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We analyzed 19 samples of Baird's tapir feces from La Sepultura Biosphere Reserve, collected between March and July 1999. We also took samples directly from a male tapir captured at the Montes Azules Biosphere Reserve. Both reserves are in Chiapas, Mexico. We used five techniques: flotation, MacMaster, micrometric, Ritchie's sedimentation and Ferreira's quantitative. In addition, we collected ectoparasites from animals captured in both reserves and from a captive couple from Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas. These nematodes and protozoans were found: Agriostomun sp., Lacandoria sp., Neomurshidia sp., Trichostrongylus sp., Strongylus sp., Brachylumus sp, and an unidentified species of ancilostomaide. We also found Eimeria sp. and Balantidium coli, as well as the mites Dermacentor halli, Dermacentor latus, Amblyomma cajannense, Amblyomma coelebs, Amblyomma ovale, Anocentor nitens and Ixodes bicornis.  相似文献   

Concentrations of estradiol-17β (E2), progesterone (Po), and luteinizing hormone (LH) in serum and estrone glucuronide (E1G) and pregnanediol glucuronide (PdG) in urine were determined by direct radioimmunoassay in five yearling and three adult female white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) from 14 October to 20 December 1985. Elevated levels of LH were recorded before the first estrus of the breeding season and immediately preceding or during behavioral estrus. Urinary E1G and PdG concentrations were poorly correlated with serum levels of E2 and Po, respectively. Serum Po levels prior to the first estrus of the breeding season indicate that pubertal yearlings experience silent ovulations and suggest that silent ovulations may be important in the transition from adolescence to cycling adult in white-tailed deer. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Serum progesterone and urinary total estrogen concentrations were determined weekly to bi-weekly in 2 female Asian elephants for 96 weeks. The mean estrous interval was approximately 16 weeks in the nonpregnant animal. A total of 5 cycles were observed in the 96 week study period. The serum progesterone concentration ranged from 150 pg/ml to greater than 350 pg/ml during the luteal phase of the estrous cycle. The serum progesterone was elevated for 8–12 week weeks of the 16 week estrous cycle. The urinary total estrogen concentration ranged from less than 10 to greater than 300 pg/μg creatinine. The second animal was pregnant at the beginning of the study period. The serum progesterone concentration was elevated (> 100 pg/ml) in the pregnant animal until parturition. The urinary total estrogens increased from approximately 50 pg/μg creatinine to greater than 400 pg/μg creatinine during the first year of pregnancy and remained elevated until parturition. Estrous cycling had not resumed by 3 months post partum.  相似文献   

Concentrations of 11 amino acids, including the neurotransmitters GABA, glutamate, aspartate, glycine and taurine, were determined in 12 brain regions of female rats during different stages of the estrous cycle. In addition, amino acids and sex hormone levels were determined in plasma. All sample collections were done in the forenoon between 9 and 11 a.m. Most regional amino acid levels measured did not change signficantly during estrous cycle, but significant alterations were found for GABA and glutamate in hypothalamus. Both amino acids were slightly decreased in hypothalamus during proestrus, which might reflect an alteration of GABA turnover in response to the high estrogen levels during this stage. A decreased glutamate level during proestrus was also found in thalamus, while both glutamate and GABA did not vary throughout estrous cycle in any of the other examined regions, including substantia nigra, amygdala, striatum, cortex and hippocampus. When diestrus was subdivided according to progesterone levels, high levels of this hormone seemed to be associated with effects on metabolism of certain amino acids, including glycine in substantia nigra, alanine in thalamus and threonine in pons/medulla. However, the few changes in regional amino acid concentrations found during the estrous cycle were so small that the functional significance of these changes cannot be ascertained without further determination of the cellular or subcellular compartments of brain tissue involved.  相似文献   

