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Abstract: The scale at which populations use the landscape influences ecological processes and management decisions. Dispersal and home-range size define the scale of landscape use for many large-mammal species. We measured dispersal and home-range size of yearling male white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in southern Texas, and compared our results to values from the literature to understand the implications of dispersal in management of deer populations. We used radiotelemetry to monitor 22 yearling deer on 1 study site from October 1998 to October 1999, and 27 yearling deer on a second study site from October 1999 to October 2000. On the 2 study sites, 68% and 44% of yearling deer established new areas of use 4.4 ± 1.0 km and 8.2 ± 4.3 km, respectively, from the center of their autumn home range. Yearling males with spike antlers (2 points) were less likely to disperse than yearlings with fork antlers (>2 points) on 1 study site. Computer simulation showed that the scale at which deer use the landscape is large compared to property sizes in southern Texas and probably in other areas of the white-tailed deer's range. Differences in scale between land ownership patterns and landscape use by deer may result in a failure to meet management objectives and conflict among managers. High harvest rates for male deer occur in part because deer movements are large relative to property size, creating a “tragedy of the commons.” Cooperative management groups are beneficial if all landowners in an area agree on management objectives. Otherwise, deer-proof fences often are erected to reduce conflicts among property owners.  相似文献   

Abstract: Management of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) populations is important because of the popularity of this species for sport hunting and the ecological and economic damage deer can cause. Managers traditionally have collected data from hunter-harvested deer to provide information for making these harvest management decisions. We tested for predictive relationships between these data and density using long-term (15–31 years duration, median = 26 years) harvest data for 9 populations in the southeastern United States that spanned several physiographic provinces and a wide range of densities (3–32 deer/km2) that varied by a factor of 1.67–5.50 within populations over the study period. Mean annual harvest for these populations ranged from 265–5,242 animals (median = 626). We tested 8 physical and 3 recruitment measures commonly collected on harvested deer for their relationship to reconstructed herd density estimates using correlation and linear regression models. Yearling male dressed body weights (range of average annual sample sizes: 53–260, median = 146) proved to be the parameter most consistently (7 of 9 populations) related to density (P < 0.05) among those tested. Yearling antler points (sample sizes the same as for yearling male weights) and yearling female dressed body weights (range of average annual sample sizes: 17–126, median = 72) also were related to density (P < 0.05). The most appropriate models were based on 2-year lags for density. Three-year running averages for both dependent and independent variables were used to smooth annual variability. Using data from 3 additional, independent populations validated that predicted and observed densities were highly correlated (r = 0.71–0.96; P < 0.01). The efficacy of time lags should serve to caution managers not to look for immediate responses in herds. The populations examined in this study provided long-term data that captured stochasticity resulting from density-independent factors. Despite any potential impact from these factors, we detected significant density-dependent relationships.  相似文献   

Abstract: Social behavior of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) can have important management implications. The formation of matrilineal social groups among female deer has been documented and management strategies have been proposed based on this well-developed social structure. Using radiocollared (n = 17) and hunter or vehicle-killed (n = 21) does, we examined spatial and genetic structure in white-tailed deer on a 7,000-ha portion of the Savannah River Site in the upper Coastal Plain of South Carolina, USA. We used 14 microsatellite DNA loci to calculate pairwise relatedness among individual deer and to assign doe pairs to putative relationship categories. Linear distance and genetic relatedness were weakly correlated (r = −0.08, P = 0.058). Relationship categories differed in mean spatial distance, but only 60% of first-degree-related doe pairs (full sibling or mother-offspring pairs) and 38% of second-degree-related doe pairs (half sibling, grandmother-granddaughter pairs) were members of the same social group based on spatial association. Heavy hunting pressure in this population has created a young age structure among does, where the average age is <2.5 years, and <4% of does are >4.5 years old. This—combined with potentially elevated dispersal among young does—could limit the formation of persistent, cohesive social groups. Our results question the universal applicability of recently proposed models of spatial and genetic structuring in white-tailed deer, particularly in areas with differing harvest histories.  相似文献   

