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Dastarcus helophoroides (Fairmaire) (Coleoptera: Bothrideridae) is an important natural enemy of longhorned beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). It is distributed throughout most Provinces in China. We investigated whether there were differences among D. helophoroides populations collected from different hosts in different geographic locations. Results showed that different D. helophoroides populations displayed different olfactory responses to larval frass from different longhorned beetle species. All populations were significantly attracted to the frass of their original hosts. Parasitism rates of different populations also varied when supplied with host larvae of the same longhorned beetle species. These results indicate that the three D. helophoroides populations tested differed in host-related behaviors. Therefore, the population of D. helophoroides must be taken into consideration when implementing biological control programs for different species of longhorned beetle.  相似文献   

The common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) is an obligate brood parasite that mimics the eggs of its hosts. The host-specific egg pattern is thought to be inherited matrilinearly, creating female-only host-specific races. Males are thought not to be adapted to their host and they maintain the species by mating arbitrarily with respect to host specialization of females. However, recent results suggest that male cuckoos may also show host-specific adaptations and these may require assortative mating with respect to host. The calls males produce on the breeding grounds could provide a potential mechanism for assortative mating. We tested whether male cuckoo calls differ more between nearby populations that parasitize different hosts than between distant populations that parasitize the same host. We recorded the calls of geographically distant pairs of populations in Hungary, with each pair consisting of a forest population and a nearby reed bed population. Each habitat is characterized by one main host species for the common cuckoo. Our results show that calls of distant cuckoo populations from the same habitat type are more similar to each other than they are to those of nearby populations from a different habitat. These results suggest that cuckoo calls differ sufficiently to allow recognition of habitat-specific individuals.  相似文献   

Isoenzyme analysis of 14 different enzymes of 4 Netherlands populations of Senecio sylvaticus and 3 populations of S. viscosus, two closely related, partly co-occurring annual pioneer species on clearings, revealed that no genetical variation exists within nor between populations of these species. Differences between the species are used to estimate genetic identity and genetic distance.The possible cause of this genetical invariability is discussed in view of the constant confrontation with the founder situation on clearings, together with the pollination mechanism and the niche breadth of both species.  相似文献   

As a further contribution to the systematics of species belonging to the genus Crassostrea, electrophoretic studies of gene-enzyme system have been carried out on five populations of oysters regarded as either Crassostrea gigas or Crassostrea angulata species. Two populations of C. gigas from Japan (Karakawa and Hiroshima), one of C. gigas from France (Fouras), one of C. angulata from Portugal (Sado) and one of Crassostrea sp. from Italy (Chioggia) have been examined. The electrophoretic study of 20 enzyme loci and the genetic distance value showed no significant genetic divergence among the Crassostrea sp. populations. Thus the results of this study seem to confirm and extend to other populations what obtained by Buroker et al. (1979), that is a remarkable genetical identity between the two species Crassostrea gigas and Crassostrea angulata.  相似文献   

1. We studied temporal variation in the structure of flea communities on small mammalian hosts from eastern Slovakia using null models. We asked (a) whether flea co-occurrences in infracommunities (in the individual hosts) in different hosts as well as in the component communities (in the host species) demonstrate a non-random pattern; (b) whether this pattern is indicative of either positive or negative flea species interactions; (c) whether this pattern varies temporally; and (d) whether the expression of this pattern is related to population size of either fleas or hosts or both. 2. We constructed a presence/absence matrix of flea species for each temporal sample of a host species and calculated four metrics of co-occurrence, namely the C-score, the number of checkerboard species pairs, the number of species combinations and the variance ratio (V-ratio). Then we compared these metrics with the respective indices calculated for 5000 null matrices that were assembled randomly using two algorithms, namely fixed-fixed (FF) and fixed-equiprobable (FE). 3. Most co-occurrence metrics calculated for real data did not differ significantly from the metrics calculated for simulated matrices using the FF algorithm. However, the indices observed for 42 of 75 presence/absence matrices differed significantly from the null expectations for the FE models. Non-randomness was detected mainly by the C-score and V-ratio metrics. In all cases, the direction of non-randomness was the same, namely the aggregation, not competition, of flea species in host individuals and host species. 4. The inclusion or exclusion of the uninfested hosts in the FE models did not affect the results for individual host species. However, exclusion of the uninfested host species led to the acceptance of the null hypothesis for only six of 13 temporal samples of the component flea communities for which non-randomness was detected when the uninfested hosts were included in the analysis. 5. In most host species, the absolute values of the standardized size effect of both the C-score and V-ratio increased with an increase in host density and a concomitant decrease in flea abundance and prevalence. 6. Results of this study demonstrated that (a) flea assemblages on small mammalian hosts were structured at some times, whereas they appeared to be randomly assembled at other times; (b) whenever non-randomness of flea co-occurrences was detected, it suggested aggregation but never segregation of flea species in host individuals or populations; and (c) the expression of structure in flea assemblages depended on the level of density of both fleas and hosts.  相似文献   

