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From 1985 to 1989, serum specimens of swine raised in the northern, central and southern areas in Okinawa island were examined for Japanese encephalitis (JE) virus antibody by ELISA and hemagglutination-inhibition test. The antibody positive rate was found to be higher in the north and central than in the south. The 2-mercaptoethanol sensitive antibody to JE was detected mostly in June and July, and occasionally in other months except February and March. There was no month when all specimens from three areas turned antibody-negative simultaneously, indicating that JE virus transmission to swine lasted longer in Okinawa island than in other temperate areas in Japan. From 1986 to 1991, the vector mosquitoes (Culex tritaeniorhynchus) were collected in a pig farm in the south of Okinawa island. A total of 153 strains of JE virus was isolated from the vector mosquitoes mainly in June. In Miyako and Ishigaki islands, the antibody positive rate in swine sera was found to be extremely low, compared with that in Okinawa island. In Miyako island, where no paddy rice field is cultivated, a few adults as well as larvae of the vector mosquito were collected, while in Ishigaki island, where there are many watered rice fields, a lot of adults as well as larvae were collected. Although the environmental situation is quite different between the two islands, JE virus transmission appeared to be very low in both islands.  相似文献   

In order to elucidate the molecular characteristics of Japanese encephalitis (JE) virus in Okinawa, 23 strains of JE virus isolated in a 25-year span were sequenced for the 240 nucleotides of the C-preM junction region and 111 nucleotides of the E gene region and compared with those of reference strains isolated in mainland Japan. The results of phylogenic analysis showed that although all the Okinawan isolates showed more than 96% homology in the nucleotide sequence in each region, they were chronologically divided into two groups: the old group (nine strains) and a new group (14 strains). On the other hand, in a comparison with reference strains in mainland Japan, the Okinawan isolates showed more than 94% nucleotide sequence homology in both regions, indicating that the Okinawan strains belong to the same genotype as that of JE strains in mainland Japan. The nucleotide homology of the old group was relatively higher than that of the new group. Among the 14 strains in the new group, 13 strains were isolated from mosquitoes collected from a pig farm from 1986 through 1992. These strains showed higher nucleotide divergence than the old group strains, isolated from mosquitoes and swine sera collected at several sites, in both regions. A nucleotide substitution at the position 1920 in the E gene was identified in three isolates. This substitution generated an asparagine-proline-threonine sequence capable of serving as an attachment site of carbohydrate.  相似文献   

To examine the local distribution of Dasylepida ishigakiensis Niijima et Kinoshita larvae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) on Miyako Island and Ishigaki Island, a survey was conducted in hayfields on the two Islands in February and March 2011. Symptoms of white grub infestation, such as patches of wilted grass and thin, yellow grass stands, were observed in some of the 20 hayfields surveyed on Miyako Island. Three species of white grub were observed there: D. ishigakiensis, Anomala cpustulata cpustulata Matsumura in Hirayama, and Anomala albopilosa (Hope), in the ratio 92:7:1, respectively. The mean population density of D. ishigakiensis in the hayfields was 54.3 m?2 and the maximum was 225 m?2. No significant relationship was found between the damage levels of hay grass and the D. ishigakiensis larval densities. In contrast, no damage was observed in the 14 hayfields surveyed on Ishigaki Island, although some D. ishigakiensis larvae were found at a low density in 4 hayfields. In 2006, no D. ishigakiensis larvae were found in sugarcane fields on this island in a separately conducted intensive survey. These observations may suggest that D. ishigakiensis larvae are present in hayfields at a low density but that few individuals occur in sugarcane fields on Ishigaki Island.  相似文献   

