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The morphology of initial frustules of Gomphoneis mesta Passy-Tolar & Lowe was studied with light and scanning electron microscopy The structure of the raphe, central nodule, stigma, striae, and apical pore field in post-auxospore generations was described. Discovery of internal chambers and an axial plate in very early stages of the life cycle of G. mesta reveals a possible evolutionary connection with the Herculeana group (sensu Kociolek and Stoermer 1989) and suggests that the loss of axial plates is a secondary event. Polarization of the characters “stigma number” and “outline of the internal stigmal opening” is proposed. A perizonium, composed of transverse and longitudinal bands, is reported for the first time in the genus Gomphoneis.  相似文献   

Aulacoseira skvortzowii sp. nov. is a diatom taxon present in modern plankton assemblages and sedimentary deposits from Lake Baikal, Russia. It has been previously reported as A. islandica (O. Müll.) Simonsen, A. islandica ssp. helvetica (O. Müll.) Simonsen, a sporangial frustule of A. baicalensis (K. Meyer) Simonsen, and Aulacoseira “spore”. However, its microstructure, ecology, and ability to form true resting spores provide ample criteria to describe this diatom as Aulacoseira skvortzowii sp. nov.  相似文献   

A new dinoflagellate, Scrippsiella arenicola Horiguchi et Pienaar sp. nov., is described from tidal pools with sandy substrates along the east coast of South Africa. S. arenicola exhibits a vertical migratory rhythm which is in synchrony with the tidal cycle. It is a medium-sized armoured dinoflagellate with many rod-shaped chloroplasts. Thecal plate arrangement is pp, x, 4′, 3a, 7′, 6c, 5′, 2″ and 4s. The 2a and 3a plates are separated from each other. S. arenicola has several unique ultrastructural features. Electron-dense fibres are found on the protruded part of the thecal plates, such as on the ornamental projections or extremities of the lists. In addition to the 9 + 2 axoneme, additional fibres are found in the free moving part of the longitudinal flagellum. The portion of the transverse flagellum covered by the left sulcal list possesses a dense array of mastigonemes which connect the flagellum and the cell. The flagellar pore platelets differ from ordinary thecal plates in their thickness and fibrous nature. The ultrastructure of the apical stalk and its associated structures is described. The vertical migration and mode of cell division is also described.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of Pyramimonas pseudoparkeae sp. nov., a member of the class Prasinophyceae occurring in tidal pools along the east, south and west coast of South Africa, is described. The cell surface is covered by three distinctive body scales whilst the flagellar surfaces possess four types of scales. The structure of these scales is described. P. pseudoparkeae resembles Pyramimonas parkeae Norris and Pearson but differs in the structure of the type 2 body scale. The symmetry and ultrastructure of the cell are described with special attention given to the flagellar apparatus. Preliminary information on the life cycle of this species is presented. This new species is compared with other closely related members of the genus Pyramimonas.  相似文献   

The life cycle of a previously undescribed chrysophyte, assigned to the new genus Rhizoochromonas, is described. It includes a small motile stage with heterokont flagellation which invades a Dinobryon lorica. Reproduction by cell division of the nearly spherical rhizopodial vegetative stage frequently leads to expulsion of the host protoplast through overcrowding of the lorica. Endogenous cysts (stomatocysts) are also formed within the Dinobryon lorica. The new family, Brehmiellaceae, is established to accommodate pseudopodial/rhizopodial chrysophytes with heterokont flagellation in the motile stage. Rhizoochromonas endoloricata gen. et sp. nov. has been found at two widely separated softwater locations in Ontario, and at one it constituted a major component of the planktonic flora during the autumns of six successive years.  相似文献   

