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SyMAP (Synteny Mapping and Analysis Program) was originally developed to compute synteny blocks between a sequenced genome and a FPC map, and has been extended to support pairs of sequenced genomes. SyMAP uses MUMmer to compute the raw hits between the two genomes, which are then clustered and filtered using the optional gene annotation. The filtered hits are input to the synteny algorithm, which was designed to discover duplicated regions and form larger-scale synteny blocks, where intervening micro-rearrangements are allowed. SyMAP provides extensive interactive Java displays at all levels of resolution along with simultaneous displays of multiple aligned pairs. The synteny blocks from multiple chromosomes may be displayed in a high-level dot plot or three-dimensional view, and the user may then drill down to see the details of a region, including the alignments of the hits to the gene annotation. These capabilities are illustrated by showing their application to the study of genome duplication, differential gene loss and transitive homology between sorghum, maize and rice. The software may be used from a website or standalone for the best performance. A project manager is provided to organize and automate the analysis of multi-genome groups. The software is freely distributed at http://www.agcol.arizona.edu/software/symap.  相似文献   

Genomic regulatory blocks are chromosomal regions spanned by long clusters of highly conserved noncoding elements devoted to long-range regulation of developmental genes, often immobilizing other, unrelated genes into long-lasting syntenic arrangements. Synorth is a web resource for exploring and categorizing the syntenic relationships in genomic regulatory blocks across multiple genomes, tracing their evolutionary fate after teleost whole genome duplication at the level of genomic regulatory block loci, individual genes, and their phylogenetic context.  相似文献   

Gibbons are part of the same superfamily (Hominoidea) as humans and great apes, but their karyotype has diverged faster from the common hominoid ancestor. At least 24 major chromosome rearrangements are required to convert the presumed ancestral karyotype of gibbons into that of the hominoid ancestor. Up to 28 additional rearrangements distinguish the various living species from the common gibbon ancestor. Using the northern white-cheeked gibbon (2n = 52) (Nomascus leucogenys leucogenys) as a model, we created a high-resolution map of the homologous regions between the gibbon and human. The positions of 100 synteny breakpoints relative to the assembled human genome were determined at a resolution of about 200 kb. Interestingly, 46% of the gibbon–human synteny breakpoints occur in regions that correspond to segmental duplications in the human lineage, indicating a common source of plasticity leading to a different outcome in the two species. Additionally, the full sequences of 11 gibbon BACs spanning evolutionary breakpoints reveal either segmental duplications or interspersed repeats at the exact breakpoint locations. No specific sequence element appears to be common among independent rearrangements. We speculate that the extraordinarily high level of rearrangements seen in gibbons may be due to factors that increase the incidence of chromosome breakage or fixation of the derivative chromosomes in a homozygous state.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Synteny mapping, or detecting regions that are orthologous between two genomes, is a key step in studies of comparative genomics. For completely sequenced genomes, this is increasingly accomplished by whole-genome sequence alignment. However, such methods are computationally expensive, especially for large genomes, and require rather complicated post-processing procedures to filter out non-orthologous sequence matches. RESULTS: We have developed a novel method that does not require sequence alignment for synteny mapping of two large genomes, such as the human and mouse. In this method, the occurrence spectra of genome-wide unique 16mer sequences present in both the human and mouse genome are used to directly detect orthologous genomic segments. Being sequence alignment-free, the method is very fast and able to map the two mammalian genomes in one day of computing time on a single Pentium IV personal computer. The resulting human-mouse synteny map was shown to be in excellent agreement with those produced by the Mouse Genome Sequencing Consortium (MGSC) and by the Ensembl team; furthermore, the syntenic relationship of segments found only by our method was supported by BLASTZ sequence alignment.  相似文献   

Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) and coffee (Coffea canephora) belong to the sister families Solanaceae and Rubiaceae, respectively. We report herein the mapping of a common set of 257 Conserved Ortholog Set II genes in the genomes of both species. The mapped markers are well distributed across both genomes allowing the first syntenic comparison between species from these two families. The majority (75%) of the synteny blocks are short (<4 cM); however, some extend up to 50 cM. In an effort to further characterize the synteny between these two genomes, we took advantage of the available sequence for the tomato genome to show that tomato chromosome 7 is syntenic to half of the two coffee linkage groups E and F with the putative break point in tomato localized to the boundary of the heterochromatin and euchromatin on the long arm. In addition to the new insight on genome conservation and evolution between the plant families Solanaceae and Rubiaceae, the comparative maps presented herein provide a translational tool by which coffee researchers may take benefit of DNA sequence and genetic information from tomato and vice versa. It is thus expected that these comparative genome information will help to facilitate and expedite genetic and genomic research in coffee.  相似文献   

