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The role of gonadotropins and estrogen on the regulation of ovarian ornithine decarboxylase was studied during follicular differentiation/maturation. In intact immature rats follicular differentiation/maturation was initiated with sequential administration of estrogen and follicle stimulating hormone. Ornithine decarboxylase activity in response to human chorionic gonadotropin was markedly enhanced (2-fold) in rats with preovulatory antral follicles when compared to rats with non-ovulatory follicles. This increase could be attributed to the alteration in the turnover of the enzyme. Following follicle maturation the half life of the human chorionic gonadotropin stimulated ornithine decarboxylase was increased from 18 to 62 min. This increase in half life was associated with differentition of follicles. In the estrogen treated group (which does not induce follicular differentiation), the half life of the enzyme remained unaltered. The regulation of ornithine decarboxylase through the formation of protein inhibitor antizyme induced by diamino hexane, was unaltered during follicular differentiation.  相似文献   

Hamsters were injected sc at 1400 hr on proestrus with either 4 mg cycloheximide (which blocks ovulation but only transiently affects ovarian protein synthesis) or saline and killed at 2-hr intervals until 0400 hr on estrus. After cycloheximide, the first surge of FSH (at 1600 hr) was half the normal value and the second surge of FSH (beginning at 2200 hr) was eliminated. Control follicles at 1400 hr had approximately the same number of FSH and hCG receptors with about one-third as many PRL receptors. Down regulation of FSH and hCG receptors for control follicles occurred by 2400 hr while PRL receptors dropped abruptly 4 hr earlier. Compared to the 1400-hr control values, the maximal loss of FSH, LH, and PRL receptors was 40, 45, and 85%, respectively. Although cycloheximide tended to slightly delay the loss of FSH receptors at 2000-2200 hr it did not prevent the ultimate fall in FSH and hCG receptors; the loss of PRL receptors was accelerated by 4 hr. Cycloheximide prevented or delayed follicular growth, resumption of meiosis, and cumulus expansion. The altered proestrous profile of steroids after cycloheximide (prolonged follicular estradiol and reduced progesterone) is therefore not associated with drastic alterations in the number of FSH and hCG binding sites. On the other hand, PRL receptors represent fast turnover protein(s).  相似文献   

Porcine follicular fluid (pff), treated with charcoal to remove steroids, was used to determine whether inhibin is active in the laboratory rabbit. When pff (5 ml/4 kg body weight) was injected (ip) into does that had been castrated 2 weeks earlier, there was a significant decline in blood follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) levels; the decline lasted for 8-12 h. Blood levels of luteinizing hormone (LH) were suppressed, but only briefly at 3 h after injection. In other experiments, intact does which had been injected with pff 9 h and 10 min before receiving a single, i.v. injection of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) (10 micrograms/kg body weight) showed a sharp reduction in the concentration of LH in the blood samples collected 15, 30 and 60 min after LHRH administration. Secretion of FSH responded poorly to LHRH stimulation, and pff had little suppressive action on blood levels. Having established that the pff preparation had inhibin activity, its action on the postovulatory surge of FSH secretion was next examined. This release of FSH, which occurs 6 to 36 h after ovulation, has been hypothesized to be required for the establishment of pregnancy by stimulating the growth of the ovarian follicles supplying the luteotropic estradiol. To test this hypothesis, pff was injected into rabbits every 8 h for the first 5 days of pregnancy and found to block the postovulatory FSH surge. The patterns of secretion of LH and progesterone in the same pff-injected animals were, however, not altered from normal pregnancy patterns by pff.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Fifty-four Landrace × Yorkshire gilts (59.0 ± 4.2 kg and 147 ± 3 d old) were used to examine the effects of dietary energy source (starch or mixed fat) at high [112.5% of energy requirements recommended by NRC (1998)], normal (100%), and low (87.5%) energy feeding levels on ovarian follicular development and oocyte maturation. Forty-seven estrus gilts were slaughtered at Day 19 after the second estrus; oocytes were recovered from follicles >4 mm in diameter, and matured in vitro for 44 h. Gilts fed high-energy diets had more follicles >4 mm (mean, 25.8 vs. 19.1, P < 0.05) and more oocytes that reached metaphase II (80.3 vs. 64.0%, P < 0.05) than those fed the low-energy diet. Furthermore, gilts fed starch-rich diets had enhanced oocyte nuclear maturation relative to those fed fat-rich diets (75.4 vs. 68.0%, P < 0.05). Compared to the lower-energy feeding groups, high-energy feeding groups had higher (P < 0.05) blood concentrations of postprandial insulin (1562.4 vs. 990.0 ng/4 h), IGF-I (321.2 vs. 256.9 ng/mL), and LH pulses (2.7 vs. 1.4 pulses/6 h). Follicular fluid concentrations of IGF-I (198.5 vs. 143.1 ng/mL) and estradiol (152.6 vs. 124.8 ng/mL) were higher (P < 0.05) in the high-energy group than in the normal group. Compared with gilts fed the high-energy diet supplemented with fat, gilts fed the high-energy diet supplemented with starch had a tendency (P < 0.10) towards increased IGF-I concentration in both blood and follicular fluid, and improved oocyte nuclear maturation during culture in vitro. We inferred that starch-rich, high-energy diets during rearing may improve ovarian follicular development and oocyte maturation in replacement gilts.  相似文献   

