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Abstract: The phylogeny of the families Lecanoraceae and Bacidiaceae (Lecanorales, Ascomycota) was investigated using 29 nuclear small subunit ribosomal DNA sequences, 9 of which were newly determined. The data set contained 368 variable characters, 234 of which were parsimony-informative. Phylogenetic estimations were performed with maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood optimality criteria. In the most parsimonious and most likely reconstructions, the Bacidiaceae sensu Hafellner 1988 forms a monophyletic group and the Lecanoraceae sensu Hafellner a paraphyletic group. The genera Tephromela and Scoliciosporum appear to belong outside these families. However, the hypothesis that the Lecanoraceae sensu Hafellner is monophyletic cannot be rejected, as indicated by a Kishino-Hasegawa test. Three hypotheses were rejected by Kishino-Hasegawa tests, viz. (1) that the Lecanoraceae and Bacidiaceae together form a monophyletic group; (2) that both the Lecanoraceae (incl. Scoliciosporum ) and Bacidiaceae (incl. Tephromela ) are monophyletic; and (3) that the ascus apex anatomy reflects phylogeny. The suborder Lecanorineae is paraphyletic unless the Stereocaulaceae and Cladoniaceae are included. One or both of the Bacidia and Lecanora types of ascus have probably evolved at least twice.  相似文献   

The diversity and phylogenetic position of photobionts in the widespread saxicolous, crustose lichen-forming ascomycete Lecanora rupicola s.l. is presented. The algal partners of this lichen species complex belong to diverse and unrelated lineages in the genus Trebouxia . Specimens were sampled from different habitats and geographical origins. Either whole thallus DNA extractions or minute fragments of the algal layer of the lichen thallus were subjected to polymerase chain reaction, using primers that specifically amplify internal transcribed spacer rDNA of the photobionts. No correlations between different chemical races of L. rupicola with particular lineages of Trebouxia spp. were found. Irrespective of the different algal partners, all lichen thalli abundantly developed ascomata. L. rupicola apparently maintains full fecundity with a low degree of selectivity for photobionts, which promotes the occurrence of this lichen-forming species in ample ecological situations.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 88 , 283–293.  相似文献   

The objectives and rationale of the First International Symposium on Southern Hemisphere Limnology are outlined. The geography and climate of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres are compared. Greater areas of the land masses in the Southern Hemisphere fall under oceanic influence than in the Northern Hemisphere at equivalent latitude. Although many Southern Hemisphere land masses are arid it is concluded that limnological differences between the Hemispheres are of degree rather than of kind and that limnological principles developed in the Northern Hemisphere are, in general, globally applicable. However, Southern Hemisphere water resources management problems have centred upon arid-land water supply problems, probably to the detriment of pure limnological research.  相似文献   

The term aseasonality is used in this paper to describe environmental conditions which either lack annual seasonal change or have periodicities of change which are longer or shorter than the seasons. Environmental factors act on plants either as stresses or disturbances and changes in environment can signal the onset of conditions which are favourable or unfavourable to plant growth and reproduction. Plant life-histories are thus adapted to these environmental factors and respond to them with both seasonal and aseasonal periodicities, depending on their manner of occurrence and effect on the plants. A review of pertinent studies from the Southern Hemisphere shows that plants of the same life-form (submerged, floating, emergent) might differ in the types of adaptation and response to environmental conditions according to latitude but that the periodicity of response could be seasonal or aseasonal regardless of latitude. The concept of seasonality versus aseasonality is therefore misleading and an oversimplification of the variety of periodicities with which the environment acts on plant genotypes. Limnological principles of the Northern Hemisphere are applicable to aquatic macrophytes in the Southern Hemisphere but there is a particular need for research into the effects of biotic variables and water level fluctuations on aquatic plants and communities in the latter.  相似文献   

The world of protists remains largely unexplored. A thorough electron-microscopic investigation of a few microlitres of deep-sea sediment from 2,964 m water depth near the South Sandwich Islands (Southern Ocean) revealed siliceous scales of filose-amoeba protist species, two of which have not been reported previously from Antarctica or from elsewhere in the Southern Hemisphere. However, all the species are known from other oceans and, in one case, from freshwater habitats. The Antarctic protistan scales belong to four species of filose amoebae: Pinaciophora fluviatilis Greef 1869, Pinaciophora denticulata Thomsen 1978, Pinaciophora multicosta Thomsen 1978 and Rabdiaster reticulata (Thomsen 1979) Mikrjukov 1999 nov. comb. Our study shows that (1) none of the species has been recorded from the Australasian biogeograpical region, (2) Pinaciophora multicosta and Rabdiaster reticulata are new records for the Southern Ocean and for the Southern Hemisphere as a whole, (3) prior to this investigation, Pinaciophora multicosta had been reported once only, from the Baltic Sea (Europe). These results highlight the problem of undersampling in the study of the global distribution of protists.  相似文献   