Blood and urine samples were collected weekly from an Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) for 10 months before conception, throughout pregnancy, and for 10 months after parturition. Additional daily samples were collected for 41 days before through 10 days after parturition to define endocrine events during the peripartum period. During gestation, serum progesterone concentrations increased gradually and, after ~13 weeks, were higher (P < 0.05) than those observed during the nonpregnant luteal phase. Concentrations peaked at ~12 months of gestation, gradually declined during the last month, and then decreased sharply to nondetectable levels 2 days before parturition. A 12 week lactational anestrus was observed before cyclicity resumed. The urinary profile of progestagen excretion paralleled that of circulating progesterone (r = 0.79; P < 0.05); however, radioimmunoassay of HPLC-separated fractions of urinary eluates indicated that this immunoactivity was not associated with native progesterone. After remaining basal through the first 16 weeks of gestation, serum prolactin concentrations increased to 100-fold about midterm and remained elevated until after parturition. Neither serum nor urinary cortisol concentrations were altered during pregnancy, but both increased markedly the day after parturition and remained elevated above prepartum levels for several weeks thereafter. These data indicate that analysis of serum prolactin can confirm pregnancy in the Asian elephant after ~4 months of gestation and that daily monitoring of serum or urinary progestagens is useful for predicting parturition. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
  • 1 This article is a US Government work and, as such, is in the public domain in the United States of America.
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    Large non-ruminant ungulates consume the more abundant low-quality forage because this gives them the advantage of reducing search effort. However, large-bodied herbivores would be predicted to search for high-quality fruit patches if these patches were of large size and the fruits rich in nutrients. Diets of lowland tapir ( Tapirus terrestris ), a large non-ruminant of the Amazon basin, were examined from animals of north-eastern Peru to investigate this relationship between high-quality fruit, lower-quality browse and searching behaviour. Lowland tapir consumed on average 33% fruit, which is relatively high for a large non-ruminant ungulate. The fruit portion of lowland tapir diets was dominated by the nutritious Mauritia flexuosa (Palmae) drupes, which were selected by tapir more frequently than other fruit types. M. flexuosa palms grow in virtually monotypic stands and occur in larger patches than other fruit trees used by terrestrial herbivores of the Amazon. Lowland tapir encountered fruits more frequently when ranging in M. flexuosa palm forests than in non-palm forests, because they changed their searching behaviour once they entered palm forests by turning more abruptly. It appears that lowland tapir can consume greater proportions of fruit than other large non-ruminant ungulates, because they exploit a nutritious fruit that occurs in large patches and that meets the energy demands of their large body size.  相似文献   

    Gross lesions suggestive of severe hepatoenteropathy and myopathy were noted in a 4.5-yr-old Brazilian tapir (Tapirus terrestris) from a zoo in Michigan (USA). The major microscopic lesions were granulomatous hepatitis and hemorrhagic enteritis associated with non-operculated eggs compatible with those of the Schistosomatidae (Digenea). Skeletal muscle and tongue contained foci of severe acute myodegeneration and necrosis. The hepatic vitamin E value of 1.3 ppm dry weight was considered critically low.  相似文献   

    The objectives of this study were to assess the level of genetic variability and population differentiation within captive populations of an endangered large mammal, Baird's tapir (Tapirus bairdii). We genotyped 37 captive animals from North American (NA) and Central American (CA) zoos and conservation ranches using six polymorphic microsatellite loci. Standard indices of genetic variability (allelic richness and diversity, and heterozygosity) were estimated and compared between captive populations, and between captive and wild population samples. In addition, we evaluated levels of population differentiation using Weir and Cockerham's version of Wright's F-statistics. The results indicate that the NA and CA captive populations of Baird's tapirs have retained levels of genetic variability similar to that measured in a wild population. However, inbreeding coefficients estimated from the molecular data indicate that the CA captive population is at increased risk of losing genetic variability due to inbreeding. Despite this, estimated levels of population differentiation indicate limited divergence of the CA captive population from the wild population. Careful management appears to have kept inbreeding coefficients low in the NA captive population; however, population differentiation levels indicate that the NA population has experienced increased divergence from wild populations due to a founder effect and isolation. Based on these results, we conclude that intermittent exchanges of Baird's tapirs between the NA and CA captive populations will benefit both populations by increasing genetic variability and effective population size, while reducing inbreeding and divergence from wild populations. Zoo Biol 23:521–531, 2004. © 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

