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Sexual reproduction may be advantageous for hosts that are preyed on or parasitized by enemies that are highly adapted to them. Sexual reproduction can create rare genotypes that may escape predation by virtue of rarity and can create variable progeny that may escape predation if enemies are specialized to only one genotype of host. Populations of the herbivorous thrips, Apterothrips apteris, have been shown to be adapted to individual Erigeron glaucus clones. Here, we show that thrips adapted to the parental clone could better use plant progeny of the “home” clone produced through selfing than progeny derived from selfing of other clones. Thus, despite recombination, progeny produced by selfing presented a resource that was similar to the parental phenotype with respect to use by adapted thrips. We also show that E. glaucus susceptibility to thrips has a genetic basis and then ask whether outcrossing provides a means for E. glaucus clones to escape attack by adapted thrips. When we compared the success of thrips on progeny produced by selfing or outcrossing of the home clone, we found that the merits or disadvantages associated with outcrossing were dependent on the susceptibility to infestation of the parental clones. Selfing by clones characterized by low infestations of thrips appeared to preserve resistant genotypes; all outcrossed progeny had, on average, higher infestation levels than selfed progeny. In contrast, outcrossed progeny of clones characterized by high infestations of thrips had either the same thrips density as progeny from selfing, when the pollen donor was a highly infested clone, or lower density, when the pollen donor was a low infestation clone. The advantages of outcrossing were caused by the alleles contributed to progeny rather than to progeny variability or rarity.  相似文献   


The infaunal macrobenthic community of the St Lucia estuary has been exposed to natural disturbance in the form of salinity fluctuations arising from floods and hypersaline conditions, and human-induced interference arising from dredging and beam trawling. The responses of the benthos to these disturbances have been recorded between 1983 and 1994 and are discussed in the light of management options for the estuary. A simple benthic sampling strategy is suggested to monitor the important benthic species.  相似文献   

This is the second part of a series of papers dealing with the Copepoda-fauna of theWu-Li Lake, Wu-Sih, Kiangsu Province, China. It comprises 21 species of Cyclopoida,of which 5 species (those marked with an asterisk in the list) are for the first time re-corded in China and two species of Tropocyclops are found to be new to science. All  相似文献   

The present paper deals with the larvae of 10 species of Luciliini from China. The 10 species of Luciliini are as follows: Hypopygiopais infumata (Bigot, 1877), Fig. 1. Hemipyrellia ligurriens (Wied., 1830), Fig. 2. Lucilia sericata (Meig., 1826), Fig. 3. L. cuprina (Wied., 1830), Fig. 4. L. illustris (Meig., 1826), Fig. 5. L. caesar (L., 1758), Fig. 6. L. porphyrina (Walk., 1857), Fig. 7. L. ampullacea laoshanensis Quo, 1952, Fig. 8.  相似文献   

In this paper, the author described the larvae of Chinese Chrysomyine flies. All larval specimens of the seven species studied in this paper were reared in the laboratory. The 7 species of Chrysomyinae are as follows: Chrysomya megacephala (Fab., 1794). Fig.1. Ch. pinguis (Wlk., 1858). Ch. bezziana Vill., 1914, Fig.2. Ch. defixa (Wlk., 1857), Fig.3. Achaetandrus rufifacies (Macq., 1842). Fig. 4a.b. Ach. villeneuvii (Patton. 1922). Fig. 4b. (right 5, 8.) Ceylonomyia nigripes (Aubt., 1932). Fig. 5. The larvae of following species are described for the first time.  相似文献   

The constricted ‘waist’ of the metamorphosing larva of the polychaete Arenicola cristata is described, using light and electron microscopy. The constriction is shown to be the consequence of the discharge and collapse of a post-trochal ring of epithelial cells which remain as functional components of the post-metamorphic juvenile. Morphological differentiation of neuro-effector and interneuronal contacts is initiated at this time. Muscular and neural changes are discussed in terms of their role in effecting metamorphosis.  相似文献   

