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Review of hormonal function of endogenous cardiac steroids. Special attention is paid to recently discovered mechanism of signal transduction from Na,K-ATPase that is due to not a change of ionic gradients but to ouabain-induced alteration of enzyme conformation, that, in turn, results in interaction of the enzyme with intracellular proteins. The data concerning discovery and identification of endogenous cardiac steroids and different isoforms of Na,K-ATPase that have various sensitivity to cardiac steroid, are also considered.  相似文献   

It was previously shown that 4 hours lasting inhibition of nitric oxide synthesis by administration of an L-arginine analogue, the A(G)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) changed the affinity of the Na-binding site of Na,K-ATPase thus resulting in elevation of enzyme activity especially at higher concentrations of sodium. Using the same experimental model, we focused our attention in the present study to the question of binding of ATP to the enzyme molecule in the left ventricle (LV), ventricular septum (S) and the right ventricle (RV) of the dog heart. Activation of the enzyme by increasing concentrations of ATP revealed a significant increase of the Vmax only in septum (by 38 %). The K(M) increased significantly in septum (by 40 %) and in left ventricle (by 56 %) indicating an altered sensitivity of the ATP-binding site of Na,K-ATPase in the hearts of NO-deficient animals. The alterations of Na,K-ATPase in its ability to bind and hydrolyze ATP are localized to the tissue surrounding the cavity of the left ventricle.  相似文献   

Pre-steady-state phosphorylation of purified Na,K-ATPase from red outer medulla of pig kidney was studied at 25 degrees C and an ample range of [tau-32P]ATP concentrations. At 10 microM ATP phosphorylation followed simple exponential kinetics reaching after 40 ms a steady level of 0.76 +/- 0.04 nmol of P/mg of protein with kapp = 73.0 +/- 6.5 s-1. At 500 microM ATP the time course of phosphorylation changed drastically, since the phosphoenzyme reached a level two to four times higher at a much higher rate (kapp greater than or equal to 370 s-1) and in about 40 ms dropped to the same steady level as with 10 microM ATP. This superphosphorylation was not observed in Na,K-ATPase undergoing turnover in a medium with Mg2+, Na+, and ATP, suggesting that it required the enzyme to be at rest. Superphosphorylation depended on Mg2+ and Na+ and was fully inhibited by ouabain and FITC. After denaturation the phosphoenzyme made by superphosphorylation had the electrophoretic mobility of the alpha-subunit of the Na,K-ATPase, and its hydrolysis was accelerated by hydroxylamine. On a molar basis, the stoichiometry of phosphate per ouabain bound was 2.40 +/- 0.60 after phosphorylation with 1000 microM ATP. The results are consistent with the idea that under proper conditions every functional Na,K-ATPase unit can accept two, or more, phosphates of rapid turnover from ATP.  相似文献   

There are four isoforms of the α subunit (α1–4) and three isoforms of the β subunit (β1–3) of Na,K-ATPase, with distinct tissue-specific distribution and physiological functions. α2 is thought to play a key role in cardiac and smooth muscle contraction and be an important target of cardiac glycosides. An α2-selective cardiac glycoside could provide important insights into physiological and pharmacological properties of α2. The isoform selectivity of a large number of cardiac glycosides has been assessed utilizing α1β1, α2β1, and α3β1 isoforms of human Na,K-ATPase expressed in Pichia pastoris and the purified detergent-soluble isoform proteins. Binding affinities of the digitalis glycosides, digoxin, β-methyl digoxin, and digitoxin show moderate but highly significant selectivity (up to 4-fold) for α2/α3 over α1 (KD α1 > α2 = α3). By contrast, ouabain shows moderate selectivity (≈2.5-fold) for α1 over α2 (KD α1 ≤ α3 < α2). Binding affinities for the three isoforms of digoxigenin, digitoxigenin, and all other aglycones tested are indistinguishable (KD α1 = α3 = α2), showing that the sugar determines isoform selectivity. Selectivity patterns for inhibition of Na,K-ATPase activity of the purified isoform proteins are consistent with binding selectivities, modified somewhat by different affinities of K+ ions for antagonizing cardiac glycoside binding on the three isoforms. The mechanistic insight on the role of the sugars is strongly supported by a recent structure of Na,K-ATPase with bound ouabain, which implies that aglycones of cardiac glycosides cannot discriminate between isoforms. In conclusion, several digitalis glycosides, but not ouabain, are moderately α2-selective. This supports a major role of α2 in cardiac contraction and cardiotonic effects of digitalis glycosides.  相似文献   

