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Abstract. Biting flies influence both the physiology and behaviour of domestic and wild animals. This study demonstrates that relatively brief (60min) exposure to stable flies, Stomoxys calcitrans (L.), affects the spatial abilities of male mice. Stable fly exposure resulted in poorer subsequent performance in a water maze task in which individual mice had to learn the spatial location of a submerged hidden platform using extramaze visual cues. Determinations of spatial acquisition and retention were made with mice that had been previously exposed for 60min to either stable flies or house flies, Musca domestica (L.). Mice exposed to stable flies displayed over one day of testing (six blocks or sets of four trials) significantly poorer acquisition and retention of the water maze task than either mice that had been exposed to house flies or fly-naive mice. This attenuation of spatial learning occurred in the absence of any evident sensorimotor or motivational impairments. The reduction in spatial abilites involved endogenous opioid systems, as the decreased performance resulting from stable fly exposure was blocked by pre-treatment with the prototypic opiate antagonist, naltrexone. These results indicate that relatively brief exposure to biting flies can lead to a decrease in spatial abilities which is associated with enhanced endogenous opioid activity. These results support the involvement of endogenous opioid systems in the mediation of the behavioural and physiological effects of biting fly exposure. They further suggest that decreases in spatial abilities and performance may be part of the behavioural consequences of biting fly exposure in domestic and wild animals.  相似文献   

Abstract Biting fly attack induces a variety of stress and anxiety related changes in the physiology and behaviour of the target animals. Significant reductions in pain, or more appropriately, nociceptive sensitivity (latency of a foot-lifting response to an aversive thermal stimulus), are evident in laboratory mice after a 1 h exposure to stable flies, Stomoxys calcitrans. The role of the various components of biting fly attack in the development of this stress-induced reduction in pain sensitivity (analgesia) is, however, unclear. This study demonstrates that fly-naive mice do not exhibit a stress-induced analgesia when exposed to stable flies whose biting mouthparts have been removed. In contrast, mice that have been previously exposed to intact stable flies exhibit significant analgesia when exposed to flies that are incapable of biting. However, the level of analgesia induced is lower than that elicited by exposure to intact stable flies. Exposure to non-biting house flies, Musca domestica , has no effect on nociceptive sensitivity. It appears that the actual bite of the stable fly is necessary for the induction of analgesia and probably other stress and anxiety associated responses in fly naive mice. However, mice rapidly learn to recognize biting flies and exhibit significant, possibly anticipatory analgesic responses to the mere presence of biting flies.  相似文献   

House flies (Musca domestica) infected with Musca domestica salivary gland hypertrophy virus (MdSGHV) were found in fly populations collected from 12 out of 18 Danish livestock farms that were surveyed in 2007 and 2008. Infection rates ranged from 0.5% to 5% and averaged 1.2%. None of the stable flies (Stomoxys calcitrans), rat-tail maggot flies (Eristalis tenax) or yellow dung flies (Scathophaga stercoraria) collected from MdSGHV-positive farms displayed characteristic salivary gland hypertrophy (SGH). In laboratory transmission tests, SGH symptoms were not observed in stable flies, flesh flies (Sarcophaga bullata), black dump flies (Hydrotaea aenescens), or face flies (Musca autumnalis) that were injected with MdSGHV from Danish house flies. However, in two species (stable fly and black dump fly), virus injection resulted in suppression of ovarian development similar to that observed in infected house flies, and injection of house flies with homogenates prepared from the salivary glands or ovaries of these species resulted in MdSGHV infection of the challenged house flies. Mortality of virus-injected stable flies was the highest among the five species tested. Virulence of Danish and Florida isolates of MdSGHV was similar with three virus delivery protocols, as a liquid food bait (in sucrose, milk, or blood), sprayed onto the flies in a Potter spray tower, or by immersiion in a crude homogenate of infected house flies. The most effective delivery system was immersion in a homogenate of ten infected flies/ml of water, resulting in 56.2% and 49.6% infection of the house flies challenged with the Danish and Florida strains, respectively.  相似文献   