一株强神经毒力乙脑病毒株的生物学及其分子特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究一株神经毒力很强的乙型脑炎病毒株SA4株的生物学特性并进行基因组全序列分析,并找到其毒力强的分子基础。将SA4脑内接种昆明小鼠后每日观察发病和死亡鼠数并每日收取鼠脑,用空斑法检测接种后不同时间点的脑内病毒增殖滴度,同时以另一株乙脑病毒SA14按照相同方法进行平行实验作为对照。SA4株的全基因组测序序列结果与乙脑SA14株及世界各地共21株乙脑病毒的全基因组序列进行比较。结果显示,脑内接种SA4株的小鼠发病和死亡时间均比SA14株早1d,在相同时间点上SA4株的病毒滴度高0.5~1.0lgPFU/mL。SA4株与世界各地毒株基因同源性比对,核苷酸同源性为84.6%~99.0%,氨基酸同源性为95.2%~99.7%。与SA14相比,氨基酸序列存在17个位点的差异,分布于不同的区段,其中E区最多,为5个。证明SA4是一株在脑内具有较快繁殖力的神经毒力很强的毒株,其序列上17个氨基酸位点的替换很可能是其强神经毒力的分子基础。  相似文献   

Recently it has been reported that Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV)-specific RNAs can be synthesized in vitro in the subcellular fraction including outer-nuclear membrane (Takegami and Hotta, 1989). The results of Western blot analysis and indirect immunofluorescence test using two kinds of monospecific antisera against JEV nonstructural proteins NS3 and NS5 showed that NS3 and NS5 were membrane-associated proteins and formed the complex at the perinuclear site in the infected cells. Both antisera against NS3 and NS5 inhibited in vitro RNA synthesis. These results suggest that NS5 and NS3 play important role(s) in flavivirus RNA replication.  相似文献   

用辣根过氧化物酶标记的抗日本脑炎病毒(JEV)种特异性单克隆抗体为结合物,建立了一种快速IgM抗体捕捉酶联免疫测定法(RMAC-ELISA),并初步用于乙脑的快速诊断,取得了良好的效果。该法通过用鞣酸预处理微板,提高反应温度,在稀释液中加入PEG并提高NaCl浓度,用鸡蛋清代替牛血清白蛋白或鸡血清,用自来水代替PBS作为洗液,用快速漱洗3次代替3×5分钟洗涤,用TMBS代替OPD底物,用酶标单克隆抗体代替多克隆结合物等措施,加快了反应速度,缩短了反应时间,简化了操作步骤,提高了敏感性,保证了特异性。从微板预处理至出结果,仅需1小时。由于该法具有简便、快速、特异、敏感等特性,不仅可以用于乙脑的早期诊断及实验室研究,还有可能推广到其它的免疫学检测方法中去。  相似文献   

免疫抑制剂环磷酰胺处理的12-14克三周龄小白鼠免疫功能抑制后,皮下注射乙脑SA14-14-2减毒活疫苗,未见小鼠出现特异性死亡。同时发现对活疫苗和死疫苗的免疫反应明显不同,处理后小鼠对活苗免疫仍有较好的免疫力,保护率为56%(三次抑制)和80%(二次抑制);而死疫苗免疫力明显下降,未抑制组为100%,抑制后九到10-20%。若小白鼠经乙脑活苗、死苗免疫后四周已建立免疫力后,再用环磷酰胺处理,并用强毒株P3攻毒,则对免疫反应影响不明显,两种疫苗均表现有较好的保护作用。  相似文献   

The involvement of intracellular acidic vesicles in the early phase of Japanese encephalitis (JE) virus infection in Vero cells was observed by adding a specific vacuolar type H+ -ATPase (V-ATPase) inhibitor (bafilomycin A1) in the cell culture medium. Studies with the detection of viral envelope (E) protein suggested that bafilomycin A1 inhibited virus infection in the cells. Subcellular distribution of incoming biotinylated virions and 3H-uridine-labeled viral RNA were observed in fractions of a Percoll density gradient. At 10 min of the chasing period, virions and viral RNA were found mainly in fractions with a mean density of 1.04 g/ml corresponding to the endosome both in the control and bafilomycin A1-treated cells. At 60 min of the chasing period, the peak of biotin activity was detected in fractions with a mean density of 1.08 g/ml corresponding to the lysosome, whereas the peak of radioactivity did not run parallel with that of biotin and shifted to fractions with a mean density of 1.05 g/ml and higher than 1.084 g/ml, respectively. At 60 min of the chasing period in bafilomycin A1-treated cells, the peak of biotin and radioactivity were still found mainly in the fraction with a density of 1.04 g/ml, representing the endosome. Subcellular fractionation by a Percoll density gradient revealed that bafilomycin A1 treatment resulted in the accumulation of virions in the endosome fraction and suggested the prevention of intracellular translocation of the virions which occurs during the early entry process of an infecting virus to the cells.  相似文献   

