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The lizard genus Sceloporus contains both oviparous and viviparous species. The scalaris complex is the only monophyletic group within the genus that includes both reproductive modes, thus it is particularly well suited for studies of the evolution of viviparity. Approximately 874 nucleotides of mtDNA sequence data, collected from 38 specimens, comprising 25 populations of all five recognized species within the group, were used in a phylogenetic analysis of the origin of viviparity. Viviparity appears to have evolved twice in this group: once in S. goldmani, included in a clade formed by a northern group consisting of S. scalaris, S. chaneyi, and S. goldmani, and one more time in S. bicanthalis, included in the southern group formed by S. bicanthalis and S. aeneus. An oviparous population of S. bicanthalis nested within that viviparous clade, indicates that reversal from viviparity to oviparity may be possible. Degree of sequence divergence among several S. bicanthalis individuals pertaining to a population in which both parity modes occur, was no larger between oviparous and viviparous lizards than among viviparous lizards. This suggests that this population is a single species, and it may represent a transition from oviparity to viviparity or vice-versa.  相似文献   

By combining data from a variety of sources we explore patterns of evolution and speciation in Nucella, a widely studied genus of shallow-water marine neogastropods. We present a hypothesis of phylogenetic relationships for all of the currently recognized species of northern hemisphere Nucella, based on an analysis of 718 base pairs of nucleotide sequence from the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. The order of appearance of species in the fossil record is congruent with this hypothesis. The topology of the inferred phylogeny of Nucella, coupled with ecological, morphological, and fossil evidence, was used to address three main questions: (1) At what time and by which route was the North Atlantic invaded from the North Pacific compared to prior studies of the trans-Arctic interchange? (2) Do patterns of molecular variation within species corroborate the importance of climatic cycles in driving speciation in north temperate marine animals? (3) Was radiation in the direction of increased or decreased ecological specialization, body size, or vulnerability to predation? Molecular evidence confirmed that the sole North Atlantic species, N. lapillus, arose from a North Pacific ancestor. Biogeographic and paleontological evidence supported the dispersal of Nucella, and perhaps other interchange species, via the Eurasian Arctic. Rather intriguingly, the linkage of N. lapillus to a western as opposed to eastern Pacific clade, and the biogeographic origins of the eastern Pacific species, parallel closely similar patterns observed in another genus of rocky-shore gastropods, Littorina. This congruence, in conjunction with information on the climatic and geographic histories of the region, as well as the geographic arrangement of mtDNA haplotypes within Nucella species, supports a model of speciation in Nucella driven by cycles of climatic amelioration and deterioration that began during the Miocene. Calibrations from the fossil record of Nucella suggest that third position transitions and transversions accrue at a rate of 3–4% and 0.5% respectively per million yr. This supports an early participation by Nucella in the trans-Arctic interchange, as suggested by paleobiogeographic studies. Consistent with the unstable taxonomic history of species of Nucella, we found few nonmolecular traits to be phylogenetically informative. Among North Pacific species, more recently derived species (N. canaliculata and the N. emarginata clade) were more ecologically specialized (narrower diet and habitat range). Consistent with extensive intraspecific variation, shell traits were quite labile evolutionarily: neither overall size nor development of antipredatory traits exhibited consistent evolutionary trends over the history of the genus. Nurse eggs (unfertilized eggs consumed by developing embryos) were an ancestral trait that was lost evolutionarily in the two clades that also exhibited increased body size, suggesting that these two life-history traits may be coupled. The reduced number of chromosomes in N. lapillus is clearly a derived state and is consistent with White's (1978) observations on chromosome evolution in other clades.  相似文献   

A phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) restriction sites was used to examine the geographic history of the Cyprinodon nevadensis complex of pupfishes, a group of four species (seven extant subspp.) in two endorheic (closed) basins of the Death Valley System in California and Nevada (Owens River Valley and Ash Meadows-Death Valley). The mtDNA results suggest that the group contains mtDNAs from two divergent clades. One such clade is represented by the mtDNAs of the Owens Valley pupfish (C. radiosus) and the existing species in the Colorado River (C. macularius), while the other includes the mtDNAs of the Ash Meadows-Death Valley species (C. nevadensis, C. salinus, and C. diabolis) and a species located much farther to the east (C. fontinalis from the Guzman Basin, Chihuahua, Mexico). These results, together with evidence from other studies, suggest two separate invasions of the Death Valley System by pupfishes carrying phylogenetically divergent mtDNAs. The C. nevadensis complex apparently is either an artificial group or else it is monophyletic and its genetic history includes loss of the original mtDNA in either Owens Valley or Ash Meadows-Death Valley following genetic introgression after an invasion by a pupfish carrying a divergent mtDNA.  相似文献   

Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) was used to examine the genetic structure among field voles (Microtus agrestis) from southern and central Sweden. A total of 57 haplotypes was identified in 158 voles from 60 localities. Overall mtDNA diversity was high, but both haplotype and nucleotide diversity exhibited pronounced geographic heterogeneity. Phylogenetic analyses revealed a shallow tree with seven primary mtDNA lineages separated by sequence divergences ranging from 0.6% to 1.0%. The geographic structure of mtDNA diversity and lineage distribution was complex but strongly structured and deviated significantly from an equilibrium situation. The extensive mtDNA diversity observed and the recent biogeographic history of the region suggests that the shallow mtDNA structure in the field vole cannot be explained solely by stochastic lineage sorting in situ or isolation by distance. Instead, the data suggest that the genetic imprints of historical demographic conditions and vicariant geographic events have been preserved and to a large extent determine the contemporary geographic distribution of mtDNA variation. A plausible historical scenario involves differentiation of mtDNA lineages in local populations in glacial refugia, a moving postglacial population structure, and bottlenecks and expansions of mtDNA lineages during the postglacial recolonization of Sweden. By combining the mtDNA data with an analysis of Y-chromosome variation, a specific population unit was identified in southwestern Sweden. This population, defined by a unique mtDNA lineage and fixation of a Y-chromosome variant, probably originated in a population bottleneck in southern Sweden about 12,000 to 13,000 calendar years ago.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA control region sequences of spotted owls (Strix occidentalis) allowed us to investigate gene flow, genetic structure, and biogeographic relationships among these forest-dwelling birds of western North America Estimates of gene flow based on genetic partitioning and the phylogeography of haplotypes indicate substantial dispersal within three long-recognized subspecies. However, patterns of individual phyletic relationships indicate a historical absence of gene flow among the subspecies, which are essentially monophyletic. The pattern of haplotype coalescence enabled us to identify the approximate timing and direction of a recent episode of gene flow from the Sierra Nevada to the northern coastal ranges. The three subspecies comprise phylogenetic species, and the northern spotted owl (S. o. caurina) is sister to a clade of California (S. o. occidentalis) plus Mexican spotted owls (S o lucida); this represents a novel biogeographic pattern within birds. The California spotted owl had substantially lower nucleotide diversity than the other two subspecies; this result is inconsistent with present patterns of population density A causal explanation requires postulating a severe bottleneck or a selective sweep, either of which was confined to only one geographic region.  相似文献   

Distinguishing between ongoing gene flow and purely historical association of populations can be difficult without data on times of population separation and effective population sizes. To help discriminate between these two scenarios, I examined mitochondrial DNA sequence diversity in three geographically close populations of the grey-crowned babbler (Pomatostomus temporalis) separated by water barriers of known age in the Northern Territory, Australia, using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), direct sequencing, and genealogical methods of inference. PCR primers were designed to obtain sequences from region I, a highly variable segment of the control region. Sequence diversity in all populations was consistent with neutrality. In the population on Melville Island, a Pleistocene land-bridge island, sequence variability is as high as on the mainland and consists of two mitochondrial lineages differing by 2%. Phylogenetic analyses of the sequence variation observed among 44 individuals suggest that the number of times lineages in one population trace back to ancestors of a different population (between-population coalescent events) was too high to be compatible with a model of population divergence solely by drift since rising of the water barriers, implying instead recent or ongoing gene flow across water barriers. Similar estimates of Fst, the fraction of genetic diversity apportioned among populations, were obtained when calculated using the divergence times of alleles and when estimated from Nm values derived from trees and ranging from 0.29-0.55. Both the phylogenies and patterns of allelic divergence suggest that the population on Melville Island exchanges migrants with both continental populations, although statistical tests indicated that some alternative phylogenies implying restricted gene flow among the populations could not be discounted.  相似文献   