Moav , Rom (Hebrew U., Jerusalem), and D. R. Cameron . Genetic instability in Nicotiana hybrids. I. The expression of instability in N. tabacum × N. plumbaginifolia. Amer. Jour. Bot. 47(2): 87—93. 1960.—N. tabacum (n = 24) and N. plumbaginifolia (n=10) are distantly related species both from morphological and cytological points of view. Hybrids of these species with various genome dosages have exhibited somatic variegation when plumbaginifolia dominant characters were superimposed on an appropriate tabacum genetic background. Five loci were studied in this respect: Wh and Tg—for flower coloration; Ws—for chlorophyll production; Kl—for pollen abortion and Bs—for black shank resistance. All 5 were found to be unstable. Backcross progenies of the sesquidiploid hybrid (tbc-tbc-pbg) to tabacum showed a marked increase in intensity of variegation. This has been attributed to the breaking up of the plumbaginifolia genome into individual chromosomes. The evidence indicates that variegation was due to somatic chromosomal aberrations which probably characterized all the plumbaginifolia chromosomes. An hypothesis regarding the heterogeneity of F1 hybrids of distantly related homozygous species is outlined and the occurrence of instability due to hybridization in other Nicotiana hybrids is discussed.  相似文献   

Stein , Diana B. and o . L. Stein . (Montana State U., Missoula.) The growth of the stem tip of Kalanchoë cv. ‘Brilliant Star.‘ Amer. Jour. Bot. 47 (2) : 132—140. Illus. I960.–The purposes of this investigation were (1) to define as clearly as possible the events in the shoot apex and its immediate derivatives during the ontogeny of the shoot; and (2) to determine the changes which occur during the transition from a vegetative to a reproductive meristem. Rate of leaf production in Kalanchoë is basically constant. The rate of leaf growth subsequent to the early primordial state is, however, dependent on the age of the plant and on the environment in which the plant is grown. By keeping these factors constant a correlation can be demonstrated between the size of the youngest visible leaf and the microscopic primordia. Throughout its ontogeny the general architecture of the shoot apex remains essentially the same. Two tunica layers cover the corpus in the vegetative shoot apex, and even in the flowering meristem these 2 layers can be detected. The apex is essentially flat and blends into the adjacent leaf primordia early in the plastochron. About 10 days after flower induction has been started the apex changes its form to a dome, primarily by increased cell division. At the same time the rate of elongation of the youngest internodes increases thus placing the flowering stem tip atop an elongated stem. Axillary development is ultimately responsible for the development of a dichasium.  相似文献   


This paper assesses the research undertaken at Lake St. Lucia over the past 25 years based on over 300 documents from that period. Trends related to both time and subject matter are evident, and these are considered in relation to the gaps in our current knowledge concerning the system.

A feature evident throughout the period under consideration is that the major portion of documented material available relates to reports and contributions to workshops (77%) with only 23% from scientific publications. Contributions by these two sources to the subject group being considered for St. Lucia are markedly different with research publications dominating the biological field and reports dominating in physical aspects, catchment characteristics, man's activities, management, dredging and hydrological modelling. However, some 55% of all unpublished data related to reviews or assessments of the state of research on St. Lucia.

The importance of the scientific publications group as an indicator of the state of research into the system is considered in the light of an apparent decline in the number of completed projects being published. It is also considered in the light of the recent establishment of a co-ordinated Lake St. Lucia Research Programme, which may provide the impetus for a more concentrated and directed research effort on the Lake System.  相似文献   