Abstract: White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in Kentucky represent an example of successful wildlife restoration. Eliminated from all but a few remnant areas by the early part of the twentieth century, the species is once again widely distributed and abundant as a result of intensive restocking efforts since the 1940s. Seven DNA microsatellite markers were used to survey the extent and pattern of genetic variation in 322 deer from multiple localities throughout the commonwealth. Six genetically homogeneous regions and 1 heterogeneous region were identified across Kentucky. High levels of allelic diversity were detected with no apparent reduction in heterozygosity, disproportionate loss of rare alleles, or shift in modal allele frequency class as might be expected if the severe historical population size reduction generated a concomitant genetic bottleneck. These results are consistent with predictions of founder-flush models: that rapid population growth may minimize the loss of genetic variability associated with a population bottleneck. Nevertheless, comparisons of our data to that derived from other imperiled taxa suggest that species demographics can also play an important role in determining the genetic consequences of population size reduction and subsequent recovery. Our data also illuminate the critical role of deer from Land Between the Lakes (LBL) as the initial source population from which all extant Kentucky deer are descended. While generally supporting current regional management perspectives, our results argue for recognition of the LBL herd as a distinct management island of genetic and historical value.  相似文献   

I analyzed geographic partitioning of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) restriction-site variants in the spotted salamander, Ambystoma maculatum. Two highly divergent and geographically separate genetic lineages were identified that differed by a minimum of 19 restriction sites (6% sequence divergence). One of the lineages has a disjunct distribution with very closely related haplotypes occurring in Missouri, Arkansas, North Carolina, and Virginia. The other lineage is found in Michigan, Illinois, and Alabama. The geographic separation of highly divergent mtDNA haplotypes, a pattern that was predicted based on the sedentary nature of these salamanders, is evidence for long-term barriers to gene flow. In contrast, the large-scale disjunction of very similar haplotypes suggests recent, long-distance gene flow and does not match the phylogeographic expectation for a small terrestrial vertebrate. I explain this potential contradiction in the level of importance assigned to gene flow by a scenario in which historical barriers to gene flow account for the two divergent mtDNA assemblages, but stochastic sorting of ancestral polymorphism is responsible for the large-scale geographic disjunction. Ten of 16 populations collected in the Ozark Highlands were fixed for the same haplotype. I attribute this lack of detectable variation to recent colonization of this area, a hypothesis that is supported by paleoecological data and demonstrates the potential benefits of combining data from paleobotany, geology, and other disciplines to reconstruct the historical biogeography of a species.  相似文献   

Evolutionary relationships among stone crabs (Menippe) from the Gulf of Mexico and western Atlantic were investigated by comparisons of restriction sites within anonymous nuclear DNA sequences and nucleotide sequences of both mitochondrial and a duplicated nuclear form of the mitochondrial large subunit ribosomal RNA (LSrDNA) gene. A survey of over 100 restriction sites by Southern blot analysis with 10 anonymous nuclear DNA sequence probes failed to reveal any differences between Menippe adina and M. mercenaria. Sequence comparisons of both mitochondrial and nuclear forms of the LSrDNA gene also did not distinguish these species. Although both LSrDNA gene sequences were variable, some haplotypes were shared by the two species, implying either incomplete gene lineage sorting or introgressive hybridization. Based on molecular clock calibrations, we estimate that all of the observed mitochondrial LSrDNA sequences share a common ancestor between 1.5 and 2.7 million years before present (M.Y.B.P.). However, because identical sequences are shared by the two species, these data are also compatible with a more recent common ancestry. These findings conflict with a previously proposed biogeographic scenario for North American Menippe, which featured a relict hybrid zone on the Atlantic Coast. We suggest an alternative scenario based on relatively recent events and ongoing, rather than historical, gene flow.  相似文献   