The concept of Müllerian mimicry suggests convergent evolution to an intermediate pattern and does not predict polymorphism in mimicry rings. We examined the evolution of mimicry patterns and the order of divergence of various factors, including the role of aposematic patterns in speciation, in a clade of net-winged beetles with a robust phylogeny that suggests that they dispersed from the Australian to Asian plate. We found strong evidence for the evolution of mimicry via advergence in Metriorrhynchus because older patterns are represented in the Oriental region within more than 100 species of lycids from several lineages. Advergence was likely the cause of the observed intraspecific polymorphism in contrast to the predicted universal monomorphism. Polymorphism was found in populations of two species in Sumatra and Borneo and in populations fine-tuned to subtle variants in various habitats. The advergence is likely to be based on the small population sizes of immigrants. The differences in population sizes result in much higher benefits for dispersing species than native populations. Speciation was trigged by the divergence in aposematic coloration, and the genetic differences accumulated slowly during incomplete isolation. We assumed that the differentiation in genitalia through sexual selection ultimately reinforced speciation initiated by the shift between mimicry patterns.  相似文献   

Although traits of related species are likely to be similar due to common ancestry, mating signals are an exception. In singing insects, for example, song similarity has been documented only for allopatric or allochronic species pairs, and even then, not often. Where song similarity does occur, it has been logically attributed to the inheritance of ancestral traits rather than convergence. It is quite common for related, sympatric insect species to differ dramatically in calling song, which is predicted by evolutionary theory to maximize intraspecific mating success. Given that there are a limited number of ways to make sounds on anatomically similar organs and given that there would be no selective pressure for songs to differ in widely separated geographic areas, convergence in songs among related species living on different continents might be expected. Here we present the first well-documented case of such convergence, in a group of sibling, cryptic species characterized by substrate-borne vibrational mating songs. In this example from green lacewings of the carnea group of the genus Chrysoperla, a variety of statistical tests shows that one species in North America and another in Asia possess songs that are strikingly similar to each other. DNA data demonstrate that the species involved belong to divergent speciose lineages, and behavioral data demonstrate that the convergent songs are readily accepted by members of both species.  相似文献   

We determined the phylogenetic relationships and geographic distribution of mitochondrial haplotypes of two host races of the tephritid fly Eurosta solidaginis, a gallmaker that attacks species of goldenrod (Solidago). We performed a preliminary survey by sequencing 492 bp from the 3′ ends of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I and II subunits from a single individual from eight S. gigantea- and 10 S. altissima-associated populations across their range in eastern North America and from two outgroup species, Eurosta comma (two populations) and E. cribrata. Eurosta solidaginis haplotypes fell into two groups (“E” and “W” clades), which differed by four substitutions, one of which occurred within the recognition site of the DdeI restriction enzyme. We used the presence or absence of the restriction site to survey a total of 11 S. gigantea (20 individuals) and 20 S. altissima (43 individuals) host-race populations. All gigantea-fly haplotypes regardless of geographic origin carried the E-clade haplotype, whereas altissima-fly haplotypes were geographically partitioned. Altissima flies east of Michigan were of haplotype E, whereas those west of Michigan were of haplotype W, with mixed populations found in lower Michigan. These patterns confirm an earlier allozyme survey that suggested that S. altissima is the ancestral host for the gallmaker, but also suggest that the gigantea fly populations were derived from eastern U.S. altissima fly populations. The data support the conclusions of behavioral and ecological studies indicating that the shift to the derived host was facilitated by escape from natural enemies.  相似文献   

Abstract The plethodontid salamander Desmognathus orestes, a member of the D. ochrophaeus species complex, is distributed in southwestern Virginia, eastern Tennessee, and western North Carolina. Previous allozyme analyses indicate that D. orestes consists of two distinct groups of populations (D. orestes‘B’ and D. orestes‘C’) with extensive intergradation and probable gene flow between these two groups. Spatially varying allele frequencies can reflect historical associations, current gene flow, or a combination of population‐level processes. To differentiate among these processes, we use multiple markers to further characterize divergence among populations of D. orestes and assess the degree of intergradation between D. orestes‘B’ and D. orestes‘C’, specifically investigating variation in allozymes, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), and reproductive behavior among populations. On a broad scale, the mtDNA genealogies reconstruct haplotype clades that correspond to the species identified from previous allozyme analyses. However, at a finer geographic scale, the distributions of the allozyme and mtDNA markers for D. orestes‘B’ and D. orestes‘C’ are discordant. MtDNA haplotypes corresponding to D. orestes‘B’ are more broadly distributed across western North Carolina than predicted by allozyme data, and the region of intergradation with D. orestes‘C’ indicates asymmetric gene flow of these markers. Asymmetric mating may contribute to observed discordance in nuclear versus cytoplasmic markers. Results support describing D. orestes as a single species and emphasize the importance of using multiple markers to examine fine‐scale patterns and elucidate evolutionary processes affecting gene flow when making species‐level taxonomic decisions.  相似文献   