Catnip (Nepeta cataria) is known for its pseudo‐narcotic effects on cats. Recently, it has been reported as an effective mosquito repellent against several Aedes and Culex species, both topically and spatially. Our laboratory bioassays showed that catnip essential oil (at a dosage of 20 mg) resulted in average repellency rates of 96% against stable flies, Stomoxys calcitrans (L.) and 79% against houseflies, Musca domestica (L.), respectively. This finding suggested that the application of repellent could be used as part of filth fly management. Further evaluations of catnip oil toxicity were conducted to provide a broad‐spectrum safety profile of catnip oil use as a potential biting and nuisance insect repellent in urban settings. Acute oral, dermal, inhalation, primary dermal and eye irritation toxicity tests were performed. The acute oral LD50 of catnip oil was found to be 3160 mg/kg body weight (BW) and 2710 mg/kg BW in female and male rats, respectively. The acute dermal LD50 was > 5000 mg/kg BW. The acute inhalation LD50 was observed to be > 10 000 mg/m3. Primary skin irritation tested on New Zealand white rabbits showed that catnip oil is a moderate irritant. Catnip oil was classified as practically non‐irritating to the eye. In comparison with other U.S. Environmental Protection Agency‐approved mosquito repellents (DEET, picaridin and p‐menthane‐3,8‐diol), catnip oil can be considered as a relatively safe repellent, which may cause minor skin irritation.  相似文献   

Stable flies, Stomoxys calcitrans (L.), are the most important pests of cattle in the United States. However, adequate management strategies for stable flies, especially for pastured cattle, are lacking. Microbial/symbiont-based approaches offer novel venues for management of insect pests and/or vector-borne human and animal pathogens. Unfortunately, the fundamental knowledge of stable fly-microbial associations and their effect on stable fly biology is lacking. In this study, stable flies laid greater numbers of eggs on a substrate with an active microbial community (> 95% of total eggs oviposited) than on a sterilized substrate. In addition, stable fly larvae could not develop in a sterilized natural or artificial substrate/medium. Bacteria were isolated and identified from a natural stable fly oviposition/developmental habitat and their individual effect on stable fly oviposition response and larval development was evaluated in laboratory bioassays. Of nine bacterial strains evaluated in the oviposition bioassays, Citrobacter freundii stimulated oviposition to the greatest extent. C. freundii also sustained stable fly development, but to a lesser degree than Serratia fanticola. Serratia marcescens and Aeromonas spp. neither stimulated oviposition nor supported stable fly development. These results demonstrate a stable fly bacterial symbiosis; stable fly larval development depends on a live microbial community in the natural habitat, and stable fly females are capable of selecting an oviposition site based on the microbially derived stimuli that indicate the suitability of the substrate for larval development. This study shows a promising starting point for exploiting stable fly-bacterial associations for development of novel approaches for stable fly management.  相似文献   

Previously it was demonstrated that nitrous oxide antinociception in the mouse abdominal constriction test is mediated by kappa-opioid receptors. Since nitrous oxide is thought to cause the neuronal release of endogenous opioid peptide to stimulate opioid receptors, this study was designed to identify the opioid peptides involved, especially in the spinal cord, by determining whether nitrous oxide antinociception can be differentially inhibited by intrathecally (i. t.) administered antisera to different opioid peptides. Male NIH Swiss mice were pretreated i.t. with rabbit antisera to opioid peptides then exposed 24 h later to one of three different concentrations of nitrous oxide in oxygen. Dose-response curves constructed from the data indicated that the antinociceptive effect of nitrous oxide was significantly antagonized by antisera to various dynorphins (DYNs) and methionine-enkephalin (ME), but not by antiserum to beta-endorphin (beta-EP). The AD(50) values for nitrous oxide antinociception were significantly elevated by antisera to DYNs and ME but not beta-EP. These findings of this study support the hypothesis that nitrous oxide antinociception in the mouse abdominal constriction test involves the neuronal release of DYN and ME in the spinal cord.  相似文献   