Genetic variation was assessed in the tiger beetle, Cicindela dorsalis, by sequencing of three regions of the mtDNA genome. Populations of four morphologically distinguishable subspecies were sampled from 28 representative locations covering almost the entire geographic range of the species in coastal North America. In 78 individuals analyzed for 656 base pairs from four different genes, 17 different haplotypes could be distinguished. A cladistic analysis grouped the haplotype sequences into two main lineages, one from the Atlantic Ocean and one from the Gulf of Mexico. Haplotypes within the two clades were very similar to each other. Most of the characters that distinguished these closely related haplotypes were homoplastic. The geographic distribution of haplotypes did not coincide with the distribution of morphological subspecies, but no evidence for hybridization between two subspecies could be inferred from this observation. The implications of these findings for the evolution of gene sequences at and below the species level are discussed.  相似文献   

We analyzed mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) restriction-site variation in bananaquit (Coereba flaveola; Aves, Coerebinae) populations sampled on 12 Caribbean islands and at 5 continental localities in Central America and northern South America. Multiple fixed restriction-site differences genetically defined several regional bananaquit populations. An mtDNA clade representing all Jamaican bananaquits was the most divergent; the estimated average sequence divergence (dxy) between Jamaican and all other mtDNA haplotypes surveyed was 0.027. Three groups of populations, representing Central America, northern South America, and the eastern Antilles (Puerto Rico to Grenada) were nearly equally differentiated among themselves (average dxy = 0.014), and may represent a single, recent range expansion. Within the eastern Antilles, three geographically restricted haplotype groups were identified: Puerto Rico, north-central Lesser Antilles (U.S. Virgin Islands to St. Lucia), and Grenada–St. Vincent. The evolutionary relationships of these groups were not clear. Genetic homogeneity of the island populations from the U.S. Virgin Islands to St. Lucia suggested a recent spread of a specific north-central Lesser Antillean haplotype through most of those islands. Haplotype variation across this region indicated that this spread may have occurred in two waves, first through the southernmost islands of St. Lucia, Martinique, and Dominica, and more recently from Guadeloupe to the north. The geographic distribution of mtDNA haplotypes, and of bananaquit populations, suggests periods of invasiveness followed by relative geographic quiescence. Although most genetic studies of bird populations have revealed homogeneity over large geographic areas, our findings provide a remarkable counterexample of strong geographic structuring of mtDNA variation over relatively small distances. Furthermore, although the mtDNA data were consistent with several subspecific distinctions, it was clear that named subspecies do not define equally differentiated evolutionary entities.  相似文献   

Species limits and phylogenetic relationships in the Papilio machaon species group are potentially confounded by a complex pattern of Pleistocene range fragmentation, hybridization, and ecological race formation. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) restriction-site analysis has been used to define genetic affinities and genetic population structure within this species group. The distribution of mtDNA haplotypes generally confirms prior phylogenetic hypotheses and species delineations, but there is poor correspondence between ecological races and mtDNA haplotypes. The amount and distribution of mtDNA sequence variation within species vary among species, reflecting differences in current patterns of gene flow and/or historical population structure. In spite of wing pattern characters that ally them with P. polyxenes, both P. joanae and P. brevicauda have mtDNA that is closely related to that of P. machaon. We suggest that P. joanae and P. brevicauda are of hybrid origin.  相似文献   

Restriction site variation in chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) was surveyed to analyze population dynamics in Liriodendron tulipifera L., a woody angiosperm found in eastern North America. Two cpDNA haplotypes, differing by the presence or absence of five restriction site changes (nucleotide sequence divergence estimated as approximately 0.15%) are geographically structured; 61 widespread populations possess the “northern” haplotype and three isolated populations of central Florida possess the “southern” haplotype. This geographic break in cpDNA distribution corresponds to patterns of geographic distribution revealed by a previous survey of allozyme variation, with the exception that analyses of allozyme data further divided the populations containing the northern cpDNA haplotype into two groups, a widespread upland group and a coastal intermediate group. Analyses of these two independent data sets together support the hypothesis that L. tulipifera survived the glacial advances of the Pleistocene in two distinct refugia, possibly as different taxa, and the intermediate coastal group was putatively formed from recent hybridizations between these entities.  相似文献   