    Endocrine control of estrous cycle in mithun (Bos frontalis)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
    The objective of the present study was to establish the profiles of luteinising hormone (LH), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), estradiol 17beta (E2) and progesterone (P4) secretion and their interrelationships during the natural estrous cycle of mithun (Bos frontalis). Daily blood samples were collected from second or third postpartum estrous cycles for determination of plasma concentrations of LH, FSH, E2 and P4. Concentration of P4 was found to be lowest on the day of estrus. It increased following estrus, attained the highest concentration on day 11 and decreased thereafter. Concentrations of LH and FSH varied significantly (p<0.01) during the first and last 6 days of the cycle and their variations were found to be synchronised. Both LH and FSH attained a biphasic peak during the estrous cycle. This biphasic peak lasted on from day -5 to day 3 of the cycle. The variations in maximum LH and FSH concentrations of both the phases did not differ significantly. During the entire estrous cycle, the E2 concentrations attained either one peak or two peaks. The first peak, approximately on day 4 before estrus was common in all animals. One additional peak was found on the day of estrus in 45% animals. A significant (p<0.01) negative relationship was found between P4 and, LH and FSH during the first and last 6 days of cycle. But a significant (p相似文献   

    The mountain tapir Tapirus pinchaque is one of the largest and most threatened mammals of the northern South American Andes. It is distributed in montane forests and paramos mainly above 2000 m, from Colombia to north Peru. The species is categorised as globally Endangered and is mainly threatened by habitat degradation, habitat loss and fragmentation. Although up-to-date information is lacking in Peru on its distribution, population and conservation status, this population could play an important part in the global persistence of the species. We compiled all known recent occurrence records for the species from Peru, as well as data from camera traps with an effort of over 10,000 camera/days between 2016 and 2018. We modelled the tapir’s distribution using remote-sensed vegetation indices, topographic and bioclimatic variables in MaxEnt, followed by post-processing steps to remove unoccupied areas, to produce a current range map for the species in Peru. We overlaid this with spatial information on threats and protected areas. We estimate a range of almost 183,000 ha in Peru, in two main regions, north and south of the Huancabamba river, of which approximately 60% is within protected areas. However, protection gaps still exist, especially in the south of its range. Mining concessions cover 27% of its current range and we estimate 28,000 ha of forest loss within its extent of occurrence between 2001 and 2020. We provide recommendations for its conservation, including priority areas for increased protection, binational initiatives to ensure connectivity with populations in Ecuador and to use the tapir as a flagship species in efforts to protect montane ecosystems for water conservation.  相似文献   

    This study was designed to evaluate the timecourse of ovarian and pituitary endocrine events throughout the menstrual cycle in the vervet monkey, and whether circulating luteinizing hormone (LH) or the uterus regulates the functional lifespan of the vervet corpus luteum. Daily saphenous blood samples were collected from adult females (1) during spontaneous menstrual cycles (n = 7), and (2) during cycles in which a gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonist (acyline) was administered for 3 days at midluteal phase (n = 3), and (3) for 30 days following recovery from hysterectomy (n = 4). Estradiol (E) and progesterone (P) levels were assayed using electrochemoluminescent assays. Gonadotropin levels were measured by radioimmunoassay using reagents developed for the assay of follicle-stimulating hormone and LH in macaques. Spontaneous cycles exhibited a midcycle E rise (476+/-49 pg/ml), engendering an LH surge, 12+/-1 days after onset of menses, followed by a luteal phase with peak P levels of 4.7+/-0.9 ng/ml. Histologic evaluation of the ovaries at late follicular phase or early luteal phase revealed the presence of a single, large Graafian follicle or developing corpus luteum, respectively. Acyline treatment caused a significant (P<0.05) decline in P levels (2.9+/-0.5 vs 0.5+/-0.3 ng/ml, 0 vs 48 h post-treatment) and premature menstruation compared with untreated controls (P<0.05). Hysterectomy had no apparent effect on the monthly pattern or levels of circulating E or P. Thus, the characteristics and regulation of the ovarian cycle in vervets appear similar to those in women and macaques, with cyclicity dependent on pituitary gonadotropin hormones and independent of a uterine luteolytic factor.  相似文献   

