a 5′ upstream regulatory sequence found between ?8 and ?10 kb of the human tyrosinase locus (termed h5′URS) homologous to the mouse LCR sequences, and confirmed the presence of putative binding sites at ?9 kb, homologous to those described in the mouse tyrosinase LCR core. Finally, we functionally validated the presence of a tissue‐specific enhancer in the h5′URS by transient transfection analysis in human and mouse cells, as compared with homologous DNA sequences from the mouse tyrosinase locus. Future experiments in cells and transgenic animals will help us to understand the in vivo relevance of this newly described h5′URS sequence as a potentially important regulatory element for the correct expression of the human tyrosinase gene.  相似文献   

Mutations in the human P gene result in oculocutaneous albinism type 2, the most common form of albinism. Mouse melan‐p1 melanocytes, cultured from mice null at the homologous pink‐eyed dilution (p) locus, exhibit defective melanin production. A variety of compounds including tyrosine, NH4Cl, bafilomycin A1, concanamycin, monensin, and nigericin are capable of restoring melanin synthesis in these cells. In the current study, we investigated the subcellular effects of bafilomycin A1 and monensin treatment of melan‐p1 cells. Both agents play two roles in the processing of tyrosinase (Tyr) in melan‐p1 cells. First, combined glycosidase digestion and immunoblotting analysis showed that these agents reduce levels of Tyr retained in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and facilitate the release of Tyr from the ER to the Golgi. Secondly, treatment with these compounds resulted in the stabilization of Tyr. Surprisingly, induction of melanin synthesis corresponds more closely with diminution of ER‐retained Tyr, rather than the absolute amount of Tyr. Our results suggest that bafilomycin A1 and monensin induce melanin synthesis in melan‐p1 cells mainly by facilitating Tyr processing from the ER to the Golgi by increasing the pH in either the ER or the ER–Golgi intermediate compartment.  相似文献   

Recessive mutations of the mouse p (pink‐eyed dilution) gene lead to hypopigmentation of the eyes, skin, and fur. Mice lacking a functional p protein have pink eyes and light gray fur (if non‐agouti) or cream‐colored fur (if agouti). The human orthologue is the P protein. Humans lacking a functional P protein have oculocutaneous albinism type 2 (OCA2). Melanocytes from p‐deficient mice or OCA2 individuals contain small, minimally pigmented melanosomes. The mouse and human proteins are predicted to have 12 membrane spanning domains and possess significant sequence homology to a number of membrane transport proteins, some of which are involved in the transport of anions. The p protein has been localized to the melanosome membrane. Recently, it has been shown that melanosomes from p protein‐deficient melanocytes have an abnormal pH. Melanosomes in cultured melanocytes derived from wild‐type mice are typically acidic, whereas melanosomes from p protein‐deficient mice are non‐acidic. Melanosomes and related endosome‐derived organelles (i.e., lysosomes) are thought to have an adenosine triphosphate (ATP)‐driven proton pump that helps to generate an acidic lumen. To compensate for the charge of these protons, anions must also be transported to the lumen of the melanosome. In light of these observations, a model of p protein function is presented in which the p protein, together with the ATP‐driven proton pump, regulates the pH of the melanosome.  相似文献   

Tyrosinase is the major enzyme responsible for the formation of melanin pigment and is found throughout the animal kingdom. In humans, the tyrosinase gene (TYR) maps to the long arm of chromosome 11 at band q14→q21, while a tyrosinase related gene (TYRL) maps to the short arm of chromosome 11 at pll.2°Cen. We and others have found that the TYRL locus contains sequences that are similar to exons IV and V of the authentic tyrosinase gene but lacks sequences of exons I, II, and III. In an attempt to understand the evolution of the human tyrosinase gene, we have analyzed TYR and TYRL in primates and have found that exons IV and V of the chimpanzee and gorilla TYR are very similar to the human, with the gorilla sequence being more similar than the chimpanzee. We have also found that the gorilla but not the chimpanzee contains a TYRL locus similar to the human TYRL locus.  相似文献   

目的了解我国眼皮肤白化病(oculocutaneous albinism,OCA)的分型和相关基因突变类型,探讨新突变可能的分子致病机制。方法应用PCR方法扩增TYR基因,经DNA序列测定检出突变,采用错配引物PCR进行新突变的群体筛查,结合生物信息学方法探讨一种新突变的致病性和可能的分子致病机制。结果10名患者中有5人存在2个突变TYR等位基因,共计8种突变类型,其中c.71G〉A(C24Y)和c.841G〉T(E281X)是OCA1A致病性新突变;C24极可能参与二硫键形成,C24Y将导致酪氨酸酶肽链内此二硫键消失,进而引起蛋白空间构象变化和功能异常而致病。结论从基因水平初步了解了我国OCA1所占的比例,探讨了TYR基因C24Y的致病性并初步阐明了其致病的分子机制。本结果丰富了人类TYR基因突变类型,为我国OCA分型诊断、产前基因诊断和遗传咨询等积累了有价值的数据资料。  相似文献   