Sequence variation in the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene was examined in the arboreal spiny rat, Mesomys hispidus, collected at 15 sites along the Rio Juruá in western Amazonia, Brazil, to determine the importance of riverine barriers in the diversification of this taxon. Twenty individual haplotypes were uncovered, most of which were unique to single localities but some of which were shared among adjacent sites either along or across the river. Genealogical analyses suggest that gene flow is limited and, in combination with the unique distribution of most haplotypes, suggest that populations of this species are strongly substructured along the river. Thus, most sharing of haplotypes between adjacent localities is probably caused by historical association rather than to ongoing gene flow. Two haplotype clades were uncovered, but these correspond to headwaters versus mouth areas, not to opposite sides of the river, as would be expected by the Riverine Barrier Hypothesis. Moreover, haplotype sharing across the river was greater at its mouth than in the headwaters, a pattern opposite that expected if the river were a substantive barrier. Broader scale phylogeographic patterns of this species show that both clades have relationships to areas well outside the Rio Juruá basin. This suggests that the basin represents a relatively recent point of invasion between two more broadly distributed and differentiated geographic units of the species.  相似文献   

This study presents a comparative hierarchical analysis of variance applied to three classes of molecular markers within the blue marlin (Makaira nigricans). Results are reported from analyses of four polymorphic allozyme loci, four polymorphic anonymously chosen single-copy nuclear DNA (scnDNA) loci, and previously reported restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Samples were collected within and among the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans over a period of several years. Although moderate levels of genetic variation were detected at both polymorphic allozyme (H = 0.30) and scnDNA loci (H = 0.37), mtDNA markers were much more diverse (h = 0.85). Allele frequencies were significantly different between Atlantic and Pacific Ocean samples at three of four allozyme loci and three of four scnDNA loci. Estimates of allozyme genetic differentiation (θO) ranged from 0.00 to 0.15, with a mean of 0.08. The θO values for scnDNA loci were similar to those of allozymes, ranging from 0.00 to 0.12 with a mean of 0.09. MtDNA RFLP divergence between oceans (θO = 0.39) was significantly greater than divergence detected at nuclear loci (95% nuclear confidence interval = 0.04–0.11). The fourfold smaller effective population size of mtDNA and male-mediated gene flow may account for the difference observed between nuclear and mitochondrial divergence estimates.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships within the family Rivulidae (order Cyprinodontiformes) are investigated using 1972 aligned base pairs of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) for samples representing 66 species. Genes analyzed include those encoding the 12S ribosomal RNA; transfer RNAs for valine, glutamine, methionine, tryptophan, alanine, asparagine, cysteine, and tyrosine; complete NADH dehydrogenase subunit II; and part of cytochrome oxidase I. Parsimony analysis of the aligned mtDNA sequences results in a single most parsimonious tree. The phylogeny reveals two independent origins of developmental diapause within the family Rivulidae. It is unlikely that diapause evolved de novo in each group, suggesting that the presence or absence of diapause is the result of developmental switches between alternative stabilized pathways. Phylogeny of the family Rivulidae shows high concordance with predictions derived from the geological history of South America and Central America. Basal lineages in the rivulid phylogeny are distributed primarily on geologically old areas, whereas more nested lineages occur in geologically younger areas. However, there is little concordance between the molecular phylogeny and currently available morphological hypotheses and existing taxonomies. Based on the mtDNA phylogeny, the genera Pterolebias, Rivulus, Pituna, and Plesiolebias are considered nonmonophyletic and warrant taxonomic reassessment.  相似文献   