Operational weather surveillance radars (WSRs) are permanent radars that constantly detect precipitation at regular intervals (approx. every 4–10 min) for the purpose of weather reporting and are often part of a larger network of radars. Ecological studies using WSR to detect flying animals within the airspace have been on the rise since the early 2000s. However, the vast majority of published ecological studies (>300) have occurred in the Northern Hemisphere with only two published studies occurring in the Southern Hemisphere, both on insects. The lag in uptake of the technique in the Southern hemisphere is likely due to limited WSR coverage and the challenges of data acquisition and interpretation. However, we argue that WSRs are numerous enough in the Southern Hemisphere to offer equal opportunity to understand the movement of flying animals there. Here, we explore why that might be and present a road map so that ecological researchers in the Southern Hemisphere may take advantage of this valuable data resource.  相似文献   

The chemical variation inLecanora epibryon andL. subimmersa, two species of theL. subfusca group, has been examined. In both species the chemical differences are correlated with geographical distribution, but not with morphological differences. As a consequence the chemotypes are recognized at subspecific level. InL. epibryon three chemical races are segregated according to the various chemosyndromes present. Subspeciesepibryon, containing atranorin and triterpenoids, occurs in the northern hemisphere and South America, while the other two subspecies occur only in the southern hemisphere. The subsp.broccha (Nyl.)Lumbsch, comb. nova, contains atranorin, the stictic acid and the 2,5,7-trichloro-3-O-methylnorlichexanthone chemosyndromes, while subsp.xanthophora Lumbsch, subsp. nova, is similar but lacks the stictic acid chemosyndrome. Two chemical races occur in the pantropical speciesL. subimmersa. While subsp.subimmersa contains atranorin and zeorin, subsp.ramboldii Lumbsch & Elix, subsp. nova, contains an additional ten chlorinated xanthones.L. impressa is reduced to synonymy toL. subimmersa.  相似文献   

A comparison of secondary chemistry and a variety of anatomical and morphological characters of Fellhanera and Badimia (Pilocarpaceae) has been conducted in an effort to clarify the systematic position of both genera. Based on our results we conclude that Fellhanera and Badimia are closely related and separated mainly by the slightly different paraphyses, amyloid reactions of their asci, apothecial size, and the presence or absence of campylidia. Fellhanera badimioides sp.n. is described, and the following systematic changes are proposed: Badimia cateilea (Vain.) comb.n. B. lecanorina (Zahlbr.) comb.n., B. tuckermanii (R.Sant.) comb.n. and Fellhanera stanhopeae (Müll. Arg.) comb.n.  相似文献   

Aim The endoparasites of Sebastes capensis Gmelin are examined over most of its geographical range (coasts of Peru, Chile, Argentina and South Africa) to determine: (1) whether the endoparasite communities of this fish show zoogeographical patterns; and (2) if so, whether there are any relationships between spatial variations in the endoparasite fauna and known zoogeographical patterns for marine free‐living organisms (e.g. prey that are included in the life cycles of endoparasites). Location Fish were captured at nine localities along the Pacific coast of South America, from 11° S in the centre of the Peruvian coast, to 52° S in southern Chile, and also at two localities in the Atlantic Ocean, at 43° S in Argentina, and 34° S in South Africa. Methods From April to September 2003 and April to August 2004, 626 fish were captured. Endoparasites and diet were examined following traditional methods. Cluster analyses were used to evaluate the distribution patterns of the endoparasite communities, and to evaluate similarities in the prey composition per locality. Results The endoparasite fauna of S. capensis consisted of four species widely distributed along the Pacific coast: Ascarophis cf. sebastodis, Anisakis sp., Corynosoma australe, and Pseudopecoelus sp. Other parasites were distributed only in some geographical areas. The species richness of the parasite communities increased with latitude along the Pacific coast, while parasite communities from Argentina and South Africa showed low species richness. Cluster analyses based on endoparasite composition and on prey composition grouped localities in a way consistent with known biogeographical areas for marine free‐living organisms. Main conclusions The endoparasites of S. capensis exhibit a pattern associated with known biogeographical areas for free‐living organisms. The latitudinal increase in endoparasite community richness is associated with changes in prey composition (intermediate hosts) and also possibly with the presence of definitive hosts. Therefore, the biogeographical patterns of prey are considered key determinants of the endoparasite community structure of the host.  相似文献   