The sequence of the tyrosinase (Tyr) gene coding tracts has been obtained for the gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla). The five exons of the gene were sequenced in three gorillas and in a normally pigmented human. The tyrosinase gene has been found to be a very conserved locus with a very low substitution rate. Some nucleotide and amino acid differences were found between the gorilla and human tyrosinase coding sequences. One of the gorillas included in the study is the only known case of albinism in a gorilla (‘Snowflake’). Mutations of the TYR gene lead to Oculocutaneous Albinism type 1 (OCA1), the most common type of albinism in humans (OMIM accession number 203100). The TYR gene encodes the tyrosinase enzyme (E.C., whose activity was found to be completely lacking in ‘Snowflake’, indicating that a mutation in the Tyr gene is the likely cause of his albinism. Nonetheless, no nucleotide changes were detected that could account for the lack of Tyr product or tyrosinase activity in Snowflake, and explanations of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Two forms of tyrosinase from B16 mouse melanoma were identified by nonreducing SDS-PAGE after solubilization of crude melanosomal preparations with the nonionic detergent Brij 35. These forms, named LEMT and HEMT (low and high electrophoretic mobility tyrosinase, respectively), were purified by a combination of differential detergent extraction and chromatographic techniques. They displayed tyrosine hydroxylase and dopa oxidase activity and were stereospecific and sensitive to phenylthiourea, proving that they are true tyrosinases. However, based on its kinetic parameters, HEMT is a much more efficient enzyme, Immunoprecipitation and Western blots performed with the specific antibody αPEP1, directed against the b protein carboxyl terminus, suggested that LEMT is identical to the b protein. Both forms of tyrosinase were noncompetitively inhibited by Ca2+ at physiologically relevant concentrations. However, the b protein was apparently more susceptible, since maximal inhibition was reached at lower Ca2+ concentrations for LEMT. Moreover, binding of Ca2+ to the tyrosinases resulted in a noticeable thermal destabilization of the enzymes, which was also more pronounced for LEMT.  相似文献   

The albino (tyrosinase, Tyrc), brown (tyrosinase‐related protein 1, Tyrp1b) and slaty (tyrosinase‐related protein 2, tyrp2slt) loci are all involved in the regulation of melanogenesis. Phenotypes of inbred mice mutant at two or more of these loci are not always explicable by simple summation of the established or suspected catalytic functions of the gene products. These phenotypes suggest that relationships among the proteins extend beyond the obvious fact that they catalyze different steps in the same melanogenic pathway, and that they may also interact intimately in such a way that a mutation in one impacts the function of the other(s). Previous studies have attributed catalytic activities to each member of this trio; however, it has been difficult to study the proteins individually, either in vivo or in tissues or cells. Therefore, we undertook to transfect the genes, in revealing combinations, into COS‐7 cells (which have no melanogenic apparatus of their own) to clarify the interacting functions of their encoded proteins. Specifically, we attempted to evaluate the effects of Tyrp1 and Tyrp2 proteins on tyrosinase protein. We report evidence that Tyrp1 stabilizes tyrosinase, confirming previous observations, and, in addition, demonstrate that Tyrp1 decreases tyrosinase activity. By contrast, Tyrp2 increases tyrosinase activity by stabilizing the protein. We conclude that both Tyrp1 and Tyrp2, in addition to other catalytic functions they may possess, act together to modulate tyrosinase activity.  相似文献   

Anti-melanogenesis effects of silymarin from milk thistle have been reported recently, but detailed tyrosinase inhibition properties of individual components have not been investigated. This study purported to substantiate tyrosinase inhibition and its mechanism based on a single metabolite. The responsible components for tyrosinase inhibition of target source were found out as flavonolignans which consist of isosilybin A (1), isosilybin B (2), silydianin (3), 2,3-dihydrosilychristin (4), silychristin A (5), silychristin B (6) and silybin (7), respectively. The isolated flavonolignans (17) inhibited both monophenolase (IC50 = 1.7–7.6 µM) and diphenolase (IC50 = 12.1–44.9 µM) of tyrosinase significantly. Their inhibitions were 10-fold effective in comparison with their mother skeletons (810). Inhibitory functions were also proved by HPLC analysis using N-acetyl-l-tyrosine as substrate. The predominant formation of Emet·I was confirmed from a long prolongation of lag time and a decrease of the static state activity of the enzyme. All tested compounds had a significant binding affinity to tyrosinase with KSV values of 0.06–0.27 × 104 L·mol−1, which are well correlated with IC50s. In kinetic study, all flavonolignan (17) were mixed type I (KI < KIS) inhibitors, whereas their mother skeletons (810) were competitive ones. The UPLC-ESI-TOF/MS analysis showed that the isolated inhibitors are the most abundant metabolites in the target plant.  相似文献   

Summary Ultrastructural studies, and cytochemical and biochemical determinations of tyrosinase activity were conducted on the pigment epithelium of albino and xanthic goldfish eyes. In eyes of xanthic goldfish, two types of melanosomes are present, spherical and elongated. Melanized melanosomes are absent in the eyes of the albino goldfish, but elongated lamellar premelanosomes are observed. Internal vesicles are present in both melanosome types in the pigment epithelium of the xanthic goldfish but are absent in premelanosomes of the albino. There are also differences in the distribution of lipid droplets, smooth endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complexes with the latter two being more abundant in the albino. Tyrosinase was not identified cytochemically; however, the enzyme was demonstrated biochemically in the pigment epithelia of both albino and xanthic goldfish. The enzyme is associated with the particulate and soluble fractions of both types of eyes. Particulate albino tyrosinase may be solubilized by triton X-100 treatment. Tyrosinase inhibitors are present in the particulate fractions of both albino and xanthic goldfish eyes. Thus, in the goldfish, ocular albinism appears to be a multiple defect at the molecular and ultrastructural levels.Contribution Number 362, Department of Biology  相似文献   

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