Three-subunit isoforms of the sodium pump, which is the receptor forcardiac glycosides, are expressed in human heart. The aim of this studywas to determine whether these isoforms have distinct affinities forthe cardiac glycoside ouabain. Equilibrium ouabain binding to membranesfrom a panel of different human tissues and cell lines derived fromhuman tissues was compared by an F statistic to determinewhether a single population of binding sites or two populations ofsites with different affinities would better fit the data. For alltissues, the single-site model fit the data as well as the two-sitemodel. The mean equilibrium dissociation constant(Kd) for all samples calculated using thesingle-site model was 18 ± 6 nM (mean ± SD). No differencein Kd was found between nonfailing and failinghuman heart samples, although the maximum number of binding sites infailing heart was only ~50% of the number of sites in nonfailingheart. Measurement of association rate constants and dissociation rateconstants confirmed that the binding affinities of the different human-isoforms are similar to each other, although calculatedKd values were lower than those determined byequilibrium binding. These results indicate both that the affinity ofall human -subunit isoforms for ouabain is similar and that theincreased sensitivity of failing human heart to cardiac glycosides isprobably due to a reduction in the number of pumps in the heart ratherthan to a selective inhibition of a subset of pumps with differentaffinities for the drugs.


The cardiac glycoside sensitivity of the rat heart changes during postnatal maturation and in response to certain pathological conditions. The Na,K-ATPase is thought to be the receptor for cardiac glycosides, and there are three isozymes of its catalytic (alpha) subunit with different cardiac glycoside affinities: alpha 1 (low affinity) and alpha 2 and alpha 3 (high affinity). We examined the developmental expression of the alpha subunit isozymes in rat ventricular membrane preparations by immunoblotting with isozyme-specific antibodies. The alpha 1 isozyme was present throughout all stages of maturation. A developmental switch from alpha 3 to alpha 2 occurred between 14 and 21 days after birth. Measurements of [3H]ouabain binding and inhibition of Na,K-ATPase activity indicated that alpha 2 and alpha 3 should make equivalent contributions to ion pump capacity; in both neonatal natal and adult preparations, ouabain interacted with a single class of high-affinity binding sites (KD = 15 or 40 nM, respectively; Bmax = 4-5 pmol/mg protein), and at low concentrations produced a similar degree of Na,K-ATPase inhibition (25%). The results indicate that the developmental difference in cardiac glycoside sensitivity cannot be explained by quantitative differences in the proportion of high-affinity isozymes of the Na,K-ATPase. The switch from alpha 3 to alpha 2 coincides with other major changes in cardiac electrophysiology and calcium metabolism.  相似文献   

The Na(+),K(+)-ATPase catalyzes the active transport of ions. It has two necessary subunits, alpha and beta, but in kidney it is also associated with a 7.4-kDa protein, the gamma subunit. Stable transfection was used to determine the effect of gamma on Na, K-ATPase properties. When isolated from either kidney or transfected cells, alphabetagamma had lower affinities for both Na(+) and K(+) than alphabeta. A post-translational modification of gamma selectively eliminated the effect on Na(+) affinity, suggesting three configurations (alphabeta, alphabetagamma, and alphabetagamma*) conferring different stable properties to Na, K-ATPase. In the nephron, segment-specific differences in Na(+) affinity have been reported that cannot be explained by the known alpha and beta subunit isoforms of Na,K-ATPase. Immunofluorescence was used to detect gamma in rat renal cortex. Cortical ascending limb and some cortical collecting tubules lacked gamma, correlating with higher Na(+) affinities in those segments reported in the literature. Selective expression in different segments of the nephron is consistent with a modulatory role for the gamma subunit in renal physiology.  相似文献   