Conservation of synteny of mammalian imprinted genes between chicken and human suggested that highly conserved gene clusters were selected long before these genes were recruited for genomic imprinting in mammals. Here we have applied in silico mapping of orthologous genes in pipid frog, zebrafish, spotted green and Japanese pufferfish to show considerable conservation of synteny in lower vertebrates. More than 400 million years ago in a common ancestor of teleost fish and tetrapods, 'preimprinted' chromosome regions homologous to human 6q25, 7q21, 7q32, 11p15, and 15q11-->q12 already contained most present-day mammalian imprinted genes. Interestingly, some imprinted gene orthologues which are isolated from imprinted clusters in mouse and human could be linked to preimprinted regions in lower vertebrates, indicating that separation occurred during mammalian evolution. On the contrary, newly arisen genes by segmental duplication in the mammalian lineage, i.e. SNRPN and FRAT3, were transposed or translocated to imprinted clusters and recruited for parent-specific activity. By analysis of currently available sequences of non-mammalian vertebrates, the imprinted gene clusters homologous to human chromosomes 14q32 and 19q12 are only poorly conserved in chicken, frog, and fish and, therefore, may not have evolved from ancestral preimprinted gene arrays. Evidently, evolution of imprinted gene clusters is an ongoing and dynamic process in mammals. In general, imprinted gene orthologues do not show a higher degree of synteny conservation in vertebrates than non-imprinted genes interspersed with or adjacent to an imprinted cluster.  相似文献   

Guiliano DB  Hall N  Jones SJ  Clark LN  Corton CH  Barrell BG  Blaxter ML 《Genome biology》2002,3(10):research0057.1-research005714


Comparisons between the genomes of the closely related nematodes Caenorhabditis elegans and Caenorhabditis briggsae reveal high rates of rearrangement, with a bias towards within-chromosome events. To assess whether this pattern is true of nematodes in general, we have used genome sequence to compare two nematode species that last shared a common ancestor approximately 300 million years ago: the model C. elegans and the filarial parasite Brugia malayi.  相似文献   

Cranberry and blueberry are closely related and recently domesticated fruit crops in the genus Vaccinium. Both have a presumed American origin and likely evolved from a common ancestor; however, details of their adaptive radiation and the extent of their genomic divergence remains little understood. To better understand their evolutionary and genomic relationships, a set of 323 cross-transferable simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers were identified, added to existing marker datasets, and used to construct linkage maps for cranberry (582 SSRs) and an interspecific diploid blueberry population (V. darrowii x V. corymbosum) x V. corymbosum (409 markers, densest blueberry SSR map currently available). The maps allowed for the first comparative genetic mapping study in Vaccinium, and revealed a surprisingly high degree of macro-synteny and collinearity between the cranberry and blueberry genomes. Approximately 93% of the blueberry linkage map was collinear with cranberry, while the remaining 7% (66.3 cM) was spread across 15 non-collinear regions detected in eight of the 12 linkage groups. These observations suggest that large-scale genome differentiation between the cranberry and blueberry genomes has not occurred during their evolution, and that sequence information will be highly transferable between the species in future genetic research and breeding. Finally, the set of 323 cross-transferable SSRs and linkage maps they were used to construct can serve as a shared resource for the Vaccinium research community, enabling additional comparative mapping studies, the identification and transfer of quantitative trait loci and candidate genes between species, and future exploration of evolutionary relationships in Vaccinium.  相似文献   

Understanding genome differentiation is important to compare and transfer genomic information between taxa, such as from model to non-model organisms. Comparative genetic mapping can be used to assess genome differentiation by identifying similarities and differences in chromosome organization. Following release of the assembled Eucalyptus grandis genome sequence (January 2011; ), a better understanding of genome differentiation between E. grandis and other commercially important species belonging to the subgenus Symphyomyrtus is required. In this study, comparative genetic mapping analyses were conducted between E. grandis, Eucalyptus urophylla, and Eucalyptus globulus using high-density linkage maps constructed from Diversity Array Technology and microsatellite molecular markers. There were 236–393 common markers between maps, providing the highest resolution yet achieved for comparative mapping in Eucalyptus. In two intra-section comparisons (section MaidenariaE. globulus and section LatoangulataeE. grandis vs. E. urophylla), ∼1% of common markers were non-syntenic and within chromosomes 4.7–6.8% of markers were non-colinear. Consistent with increasing taxonomic distance, lower synteny (6.6% non-syntenic markers) was observed in an inter-section comparison between E. globulus and E. grandis × E. urophylla consensus linkage maps. Two small chromosomal translocations or duplications were identified in this comparison representing possible genomic differences between E. globulus and section Latoangulatae species. Despite these differences, the overall high level of synteny and colinearity observed between section MaidenariaLatoangulatae suggests that the genomes of these species are highly conserved indicating that sequence information from the E. grandis genome will be highly transferable to related Symphyomyrtus species.  相似文献   