Molecular methods are increasingly used to detect and identify parasites in their hosts. However, existing methods are generally not appropriate for studying complex host-parasite interactions because they require prior knowledge of species composition. DNA barcoding is a molecular method that allows identifying species using DNA sequences as an identification key. We used DNA amplification with primers common to aphid parasitoids and sequencing of the amplified fragment to detect and identify parasitoids in their hosts, without prior knowledge on the species potentially present. To implement this approach, we developed a method based on 16S rRNA mitochondrial gene and LWRh nuclear gene. First, we designed two primer pairs specific to Aphidiinae (Hymenoptera), the main group of aphid parasitoids. Second, we tested whether the amplified regions could correctly identify Aphidiinae species and found that 61 species were accurately identified of 75 tested. We then determined the ability of each primer pair to detect immature parasitoids inside their aphid host. Detection was earlier for 16S than for LWRh, with parasitoids detected, respectively, 24 and 48 h after egg injection. Finally, we applied this method to assess parasitism rate in field populations of several aphid species. The interest of this tool for analysing aphid-parasitoid food webs is discussed.  相似文献   

Little is known about the population genetics of the louse infestations of humans. We used microsatellite DNA to study 11 double infestations, that is, hosts infested with head lice and body lice simultaneously. We tested for population structure on a host, and for population structure among seven hosts that shared sleeping quarters. We also sought evidence of migration among louse populations. Our results showed that: (i) the head and body lice on these individual hosts were two genetically distinct populations; (ii) each host had their own populations of head and body lice that were genetically distinct to those on other hosts; and (iii) lice had migrated from head to head, and from body to body, but not between heads and bodies. Our results indicate that head and body lice are separate species.  相似文献   

Parasitism is one of the most successful and ancient strategies. Due to the specialized lifestyle of parasites, they are usually affected by reductions and changes in their body plan in comparison with nonparasitic sister groups. Extreme environmental conditions may impose restraints on behavioural or physiological adaptations to a specific host and limit morphological changes associated with speciation. Such morphological homogeneity has led to the diversity of parasites being underestimated in morphological studies. By contrast, the species concept has dramatically changed in many parasitic groups during recent decades of study using DNA sequence data. Here we tested the phenomenon of cryptic species diversity in the twisted‐wing parasite family Xenidae (Strepsiptera) using nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequence data for a broad sample of Xenidae. We used three quantitative methods of species delimitation from the molecular phylogenetic data – one distance‐based (ABGD) and two tree‐based (GMYC, bPTP). We found 77–96 putative species in our data and suggested the number of Xenidae species to be more diverse than expected. We identified 67 hosts to species level and almost half of them were not previously known as hosts of Xenidae. The mean number of host species per putative species varied between 1.39 and 1.55. The constant rate in net diversification can be explained by the flexibility of this parasitic group, represented by their ability to colonize new host lineages combined with passive long‐range dispersal by hosts.  相似文献   

Speciation in brood-parasitic indigobirds (genus Vidua) is a consequence of behavioural imprinting in both males and females. Mimicry of host song by males and host fidelity in female egg laying result in reproductive isolation of indigobirds associated with a given host species. Colonization of new hosts and subsequent speciation require that females occasionally lay eggs in the nests of novel hosts but the same behaviour may lead to hybridization when females parasitize hosts already associated with other indigobird species. Thus, retained ancestral polymorphism and ongoing hybridization are two alternative explanations for the limited genetic differentiation among indigobird species. We tested for genetic continuity of indigobird species using mitochondrial sequences and nuclear microsatellite data. Within West Africa and southern Africa, allopatric populations of the same species are generally more similar to each other than to sympatric populations of different species. Likewise, a larger proportion of genetic variation is explained by differences between species than by differences between locations in alternative hierarchical AMOVAS, suggesting that the rate of hybridization is not high enough to homogenize sympatric populations of different species or prevent genetic differentiation between species. Broad sharing of genetic polymorphisms among species, however, suggests that some indigobird species trace to multiple host colonization events in space and time, each contributing to the formation of a single interbreeding population bound together by songs acquired from the host species.  相似文献   