It is known that hypertension is accompanied by increased [Na+]i. The functional properties of Na,K-ATPase, which transports the Na+ out and K+ into myocardial cells during the relaxation phase, were investigated in the left ventricle (LV), septum (SV) and the right ventricle (RV) of anesthetized dogs with moderate acute blood pressure elevation elicited by short-term (4-hour) NO synthase inhibition. The NO-insufficiency was induced by administration of an L-arginine analogue, the N(G)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME). Concerning the function of Na,K-ATPase under the conditions of lowered NO synthesis, we focused our attention to the binding of Na+ to the enzyme molecule. Activation of the enzyme by increasing Na+ concentrations revealed significant changes in both the maximal velocity (Vmax) and the affinity for Na+ (K(Na)) in all investigated heart sections. The Vmax increased by 27% in LV, by 87% in SV and by 58% in RV. The K(Na) value increased by 86% in LV, by 105% in SV and by 93% in RV, indicating an apparent decrease in the sensitivity of the Na+-binding site in the Na,K-ATPase molecule. This apparently decreased pump affinity for Na+ together with the increase of Vmax suggest that, during the short-term inhibition of NO synthesis, the Na,K-ATPase is capable of extruding the excessive Na+ from the myocardial cells more effectively at higher [Na+]i, as compared to the Na,K-ATPase of control animals.  相似文献   

Proteins interacting with 11-type of Na,K-ATPase were revealed in pig kidney outer medulla and duck salt glands using three different methods (immunoprecipitation, protein overlay, and chemical cross-linking). Immunoprecipitation was performed after solubilization of protein homogenate with Triton X-100 so that both membrane and cytosol proteins bound to Na,K-ATPase could be revealed. Two other methods were used to study the interaction of cytosol proteins with purified Na,K-ATPase. The sets of proteins revealed by each method in outer medulla of pig kidney were different. Proteins interacting with Na,K-ATPase that have molecular masses 10, 15, 70, 75, 105, 120, and 190 kD were found using the immunoprecipitation method. The chemical cross-linking method revealed proteins with molecular masses 25, 35, 40, 58, 68-70, and 86-88 kD. The protein overlay method revealed in the same tissue proteins with molecular masses 38, 42, 43, 60, 62, 66, 70, and 94 kD.  相似文献   

Epitope and mimotope for an antibody to the Na, K-ATPase.   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The epitope of a monoclonal antibody specific for the alpha 2 isoform of the Na,K-ATPase was determined and its accessibility in native enzyme was examined. Protein fragmentation with N-chlorosuccinimide, formic acid, trypsin, and leucine aminopeptidase indicated binding near the Na,K-ATPase N-terminus but did not unambiguously delineate the extent of the epitope. The ability of the antibody to bind to denatured enzyme made it a good candidate for screening a random peptide library displayed on M13 phage, but the consensus sequence that emerged was not found in the Na,K-ATPase, Full-length cDNA for the Na,K-ATPase was randomly fragmented and cloned into beta-galactosidase to create a lambda gt11 expression library; screening with the antibody yielded a set of overlaps spanning 23 amino acids at the N-terminus. Chimeras of Na,K-ATPase alpha 1 and alpha 2 narrowed down the epitope to 14-19 amino acids. The antibody did not recognize fusion proteins constructed with shorter segments of this epitope. It did recognize a fusion protein containing the M13 library consensus sequence, however, indicating that this sequence, which is rich in proline and hydrophobic amino acids (FPPNFLFPPPP), was a mimotope. The natural epitope, unique to the Na,K-ATPase alpha 2 isoform, was GREYSPAATTAENG. Reconstitution of antibody binding in a foreign context such as M13 PIII protein or beta-galactosidase thus required a relatively large number of amino acids, indicating that antibody mapping approaches must allow for epitopes of significant size. The epitope was accessible in native enzyme and exposed on the cytoplasmic side, documenting the surface exposure of a stretch of amino acids at the N-terminus, where the Na,K-ATPase isoforms differ most.  相似文献   