A new sand‐dwelling dinoflagellate from Palau, Galeidinium rugatum Tamura et Horiguchi gen. et sp. nov., is described. The life cycle of this new alga consists of a dominant nonmotile phase and a brief motile phase. The motile cell transforms itself directly into the nonmotile cell after swimming for a short period, and cell division takes place in the nonmotile phase. The nonmotile cell possesses a dome‐like cell covering, which is wrinkled and equipped with a transverse groove on the surface. The cell has 10–20 chloroplasts and a distinct eyespot. The motile cell is Gymnodinium‐like in shape. The dinoflagellate possesses an endosymbiotic alga to which the chloroplasts belong and which is separated from the host (dinoflagellate) cytoplasm by a unit membrane. The endosymbiont cytoplasm also possesses its own eukaryotic nucleus and mitochondria. The eyespot is surrounded by triple membranes and is located in the host cytoplasm. Photosynthetic pigment analysis, using HPLC, revealed that G. rugatum possesses fucoxanthin as the principal accessory pigment instead of peridinin. The rbcL tree showed that G. rugatum is monophyletic with Durinskia baltica (Levander) Carty et Cox and Kryptoperidinium foliaceum (Stein) Lindemann and that this clade is closely related to the pennate diatom, Cylindrotheca sp. The endosymbiont of G. rugatum is therefore shown to be a diatom. Phylogenetic analysis based on small subunit rDNA sequences demonstrated that G. rugatum, D. baltica, and K. foliaceum, all of which are known to harbor an endosymbiont of diatom origin, are closely related.  相似文献   

A new diatom genus and species, Porguenia peruviana Sullivan, is described from an Eocene marine deposit from the Paracas Peninsula, Peru. The valve outline is circular and the areolation is best described as pseudoloculate; spines of any type are lacking. A ring of elongated, densely packed rimoportulae is situated on the secondary marginal ridge. Externally, each rimoportula consists of a long, flattened, fluted upper portion supported by a shorter cylindrical stalk. The processes are winged and exhibit various degrees of curvature of the major axis. Typically, six reniform ocelli of unusual structure are situated centrifugally to the ring of rimoportulae and interrupt the true marginal ridge. Because the perforation plate differs from that of all other ocellus-bearing diatoms, a new term has been introduced for this structure, the diaphoron. The placement and structure of this newly discovered “perforation plate” do not allow Porguenia to be placed in any circumscribed family, although the Triceratiaceae would appear at present to be the most closely related family.  相似文献   

Three new benthic, photosynthetic dinoflagellate species, Prorocentrum norrisianum, Prorocentrum tropicalis, and Prorocentrum reticulatum, from floating detritus and coral rubble of Central America are described from scanning electron micrographs. Species were identified based on shape, size, surface micromorphology, thecal plate ornamentation, and architecture of the periflagellar area and intercalary band. Cells of P. norrisianum are ovate with a cell size of 20–25 μm long and 13–16 μm wide. The theca is delicate, its surface smooth, pores species specific with 95 to 105 pores per valve. Pores are round with a diameter of about 0.1 μm. The periflagellar area is V-shaped, located on the right valve in a shallow depression. It has no ornamentation. The flagellar and auxiliary pores are unequal in size. The intercalary band is smooth. Prorocentrum tropicalis cells are ovoid, 50–55 μm long and 40–45 μm wide in valve view with maximum width behind the middle region, narrow at the anterior end. The periflagellar area, situated in the right valve, is a V-shaped wide triangle with a deeply indented depression; the left valve exhibits a flat ridge. The periflagellar area is unornamented, and the flagellar and auxiliary pores are unequal in size. The valve surface is rugose with evenly distributed valve poroids. Each poroid appears to have a small dome in the center. The intercalary band is rimlike around the cell margin, granulated, and horizontally striated. Prorocentrum reticulatum cells are oblong in valve view; cells are 55–60 μm long and 40–45 μm wide. Thecal surface is reticulated; it is composed of a labyrinth of ridges with alternating depressions that vary in size and shape. Each depression has a narrow, oblong-kidney-shaped opening about 0.6 μm long. The periflagellar area is a deep, V-shaped triangle. The right valve of P. reticulatum is excavated, and contains a large flagellar pore and a smaller auxiliary pore surrounded by a narrow apical collar. The left valve margin exhibits a curved flat ridge. The intercalary band is smooth.  相似文献   

Based on material collected from Cape Town, a new sand-dwelling, marine species of Prymnesium is described. Using light and electron microscopy, Prymnesium nemamethecum sp. nov. has been found to resemble other species of the genus in size, organelle arrangement, and swimming behavior. It differs from other described species in that it has three types of scales, one of which is confined to the region of appendage insertion and forms a sheath of simple plate scales over the haptonema. In addition, the scales constituting the proximal body scale layer(s) are unusual because they are not simple plate scales but are specifically ornamented.  相似文献   

