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Epidemiological studies indicate that regular coffee consumption reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Despite these findings, the biological mechanisms by which coffee consumption exerts these effects are unknown. The aim of this study was twofold: to develop a rat model that would further delineate the effects of regular coffee consumption on glucose kinetics, and to determine whether coffee, with or without caffeine, alters the actions of insulin on glucose kinetics in vivo. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were fed a high-fat diet for 4 weeks in combination with one of the following: (i) drinking water as placebo (PL), (ii) decaffeinated coffee (2 g/100 mL) (DC), or (iii) alkaloid caffeine (20 mg/100 mL) added to decaffeinated coffee (2 g/100 mL) (CAF). Catheters were chronically implanted in a carotid artery and jugular vein for sampling and infusions, respectively. Recovered animals (5 days postoperative) were fasted for 5 h before hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamps (2 mU x kg(-1) x min(-1)). Glucose was clamped at 6 mmol/L and isotopes (2-deoxy-[(14)C]glucose and [3-(3)H]glucose) were administered to obtain indices of whole-body and tissue-specific glucose kinetics. Glucose infusion rates and measures of whole-body metabolic clearance were greater in DC than in PL or CAF, indicating increased whole-body insulin sensitivity. As the only difference between DC and CAF was the addition of alkaloid caffeine, it can be concluded that caffeine antagonizes the beneficial effects of DC. Given these findings, decaffeinated coffee may represent a nutritional means of combating insulin resistance.  相似文献   

Y Aoki  H Itoh 《Enzyme》1989,41(3):151-158
The effects of long-term and short-term exposure of rats to ethanol on aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) activity in the liver mitochondria were investigated. The specific activities of mitochondrial high Km ALDH and low Km ALDH after the prolonged administration of ethanol were both increased to levels about 2.5 times that of the control group. In contrast, high Km and low Km ALDH showed maximum activity 12 h after administration of a single large dose of ethanol, increasing 21 and 4.4 times, respectively, over the level in the control group. When ethanol was administered for a long time, the two ALDH isoenzyme levels showed approximately the same increase, while the high Km ALDH level was more significantly increased than the low Km ALDH level after a single large dose. These results suggest that the high Km ALDH level of the outer membrane was increased as a result of a transient increase in the level of acetaldehyde around the liver mitochondria after a single large dose of ethanol, and that high Km ALDH plays an important role in acetaldehyde metabolism. However, when ethanol was administered for a long time, the mitochondria were exposed to low concentrations of acetaldehyde over a long time, leading to an increase in levels of low and high Km ALDH in the matrix.  相似文献   

1. The steady-state kinetics of ascorbate oxidation as a function of oxygen concentration was measured with a solubilized cytochrome c oxidase (ferrocytochrome c:oxygen oxidoreductase, EC preparation. 2. Linear double reciprocal plots were obtained at various fixed concentrations of ascrobate, cytochrome c and cytochrome aa3. 3. The results are interpreted in terms of an oxidase model similar to that put forward by Minnaert in 1961 (Minnaert, K. (1961) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 50, 23-34). 4. The Km for oxygen at infinite cytochrome c concentration is 0.95 muM and the intramolecular rate constant for the transfer of electrons from cytochrome c to cytochome aa3 is 400 s(-1). According to the model, this implies that the second order rate constant for the reaction between oxygen and the oxidase is 9.5 X 10(7)M(-1)-s(-1).  相似文献   

(1) Analysis of the data from steady-state kinetic studies shows that two reactions between cytochrome c and cytochrome c oxidase sufficed to describe the concave Eadie-Hofstee plots (Km ? 1 · 10?8M and Km ? 2 · 10?5M). It is not necessary to postulate a third reaction of Km ? 10?6M. (2) Change of temperature, type of detergent and type of cytochrome c affected both reactions to the same extent. The presence of only a single catalytic cytochrome c interaction site on the oxidase could explain the kinetic data. (3) Our experiments support the notion that, at least under our conditions (pH 7.8, low-ionic strength), the dissociation of ferricytochrome c from cytochrome c oxidase is the rate-limiting step in the steady-state kinetics. (4) A series of models, proposed to describe the observed steady-state kinetics, is discussed.  相似文献   