We have used a gene transfer system to investigate the relationship between expression of the rat Na,K-ATPase alpha 1 subunit gene and ouabain-resistant Na,K-ATPase activity. A cDNA clone encoding the entire rat Na,K-ATPase alpha 1 subunit was inserted into the expression vector pSV2neo. This construct (pSV2 alpha 1) conferred resistance to 100 microM ouabain to ouabain-sensitive CV-1 cells. Hybridization analysis of transfected clones revealed the presence of both rat-specific and endogenous Na,K-ATPase alpha 1 subunit DNA and mRNA sequences. A single form of highly ouabain-sensitive 86Rb+ uptake was detected in CV-1 cells, whereas two distinct classes of ouabain-inhibitable uptake were observed in transfectants. One class exhibited the high ouabain sensitivity of the endogenous monkey Na,K-ATPase, while the second class showed the reduced ouabain sensitivity characteristic of the rodent renal Na,K-ATPase. Examination of the ouabain-sensitive, sodium-dependent ATPase activity of the transfectants also revealed a low affinity component of Na,K-ATPase activity characteristic of the rodent kidney enzyme. These results suggest that expression of the rat alpha 1 subunit gene is directly responsible for ouabain-resistant Na,K-ATPase activity in transfected CV-1 cells.  相似文献   

In human heart failure, disturbances in Ca2+ homeostasis are well known but the fate of the Na,K-ATPase isoforms (alpha1beta1, alpha2beta1 and alpha3beta1), the receptors for cardiac glycosides, still remains under study. Microsomes have been purified from non-failing human hearts. As judged by the sensitivities of Na,K-ATPase activity to ouabain (IC50 values: 7.0 +/- 2.5 and 81 +/- 11 nM), 3H-ouabain-binding measurements at equilibrium with and without 10 mM K+ and by a biphasic ouabain dissociation process, at least two finctionally active Na,K-ATPase isozymes coexist in normal human hearts. These are demonstrated as a very high- and a high affinity ouabain-binding site. The KD values are 3.6 +/- 1.6 nM and 17 +/- 6 nM, respectively. The two dissociation rate constants are 42 x 10(4) min(-1) and 360 x 10(-4) min(-1). Addition of 10 mM K+ ions shifted the respective KD values for ouabain from 3.6 +/- 1.6 to 20 +/- 5 nM and from 17 +/- 6 nM to 125 +/- 25 nM, respectively. The isozymes involved are identified by comparing these three pharmacological parameters to those of each alpha/beta-isozyme separately expressed in Xenopus oocytes (9). In human heart, the very high affinity site for ouabain is the alpha1beta1 dimer and the high affinity site is alpha2beta1.  相似文献   

We have studied a female mongrel dog found in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. This dog was selected and examined thoroughly because she naturally maintained a high glutathione (GSH) concentration in her erythrocytes and did not exhibit any clinical signs or hematologic disorders. Erythrocytes from this animal demonstrated high K and low Na concentrations, as well as accumulation of the amino acids, glutamic acid, aspartic acid and glutamine. The Na, K-ATPase activity was also markedly elevated and the osmotic fragility of the dog's erythrocytes was found to be significantly increased. Crossbreeding of our dog with a normal dog and also with a heterozygous carrier dog revealed that the genetic abnormality possessed by our dog is transmitted as an autosomal recessive trait. All of the clinical data obtained from studying this animal strongly suggest that it possesses a genetic trait similar to that of the HK dogs previously described by Maede.  相似文献   