New measurements of the brightness difference sensibility of the eye corroborate the data of previous workers which show that ΔI/I decreases as I increases. Contrary to previous report, ΔI/I does not normally increase again at high intensities, but instead decreases steadily, approaching a finite limiting value, which depends on the area of the test-field and on the brightness of the surrounding field. On a logarithmic plot, the data of ΔI/I against I for test-fields below 2° are continuous, whereas those for test-fields above 2° show a sharp discontinuity in the region of intensity in which ΔI/I decreases rapidly. This discontinuity is shown to divide the data into predominantly rod function at low intensities, and predominantly cone function at high intensities. Fields below 2° give higher values of ΔI/I at all intensities, when compared with larger fields. Fields greater than one or two degrees differ from one another principally on the low intensity side of the break. Changes in area above this limit are therefore mainly effective by changing the number of rods concerned. This is confirmed by experiments controlling the relative numbers of rods and cones with lights of different wavelength and with different retinal locations. At high intensities ΔI/I is extremely sensitive to changes in brightness of surrounding visual fields, except for large test-fields which effectually furnish their own surrounds. This sensitivity is especially marked for fields of less than half a degree in diameter. Although the effect is most conspicuous for high intensities, the surround brightness seems to affect the relation between variables as a whole, except in very small fields where absence of a surround of adequate brightness results in the distortion of the theoretical relation otherwise found. The theoretical relationship for intensity discrimination derived by Hecht is shown to fit practically all of the data. Changes in experimental variables such as retinal image area, wavelength, fixation, and criterion may be described as affecting the numerical quantities of this relationship.  相似文献   

1. A new apparatus is described for measuring visual intensity discrimination over a large range of intensities, with white light and with selected portions of the spectrum. With it measurements were made of the intensity ΔI which is just perceptible when it is added for a short time to a portion of a field of intensity I to which the eye has been adapted. 2. For white and for all colors the fraction ΔI/I decreases as I increases and reaches an asymptotic minimum value at high values of I. In addition, with white light the relation between ΔI/I and I shows two sections, one at low intensities and the other at high intensities, the two being separated by an abrupt transition. These findings are contrary to the generally accepted measurements of Koenig and Brodhun; however, they confirm the recent work of Steinhardt, as well as the older work of Blanchard and of Aubert. The abrupt transition is in keeping with the Duplicity theory which attributes the two sections to the functions of the rods and cones respectively. 3. Measurements with five parts of the spectrum amplify these relationships in terms of the different spectral sensibilities of the rods and cones. With extreme red light the relation of ΔI/I to I shows only a high intensity section corresponding to cone function, while with other colors the low intensity rod section appears and increases in extent as the light used moves toward the violet end of the spectrum. 4. Like most of the previously published data from various sources, the present numerical data are all described with precision by the theory which supposes that intensity discrimination is determined by the initial photochemical and chemical events in the rods and cones.  相似文献   

I. The Plasmalemma. 1. On the plasmalemma of amebæ CaCl2 antagonizes the toxic action of LiCl better than it does NaCl, and still better than it does KCl. MgCl2 antagonizes the toxic action of NaCl better than it does LiCl and still better than it does KCl. 2. CaCl2 antagonizes the toxic action of LiCl and of KCl better than does MgCl2: MgCl2 antagonizes NaCl better than does CaCl2. II. The Internal Protoplasm. 3. The antagonizing efficiency of CaCl2 and of MgCl2 are highest against the toxic action of KCl on the internal protoplasm, less against that of NaCl, and least against that of LiCl. 4. CaCl2 antagonizes the toxic action of LiCl better than does MgCl2: MgCl2 antagonizes the toxic action of NaCl and of KCl better than does CaCl2. 5. LiCl antagonizes the toxic action of MgCl2 on the internal protoplasm more effectively than do NaCl or KCl, which have an equal antagonizing effect on the MgCl2 action. III. The Nature of Antagonism. 6. When the concentration of an antagonizing salt is increased to a toxic value, it acts synergistically with a toxic salt. 7. No case was found in which a potentially antagonistic salt abolishes the toxic action of a salt unless it is present at the site (surface or interior) of toxic action. 8. Antagonistic actions of the salts used in these experiments are of differing effectiveness on the internal protoplasm and on the surface membrane.  相似文献   