Studies of patterns of molecular variation in natural populations can provide important insights into a number of evolutionary problems. Among these, the question of whether geographic factors are more important than ecological factors in promoting population differentiation and ultimately speciation has been an important and contentious area in evolutionary biology. Systems involving herbivorous insects have played a leading role in this discussion. This study examined the distribution of molecular variation in a highly specialized gall-forming insect, grape phylloxera (Daktulosphaira vitifoliae Fitch), that is found on both sympatric and allopatric host-plant species of the genus Vitis. In addition, the relationship of insects in the introduced range in the United States to ancestral populations in the native range was examined. Evidence for differentiation along host-plant lines from both nuclear (RAPD) and mitochondrial (COI) DNA was confounded with the effect of geography. Differentiation was found where hosts were allopatric or parapatric, but no evidence was found for such differentiation on two hosts, V. vulpina and V. aestivalis, that are broadly sympatric. The question of population differentiation onto these sympatric hosts can be considered to be resolved--it has not occurred in spite of a long history of association. Evidence was equivocal, but suggestive of a period of divergence in allopatry prior to reestablishment of contact, for insects associated with another host plant species, V. cinerea, found in both sympatric and parapatric populations. A low level of diversity and placement of samples collected from the grape species V. riparia at the tip of a phylogenetic tree supports the hypothesis that this host has been recently colonized from populations from the Mississippi Valley. A polyphyletic origin for biotype B grape phylloxera was supported: Although most samples collected from vineyards in the introduced range in California had similar haplotypes, they were closely related to natives on V. vulpina from the Atlantic Coast-Piedmont region. All samples collected from vineyards in Oregon and Washington were closely related to natives on V. riparia in the northern United States.  相似文献   

For phytophagous arthropods, host acceptance behavior is a key character responsible for host plant specialization. The grain rust mite, Abacarus hystrix (Nalepa), is an obligately phytophagous, polyphagous eriophyid mite recorded from at least 70 grass species. In this study, the hypothesis that two host populations of this mite (one collected from quackgrass and the other from ryegrass) are highly host-specific was tested using behavioral data. For this purpose, female behavior when exposed to familiar and novel host plants was observed in no-choice cross experiments. Altogether, 13 variables were used to describe mite behavior. Data were subjected to principal component analysis, and host acceptance behavior was subsequently tested with generalized estimating equations (GEE). Distinct variation in female behavior between familiar and novel hosts was observed. Females from neither population accepted novel hosts. This was recorded as significant differences in the occupation of and overall activity on particular plant parts. On their familiar host, females were not active and showed little tendency to move. On novel hosts females were more active and mobile, spending more time walking, running, and climbing on the whole plant surface and showing a tendency to disperse. Other differences in behavior between studied populations were also observed. Thus, the results suggest that mites of these two studied populations (1) differ in their behaviors during plant exploitation and (2) can quickly distinguish between their familiar host and an unfamiliar host used by a conspecific. These findings support the hypothesis of narrow host specialization of ryegrass and quackgrass populations of this highly polyphagous species.  相似文献   

In order to test the hypothesis that mistletoes (Phoradendron tomentosum) are differentially adapted for the host species that they occur on, mistletoe seeds from the three most common hosts in central Texas (hackberry, Celtis occidentalis, elm, Ulmus crassifolia, and mesquite, Prosopsis glandulosa) were planted onto different individuals of each of the three hosts. Germination of seeds and formation of haustorial disks by seedlings were followed in the subsequent 17 months. Germination of seeds was very high for all nine combinations of maternal (source) and seed (experimental) hosts (range 82%–98%). There were no significant differences in seed germination between the two groups when source and experimental hosts were the same species and when they were different species. In contrast, development of haustorial disks when source and experimental hosts were the same species was significantly greater than when experimental host and source host species were different. The data suggest that populations of mistletoes are genetically differentiated such that early seedling development is greatest when there is correspondence between maternal and seedling host species.  相似文献   

