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首次报道中国爵床科(Acanthaceae)一新记录种:大叶可爱花(Eranthemum macrophyllum Wall.ex Nees)。该种原记载分布于缅甸,在中国仅见于云南省铜壁关省级自然保护区。为名称Eranthemum macrophullus指定了后选模式。  相似文献   

报道了中国兰科盆距兰属一新记录种: 刚毛盆距兰(Gastrochilus setosus Aver. & Vuong),并提供彩色照片及详细特征描述。该种形态上与红松盆距兰(G. raraensis Fukuuama)近似,但前者植株小,唇瓣具短刚毛,距为圆筒状等特征极易与红松盆距兰区分开。该种原仅分布于越南,现首次在中国西藏发现其分布。凭证标本保存于西藏农牧学院标本馆。  相似文献   

报道了中国兰科植物一新记录, 即筒距长足兰[Pteroceras teres (Blume) Holttum], 并提供了描述与图片。该种与滇南长足兰[P. compressum (Blume) Holttum]相似, 但以花序轴圆柱形; 花黄色, 螺旋状排列; 距的先端囊状, 两侧压扁并多少扭转等特征与之区别。  相似文献   

报道中国兰科植物(Orchidaceae)玉凤花属(Habenaria Willd.)一新记录种——宽叶玉凤花(H. lindleyana Steud.),并提供了该种的形态描述和野外照片。凭证标本存放于中国科学院广西植物研究所标本馆(IBK)。  相似文献   

报道了中国杜鹃花科(Ericaceae)一新记录种:腺苞树萝卜[Agapetes nana (Griff.) Hook. f.]。该种以花萼筒基部具有一圈具柄的腺毛组成的副萼状总苞,花冠筒裂至2/3,裂片反卷而与同属其他种类明显区别。该种原仅分布于印度东北部和缅甸北部,现首次在中国发现其分布。同时,提供了本种的描述和彩色图片,并首次报道成熟的花部形态,凭证标本保存于中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园标本馆(HITBC)。  相似文献   

首次发现报春花科(Primulaceae)聚药罗伞属[Hymenandra (A. DC.)]及其模式种——聚药罗伞[H. wallichii (A. DC.)]在中国的分布。据已有文献记载, 此种仅分布于印度、孟加拉国和缅甸。最近在中国科学院昆明植物研究所标本馆(KUN)查阅标本时, 在原鉴定为紫金牛属的标本中发现了数份采自我国云南的标本实为聚药罗伞, 现予以报道。  相似文献   

该文报道了国产杜鹃花科(Ericaceae)一新记录种,即埃氏越橘(Vaccinium eberhardtii Dop)。该种隶属于越橘属(Vaccinium)南烛组(Vaccinium sect. Bracteata),与同属于该组的南烛(V. bracteatum)和海岛越橘(V. wrightii)近缘,但与前者的区别在于花序梗、花梗、萼筒无毛,花冠球状坛形,药室背部明显具2个距,与后者的区别在于花梗较短,短于苞片,药室背后的距直立,长超过药管的一半。据文献记录,该种原来仅分布于越南中部和泰国,此次发现该种的分布范围可以北延至中国的广西东兴市的沿海地区,不仅丰富了越橘属分类、分布的数据,也为今后该属的分类学修订提供了新资料。凭证标本保存在中国科学院华南植物园标本馆(IBSC)和中国科学院广西植物研究所标本馆(IBK)中。  相似文献   

首次报道中国锦葵科一新记录种——克氏梧桐[Firmiana kerrii (Craib) Kosterm.]。该种原记载产自泰国和缅甸,2019年该种在中国云南西双版纳州勐腊县发现有分布。凭证标本保存在中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园标本馆(HITBC)。该文给出了中国已知的9种梧桐属植物的分种检索表。  相似文献   

李攀  闫小玲  袁永明 《西北植物学报》2013,33(11):2351-2353
报道了四川省香薷属植物地理分布新记录1种——四方蒿(Elsholtzia blanda Benth.)。四方蒿主要分布于中国西南部(云南、贵州、广西)至东南亚及南亚的热带地区,在四川为新记录,且是该种分布区的北缘。凭证标本存放于上海辰山植物园标本馆(CSH)。  相似文献   