An in-vitro bioassay for inhibin based on FSH content or release by rat pituitary cells was validated for measuring inhibin activity in ovine plasma and lymph. Dose-dependent increases in inhibin activity were detected in peripheral plasma of 4 ovariectomized ewes 1 min after i.v. injections of ovine follicular fluid, and the half-life of inhibin in plasma for 2 ewes was 45 and 50 min, respectively. Inhibin was detected in ovarian lymph but not in ovarian or jugular venous plasma, even after treatment of ewes with PMSG to induce folliculogenesis. Destruction of visible follicles (greater than 0.5 mm diameter) on the ovaries of 4 PMSG-treated ewes by electrocautery was followed by a rapid and sustained decline in secretion of inhibin in ovarian lymph for up to 4 h. Ovarian lymph flow rates were either unchanged or slightly increased after cautery. Oestrogen concentrations in peripheral venous plasma declined within 15-30 min of cautery, but concentrations remained well above baseline. There was a significant decrease in peripheral progesterone concentrations in these same samples, but not until 2-3 h after cautery. FSH in peripheral plasma was depressed or non-detectable in PMSG-treated ewes and neither FSH nor LH concentrations in peripheral plasma were significantly altered up to 4 h after cautery of ovarian follicles. It is concluded that (a) antral follicles (greater than 0.5 mm) are the source of inhibin present in ovarian lymph, and (b) the ovarian lymphatic system is a route by which inhibin could reach the peripheral circulation, particularly in the luteal phase when ovarian lymph flow rates are high.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that biosynthesis of progesterone, the major steroid product of hen granulosa cells, increases during follicular maturation. However, the contribution of individual granulosa cells to the total progesterone production of each follicle is not known. The objective of the present study was to determine the presence and relative activity of 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3 beta-HSD) in individual granulosa cells isolated from each of the five largest yolk-filled preovulatory follicles of laying hens. 3 beta-HSD cytochemistry in the presence or absence of pregnenolone substrate was performed on digitonin-permeabilized granulosa cells in suspension. The stained cells were fixed in a 70% ethanol solution until 1) the percentage of cells from each follicle that stained dark blue-indicating the presence of 3 beta-HSD activity-was determined by counting under light microscopy, and 2) the intensity of staining-indicating the relative amount of enzyme activity-was quantified using video image analysis. There were three findings. First, 100% of granulosa cells from each of the five largest preovulatory follicles stained positively for the presence of 3 beta-HSD activity. Second, the amount of 3 beta-HSD activity was normally distributed among granulosa cells in the population from each follicle. Third, as follicles matured from the fifth largest to the largest follicle, 3 beta-HSD activity increased steadily in individual cells, as indicated by increased staining intensities. The results indicate uniformity in the steroidogenic capacity of cells in the granulosa layer of hen preovulatory follicles.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Sexual behavior, follicular development and ovulation, and concentrations of circulating gonadotropins during the estrous cycle were studied during the summer in 7 jennies. Mean behavioral estrous length was 6.4 +/- 0.6 days (mean +/- SEM, n=19; 5.6 +/- 0.5 days preovulatory and 0.8 +/- 0.2 days post-ovulatory). Mean diestrous length was 19.3 +/- 0.6 days (n=14). Females in estrus typically showed posturing, mouth clapping, clitoral winking, urinating and tail raising. Mouth clapping began approximately one day sooner and lasted approximately one day longer than winking and tail raising, so that the total duration of clapping was significantly greater than for the other two signs. Follicular changes and concentrations of gonadotropins were determined for 14 estrous cycles (2 per jenny). The follicular end points [diameter of the largest follicle and number of large (>25 mm), medium (20-24 mm), and small follicles (<20 mm)] showed a significant day effect. The diameter of the largest follicle and the number of large follicles began to increase significantly 7 days prior to ovulation with a maximum value the day before ovulation. Medium follicles reached a maximum number 4 days prior to ovulation, and small follicles decreased significantly prior to ovulation. After ovulation, all follicular end points, except the number of small follicles, remained low for the next 12 days. Mean values of FSH were low during estrus and high during diestrus with 2 significant peaks, one 3 days and one 9 days after ovulation. In contrast, mean levels of LH were low during diestrus and high during estrus with a maximum value the day after ovulation. The LH profile showed a more prolonged gradual increase prior to ovulation, than that which has been reported for ponies and horses.  相似文献   