A novel source of nuclear DNA information from random amplified polymorphisms (RAPD) and a wide-range mitochondrial DNA information (cytochrome b, cytochrome oxidase, and 12s rRNA sequence, RFLP from 4-base and 6-base recognition endonucleases) are used to reconstruct the population phylogeny of the western Canary Island lizard, Gallotia galloti, which, for geological reasons, has been subject to dispersal but not vicariance. Interpretation of DNA phylogenies in terms of colonization sequence indicates that G. galloti arose in Tenerife and dispersed westward in two independent pathways: north from north Tenerife to La Palma, and south from south Tenerife to Gomera to Hierro. The direction and timing of colonization by DNA divergence is entirely compatible with geological time and sequence of island origin.  相似文献   

The complete mitochondrial genome of the sycamore lace bug, Corythucha ciliata, was sequenced in this study. It represents the first sequenced mitogenome of family Tingidae in Heteroptera. The mitogenome of C. ciliata is 15,257 bp and contains 37 genes including 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs), 22 tRNA genes, two rRNA genes and a large non-coding region. Gene arrangement, nucleotide content, codon usage, and amino acid composition and asymmetry indicate a high degree of conservation with six other species of Cimicomorpha. The 13 PCGs initiated with ATN as the start codon and terminated with TAA, TA or T as stop codon. The evolutionary rate of each PCG was different, among which ATP8 showed the highest rate while ATP6 indicated the lowest rate. The 22 tRNAs genes apparently fold into a typical cloverleaf structure; however, the anticodon (TTC) of trnSer (AGN) differs from other Heteropteran insects. Secondary structure modeling of rRNA genes revealed similarity to other insects, except for two incomplete helices (H1648 and H2735) in lrRNA. The predicted secondary structure of lrRNA indicates 45 helices in six domains, whereas srRNA has 27 helices in three domains. Three potential stem–loops and two tandem repeats (–TCTAAT–) were identified in the A+T-rich region. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that C. ciliata is a sister group to other Heteroptera species based on analysis of the 13 PCGs.  相似文献   

Sasakia funebris, a member of the lepidopteran family, Nymphalidae (superfamily Papilionoidea) is a rare species and is found only in some areas of South China. In this study, the 15,233 bp long complete mitochondrial genome of S. funebris was determined, and harbors the gene arrangement identical to all other sequenced lepidopteran insects. The nucleotide composition of the genome is highly A + T biased, accounting for 81.2%. All protein-coding genes (PCGs) start with typical ATN codons, except for COI which begins with the CGA codon. All tRNAs have a typical clover-leaf secondary structure, except for tRNASer(AGN), the dihydrouridine (DHU) arm of which forms a simple loop. The S. funebris A + T-rich region of 370 bp contains several features common to the Lepidoptera insects, including the motif ATAGA followed by a 19 bp poly-T stretch, and two tandem repeats consisting of 18 bp repeat units and 14 bp repeat units. The phylogenetic analyses of Apaturinae based on mitogenome sequences showed: (S. funebris + Sasakia charonda) + (Apatura metis + Apatura ilia). This result is consistent with the morphological classification.  相似文献   

The complete mitochondrial genome of the African Penguin (Spheniscus demersus) was sequenced. The molecule was sequenced via next generation sequencing and primer walking. The size of the genome is 17,346 bp in length. Comparison with the mitochondrial DNA of two other penguin genomes that have so far been reported was conducted namely; Little blue penguin (Eudyptula minor) and the Rockhopper penguin (Eudyptes chrysocome). This analysis made it possible to identify common penguin mitochondrial DNA characteristics. The S. demersus mtDNA genome is very similar, both in composition and length to both the E. chrysocome and E. minor genomes. The gene content of the African penguin mitochondrial genome is typical of vertebrates and all three penguin species have the standard gene order originally identified in the chicken. The control region for S. demersus is located between tRNA-Glu and tRNA-Phe and all three species of penguins contain two sets of similar repeats with varying copy numbers towards the 3′ end of the control region, accounting for the size variance. This is the first report of the complete nucleotide sequence for the mitochondrial genome of the African penguin, S. demersus. These results can be subsequently used to provide information for penguin phylogenetic studies and insights into the evolution of genomes.  相似文献   

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《Journal of neurochemistry》2002,83(6):1543-1546

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