1. Studies of insect communities rarely support the parasitoid–host regulation hypothesis. Spatio‐temporal variation in parasitoid prevalence due to complex food web interactions or abiotic factors may prevent parasitoids from regulating hosts. 2. We examined the relative contribution of spatial (altitude) and temporal (years) sources to total variation in parasitoid prevalence rates in outbreaks of Epirrita autumnata Borkhausen and Operophtera brumata Linnaeus populations. We tested whether prevalence rates of generalist parasitoids were correlated between sympatric host populations and to what extent any of the parasitoids were host density dependent. 3. Four larval parasitoids (two specialists and two generalists) exhibited significantly structured spatio‐temporal dynamics over years and altitudes. The prevalence rates of one of the generalists were spatio‐temporally correlated between the two host species, while for the other they were not. 4. Three parasitoids showed tendencies for direct or delayed positive density dependence as expected from numerical and functional responses to their hosts. However, the effects were weak and minute compared to the variation attributed to year and altitude. 5. We conclude that unknown aspects of the larval parasitoid ecology that co‐vary with altitude and year in the study system dominate their prevalence dynamics and thus act to hinder density‐dependent responses that could potentially regulate host populations.  相似文献   

This study concerns the parasite-host associations of water mite larvae and their chironomid hosts in a small stream on the North German Plain. The different feeding sites on the host were tested as to whether they represented a strategy of the parasites regarding host partitioning. The attachment sites of nine ectoparasitic water mite species were observed in detail: Aturus fontinalis, Atractides nodipalpis, Feltria rouxi, Hygrobates nigromaculatus, Protzia eximia, Sperchonopsis verrucosa, Sperchon clupeifer, S. setiger and Lebertia inaequalis. Aturus fontinalis, A. nodipalpis, F. rouxi and H. nigromaculatus distinctly preferred sites on the abdomen of the host, whereas the other species preferred feeding sites on the thorax. The four species that preferentially attached to the abdomen of the host showed a distinct specificity for selected segmental and/or intersegmental regions. All species differed in their sites along the length of the abdomen. The order of attachment on the abdominal segments was, from anterior to posterior: H. nigromaculatus, F. rouxi, A. fontinalis and A. nodipalpis. The sites were analysed with regard to segmental and intersegmental attachment, the proportion of dorsal and ventral sites and the differences between attachment to different host species. Larvae attached to their hosts as single individuals showed only slight differences from the sites of mites on hosts that carried many mite larvae. The finding that less than 10% of the chironomids were parasitized by more than one water mite species suggested that, at least in the zoocoenosis of the studied collecting site, the interspecific competition for attachment sites was not strong. However, the specificity of attachment sites clearly had the potential of diminishing competition between water mite species by host partitioning. Intra- and interspecific competition for preferred sites and preparasitic constraints are discussed.  相似文献   

The exceptional diversity of insects is often attributed to the effects of specialized relationships between insects and their hosts. Parasite-host interactions are influenced by current natural selection and dispersal, in addition to historical effects that may include past selection, vicariance, and random genetic drift. Both current and historical events can lead to reduced fitness on some hosts. If trade-offs in fitness on alternate hosts are common, adaptation to one host can prevent adaptation to another, giving rise to genetic differentiation among host-associated lineages. Previous studies of Diaeretiella rapae (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae), a parasitoid of aphids, have revealed additive genetic differences in performance between populations that parasitize different aphid host species. To determine whether D. rapae populations collected from different aphid hosts have diverged into genetically independent lineages, we constructed a haplotype network based on sequence variation in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). We used single strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis to examine 2041 base pairs of mtDNA and to identify nucleotide sequences of 42 unique SSCP haplotypes. We found no association between mtDNA haplotypes and host species in either the ancestral range (Europe, Mediterranean region, Middle East, Asia) or part of the introduced range (western North America). Haplotypes likely to be ancestral were geographically widespread and found on both hosts, suggesting that the ability to use both hosts evolved prior to the diversification of the mtDNA. Ongoing gene flow appears to prevent the formation of host races.  相似文献   