Some spectra of Pseudomonas cytochrome oxidase are reported, both for comparison with those of other workers and to illustrate the differences between the ascorbate- and dithionite-reduced forms of the enzyme. A spectrum of the reduced enzyme-CO complex, prepared in the absence of added reductants by incubation under CO, is also included. Ultracentrifugation studies yielded a value for the sedimentation coefficient (s20,w) of 7.5S, and an isoelectric point of pH6.9 was determined by isoelectric focusing. Steady-state kinetic constants of the electron donors, quinol, sodium ascorbate, reduced Pseudomonas azurin and Pseudomonas ferrocytochrome c551 were investigated giving Km values of 30mM, 4mM, 49muM and 5.6muM respectively. The two protein substrates were observed to be subject to product inhibition and the Ki for oxidized Pseudomonas azurin was evaluated at 4.9muM. Steady-state kinetics were also used to investigate the effects of the oxidation products of dithionite on the oxidase and nitrite reductase activities of Pseudomonas cytochrome oxidase. These experiments showed that whereas the oxidase activity was inhibited, the nitrite reductase activity was slightly enhanced.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to characterize the physical properties of cytochromec oxidase from rat liver. The enzyme was extracted from isolated mitochondria with nonionic detergents and further purified by ion-exchange chromatography on DEAE Bio-Gel A. The purified enzyme contained 9.64 nmol heme a/mg protein and one iron atom plus one copper atom for each heme a. The specific activity of the final preparation was 146 µmol of ferrocytochromec oxidized/min · mg protein, measured at pH 5.7. The spectral properties of the enzyme were characteristic of purified cytochrome oxidase and indicated that the preparation was free of cytochromesb, c, andc 1. In analytical ultracentrifugation studies, the enzyme sedimented as a single component with anS 20,w of5.35S. The Stokes radius of the enzyme was determined by gel filtration chromatography and was equal to 75 Å. The molecular weight of the oxidase calculated from its sedimentation coefficient and Stokes' radius was 180,000, indicating that the active enzyme contained two heme a groups. The purified cytochrome oxidase was also subjected to dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in order to determine its components. The enzyme was resolved into five polypeptides with the molecular weights of I, 27,100; II, 15,000; III, 11,900; IV 9800; and V, 9000.  相似文献   

Human cytochrome c oxidase was purified in a fully active form from heart and skeletal muscle. The enzyme was selectively solubilised with octylglucoside and KCl from submitochondrial particles followed by ammonium sulphate fractionation. The presteady-state and steady-state kinetic properties of the human cytochrome c oxidase preparations with either human cytochrome c or horse cytochrome c were studied spectrophotometrically and compared with those of bovine heart cytochrome c oxidase. The interaction between human cytochrome c and human cytochrome c oxidase proved to be highly specific. It is proposed that for efficient electron transfer to occur, a conformational change in the complex is required, thereby shifting the initially unfavourable redox equilibrium. The very slow presteady-state reaction between human cytochrome c oxidase and horse cytochrome c suggests that, in this case, the conformational change does not occur. The proposed model was also used to explain the steady-state kinetic parameters under various conditions. At high ionic strength (I = 200 mM, pH 7.4), the kcat was highly dependent on the type of oxidase and it is proposed that the internal electron transfer is the rate-limiting step. The kcat value of the 'high-affinity' phase, observed at low ionic strength (I = 18 mM, pH 7.4), was determined by the cytochrome c/cytochrome c oxidase combination applied, whereas the Km was highly dependent only on the type of cytochrome c used. Our results suggest that, depending on the cytochrome c/cytochrome c oxidase combination, either the dissociation of ferricytochrome c or the internal electron transfer is the rate-limiting step in the 'high-affinity' phase at low ionic strength. The 'low-affinity' kcat value was not only determined by the type of oxidase used, but also by the type of cytochrome c. It is proposed that the internal electron-transfer rate of the 'low-affinity' reaction is enhanced by the binding of a second molecule of cytochrome c.  相似文献   