The present study was focused on regulatory role of nitric oxide on functional properties of the cardiac Na, K-ATPase in three various animal models of hypertension: spontaneously hypertensive male rats (SHR) with increased activity of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) by 60 % (Sh1), SHR with decreased activity of NOS by 40 % (Sh2) and rats with hypertension induced by L-NAME (40 mg/kg/day) with depressed activity of NOS by 72 % (LN). Studying the utilization of energy substrate we observed higher Na, K-ATPase activity in the whole concentration range of ATP in Sh1 and decreased activity in Sh2 and LN. Evaluation of kinetic parameters revealed an increase of Vmax value by 37 % in Sh1 and decrease by 30 % in Sh2 and 17 % in LN. The KM value remained unchanged in Sh2 and LN, but was lower by 38 % in Sh1 indicating increased affinity of the ATP binding site, as compared to controls. During the activation with Na+ we observed increased Vmax by 64 % and increased KNa by 106 % in Sh1. In Sh2 we found decreased Vmax by 40 % and increased KNa by 38 %. In LN, the enzyme showed unchanged Vmax with increased KNa by 50 %. The above data indicate a positive role of increased activity of NOS in improved utilization of ATP as well as enhanced binding of Na+ by the cardiac Na, K-ATPase.  相似文献   

Digital-imaging fluorescence microscopy with fura-2 allows the determination of intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i) in single cells. At a cell density of 10(5) cells/petri dish 44% of the chick embryo heart cells had a high [Ca2+]i of 99.4 +/- 7.1 nM and 56% of the cells a low [Ca2+]i of 27.8 +/- 4.4 nM (mean +/- SE). This laboratory previously reported that high-[Ca2+]i and low-[Ca2+]i cells from chick embryo hearts differ in their sensitivity to cardiac glycosides, as shown by measuring the increase in [Ca2+]i to reach a new steady state [Ahlemeyer, B., Weintraut, H., Seibold, G. & Schoner, W. (1991) in The sodium pump: recent developments (Kaplan, J. H. & De Weer, P., eds) pp. 653-656, Rockefeller University Press, New York]. This time we used N-hydroxysuccinimidyl digoxigenin-3-O-methylcarbonyl-epsilon-aminocaproate (HDMA) which binds irreversibly to amino groups of the Na+/K(+)-ATPase, and sheep anti-digoxigenin Fab fragments coupled with fluorescein isothiocyanate to identify different cardiac glycoside-binding sites. Half-maximal labelling of high-[Ca2+]i cells was obtained at 0.36 nM HDMA, and at 12.0 nM with the low-[Ca2+]i cells. Specific labelling of the cells by HDMA was 91% and 80% in high-[Ca2+]i and low-[Ca2+]i cells, respectively, as revealed by competition experiments with a 1000-fold excess of ouabain. HDMA half-maximally elevated the [Ca2+]i of high-[Ca2+]i cells at a concentration of 50 pM and that of low-[Ca2+]i cells at 8.0 nM. Concentrations higher than 0.1 microM produced signs of intoxication. When the labelled cells were subjected to a SDS/PAGE, a 100-kDa band was found to contain HDMA. The electrophoretic mobility of a protein labelled at 10 nM HDMA was slightly higher than that of a protein labelled at 1.0 microM. The data suggest that different isoforms of the alpha-subunit of Na+/K(+)-ATPase may exist in low-[Ca2+]i and high-[Ca2+]i cells of chick embryo heart.  相似文献   