Prenatal exposure of the female sheep to excess testosterone (T) leads to hypergonadotropism, multifollicular ovaries, and progressive loss of reproductive cycles. We have determined that prenatal T treatment delays the latency of the estradiol (E2)-induced LH surge. To extend this finding into a natural physiological context, the present study was conducted to determine if the malprogrammed surge mechanism alters the reproductive cycle. Specifically, we wished to determine if prenatal T treatment 1) delays the onset of the preovulatory gonadotropin surge during the natural follicular phase rise in E2, 2) alters pulsatile LH secretion and the dynamics of the secondary FSH surge, and 3) compromises the ensuing luteal function. Females prenatally T-treated from Day 60 to Day 90 of gestation (147 days is term) and control females were studied when they were approximately 2.5 yr of age. Reproductive cycles of control and prenatally T-treated females were synchronized with PGF2alpha, and peripheral blood samples were collected every 2 h for 120 h to characterize cyclic changes in E2, LH, and FSH and then daily for 14 days to monitor changes in luteal progesterone. To assess LH pulse patterns, blood samples were also collected frequently (each 5 min for 6 h) during the follicular and luteal phases of the cycle. The results revealed that, in prenatally T-treated females, 1) the preovulatory increase in E2 was normal; 2) the latencies between the preovulatory increase in E2 and the peaks of the primary LH and FSH surges were longer, but the magnitudes similar; 3) follicular-phase LH pulse frequency was increased; 4) the interval between the primary and secondary FSH surges was reduced but there was a tendency for an increase in duration of the secondary FSH surge; but 5) luteal progesterone patterns were in general unaltered. Thus, exposure of the female to excess T before birth produces perturbances and maltiming in periovulatory gonadotropin secretory dynamics, but these do not produce apparent defects in cycle regularity or luteal function. To reveal the pathologies that lead to the eventual subfertility arising from excess T exposure during midgestation, studies at older ages must be conducted to assess if there is progressive disruption of neuroendocrine and ovarian function.  相似文献   

Out of the breeding season the in vitro maturation of Rana temporaria oocytes in the state of maturation inertia or close to it depends on the follicular cells. In 28 females the presence of follicular cells stimulated oocyte maturation, in 12 females inhibited it. Dibutyrylcyclic AMP (5 X 10(-5) M) increased the percentage of maturation of follicle--enclosed oocytes close to the state of maturation inertia; estrone (4 X 10(-5)-10(-7) M and more) decreased the percentage of maturation of oocytes in the state of inertia, both with and without follicular envelopes.  相似文献   