Organisms with wide geographical or phenotypic diversity often constitute assemblages of genetically distinct species or lineages. Within parasites, an emergence of host-specific lineages is assumed to create such cryptic variability; however, empirical evaluation of these processes is scarce. Here, we analyse populations of a parasite with a complex life cycle, wide host spectrum and global distribution, with the aim to reveal factors underlying the evolution of host- or geography-dependent lineages. Using 15 microsatellite loci, deep genetic distances were observed between populations from distant geographical areas. On the local scale, host-mediated genetic structure was found among sympatric samples. Two lineages differing in the spectrum of infected hosts co-occurred in the Euro-Mediterranean area, and two distinct lineages were recovered from Lake Tana in Ethiopia. Although sampled across several host taxa and multiple localities, a lack of marked genetic structure was seen in the populations belonging to one of the European lineages. Only weak genetic differentiation between sympatric samples from two host species was found. Complexity of the parasite life-cycle contributed to such a stratified pattern. Differences in the immune response between fish hosts were suggested as the factor diversifying the populations locally; conversely, high mobility of the parasite due to migration with its bird (definitive) host were assessed to homogenize populations across the area of distribution. However, despite the high mobility, large bodies of salt water prevent the parasite from long-distance migrations, as was demonstrated in an example of the Mediterranean Sea which represented an effective barrier to gene flow.  相似文献   

The lycaenid butterfly genus Euphilotes , consisting of five species and several dozen subspecies, is confined to western North America. Each subspecies utilizes one or a few species of Eriogonum (Polygonaceae) as larval hosts; larvae feed entirely on pollen and developing seeds. Euphilotes populations are (with few exceptions) univoltine and fly in synchrony with the initial (c. 2 weeks) annual flowering periods of their hosts. Euphilotes evolution coincides with shifts to new hosts, frequently with different bloom periods. Often both inter- and intraspecific populations occur in sympatry. Although interspecific populations may fly in synchrony and utilize the same hosts, sympatric intraspecific populations use different hosts and generally fly allochronically. Analyses of Euphilotes populations using biochemical, morphological, and life history characters, do not support either coevolution or sequential evolution with Eriogonum but are more consistent with opportunistic adaptation to new hosts having different bloom periods.  相似文献   

Evolutionary responses of herbivores to their host plants depend not only on selection from plants, but also on the genetic basis of traits relating to host use. The genetic basis of such traits has been investigated extensively among terrestrial insect herbivores, but has received almost no attention among marine herbivores. We tested whether performance traits in the herbivorous marine amphipod Peramphithoe parmerong display heritable variation and, for the first time for a marine herbivore, whether selection has resulted in local adaptation to host plants on two spatial scales. Peramphithoe parmerong displayed heritable genetic variation for survival on two host macroalgae, the high-quality Sargassum linearifolium and the poor-quality Padina crassa, and for growth on S. linearifolium. Differences in performance on different hosts thus have the potential to select for differential use of hosts by this amphipod. Despite this potential, there was no evidence among field populations of local adaptation to host algae on either scale tested: between hosts within a site or among sites differing in algal species composition. Within a site, amphipods were not more likely to prefer or perform better on the host on which they were collected. Similarly, amphipods collected from sites in which P. crassa was present were not more likely to perform well on this host than amphipods collected from sites where this alga was not found. Ecological factors that may explain the persistence of P. parmerong on P. crassa and the possibility of phylogenetic constraints on host use by P. parmerong are discussed.  相似文献   

A number of hypotheses exist to explain aggregated distributions, but they have seldom been used to investigate differences in parasite spatial distribution between native and introduced hosts. We applied two aggregation models, the negative binomial distribution and Taylor’s power law, to study the aggregation patterns of helminth populations from Liza haematocheilus across its native (Sea of Japan) and introduced (Sea of Azov) distribution ranges. In accordance with the enemy release hypothesis, we predicted that parasite populations in the introduced host range would be less aggregated than in the native host area, because aggregation is tightly constrained by abundance. Contrary to our expectation, aggregation of parasite populations was higher in the introduced host range. However, the analyses suggested that the effect of host introduction on parasite aggregation depends on whether parasite species, or higher level taxonomic groups, were acquired in or carried into the new area. The revealed similarity in the aggregation parameters of co-introduced monogeneans can be attributed to the repeatability and identity of the host–parasite systems. In contrast, the degree of aggregation differed markedly between regions for higher level taxa, which are represented by the native parasites in the Sea of Japan versus the acquired species in the Sea of Azov. We propose that the host species plays a crucial role in regulating infra-population sizes of acquired parasites due to the high rate of host-induced mortality. A large part of the introduced host population may remain uninfected due to their resistance to native naïve parasites. The core concept of our study is that the comparative analysis of aggregation patterns of parasites in communities and populations, and macroecological relationships, can provide a useful tool to reveal cryptic relationships in host–parasite systems of invasive hosts and their parasites.  相似文献   

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