Individual cows (25 in each of four herds) were monitored 8-10 times weekly for 12 weeks (stable fly season) on a southern California dairy, with 100 observations per cow. The numbers of biting stable flies, Stomoxys calcitrans (L.) (Diptera: Muscidae) on the front legs and the frequencies of four fly-repelling behaviours per 2-min observation period [head throws, front leg stamps, skin twitches (panniculus reflex) and tail flicks] were recorded. Fly numbers varied, peaking at 3.0-3.5 flies per leg in week 9 (late May). Weekly herd mean frequencies of fly-repelling behaviours were highly dependent on fly numbers, with a linear regression r(2) > 0.8. Head throws and stamps were less frequent than skin twitches and tail flicks. Individual cows differed in numbers of stable flies and behaviours. Behaviours were correlated with flies for individual cows, but at a lower level than were herd means (r = 0.3-0.7). Cows that stamped more within a herd tended to have lower fly counts; other fly-repelling behaviours were less effective. Cows maintained ranks within a herd with regard to fly numbers (r = 0.47), head throws (0.48), leg stamps (0.64), skin twitches (0.69) and tail flicks (0.64). Older cows tended to harbour higher fly numbers and to stamp less relative to younger adult cows. Ratios of leg stamps and head throws to fly numbers dropped significantly through time, suggesting habituation to pain associated with fly biting. Tail flicks were not effective for repelling Stomoxys, but were easiest to quantify and may help in monitoring pest intensity. At this low-moderate fly pressure, no consistent impacts on milk yield were detected, but methods incorporating cow behaviour are recommended for future studies of economic impact.  相似文献   

The house fly, Musca domestica, has been implicated as a vector of Campylobacter spp., a major cause of human disease. Little is known whether house flies serve as biological amplifying hosts or mechanical vectors for Campylobacter jejuni. We investigated the period after C. jejuni had been ingested by house flies in which viable C. jejuni colonies could be isolated from whole bodies, the vomitus and the excreta of adult M. domestica and evaluated the activation of innate immune responses of house flies to ingested C. jejuni over time. C. jejuni could be cultured from infected houseflies soon after ingestion but no countable C. jejuni colonies were observed > 24 h postingestion. We detected viable C. jejuni in house fly vomitus and excreta up to 4 h after ingestion, but no viable bacteria were detected ≥ 8 h. Suppression subtractive hybridization identified pathogen‐induced gene expression in the intestinal tracts of adult house flies 4–24 h after ingesting C. jejuni. We measured the expression of immune regulatory (thor, JNK, and spheroide) and effector (cecropin, diptericin, attacin, defensing, and lysozyme) genes in C. jejuni‐infected and ‐uninfected house flies using quantitative real time PCR. Some house fly factor, or combination of factors, eliminates C. jejuni within 24 h postingestion. Because C. jejuni is not amplified within the body of the housefly, this insect likely serves as a mechanical vector rather than as a true biological, amplifying vector for C. jejuni, and adds to our understanding of insect–pathogen interactions.  相似文献   

Adult house flies, Musca domestica L., of four ages, <1, 3, 7, and 14 day post-eclosion, were exposed to three strains of Beauveria bassiana (P89, L90 and 447). Flies were exposed to moistened filter paper treated with either a low (1.57×104 conidia/cm2) or high (1.57×105 conidia/cm2) concentration of each fungal strain for 6 h. Strain 447 was superior to the two house fly-derived B. bassiana strains in inducing host infection and mortality. Significant spikes in infection and mortality occurred as early as 5 days post-exposure with higher concentration exposures acting more quickly. Few differences were observed in either infection or mortality among the four fly age classes. On Day 10 post-exposure, 77% of the high-concentration, 447-exposed flies were infected, compared with only 24% of the flies from the P89 low-concentration exposure. Potential applications of these results in integrated house fly management programs are discussed.  相似文献   

Field trials investigating the effect of food baits on catches of Musca domestica at toxic targets impregnated with the female sex pheromone, (Z)-9-tricosene, were conducted in a caged-layer deep-pit poultry unit in southern England. Targets treated with an Alfacron-sugar mixture and baited with 2.5 g of 40% (Z)-9-tricosene beads caught significantly greater numbers of both male and female M. domestica than control targets. Egg and milk-baited targets were less attractive than controls, while brewers yeast slightly increased the numbers of M. domestica attracted. However, the inclusion of brewers yeast in (Z)-9-tricosene-impregnated targets produced a significant reduction in the number of male M. domestica attracted. Increased female attraction was elicited by baiting the targets with 2-phenylethanol, at the quantities of 1 mg and 10 mg. However, 2-phenylethanol had no effect on female attraction when presented in conjunction with (Z)-9-tricosene. The implications of these results in relation to the control of M. domestica populations in poultry units are discussed.  相似文献   

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