Samples of skin tissue were collected by biopsy darting from humpback whales ( Megaptera novaeangliae ) in six seasonal habitats representing three stocks and four regions: Groups IV (western Australia), V western component (eastern Australia), V eastern component (New Zealand and Tonga) and VI (the Antarctic Peninsula and Gorgona Island, Colombia, South America) of the Southern Hemisphere. A variable section of the mitochondrial DNA control region was amplified and sequenced from 84 of these individuals, distinguishing a total of 48 unique sequences ( i. e. , mtDNA nucleotypes). Phylogenetic reconstructions suggested that these nucleotypes form three clades, corresponding to those previously described in a world-wide survey of humpback whale mtDNA variation, although bootstrap support for two of the clades was relatively low (<50%). An analysis of variance adapted for molecular information showed significant differentiation of nucleotypes among the three Groups (Stocks) and heterogeneity of haplotype diversity among the four regions. A pattern of interchange within and between oceanic basins was demonstrated by the presence of shared identical nucleotypes among humpback whales in regions of the Southern and Northern Hemispheres.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine how host identity and geographic proximity were related to genetic variation in the fungus Atkinsonella hypoxylon infecting four sympatric Danthonia grasses. We analyzed 192 A. hypoxylon isolates from 48 geographic sites for mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation by restriction digestion of total DNA with EcoRI, BamHI, and PstI, and subsequent hybridization with purified A. hypoxylon mtDNA. Thirtynine haplotypes were identified. UPGMA cluster analysis showed that mtDNA type is highly correlated with host-species group; isolates from Danthonia compressa and D. spicata formed one branch of the phenogram, and isolates from D. epilis and D. sericea formed the other. Restriction maps of the most common mtDNA haplotypes infecting each host-species pair revealed a 30-kb size difference and a minimum of eight length changes and one restrictionsite change between them. Mapping of the mutation differences among all haplotypes occurring at North Carolina sites resulted in two distinct gene trees corresponding to the two Danthonia species groups, corroborating the phenetic analysis. The results indicate a high degree of host-dependent isolation and establish the existence of host races in A. hypoxylon. Possible mechanisms responsible for this isolation are discussed. Little differentiation existed between isolates from within a Danthonia species pair, and some variation was explained by geographic origin. Analysis of progeny from a natural sexual cross revealed that mitochondria are maternally inherited in A. hypoxylon.  相似文献   

Two recently diverged northeastern Pacific sibling snail species, Nucella ostrina and N. emarginata, currently inhabit adjacent zoogeographic provinces. Their distributions overlap in central California to the north of a major faunal boundary at Point Conception, California (PC). To test the hypothesis that modern sympatry is due to a recent northward range expansion by N. emarginata, I analyzed the population structures of both species with nuclear (allozyme) and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) markers. Populations of N. emarginata in the region of overlap exhibit significantly lower heterozygosity and allelic diversity than either populations to the south of PC or populations of N. ostrina. A single mtDNA haplotype characterizes all but one population of N. emarginata sampled in this region, but no haplotype to the south of PC is found at more than one locality. MtDNA haplotypes and allozyme allele frequencies also indicate monophyly of central California populations of N. emarginata. Sharp differences in allelic diversity over small geographic distances may reflect the action of natural selection, but because both nuclear and mtDNA markers display concordant patterns, a range expansion across PC best explains patterns of genetic variation in N. emarginata. Allozymes and mtDNA also reveal that the geologically older N. ostrina is paraphyletic with respect to N. emarginata. This pattern is consistent with, but not indicative of, a peripheral isolation model of speciation. Low genetic diversity is also expected if a significant bottleneck occurred at speciation. However, low allelic diversity is not universal throughout the geographic range of N. emarginata; high allelic diversity at the southern end of the distribution of N. emarginata suggests that in the past N. emarginata has been geographically restricted much further south than PC. A northward range expansion across PC by N. emarginata may thus represent only the most recent postglacial movement by the species. The thermal and oceanographic discontinuities found at PC may not have been directly involved in geographic isolation if N. emarginata originated much further south of this modern boundary. Despite uncertainty regarding the exact spatial distribution of populations at speciation, genetic data indicate that even though N. ostrina and N. emarginata currently exhibit a broad range of geographic overlap, speciation was likely allopatric and was initiated by physical isolation of populations in different zoogeographic provinces.  相似文献   