该文报道了短尖拟青藓[Sciuro-hypnum ornellanum (Molendo) Ignatov & Huttunen]在新疆阿尔泰山的分布,这是该种在中国的首次记录。详细介绍了拟青藓属[Sciuro-hypnum (Hampe) Hampe]的由来,讨论了短尖拟青藓的形态特征及其地理分布,对其与形态相近种进行了比较分析,并提供了中国拟青藓属分种检索表。该种的发现不仅为中国青藓科植物研究提供了新资料,同时也进一步佐证了中国新疆植物区系与俄罗斯、中亚及欧洲的密切联系。  相似文献   

Polystichum, one of the largest genera of ferns, occurs worldwide with the greatest diversity in southwest China and adjacent regions. Although there have been studies of Chinese Polystichum on its traditional classification, geographic distributions, and even a few on its molecular systematics, its relationships to other species outside China remain little known. Here, we investigated the phylogeny and biogeography of the Polystichum species from China and Australasia. The evolutionary relationships among 42 Polystichum species found in China (29 taxa) and Australasia (13 taxa) were inferred from phylogenetic analyses of two chloroplast DNA sequence data sets: rps4-trnS and trnL-F intergenic spacers. The divergence time between Chinese and Australasian Polystichum was estimated. The results indicated that the Australasian species comprise a monophyletic group that is nested within the Chinese diversity, and that the New Zealand species are likewise a monophyletic group nested within the Australasian species. The divergence time estimates suggested that Chinese Polystichum migrated into Australasia from around 40 Ma ago, and from there to New Zealand from about 14 Ma. The diversification of the New Zealand Polystichum species began about 10 Ma. These results indicated that Polystichum probably originated in eastern Asia and migrated into Australasia: first into Australia and then into New Zealand.  相似文献   

Approximately one-fourth of the more than 900 world-wide distributed Salvia species (Lamiaceae) is ornithophilous. With few exceptions they occur in the New World, being predominantly pollinated by hummingbirds. In the Old World only Salvia africana-lutea and the recently described Salvia thermarum, both from the Cape Province of South Africa, were observed to be pollinated by sunbirds and white-eyes. Among the 23 South African Salvia species Salvia lanceolata is a further candidate for being bird pollinated. For the first time we describe and illustrate its pollination by Nectarinia chalybea and Zosterops pallidus. We compare the ornithophilous syndrome of the three mentioned Salvia species and relate them to the morphological fitting of the most common nectarivorous birds of the Southwestern Cape (Cape peninsula to Worcester). We conclude that each of the birds could act as a pollinator and that the three co-occurring Salvia species are not mechanically isolated from each other. The degree of specialisation towards bird pollination, possible hybridisation events and evolution of bird pollination in South African Salvia species are discussed.  相似文献   

报道了中国兰科(Orchidaceae)隔距兰属(Cleisostoma Blume)一新记录种:角唇隔距兰(C.tricornutum Averyanov)。该种与C.crochetii(Guillaumin)Garay、C.parishii(J.D.Hooker)Garay相近,因其有不分枝的线状花粉团柄、球状的花粉团块和一个先端短喙状的半球形药帽而与C.crochetii(Guillaumin)Garay相区别;因其有松散、罕分枝的花序,长角状的唇瓣侧裂片而与C.parishii(J.D.Hooker)Garay相区别。提供了新记录种的形态描述及图片。  相似文献   

Microsphaeropsis amaranthi and Phomopsis amaranthicola are potential biological control agents for several Amaranthus species. In an effort to understand the initial infection processes with these pathogens, a study was conducted of the conidial germination and germ tube length (μm) on the weed leaf surfaces at 21 °C and 28 °C. Weeds included Amaranthus rudis, A. palmeri, A. powellii, A. retroflexus, A. spinosus, A. hybridus, and A. albus. For P. amaranthicola, conidial germination and germ tube length varied among the seven weed species at both temperatures, while for M. amaranthi the differences in germ tube lengths were significant among weed species only at 21 °C. While the conidia of M. amaranthi and P. amaranthicola germinated on the leaf surfaces of all seven weed species, temperature appeared to impact the number and length of germ tubes on the leaf surfaces. The percentage of germinated conidia and the length of germ tubes at both temperatures were often greater for M. amaranthi than for P. amaranthicola. In order for the fungal pathogen to successfully infect and kill a weedy host, conidia must germinate and form a germ tube, two processes that vary with host species and temperature for M. amaranthi and P. amaranthicola. The extent to which successive infection processes, e.g., penetration, invasion and colonization, contribute to host specificity warrants study.  相似文献   