Tibetiella pulchra Y. L. Li, D. M. Williams et Metzeltin is described from River Nujiang. Its main features are heteropolar valves, which are linear with capitate ends; narrow sternum, expanding at its center; 2–5 rimoportulae at each apex; uniseriate striae; two short projections arising on the surface above each apical pore plate; and an ocellulimbus, extending from the edge of the valve margin to the edge of the valve surface. Of these characters, it is defined by the 2–5 rimoportulae at each apex. T. pulchra was common to abundant on rocks in the samples examined herein.  相似文献   

A new marine diatom, Nitzschia navis-varingica , sp. nov., isolated from Vietnamese waters, is described by light, transmission, and scanning electron microscopy, including thin sectioning. The new species has been found to produce the neurotoxin domoic acid (DA), better known from several species of Pseudo-nitzschia Peragallo and one species of Amphora Ehrenberg. Production of DA is therefore more widespread among diatoms than previously thought. Taxonomically, the genus Nitzschia Hassall is exceptionally difficult, with about 900 described taxa. Grunow (in Cleve and Grunow 1880 divided the genus into 24 sections, and this system is still used with modifications. Nitzschia navis-varingica , sp. nov. fits best into a group of sections that includes Dubiae, Bilobatae , most of the Lanceolatae , and Lineares , all sensu Grunow, as the cell is slightly indented in the middle in girdle view and has a moderately eccentric raphe and a weak longitudinal fold on the valve. Many species within these sections have features similar to N. navis-varingica , but no species seems to be identical. Because both Pseudo-nitzschia and Nitzschia belong to the family Bacillariaceae, it seems reasonable to look for further producers of DA in this family, including freshwater species, which mainly comprise species within the sections Dubiae, Bilobatae, Lanceolatae , and Lineares.  相似文献   

The newly described toxic dinoflagellate Pfiesteria piscicida is a polymorphic and multiphasic species with flagellated, amoeboid, and cyst stages. The species is structurally a heterotroph; however, the flagellated stages can have cleptochloroplasts in large food vacuoles and can temporarily function as mixotrophs. The flagellated stage has a typical mesokaryotic nucleus, and the theca is composed of four membranes, two of which are vesicular and contain thin plates arranged in a Kofoidian series of Po, cp, X, 4′, 1a, 5″, 6c, 4s, 5″′, and 2″″. The plate tabulation is unlike that of any other armored dinoflagellate. Nodules often demark the suture lines underneath the outer membrane, but fixation protocols can influence the detection of plates. Amoeboid benthic stages can be filose to lobose, are thecate, and have a reticulate or spiculate appearance. Amoeboid stages have a eukaryotic nuclear profile and are phagocytic. Cyst stages include a small spherical stage with a honeycomb, reticulate surface and possibly another stage that is elongate and oval to spherical with chrysophyte-like scales that can have long bracts. The species is placed in a new family, Pfiesteriaceae, and the order Dinamoebales is emended.  相似文献   

Atractomorpha porcata sp. nov. is described from culture isolates derived in 1981 from zygotes present in a 28 year old, dried soil sample collected from near Lemon-cove, Tulare County, California. Vegetative individuals are coenocytic, spindle-shaped unicells with long, thin-pointed apices. Asexual reproduction is by means of large, biflagellate zoospores or, frequently, by aplanospores. Sexual reproduction is usually monoecious, with a single spindle-shaped gametangial cell producing small, biflagellate male gametes at either end, and larger female gametes in the midportion. Female gametes are often biflagellate, but more commonly they lack flagella and are liberated by squeezing through slit-like openings in the gametangial wall. Sexual reproduction may thus be considered as either oogamous or anisogamous, depending on whether or not a particular female gamete has flagella; most often it is oogamous. Atractomorpha porcata is readily distinguished from A. echinata, the only other known member of the genus, by (1) its greater tendency toward oogamy (versus anisogamy), (2) its bisexual gametangia, (3) its frequent production of aplanospores in asexual reproduction, (4) its unusual primary membranes that frequently bear long, delicate bristles, and (5) its distinctive zygote wall ornamentation.  相似文献   