Serum inhibin and FSH and FSH beta subunit mRNA levels were measured at 3h intervals throughout the 4 day estrous cycle in female rats and hourly between 1000 and 2400 h of proestrus. On proestrus, serum inhibin concentrations fell during the late morning-early afternoon, then increased transiently during the late afternoon gonadotropin surges. Inhibin levels decreased during the late evening of proestrus, coincident with the FSH surge-related rise in FSH beta mRNA levels. Serum inhibin remained relatively stable during estrus and early metestrus, but rose during the late evening of metestrus and remained elevated until early diestrus. FSH beta mRNA levels were elevated on late estrus and early metestrus and declined during the evening of metestrus as serum inhibin levels increased. These data show that concentrations of serum inhibin change during the estrous cycle and that a general inverse relationship exists between serum inhibin and FSH levels and FSH beta mRNA concentrations in the pituitary. This suggests that inhibin may inhibit FSH beta gene expression and FSH secretion during the 4 day cycle in female rats.  相似文献   

Steroid metabolism by avian ovarian cells during follicular maturation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The profiles of steroid hormones produced by ovarian cells from the domestic hen were examined. Theca cells from the immature, small white follicles (SWFT), the third largest (T3), and largest (T1) preovulatory follicles, and the ruptured, postovulatory follicle (POFT) were incubated for 3 h at 37 degrees with [3H] progesterone (Prog) or [3H] pregnenolone (Preg). Granulosa cells from the largest preovulatory follicle were incubated with [3H] Preg or were coincubated with theca cells and [3H] Preg. The production of specific steroid metabolites was determined on the basis of coelution of radioactivity with known standard compounds, using an isocratic high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) technique. Granulosa cells converted 93% of [3H] Preg substrate to Prog. More Prog was utilized by T3 cells than by T1 and SWFT cells, either when [3H] Prog was the substrate or when coincubated with granulosa cells and [3H] Preg. The major metabolites of Prog were androstenedione, 17-hydroxyprogesterone, and an unidentified compound with an elution time of 53 min. The POFT cells metabolized [3H] Prog to the same extent as T3 cells did, but their profile of steroidogenesis favored production of the unidentified 53 min metabolite. SWFT cells utilized the least amount of [3H] Preg substrate. The results point to marked changes in enzyme activities in theca cells during maturation and following ovulation.  相似文献   

The hormonal and second messenger regulation of plasminogen activator (PA) activities in avian granulosa and theca cells has been documented. However, the physiological role(s) of PAs in the avian ovary remains poorly understood. The present studies were designed to evaluate PA activity in hen granulosa cells collected from the most mature (F1) preovulatory follicle at three discrete time points relative to a spontaneous ovulation and from follicles collected at various stages of follicular development. Levels of PA activity in the granulosa layer of the F1 follicle declined by greater than 90% as follicles were collected closer to their anticipated time of ovulation (e.g., from 17-16 h to 0.75-0.15 h; p less than 0.05). Timing of tissue collection was confirmed by evaluation of serum progesterone levels, which peaked as expected at the 6-5-h time point. During follicular development, PA activity was several times greater in rapidly growing follicles (6-12 mm, 1-3 wk prior to ovulation) than in slowly growing (1-5 mm) or preovulatory (F3 and F1) follicles (p less than 0.05). Granulosa cells of these rapidly growing follicles also incorporated significantly higher levels of 3H-thymidine than did granulosa cells of mature follicles (p less than 0.05), suggesting a higher level of DNA synthesis. Similarly, granulosa cells of the mitotically active germinal disc region of the F1 granulosa layer were found to possess at least 3-fold higher (p less than 0.05) levels of PA activity and a 2-fold greater level of 3H-thymidine incorporation than the more mature granulosa cells isolated from the remaining F1 granulosa layer.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Follicle maturation in the ovary of sexually mature domestic geese in the spring reproductive cycle was investigated by histological methods and steroid-RIA. The single-layer granulosa of primary follicles temporarily transformed in the growing white follicles into several layers or a simple membrana granulosa with nuclei at several different levels in the cell. In the yolky follicles the granulosa represents a cuboidal epithelium (F4-F3) and subsequently a high cylindrical epithelium (F1). The originally connective tissue-like cells of the theca interna show a glandular proliferation in the largest white (F7) and the small yolky follicles (F6-F5). Glandular cell nests in the theca externa are typical in the generation of small white follicles and are absent in the wall of yolky follicles. Progesterone-content in the follicular wall (granulosa + theca) is the highest in the F1-F2 and F6-F5 types and is low in small white follicles (F8, F9 and F10). E2 concentration shows only slight variations between F1-F10. TEST content shows a slight increase between F1 and F3 and is high in medium-sized white follicles (F8-F9). The results suggest that in addition to the granulosa, the theca interna is also capable of an intensive progesterone synthesis.  相似文献   