Aflatoxins B1, B2, G1, G2, and M1 have been evaluated for activity toward cytochrome oxidase in isolated rat liver mitochondria employing ferrocytochrome c and p-phenylene diamine as reductants. The aflatoxins inhibited the cytochrome oxidase activity to a greater extent when monitored by O2 uptake measurements than by substrate oxidation. AFG2 and AFM1 were the most potent (50-70%). Using oligomycin and 2,4-DNP as respiratory inhibitor and uncoupler, respectively, the aflatoxins appear to inhibit e- rather than energy transfer reactions. These toxins did not uncouple cytochrome oxidase activity.  相似文献   

An experimental model of chronic alcohol abuse is developed, in order to study the hypothalamic-pituitary testicular axis in the rat. For this purpose basal plasma prolactin, gonadotropins, testosterone and estradiol have been measured. Also these hormones were studied after LHRH or hCG stimulation. This experimental model allows us to study the role of alcohol in hypogonadism induction. Chronic alcohol administration resulted in an inconstant decrease in plasma testosterone levels and very diminished response of it to hCG. Along with these modifications, there was an increase in basal plasma estrogen levels, as has been shown in the human. The decrease in plasma LH levels in alcoholic rats together with a normal response to LHRH suggest a toxic role of alcohol at higher levels than the pituitary. The existence of a hyperprolactinemic state under chronic alcohol ingestion is confirmed. The decrease in plasma prolactin levels after LHRH administration suggests that prolactin and gonadotropin secretion are very closely related.  相似文献   

Rat liver cytochrome c oxidase (ferrocytochrome c: oxygen oxidoreductase; EC was separated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis into 12 different polypeptide chains. Specific antisera against the holoenzyme and against purified subunits IV and VIII were used to characterize the enzyme complex. The antiserum against subunit IV precipitates from sodium dodecyl sulfate-dissociated mitochondria only subunit IV and from Triton X-100-dissolved mitochondria all 12 polypeptide chains, indicating their integral location within the enzyme complex. Different antisera against the holoenzyme only precipitate subunits IV, V and VIb from sodium dodecyl sulfate-dissociated mitochondria, suggesting the location of these subunits on the surface layer of the complex. Subunit VIII is thought to be located within the complex, since a specific antiserum does not precipitate the complex. The amino acid composition of all 12 protein subunits is different, thus excluding their origin from proteolytic degradation. The proteolytic degradation of subunit IV into IV during isolation of the enzyme was corroborated by the very similar amino acid composition of both proteins.  相似文献   