    Results from 24 transects showed that tapirs were less abundant in areas with higher human presence. They also preferred less steep areas, especially as browsing sites. An analysis of feces showed that fibers were the largest component (40–55%) followed by leaves (10–30%) and twigs (15%). Bamboo (Chusquea spp.) was found in all samples and probably accounts for the high proportion of fibers. Twenty‐seven plant species were identified to be eaten by tapirs.  相似文献   

    To investigate the endocrine factors in Japanese monkeys (Macaca fuscata) responsible for the suppression of the estrous cycle during the first reproductive season after delivery (150–360 days postpartum), peripheral blood was taken to measure plasma concentrations of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), progesterone, estradiol‐17β, immunoreactive (ir)‐inhibin, and cortisol. The results demonstrated that during the breeding season of lactating Japanese monkeys, circulating concentrations of FSH (1.7–2.7 ng/ml), LH (308.5–461.0 pg/ml), estradiol‐17β (<62.6 pg/ml), and progesterone (145.0–453.0 pg/ml) remained low and were similar to the nadir levels observed during both the normal menstrual cycles and the nonbreeding season. Concentrations of ir‐inhibin, which is secreted from both follicles and corpus luteum in female Japanese monkeys, were also low (300.5–585.0 pg/ml). This strongly suggests that no follicular development occurs during lactation. Serum concentrations of cortisol (261.0–519 ng/ml) were higher during lactation than during the nonbreeding season. Since babies were often seen suckling their mothers during the study, the results indicate that the increased cortisol levels were associated with suckling‐induced secretion of corticotrophin‐releasing hormone (CRH) and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). The results of this study indicate that a long period of postpartum infertility in lactating Japanese monkeys, with apparent inhibition of follicle growth and anovulation, is due to weak gonadotropin stimulation, which may occur as the result of a suckling stimulus. Zoo Biol 22:65–76, 2003. © 2003 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

    Although reproduction in the domestic horse has been well described, less is known about reproduction in wild equids. This study describes endocrine patterns associated with estrous cycles and pregnancy for Somali wild asses (Equus africanus somaliensis), an endangered African equid. Fecal samples were collected three times per week for more than 2 years from five female Somali wild asses at the Saint Louis Zoo; progestagen and estrogen metabolites were quantified using commercially available immunoassays. Progestagen analysis indicated that cycle lengths were 27.2 ± 1.2 days and females cycled throughout the year. Progestagen levels during early pregnancy were low and not sustained above baseline until approximately 40 weeks prior to partition. Concentrations increased markedly around 16 weeks prior to delivery and peaked 2–3 weeks before birth. Fecal estrogen levels also increased significantly starting 40–45 weeks before parturition and reached their maximal value approximately 20 weeks prior to birth. Neither foal heat nor lactational suppression of estrus was observed, and females cycled within 45 days after delivery. These data are the first to describe the reproductive physiology of Somali wild asses. As the species faces increasing threats in the wild, this information may support conservation efforts by assisting with ex situ breeding programs.  相似文献   

    This study was carried out to determine the effects of a transient doe-litter separation on plasma prolactin, LH, FSH, estradiol-17β and progesterone concentrations before artificial insemination and during the subsequent pregnancy. Control does (n=12) had free access to nursing, whereas separated does (n=12) were kept away from their litters for 48 hours before artificial insemination. Both groups were inseminated on day 11 after parturition. Teat stimulation by suckling caused a high increase in prolactin concentrations in separated does (p<0.0001). Basal prolactin concentrations were observed in both groups on days 8 and 18 of pregnancy. No effect of the treatment was detected on LH and FSH concentrations during the sampling period. A rise of estradiol-17β concentrations was observed 48 hours after doe-litter separation, compared to control does and to previous values (p<0.003). Both groups showed low progesterone concentrations before artificial insemination. Pregnant rabbits in both groups showed increased progesterone concentrations on days 8 and 18 of pregnancy. Lower estradiol-17β concentrations were observed in control does on day 18 of pregnancy compared with separated rabbits (p<0.003). The results suggest that a transient separation of nursing does from their litters before artificial insemination may promote high follicular steroidogenesis activity leading to increased estradiol-l7β concentrations. This hormonal change could be a result of several stimulatory actions probably triggered by the absence of suckling episodes and may affect the luteotrophic function during the subsequent pregnancy.  相似文献   

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