依据植物野外和腊叶标本形态观察以及小叶脉序观察,对贺兰山岩黄耆(豆科)及其近缘种进行了分类学研究。结果表明:贺兰山岩黄耆及其近缘种之间较为稳定的差别体现在花器官的形态方面。贺兰山岩黄耆与短翼岩黄耆的主要区别特征是小苞片长为萼筒的1~2倍,旗瓣与龙骨瓣近等长,而后者的小苞片长为萼筒的0.5~0.8倍,旗瓣长为龙骨瓣的0.8倍。贺兰山岩黄耆与华北岩黄耆和费尔干岩黄耆的主要区别是翼瓣长为龙骨瓣的0.3~0.5倍,而后二者的翼瓣长均为龙骨瓣的0.7~0.8倍。在小叶脉序特征方面,贺兰山岩黄耆与短翼岩黄耆和华北岩黄耆近似,均为小叶一级脉纤细,二级脉不分支,二级脉环外有较多网结三级脉,具少量复合二级间脉或不明显,而费尔干岩黄耆小叶一级脉粗,二级脉多分支,二级脉环外有少量网结三级脉,具明显的简单二级间脉。此外,小叶脉序特征可能在岩黄耆属组间关系的探讨中发挥作用。  相似文献   

The presence of two species of Phthiraptera, Bovicola caprae (Gurlt, 1843) (Ischnocera: Bovicoliidae) and Solenopotes binipilosus (Fahrenholz, 1916) (Anoplura: Linognathidae), is reported for the first time from Pudu puda (Molina, 1782).  相似文献   

报道了中国兰科(Orchidaceae)植物一新记录种:中越带唇兰(Tainia acuminata Averyanov),并提供形态描述及彩色图片。该种与心叶带唇兰(T.cordifolia Hook.f.)相近,不同在于萼片与花瓣均为狭披针形,唇瓣无侧裂片,阔披针形,渐尖,唇瓣边缘在中上部波状卷曲,唇盘具3条不明显的脊。  相似文献   

报道了中国兰科植物一新记录种互生对叶兰[Neottia alternifolia(KingPantl.)Szlach.];并对紫婉石斛(Dendrobium transparens Wall.ex Lindl.)的形态特征、生境等进行了描述。紫婉石斛与兜唇石斛[Dendrobium aphyllum(Roxb.)C.E.Fischer]相似,区别在于唇瓣中央具深紫红色大斑块,唇瓣正面具柔毛;互生对叶兰是鸟巢兰属自养类型种类中唯一具有两片互生叶的种类,极易同该属其他种类区分。  相似文献   

报道了采自中国西北部新疆博格达山区哈熊沟森林公园的鸡皮衣属和泡鳞衣属地衣的2个中国新记录种,即南方鸡皮衣(Pertusaria australis Vian)和北极泡鳞衣(Toninia arctica Timdal),并描述了二者的形态学、解剖学以及化学成分特征,提供了其形态特征和内部解剖结构照片.标本保存于新疆大学...  相似文献   

报道中国大陆兰科(Orchidaceae)天麻属(Gastrodia R. Brown)二新记录种——折柱天麻(Gastrodia flexistyla T. C. HsuC. M. Kuo)和叉脊天麻(Gastrodia shimizuana Tuyama)。折柱天麻与日本天麻[Gastrodia nipponica(Honda) Tuyama]相似,但前者花被筒长、疣状凸起不明显,唇瓣绿黄色等特征可与后者相区分。叉脊天麻与冬天麻(Gastrodia pubilabiata Sawa)相近,但前者花被筒浅黄褐色至淡红褐色,唇瓣三角状、白色等特征易与后者相区别。该文提供了新记录种的形态描述及图版。  相似文献   

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