1. The proof is completed that the influence of electrolytes on the viscosity of suspensions of powdered particles of gelatin in water is similar to the influence of electrolytes on the viscosity of solutions of gelatin in water. 2. It has been suggested that the high viscosity of proteins is due to the existence of a different type of viscosity from that existing in crystalloids. It is shown that such an assumption is unnecessary and that the high viscosity of solutions of isoelectric gelatin can be accounted for quantitatively on the assumption that the relative volume of the gelatin in solution is comparatively high. 3. Since isoelectric gelatin is not ionized, the large volume cannot be due to a hydration of gelatin ions. It is suggested that this high volume of gelatin solutions is caused by the existence in the gelatin solution of submicroscopic pieces of solid gelatin occluding water, the relative quantity of which is regulated by the Donnan equilibrium. This would also explain why the influence of electrolytes on the viscosity of gelatin solutions is similar to the influence of electrolytes on the viscosity of suspensions of particles of gelatin. 4. This idea is supported by experiments on solutions and suspensions of casein chloride in which it is shown that their viscosity is chiefly due to the swelling of solid particles of casein, occluding quantities of water regulated by the Donnan equilibrium; and that the breaking up of these solid particles into smaller particles, no longer capable of swelling, diminishes the viscosity. 5. This leads to the idea that proteins form true solutions in water which in certain cases, however, contain, side by side with isolated ions and molecules, submicroscopic solid particles capable of occluding water whereby the relative volume and the viscosity of the solution is considerably increased. This accounts not only for the high order of magnitude of the viscosity of such protein solutions but also for the fact that the viscosity is influenced by electrolytes in a similar way as is the swelling of protein particles. 6. We therefore reach the conclusion that there are two sources for the viscosity of protein solutions; one due to the isolated protein ions and molecules, and the other to the submicroscopic solid particles contained in the solution. The viscosity due to the isolated molecules and ions of proteins we will call the general viscosity since it is of a similar low order of magnitude as that of crystalloids in solution; while the high viscosity due to the submicroscopic solid protein particles capable of occluding water and of swelling we will call the special viscosity of protein solutions. Under ordinary conditions of hydrogen ion concentration and temperature (and in not too high a concentration of the protein in solution) the general viscosity due to isolated ions and molecules prevails in solutions of crystalline egg albumin and in solutions of metal caseinates (where the metal is monovalent) while under the same conditions the second type of viscosity prevails in solutions of gelatin and in solutions of acid-salts of casein; and also in solutions of crystalline egg albumin at a pH below 1.0 and at higher temperatures. The special viscosity is higher in solutions of gelatin than of casein salts for the probable reason that the amount of water occluded by the submicroscopic solid gel particles in a gelatin solution is, as a rule, considerably higher than that occluded by the corresponding particles of casein.  相似文献   

This paper deals with two new species of the genus Scolytoplatypus Schaufuss 1891.These species represent two groups of the genus,one with and the other lacking thedorsal pore in the pronotum.The types are deposited in the museum of the Instituteof Zoology,Academia Sinica. Scolytoplatypus sinensis,sp.nov. Body length ?3.0 mm,? 3.1mm,dark-brown,elytral declivity red-brown,an-tennae and tarsi yellowish-brown.  相似文献   

Mixed-mating strategies (i.e., intermediate levels of self-fertilization and outcrossing in hermaphrodites) are relatively common in plants and animals, but why self-fertilization (selfing) rates vary so much in nature has proved difficult to explain. We tested the hypothesis that parasites help maintain mixed-mating using a partially selfing fish (Kryptolebias marmoratus) as a model. We show that outcrossed progeny in the wild are genetically more diverse and less susceptible to multiple parasite infections than their selfed counterparts. Given that outcrossing in K. marmoratus can only be attained by male-hermaphrodite matings, our data provide an explanation for the coexistence of males and hermaphrodites in androdioecious species where hermaphrodites are unable to outcross among themselves. Moreover, our study provides evidence that parasites contribute to maintaining mixed-mating in a natural animal population.  相似文献   

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