Cytoskeleton of Apicomplexan Parasites   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
The Apicomplexa are a phylum of diverse obligate intracellular parasites including Plasmodium spp., the cause of malaria; Toxoplasma gondii and Cryptosporidium parvum, opportunistic pathogens of immunocompromised individuals; and Eimeria spp. and Theileria spp., parasites of considerable agricultural importance. These protozoan parasites share distinctive morphological features, cytoskeletal organization, and modes of replication, motility, and invasion. This review summarizes our current understanding of the cytoskeletal elements, the properties of cytoskeletal proteins, and the role of the cytoskeleton in polarity, motility, invasion, and replication. We discuss the unusual properties of actin and myosin in the Apicomplexa, the highly stereotyped microtubule populations in apicomplexans, and a network of recently discovered novel intermediate filament-like elements in these parasites.  相似文献   

Acidocalcisomes are acidic calcium stores found in diverse organisms, being conserved from bacteria to man. They posses an acidic matrix that contains several cations bound to phosphates, mainly present in the form of short and long polyphosphate chains. Their matrix is acidified through the action of proton pumps such as a vacuolar proton ATPase and a vacuolar proton pyrophosphatase. The calcium uptake occurs through a Ca2+/H+ counter transporting ATPase located in the membrane of the organelle. Acidocalcisomes have been identified in a variety of microorganisms, including Apicomplexan parasites such as Plasmodium and Eimeria species, and in Toxoplasma gondii. In this paper, we review the structural, biochemical and physiological aspects of acidocalcisomes in Apicomplexan parasites and discuss their functional roles in the maintenance of intracellular ion homeostasis.  相似文献   

Whole-genome comparisons are highly informative regarding genome evolution and can reveal the conservation of genome organization and gene content, gene regulatory elements, and presence of species-specific genes. Initial comparative genome analyses of the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum and rodent malaria parasites (RMPs) revealed a core set of 4,500 Plasmodium orthologs located in the highly syntenic central regions of the chromosomes that sharply defined the boundaries of the variable subtelomeric regions. We used composite RMP contigs, based on partial DNA sequences of three RMPs, to generate a whole-genome synteny map of P. falciparum and the RMPs. The core regions of the 14 chromosomes of P. falciparum and the RMPs are organized in 36 synteny blocks, representing groups of genes that have been stably inherited since these malaria species diverged, but whose relative organization has altered as a result of a predicted minimum of 15 recombination events. P. falciparum-specific genes and gene families are found in the variable subtelomeric regions (575 genes), at synteny breakpoints (42 genes), and as intrasyntenic indels (126 genes). Of the 168 non-subtelomeric P. falciparum genes, including two newly discovered gene families, 68% are predicted to be exported to the surface of the blood stage parasite or infected erythrocyte. Chromosomal rearrangements are implicated in the generation and dispersal of P. falciparum-specific gene families, including one encoding receptor-associated protein kinases. The data show that both synteny breakpoints and intrasyntenic indels can be foci for species-specific genes with a predicted role in host-parasite interactions and suggest that, besides rearrangements in the subtelomeric regions, chromosomal rearrangements may also be involved in the generation of species-specific gene families. A majority of these genes are expressed in blood stages, suggesting that the vertebrate host exerts a greater selective pressure than the mosquito vector, resulting in the acquisition of diversity.  相似文献   

Apicomplexan plastids as drug targets.   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Prokaryotic metabolic pathways in the relict plastid of apicomplexan parasites make this organelle a promising target for drug development. The parasiticidal activity of several herbicides and antibacterial antibiotics is suspected to be a result of their ability to inhibit key plastid activities.  相似文献   



The recent availability of an expanding collection of genome sequences driven by technological advances has facilitated comparative genomics and in particular the identification of synteny among multiple genomes. However, the development of effective and easy-to-use methods for identifying such conserved gene clusters among multiple genomes–synteny blocks–as well as databases, which host synteny blocks from various groups of species (especially eukaryotes) and also allow users to run synteny-identification programs, lags behind.  相似文献   

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