Fragmental Na,K-ATPase from the electric eel forms three phosphorylated intermediates (EP) with MgATP and Na+: ADP-sensitive K+-insensitive EP (E1P), ADP- and K+-sensitive EP (E*P), and K+-sensitive ADP-insensitive EP (E2P). The EP composition varied with the Na+ concentration. In the reconstituted Na,K-ATPase proteoliposomes (PL), the EP composition of the inside-out form was controlled not only by the intravesicular (extracellular) Na+ concentration, but also by the temperature and the cholesterol content of the lipid bilayer. When the lipid bilayer of PL contained less than 30 mol % cholesterol, the E*P content did not change significantly while the E2P content increased with an elevation in temperature (3-20 degrees C). In contrast, when the lipid bilayer contains more than 35 mol % cholesterol, the E*P content increased while the E2P content stayed less than 10% under the same temperature change. These observations suggest that a high cholesterol content in the lipid bilayer interferes with the E*P to E2P conversion. This cholesterol effect was reversed by ionophores (monensin, nigericin, and A23187). Therefore, E1P-rich EP, E*P-rich EP, or E2P-rich EP could be obtained in the PL under a constant Na+ concentration by using various concentrations of cholesterol and ionophores. The reaction between the proteoliposomal EPs and digitoxigenin (lipid-soluble cardiac steroid) occurred in a single turnover, thereby avoiding unphysiologically high Na+ concentrations. The increase in the ADP- and K+-insensitive EP, which indicated formation of the digitoxigenin-Na,K-ATPase complex, was equivalent to the decrease in the E*P under six different sets of conditions, without any significant change in the E1P and E2P contents. This result indicated that E*P is the active intermediate of the Na,K-ATPase for cardiac steroid binding. Although the E2P has been thought to be the active form for binding, it cannot bind with the cardiac steroid in the presence of Na+ and in the absence of free Mg2+.  相似文献   

Cornelius F 《Biochemistry》2008,47(6):1652-1658
Polyunsaturated phospholipids such as 16:0-22:6 PC and 22:6 PC both stabilized the E1 conformation and inhibited turnover of Na,K-ATPase reconstituted into 18:1 PC or 18:1 PC/cholesterol liposomes. The inhibition increases in the order 22:6 PC > 16:0-22:6 PC both in the presence and in the absence of cholesterol, but is most pronounced in the absence of cholesterol. The inhibition of Na,K-ATPase turnover may thus correlate with the capability of polyunsaturated phospholipids and cholesterol to induce liquid-disordered and liquid-ordered lipid phases, respectively. In the presence of cholesterol 16:0-22:6 PC and 22:6 PC both increase the apparent Na+ affinity and change the K+ inhibition observed at low ATP concentration into activation. These effects on Na,K-ATPase kinetics can be explained by the ability of polyunsaturated phospholipids to induce lateral phase separation from cholesterol, which may be partially excluded from interaction with the Na,K-ATPase/lipid interface. Finally, inclusion of polyunsaturated phospholipids may induce changes in the bilayer hydrophobic thickness, which will increase the hydrophobic mismatch between lipids and protein.  相似文献   

We have constructed a mutant Na,K-ATPase alpha1-subunit with all native cysteine residues replaced. Using the baculovirus system, this cysteine-less alpha1-subunit and wild-type beta1-subunit were expressed in High Five cells. After 3 days of infection, cells were fractionated, and endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, and plasma membranes were isolated. The molecular activity of the cysteine-less mutant in the plasma membranes was close to the wild-type protein (8223 min(-)(1) versus 6655 min(-)(1)). Cation and ATP activation of Na,K-ATPase activities revealed that replacing all 23 cysteines resulted in only a 50% reduction of K(m) for Na(+), a 2-fold increase in K(m) for K(+), and no changes in K(m) for ATP. The distribution of alpha-subunits among the membranes showed a high percentage of cysteine-less protein in the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus compared with the wild-type protein. Furthermore, the cellular stability of the alphabeta assembly appeared reduced in the cysteine-less mutant. Cells harvested after more than 3 days of infection showed extensive degradation of the cysteine-less alpha-subunit, which is not observed with the wild-type enzyme. Thus the Na,K-ATPase contains no cysteine residues that are critical for function, but the folding and/or assembly pathway of this enzyme is affected by total cysteine substitution.  相似文献   

We report here the molecular cloning, nucleotide sequence, and predicted amino acid sequence of an alpha-subunit of the developmentally useful model, Artemia. The amino acid sequence shows divergence from that of mammals, birds, Torpedo, and Drosophila. However, regions in the putative ATP binding and transmembrane domains show absolute or high levels of conservation. Major differences occur in the amino-terminal domain and several other hypervariable regions. These differences are consistent with the suggestion that the brine shrimp is a 'fast clock' organism which diverged from the precursors of vertebrates 0.5-1 billion years ago.  相似文献   

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