Climate scientists have concluded that stratospheric ozone depletion has been a major driver of Southern Hemisphere climate processes since about 1980. The implications of these observed and modelled changes in climate are likely to be far more pervasive for both terrestrial and marine ecosystems than the increase in ultraviolet‐B radiation due to ozone depletion; however, they have been largely overlooked in the biological literature. Here, we synthesize the current understanding of how ozone depletion has impacted Southern Hemisphere climate and highlight the relatively few documented impacts on terrestrial and marine ecosystems. Reviewing the climate literature, we present examples of how ozone depletion changes atmospheric and oceanic circulation, with an emphasis on how these alterations in the physical climate system affect Southern Hemisphere weather, especially over the summer season (December–February). These potentially include increased incidence of extreme events, resulting in costly floods, drought, wildfires and serious environmental damage. The ecosystem impacts documented so far include changes to growth rates of South American and New Zealand trees, decreased growth of Antarctic mosses and changing biodiversity in Antarctic lakes. The objective of this synthesis was to stimulate the ecological community to look beyond ultraviolet‐B radiation when considering the impacts of ozone depletion. Such widespread changes in Southern Hemisphere climate are likely to have had as much or more impact on natural ecosystems and food production over the past few decades, than the increased ultraviolet radiation due to ozone depletion.  相似文献   

Long-distance dispersal plays a key role in evolution, facilitating allopatric divergence, range expansions, and species movement in response to environmental change. Even species that seem poorly suited to dispersal can sometimes travel long distances, for example via hitchhiking with other, more intrinsically dispersive species. In marine macroalgae, buoyancy can enable adults—and diverse hitchhikers—to drift long distances, but the evolution and role of this trait are poorly understood. The southern bull-kelp genus Durvillaea includes several non-buoyant and buoyant species, including some that have only recently been recognized. In revising the genus, we not only provide updated identification tools and describe two new species (D. incurvata comb. nov. from Chile and D. fenestrata sp. nov. from the Antipodes Islands), but also carry out biogeographic analyses to determine the evolutionary history of buoyancy in the genus. Although the ancestral state was resolved as non-buoyant, the distribution of species suggests that this trait has been both gained and lost, possibly more than once. We conclude that although buoyancy is a trait that can be useful for dispersal (creating evolutionary pressure for its gain), there is also evolutionary pressure for its loss as it restricts species to narrow environmental ranges (i.e., shallow depths).  相似文献   

A new species of Kaempferia from Southern Laos, K.sawanensis, is described and illustrated. Relationship of this new species with other taxa is discussed.  相似文献   

On the basis of biosynthsis, distribution of diterpenoid alkaloids as well as morphological evolution of Chinese species L. (Ranunculaceae), chemotaxonomy of the genus Aconitum is discussed: 1, Subgen. Lycoctonum, containing lycoctonine-type alkaloids and Subgen. Aconitum containing aconitine-type alkaloids, were probably differetiated at the early stage of evolution of the genus Aconitum and evolved respectively in their own ways. 2, In Subgen. Aconitum: (1) Ser. Bullatifolia, containing mainly atisine-, veatchine-type alkaloids, and amino, alcohol and ester base of aconitine-type, and distributed in Hengduan Mountain and Jingsha River valley, where is the centre of modern differentiation of species of Aconitum, is probably a series from which Chinese species of the genus Aconitum were derived; (2) Ser. Inflata, containing mainly aconitine, mesaconitine and bypaconitine, is an advanced group; (3) Ser. Grsndituberosa, containing mainly aconitine and songorine, is related to Ser. Bulatifolia; (4) Ser. stylosa and Ser. volubilia, containing mainly yunaconitine and other anisyl ester alkaloids form another advanced branch. 3, Ser. Tangutica and A. naviculare of Ser. Rotaundifolia, containing atisine and lactone-type alkaloids may be a specialized group in high mountains and have occurred at early stage of evolution of the genus Aconitum. 4, Subgen. Gymnaconitum, containing atisine-type alkaloids and amino alcohol of aconitine type, may als be a specialized group in high mountains. 5, A. franchetii Finet. et Gagnep. mainly containing ester bases of aconitine-typeand closed to A. chasmanthum Stapf, is best placed into Ser. Ambigua.  相似文献   