The glacial refugium hypothesis (GRH) proposes that glaciers promoted differentiation and generation of intraspecific diversity by isolating populations in ice-free refugia. We tested three predictions of this hypothesis for the evolutionary divergence of rock ptarmigan (Lagopus mutus) during the Wisconsin glaciation of the late Pleistocene. To do this, we examined subspecies distributions, population genetic structure, and phylogenetic relationships in 26 populations across North America and the Bering Sea region. First, we analyzed sequence variation in the mitochondrial control region, in a nuclear intron (Gapdh), and in an internal transcribed spacer (ITS1). Control region sequences of 154 rock ptarmigan revealed strong population and phylogeographic structure. Variation in intron sequences of 114 rock ptarmigan also revealed significant population structure compatible with results for the control region. Rock ptarmigan were invariant for ITS1. Second, we show that five known Nearctic refugia and an Icelandic refugium are concordant with the current distribution of morphologically distinct subspecies; five of these six refugia are geographically concordant with the distribution of closely related control region haplotypes. Third, our estimates of the time since phylogenetic lineages diverged predated the last glacial maximum for all but two lineages. In addition, all lines of evidence suggest that two unknown refugia in the Bering Sea region supported rock ptarmigan during the Wisconsin glaciation. Overall, our results are most consistent with the hypothesis that isolated populations of rock ptarmigan diverged in multiple refugia during the Wisconsin and that geographic variation reflects patterns of recolonization of the Nearctic after the ice receded. The GRH may therefore offer the most plausible explanation for similar biogeographic patterns in a variety of Nearctic vertebrates.  相似文献   

Pleistocene glacial cycles undoubtedly altered the evolutionary trajectories of many taxa, yet few studies have examined the impact of such events on genetic differentiation and phylogeography at large geographic scales. Here we present the results of a circumarctic survey of mitochondrial DNA diversity in members of the Daphnia pulex complex. The analysis involved the survey of restriction site polymorphisms in a 2100-bp fragment of the NADH-4 (ND4) and NADH-5 (ND5) genes for 276 populations representing the two major groups (tenebrosa and pulicaria) in this complex across their Holarctic range. A comparison of the distribution patterns for seven clades in this complex revealed very clear phylogeographic structuring. Most notably, pulicaria group lineages were restricted primarily to the Nearctic, with some colonization of formerly glaciated portions of northern Europe. This group was not detected from vast expanses of northern Eurasia, including the Beringian glacial refuge. In contrast, tenebrosa group haplotypes showed considerable intercontinental divergence between Eurasian and North American lineages, but were absent from Greenland and Iceland, as well as the Canadian arctic archipelago. Dispersal in Eurasia was primarily in a westerly direction from Beringia, whereas dispersal in the Nearctic followed proglacial drainage patterns. Long-distance dispersal of certain lineages was observed in both groups, and variation in haplotype richness and nucleotide diversity allowed us to make inferences about the positioning of putative glacial refugia. Overall, the phylogeographic pattern of diversification in this arctic complex is characterized by the apparently unique postglacial histories for each clade, indicating that even closely allied taxa can respond independently to the allopatric effects of glacial cycles. This is in sharp contrast to other phylogeographic studies of species assemblages from more southern (unglaciated) latitudes, which are often characterized by concordant patterns.  相似文献   

Sequence analysis of the mitochondrial DNA control region was used to clarify the taxonomic status of two coastal bottlenose dolphin populations from southeastern Australia currently classified as Tursiops truncatus . A 368-bp segment of the control region of 57 biopsy-sampled, photo-identified dolphins of Jervis Bay and Port Stephens was compared to published sequences of T. truncatus and T. aduncus from different oceanic regions. Sequence divergence between haplotypes from southeastern Australia and T. aduncus was much lower than that from T. truncatus . Analyses using two different methods of phylogenetic reconstruction unambiguously placed all haplotypes from southeastern Australia in a group composed exclusively of T. aduncus . The results strongly indicated that these two bottlenose dolphin populations belong to T. aduncus , extending the range of the species to subtropical waters of the Western South Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