The long-known biphasic response of cytochrome c oxidase to the concentration of cytochrome c has been explained, alternatively, by the presence of a catalytic and a regulatory site on the oxidase, by negative cooperativity between adjacent active sites in dimeric oxidase, or by a transition of the enzyme molecule between different conformational states. The three mechanistic hypotheses allow testable predictions about the relationship between substrate binding and steady-state kinetics catalyzed by the monomeric and dimeric (or oligomeric) enzyme. We have tested these predictions on monomeric, dimeric, and oligomeric beef heart oxidase and on monomeric oxidase from Paracoccus denitrificans. The aggregation state of the oxidase was evaluated from the sedimentation equilibrium in the ultracentrifuge and by gel chromatography. The binding of cytochrome c to cytochrome c oxidase was measured by spectrophotometric titration of cytochrome c oxidase with cytochrome c. The procedure makes use of a small perturbation in the Soret band of the absorption spectrum of the cytochrome c-cytochrome c oxidase complex. The steady-state oxidation of cytochrome c was followed spectroscopically by an automated assay procedure, and the kinetic parameters were deduced by numerical analysis of several hundred initial rate assays in the substrate concentration range 0.15-30 microM. The following results were obtained: (1) The kinetics of cytochrome c oxidation are always biphasic at low ionic strength, independent of the aggregation state of the enzyme. (2) The kinetics become apparently monophasic at ionic strengths above 100 mM or at slightly acidic pH values.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The histidine-specific reagent diethyl pyrocarbonate has been used to chemically modify bovine heart cytochrome oxidase. Thirty-two of sixty-seven histidine residues of cytochrome oxidase are accessible to modification by diethyl pyrocarbonate. Effects on the Soret and alpha bands of the heme spectrum indicate disturbance in the environment of one or both of the heme groups. However, diethyl pyrocarbonate modification does not alter the 830-nm absorbance band, suggesting that the environment of CuA is unchanged. Maximal modification of cytochrome oxidase by diethyl pyrocarbonate results in loss of 85-90% of the steay-state electron transfer activity, which can be reversed by hydroxylamine treatment. However, modification of the first 20 histidines does not alter either activity or the heme spectrum, but only when 32 residues have been modified are the activity and heme spectral changes complete. The steady-state kinetic profile of fully modified oxidase is monophasic; the phase corresponding to tight cytochrome c binding and low turnover is retained, whereas the high turnover phase is abolished. Proteoliposomes incorporated with modified oxidase have a 65% lower respiratory control ratio and 40% lower proton pumping stoichiometry than liposomes containing unmodified oxidase. These results are discussed in terms of a redox-linked proton pumping model for energy coupling via cytochrome oxidase.  相似文献   

When isolated mitochondria which have been labeled with [3H]leucine are solubilized and treated with anti-serum specific for cytochrome c oxidase, labeled polypeptides which correspond to the three largest polypeptides of this enzyme are immunoprecipitated. This indicates that the three largest polypeptides of cytochrome c oxidase which have Mr of 66,000, 39,000, and 23,000 are synthesized by isolated mitochondria whereas the three smallest ones which have Mr of 14,000, 12,500, and 10,000 are not. The smallest polypeptides are probably synthesized on cytoplasmic ribosomes as has been demonstrated in other systems by in vivo studies. These results are the first demonstration that isolated mammalian mitochondria are capable of synthesizing some of their own polypeptide components. The antiserum used in this study was prepared to highly purified cytochrome c oxidase (12.4 nmol of heme a + a3/mg of protein) from rat liver mitochondria. This antiserum gives a single precipitin line when tested by the Ouchterlony double diffusion technique. Its specificity has been demonstrated by the fact that it: 1) only precipitates heme a + a3, not hemes b, c, or c1, when added to solubilized mitochondria, 2) inhibits cytochrome c oxidase activity at least 85%, and 3) precipitates only those polypeptides found in purified cytochrome c oxidase when added to solubilized mitochondria labeled in vivo.  相似文献   

Heart disease represents an important etiology of mortality in chronic alcoholics. The purpose of the present study was to examine potential mechanisms for the inhibitory effect of chronic alcohol exposure (16 wk) on the regulation of myocardial protein metabolism. Chronic alcohol feeding resulted in a lower heart weight and 25% loss of cardiac protein per heart compared with pair-fed controls. The loss of protein mass resulted in part from a diminished (30%) rate of protein synthesis. Ethanol exerted its inhibition of protein synthesis through diminished translational efficiency rather than lower RNA content. Chronic ethanol administration decreased the abundance of eukaryotic initiation factor (eIF)4G associated with eIF4E in the myocardium by 36% and increased the abundance of the translation response protein (4E-BP1) associated with eIF4E. In addition, chronic alcohol feeding significantly reduced the extent of p70S6 kinase (p70(S6K)) phosphorylation. The decreases in the phosphorylation of 4E-BP1 and p70(S6K) did not result from a reduced abundance of mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR). These data suggest that a chronic alcohol-induced impairment in myocardial protein synthesis results in part from inhibition in peptide chain initiation secondary to marked changes in eIF4E availability and p70(S6K) phosphorylation.  相似文献   

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