Global phylogeographic patterns in Sanionia uncinata are addressed based on information in internal transcribed spacer (ITS) (214 specimens) and the plastid markers trnLtrnF (221) and rpl16 (217). ITS suggests a monophyletic Sanionia and a paraphyletic S. uncinata; this was neither supported nor rejected by plastid data. Northern or Eastern Eurasia and Alaska appear important in the early evolution of Sanionia and some populations dispersed into the Southern Hemisphere relatively early. Some haplotypes or groups of haplotypes are morphologically and ecologically distinct, biologically meaningful units that correspond with S. orthothecioides, S. symmetrica and S. georgicouncinata s.l. The latter includes two species that are indistinguishable by morphology, S. georgicouncinata s.s. (Southern Hemisphere) and S. nivalis (Northern Hemisphere). Tropical African and South American S. uncinata populations have separate origins and the Southern Hemisphere was colonized at least twice. In the northern circum‐Arctic region, the haplotype composition differs between the North Atlantic and Beringian areas. Eastern Eurasia has a higher S. uncinata haplotype diversity than other Holarctic regions, implying less devastating effects of recurrent glacial periods. For Eastern and Western Eurasia, North America and the Southern Hemisphere, most of the haplotype variation was found within the regions, but 14–18% can be referred to among region variation. Plastid haplotype diversity was lower in the Southern Hemisphere than in the Arctic to subarctic, possibly attributable to founder effects. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 168 , 19–42.  相似文献   

A total of 43 HPLC peaks tentatively considered to be sesquiterpene lactones was detected from a survey of the 18 taxa (eleven species and seven subspecies) of Helianthus sect. Helianthus using a recently developed microtechnique. All but one of the taxa showed characteristic sesquiterpene lactone patterns with between six and 15 compounds each. H. paradoxus appears to be the only species in the genus in which these compounds are not detectable. Comparison with available reference compounds allowed assignment of structures to 21 of the compounds. Known compounds can be classified into five major structural subtypes, the systematic distribution of which divides the section into three well-defined subgroups. The sesquiterpene lactone profiles of the other two annual species of the genus, H. agrestis and H. porteri, exhibit significant differences relative to any species of sect. Helianthus, which supports their exclusion from the section.  相似文献   

Understanding the biological significance of Pleistocene glaciations requires knowledge of the nature and extent of habitat refugia during glacial maxima. An opportunity to examine evidence of glacial forest refugia in a maritime, Southern Hemisphere setting is found in New Zealand, where the extent of Pleistocene forests remains controversial. We used the mitochondrial phylogeography of a forest-edge cicada ( Kikihia subalpina ) to test the hypothesis that populations of this species survived throughout South Island during the Last Glacial Maximum. We also compared mitochondrial DNA phylogeographic patterns with male song patterns that suggest allopatric divergence across Cook Strait. Cytochrome oxidase I and II sequences were analyzed using network analysis, maximum-likelihood phylogenetic estimation, Bayesian dating and Bayesian skyline plots. K. subalpina haplotypes from North Island and South Island form monophyletic clades that are concordant with song patterns. Song divergence corresponds to approximately 2% genetic divergence, and Bayesian dating suggests that the North Island and South Island population-lineages became isolated around 761 000 years bp . Almost all South Island genetic variation is found in the north of the island, consistent with refugia in Marlborough Sounds, central Nelson and northwest Nelson. All central and southern South Island and Stewart Island haplotypes are extremely similar to northern South Island haplotypes, a 'northern richness/southern purity' pattern that mirrors genetic patterns observed in many Northern Hemisphere taxa. Proposed southern South Island forest habitat fragments may have been too small to sustain populations of K. subalpina , and/or they may have harboured ecological communities with no modern-day analogues.  相似文献   

Most work investigating modulation of testosterone (T) levels in birds has focused on northern temperate and Arctic species, and to a lesser degree, tropical species. Studies exploring modulation of T in birds in temperate regions of the Southern Hemisphere are lacking. Here we explore patterns of T secretion across the breeding season in two populations of temperate Zonotrichia capensis in Chile, located only 130 km apart, but separated by 2000 m in elevation. We then compared these T profiles to those of conspecifcs in the tropics and congeners in northern zones. We measured baseline T levels during pre-breeding in lowland Z. c. chilensis, early breeding in highland Z. c. chilensis and mid-breeding in both populations. We also tested for social stimulation of T secretion during mid-breeding in both populations. Lastly, we challenged the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis of the lowland population with gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) to determine maximum possible T production. We found that the highland population adjusted T secretion across the breeding season like northern species. Neither Z. c. chilensis population modulated T in response to social stimuli, nor the HPG axis of the lowland population was not maximally active during either pre- or mid-breeding. These results suggest that patterns of circulating T in the highland population of Z. c. chilensis in the Southern Hemisphere are similar to congeners in the temperate Northern Hemisphere, but those of the lowland population of Z. c. chilensis are not, and are more similar to conspecifics breeding in the tropics.  相似文献   

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