Five Ceramiaceae (Rhodophyta) are reported from the offshore waters of the southeastern, warm temperate coast of the United States. These include two new monotypic genera, Calliclavula trifurcate Schneider in the Griffithsieae and Nwynea grandispora Searles in the Sphondylothamnieae, and three new species, Callithamniella silvae Searles, Ptilothamnion occidentale Searles, and Lejolisia exposita Schneider et Searles.  相似文献   

Abstract In reciprocal transplant experiments, Bertness and Gaines (1993) found that Semibalanus balanoides juveniles that had settled in an upper Narragansett Bay estuary survived better in that estuary that did juveniles from coastal localities. The observed pattern of survivorship led to the claim that local adaptation may result from a combination of limited gene flow between and strong selection within these habitats. Here we test the hypothesis that limited gene flow has led to habitat‐specific population differentiation using sequence and restriction fragment length polymorphism analyses of the mitochondrial DNA D‐loop region of S. balanoides. Samples were analyzed from replicated coastal and estuary localities in both Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island, and Damariscotta River, Maine. The patterns of FST indicate that gene flow between coast and estuary is extensive (Nm > 100) and is not lower in the estuary with lower flushing rates (Narragansett Bay). Given the high estimate of genetic exchange, adaptations for unpredictable environments seem more likely than local adaptation in this species because loci that respond to selection in one generation are essentially homogenized by the next seasons' settlement. Nevertheless, these estimates of neutral gene flow can help identify the strength of selection necessary for local adaptation to accumulate in Semibalanus.  相似文献   

A phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) restriction sites was used to examine the geographic history of the Cyprinodon nevadensis complex of pupfishes, a group of four species (seven extant subspp.) in two endorheic (closed) basins of the Death Valley System in California and Nevada (Owens River Valley and Ash Meadows-Death Valley). The mtDNA results suggest that the group contains mtDNAs from two divergent clades. One such clade is represented by the mtDNAs of the Owens Valley pupfish (C. radiosus) and the existing species in the Colorado River (C. macularius), while the other includes the mtDNAs of the Ash Meadows-Death Valley species (C. nevadensis, C. salinus, and C. diabolis) and a species located much farther to the east (C. fontinalis from the Guzman Basin, Chihuahua, Mexico). These results, together with evidence from other studies, suggest two separate invasions of the Death Valley System by pupfishes carrying phylogenetically divergent mtDNAs. The C. nevadensis complex apparently is either an artificial group or else it is monophyletic and its genetic history includes loss of the original mtDNA in either Owens Valley or Ash Meadows-Death Valley following genetic introgression after an invasion by a pupfish carrying a divergent mtDNA.  相似文献   

Emiliania huxleyi (Lohmann) W. W. Hay et H. Mohler is a cosmopolitan coccolithophore occurring from tropical to subpolar waters and exhibiting variations in morphology of coccoliths possibly related to environmental conditions. We examined morphological characters of coccoliths and partial mitochondrial sequences of the cytochrome oxidase 1b (cox1b) through adenosine triphosphate synthase 4 (atp4) genes of 39 clonal E. huxleyi strains from the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, Mediterranean Sea, and their adjacent seas. Based on the morphological study of culture strains by SEM, Type O, a new morphotype characterized by coccoliths with an open central area, was separated from existing morphotypes A, B, B/C, C, R, and var. corona, characterized by coccoliths with central area elements. Molecular phylogenetic studies revealed that E. huxleyi consists of at least two mitochondrial sequence groups with different temperature preferences/tolerances: a cool‐water group occurring in subarctic North Atlantic and Pacific and a warm‐water group occurring in the subtropical Atlantic and Pacific and in the Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   

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