克隆流行性乙型脑炎(乙脑)病毒野毒(JEV)GSS株前膜蛋白信号序列、前膜蛋白(prM)、包膜蛋白(E)、非结构蛋白-1(NSl)和非结构蛋白NS2a的编码基因,并与非复制型痘苗病毒载体NTV进行同源重组,构建了乙脑病毒非复制型重组痘苗病毒疫苗株NTVA(E/L)JEV。通过:PCR和Southern blot检测证明,在非复制型痘苗病毒中有乙暗病毒prM信号序列、prM、E、NS1和NS2a基因的插入:Western blot检测证明,重组病毒可以在细胞内成功地表达prM、E和NSl蛋白,并可将prM、E和NSl蛋白分泌到细胞培养上清中;免疫荧光检测证明,E和NSl蛋白主要分布在细胞膜上。电镜下可见分泌到细胞外的病毒样颗粒。  相似文献   

Annual patterns of dissemination of Japanese encephalitis virus in vector mosquitoes have been investigated at the main collection station from 1965 through 1973 at some other stations from 1969 through 1971. The virus was recovered usually from Culex tritaeniorhynchus summorosus during a period of about a month from July to August every year till 1969, and from August to September after 1970, although at some of the stations the virus was recovered intermittently for longer or shorter terms. Higher infection rates were recorded with the mosquitoes caught at the stations near to pig sheds than at the stations far from pig sheds. The infection rates at the peak of virus recovery in high epidemic year (1965 to 1967) were higher, being over 2%, than those in lower or latent epidemic years (1968 to 1973). Human patients of Japanese encephalitis were found in 17 to 20 days after the appearance of the highest peak of the infection rate in mosquitoes.  相似文献   

In order to clarify the source of reovirus pollution in river water, comparative surveys have been carried out between reovirus isolates from river water and those from sewage, human or animal, by making use of the analysis of genomic RNA-migration pattern of reovirus in polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (electropherotype). The strains of reovirus serotype 1 and 2 isolated from river water were classified into 3 and 9 electropherotypes, respectively, and 8 out of these 12 types were also found among strains isolated from sewage or human. When the monthly distribution of the river isolates classified by electropherotypes was compared with that of the sewage isolates, there were cases in which strains of the same electropherotype were simultaneously isolated from both sources. The electropherotypes of 3 isolates from pig and field rodents were different from those of the other isolates. The electropherotype of an oyster isolate coincided with that of some of the isolates from humans and river water. These results indicate that the major sources of reoviruses polluting river water may be the human excretion.  相似文献   

A total of 209 hepatitis B surface antigen (HBs Ag)-positive sera from two possibly ethnologically different regions of southern Japan, Okinawa and Kumamoto, were subtyped by counterelectrophoresis using monospecific antisera to a, d, y, w, and r antigenic determinants. There was a marked difference in the prevalence of the w and r determinants in the two regions; the frequency of the HBs Ag/adr subtype was 95% in Kumamoto and 47% in Okinawa, suggesting that HBs Ag subtypes may be one of the markers reflecting an ethnological difference between the peoples of the two regions. Seven and three serum specimens in Okinawa and Kumamoto respectively showed unusual HBs Ag subtypes: four carried adwr (two specimens), aywr, or adyw determinants, five had only a, and the remaining one carried ar.  相似文献   