本文记述湖北宜昌地区奥陶纪大湾组下部的一个三叶虫新种Ovalocephalus eoprimitivus sp.nov.,主要特征是头鞍缺失前颈环横沟。Ovalocephalus Koroleva为泛冈瓦纳的标志分子,在中国奥陶系分布极为广泛。这一新种的时代为弗洛期—大坪期,系该属目前所知地层层位最低的分子。  相似文献   

A new thecate, phototrophic, marine, sand‐dwelling dinoflagellate, Thecadinium mucosum Hoppenrath et Taylor sp. nov., is described from a culture isolated from Boundary Bay, British Columbia, Canada. It was illustrated with LM as well as SEM and TEM, and its position in the phylogenetic tree of dinoflagellates was investigated using molecular methods. Cells are asymmetrical, oval, laterally flattened, and strongly pigmented, with the plate formula P 3′ 1a 6′′ 7/8c 5 s 6′′′ 2′′′′. Thecal plates are smooth with scattered pores, and there is a distinctive anterior intercalary plate that could be involved in mucus secretion. Thecadinium inclinatum Balech (=Sabulodinium inclinatum (Balech) Saunders et Dodge), a thecate, marine, sand‐dwelling species that has been previously confused with what we now call T. mucosum, was also examined and illustrated through LM and SEM. New information on T. inclinatum is provided, including its plate formula P 3′ 6′′ 7c ?s 5′′′ 1p 1′′′′; we consider T. inclinatum to be related to most other Thecadinium species and not to Sabulodinium. Molecular phylogenetic analyses based on the small subunit ribosomal gene of T. mucosum, T. kofoidii (the type species of the genus), and T. dragescoi weakly support earlier suspicions based on morphology that T. dragescoi is not a member of Thecadinium. Tabulational patterns of the species suggest a relationship to the genus Amphidiniopsis.  相似文献   

We examined the molecular phylogeny and ultrastructure of Chlorogonium and related species to establish the natural taxonomy at the generic level. Phylogenetic analyses of 18S rRNA and RUBISCO LSU (rbcL) gene sequences revealed two separate clades of Chlorogonium from which Chlorogonium (Cg.) fusiforme Matv. was robustly separated. One clade comprised Cg. neglectum Pascher and Cg. kasakii Nozaki, whereas the other clade included the type species Cg. euchlorum (Ehrenb.) Ehrenb., Cg. elongatum (P. A. Dang.) Francé, and Cg. capillatum Nozaki, M. Watanabe et Aizawa. On the basis of unique ultrastructural characteristics, we described Gungnir Nakada gen. nov. comprising three species: G. neglectum (Pascher) Nakada comb. nov., G. mantoniae (H. Ettl) Nakada comb. nov., and G. kasakii (Nozaki) Nakada comb. nov. We also emended Chlorogonium as a monophyletic genus composed of Cg. euchlorum, Cg. elongatum, and Cg. capillatum. Because Cg. fusiforme was distinguished from the redefined Chlorogonium and Gungnir by the structure of its starch plate, which is associated with pyrenoids, we reclassified this species as Rusalka fusiformis (Matv.) Nakada gen. et comb. nov.  相似文献   

A new ceramiaceous alga, Sciurothamnion stegengae De Clerck et Kraft, gen. et sp. nov., is described from the western Indian Ocean and the Philippines. Sciurothamnion appears related to the tribe Callithamnieae on the basis of the position and composition of its procarps and by the majority of post‐fertilization events. It differs, however, from all current members of the tribe by the presence of two periaxial cells bearing determinate laterals per axial cell. Additionally, unlike any present representative of the subfamily Callithamnioideae, no intercalary foot cell is formed after diploidization of the paired auxiliary cells. The genus is characterized by a terminal foot cell (“disposal cell”), which segregates the haploid nuclei of the diploidized auxiliary cell from the diploid zygote nucleus. The nature of three types of foot cells reported in the Ceramiaceae (intercalary foot cells containing only haploid nuclei, intercalary foot cells containing haploid nuclei and a diploid nucleus, and terminal foot cells containing only haploid nuclei) is discussed.  相似文献   

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