It was hypothesized that growth divergence of dominant and subordinate follicles during Wave 1 and growth termination of the dominant follicle would be associated with changes in the number of gonadotropin receptors on granulosa cells and estradiol in follicular fluid. To test this hypothesis, follicular development of 16 Holstein heifers was monitored by ultrasound, and follicles were collected on Days 2,4,6 and 10 (Day 0 = ovulation). Dominant follicles were compared across days, whereas dominant and largest subordinate follicles were compared on Days 2 and 4 only. The numbers of LH and FSH receptors on the granulosa cells of dominant follicles did not differ significantly over Days 2, 4, 6 and 10. In contrast, concentrations of estradiol in follicular fluid decreased (P < 0.05) from Days 2 to 10 (373 +/- 150 to 42 +/- 12 ng/ml) and concentrations of progesterone in follicular fluid increased (P < 0.05) from Days 2 to 10 (12.2 +/- 2.3 to 24.4 +/- 4.8 ng/ml). Correspondingly, the ratio of estradiol:progesterone in the dominant follicles decreased (P < 0.05) from Days 2 to 10. Comparisons between dominant and subordinate follicles indicated greater (P < 0.05) estradiol concentrations in the dominant follicle on Day 2, but the number of gonadotropin receptors was not different until Day 4. Thus, differences in concentrations of follicular fluid estradiol, but not numbers of granulosa cell gonadotropin receptors, were associated with the early growth divergence of dominant and subordinate follicles (Day 2) and the eventual growth termination of the dominant follicle (Day 10). Late divergence (Day 4) was associated with higher gonadotropin receptor numbers and follicular estradiol concentrations in the dominant than in the subordinate follicles. These results indicate that an increase in estradiol productivity of the selected dominant follicle occurred before an increase in the number of gonadotropin receptors.  相似文献   

Lactating Friesian dairy cows (2nd-4th parity) which calved in spring (N = 7) or autumn (N = 15) were used. Their ovaries were examined by ultrasound scanning and blood samples were obtained daily for progesterone and oestradiol concentrations from the 5th day after calving until the first post-partum ovulation occurred. Five autumn-calving cows selected at random were bled every 15 min over a 6-h period on 1 day each week for 4 weeks after calving to assess the patterns of LH secretion. Follicular development during the post-partum anoestrous period was characterized by the growth and regression of small (less than or equal to 4 mm) and medium-sized (5-9 mm) follicles, until a dominant follicle (greater than 10 mm) was detected. The first detected dominant follicle ovulated in 14 cows, became cystic in 4 cows (all in autumn), and failed to ovulate in 1 cow. It was not possible to detect a dominant follicle in 3 cows due to scanning difficulties. The post-partum interval to detection of the first dominant follicle (mean +/- s.d.) was shorter (P less than 0.05) in autumn (6.8 +/- 1.8 days) than in spring (20 +/- 10.1 days). However, there was no significant difference between the respective intervals to first ovulation (autumn 27.4 +/- 25.9 and spring 27.3 +/- 18.9 days). Autumn-calved cows which had cysts had longer (P less than 0.001) intervals to first ovulation (58.2 +/- 23.5 days) than did normal cows (12.0 +/- 2.5 days). All cows with cysts had twin ovulations at their first post-partum ovulation. A pulsatile pattern of LH secretion was detected in the first week post-partum and LH pulse frequency was 2-3 per 6-h period in Weeks 1 and 2 post partum and increased to 5-7 pulses per 6-h period in the presence of a dominant or cystic follicle. Concentrations of progesterone in plasma during post-partum anoestrus were usually low (less than 0.2 ng/ml); oestradiol concentrations were also low (less than 5 pg/ml), but higher values (5-110 pg/ml) were observed in cows that had a dominant or a cystic follicle.  相似文献   

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