Sexual reproduction data are important to understand how organisms can replenish their populations and proliferate on coral reefs. Despite the importance of such data, the reproductive characteristics of most soft coral species are still unknown. Here, we examined the reproductive strategies of a species from the often-dominant genus Sclerophytum in a coral reef on subtropical Okinawa Island, Japan. DNA barcoding and histological examinations of the tissues were conducted to confirm colony conspecificity and identify reproductive characteristics, respectively, between March 2020 and March 2021. Results indicated that the studied species, identified as Sclerophytum cf. heterospiculatum, exhibits gonochorism with longer oogenesis and shorter spermatogenesis. Female colonies produced immature oocytes throughout the year, with mature oocytes observed from late July to early September, and thus, extended spawning is likely characteristic of this species. In male colonies, spermatogenesis took place over ~5 months, with spermaries present from April through August. Mature spermaries were noted beginning in July and the inferred peak of sperm release was between late August and early September, which suggests that spermatogenesis duration was ~5 months. The largest mean oocyte and spermary sizes (628.45 ± 61.36 and 240.04 ± 49.49 μm, respectively) were both recorded in August. Gamete spawning presumably occurred during the summer season, which suggests seasonality in reproduction as influenced by changes in seawater temperature. However, the proximate cue for exact dates of spawning could be the lunar period because the inferred release of spawning materials seemed to occur between full moon and last-quarter moon phases in both the months of August and September. The results of this study represent the first detailed report of reproductive characteristics of the genus Sclerophytum in Japan.  相似文献   

Two antigenically distinct B strain lineages of influenza virus have co‐circulated since the mid‐1980s; however, inactivated trivalent influenza vaccines contain only one B lineage. The mismatch between the circulating and vaccine lineages has been a worldwide issue. In this study, an inactivated quadrivalent influenza vaccine (QIV) candidate containing two B lineages was manufactured and its immunogenicity and safety evaluated in an open‐label, uncontrolled trial. In this phase II trial, 50 subjects aged 20–64 years received two doses of QIV s.c. 1 to 4 weeks apart. Sera were collected pre‐ and post‐vaccination and safety assessed from the first vaccination to 21 ± 7 days after the second vaccination. After the first vaccination, hemagglutination inhibition titers against each strain increased markedly; the seroconversion rate, geometric mean titer ratio and seroprotection rate being 94.0%, 24.93, and 100.0%, respectively, for the A/H1N1pdm09 strain; 94.0%, 12.47, and 98.0%, respectively, for the A/H3N2 strain; 54.0%, 4.99, and 66.0%, respectively, for B/Yamagata strain, and 72.0%, 6.23 and 80.0%, respectively, for the B/Victoria strain, thus fulfilling the criteria of the European Medical Agency's Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use. Also, the QIV induced sufficient single radial hemolysis and neutralizing antibodies against all four vaccine strains. No noteworthy adverse events were noted. The results of this trial demonstrate that QIV is well tolerated and immunogenic for each strain, suggesting that QIV potentially improves protection against influenza B by resolving the issue of B lineage mismatch.  相似文献   

Reports of zoonotic infections with Onchocerca japonica (Nematoda: Filarioidea), which parasitizes the Japanese wild boar, Sus scrofa leucomystax, have recently increased in Japan. To predict the occurrence of infection in humans, it is necessary to determine the prevalence of O. japonica infection in the natural host animals. We investigated the presence of adult worms in the footpads, and of microfilariae in skin snips, taken from the host animals, between 2000 and 2018. Onchocerca japonica was found in 165 of 223 (74%) Japanese wild boars in Honshu and Kyushu. Among the nine regions studied, the highest prevalence of O. japonica infection was found in Oita, Kyushu, where 47 of 52 (90.4%) animals were infected. The ears were the predilection sites for O. japonica microfilariae. Adult worms of O. japonica were found more frequently in the hindlimbs than in the forelimbs of the host animals. Onchocerca takaokai was found in 14 of 52 (26.9%) Japanese wild boars in Oita. In Kakeroma Island among the Nansei Islands, both O. japonica and O. takaokai were isolated from the Ryukyu wild boar, S. s. riukiuanus. These observations could help predict future occurrences of human zoonotic onchocercosis in Japan.  相似文献   

Flowering of Raphanus sativus L. (Japanese radish, cultivar‘Wase-shijunichi’) is hastened by vernalizationbut non-vernalized radish could flower under continuous illumination.Days from germination to anthesis in non-vernalized plants fluctuateddepending on the period of seed storage, and this fluctuationshowed an annual rhythm. On the contrary, the days to anthesisin vernalized radish remained nearly constant for 2 years. 1Present address: Department of Horticulture. Gangweon NationalUniversity, Chuncheon 200, Korea. (Received November 25, 1975; )  相似文献   

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