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Both present-day and past processes can shape connectivity of populations. Pleistocene vicariant events and dispersal have shaped the present distribution and connectivity patterns of aquatic species in the Indo-Pacific region. In particular, the processes that have shaped distribution of amphidromous goby species still remain unknown. Previous studies show that phylogeographic breaks are observed between populations in the Indian and Pacific Oceans where the shallow Sunda shelf constituted a geographical barrier to dispersal, or that the large spans of open ocean that isolate the Hawaiian or Polynesian Islands are also barriers for amphidromous species even though they have great dispersal capacity. Here we assess past and present genetic structure of populations of two amphidromous fish (gobies of the Sicydiinae) that are widely distributed in the Central West Pacific and which have similar pelagic larval durations. We analysed sections of mitochondrial COI, Cytb and nuclear Rhodospine genes in individuals sampled from different locations across their entire known range. Similar to other Sicydiinae fish, intraspecific mtDNA genetic diversity was high for all species (haplotype diversity between 0.9–0.96). Spatial analyses of genetic variation in Sicyopus zosterophorum demonstrated strong isolation across the Torres Strait, which was a geologically intermittent land barrier linking Australia to Papua New Guinea. There was a clear genetic break between the northwestern and the southwestern clusters in Si. zosterophorumST = 0.67502 for COI) and coalescent analyses revealed that the two populations split at 306 Kyr BP (95% HPD 79–625 Kyr BP), which is consistent with a Pleistocene separation caused by the Torres Strait barrier. However, this geographical barrier did not seem to affect Sm. fehlmanni. Historical and demographic hypotheses are raised to explain the different patterns of population structure and distribution between these species. Strategies aiming to conserve amphidromous fish should consider the presence of cryptic evolutionary lineages to prevent stock depletion.  相似文献   

Pleistocene climate changes have imposed extreme conditions to intertidal rocky marine communities, forcing many species to significant range shifts in their geographical distributions. Phylogeographic analyses based on both mitochondrial and nuclear genetic markers provide a useful approach to unravel phylogeographic patterns and processes of species after this time period, to gain general knowledge of how climatic changes affect shifts in species distributions. We analyzed these patterns on the corkwing wrasse (Symphodus melops, Labridae), a rocky shore species inhabiting North Sea waters and temperate northeastern Atlantic Ocean from Norway to Morocco including the Azores, using a fragment of the mitochondrial control region and the first intron of the nuclear S7 ribosomal protein gene. We found that S. melops shows a clear differentiation between the Atlantic and the Scandinavian populations and a sharp contrast in the genetic diversity, high in the south and low in the north. Within each of these main geographic areas there is little or no genetic differentiation. The species may have persisted throughout the last glacial maximum in the southern areas as paleotemperatures were not lower than they are today in North Scandinavia. The North Sea recolonization most likely took place during the current interglacial and is dominated by a haplotype absent from the south of the study area, but present in Plymouth and Belfast. The possibility of a glacial refugium in or near the English Channel is discussed.  相似文献   

Environmental change drives demographic and evolutionary processes that determine diversity within and among species. Tracking these processes during periods of change reveals mechanisms for the establishment of populations and provides predictive data on response to potential future impacts, including those caused by anthropogenic climate change. Here we show how a highly mobile marine species responded to the gain and loss of new breeding habitat. Southern elephant seal, Mirounga leonina, remains were found along the Victoria Land Coast (VLC) in the Ross Sea, Antarctica, 2,500 km from the nearest extant breeding site on Macquarie Island (MQ). This habitat was released after retreat of the grounded ice sheet in the Ross Sea Embayment 7,500–8,000 cal YBP, and is within the range of modern foraging excursions from the MQ colony. Using ancient mtDNA and coalescent models, we tracked the population dynamics of the now extinct VLC colony and the connectivity between this and extant breeding sites. We found a clear expansion signal in the VLC population ~8,000 YBP, followed by directional migration away from VLC and the loss of diversity at ~1,000 YBP, when sea ice is thought to have expanded. Our data suggest that VLC seals came initially from MQ and that some returned there once the VLC habitat was lost, ~7,000 years later. We track the founder-extinction dynamics of a population from inception to extinction in the context of Holocene climate change and present evidence that an unexpectedly diverse, differentiated breeding population was founded from a distant source population soon after habitat became available.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity and population structure of the foliose lichenized fungus Parmelina tiliacea has been analyzed through its geographical range, including samples from Macaronesia (Canary Islands), the Mediterranean, and Eurosiberia. DNA sequences from the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer, the mitochondrial large subunit ribosomal RNA gene, and the translation elongation factor 1-α were used as molecular markers. The haplotypes of the three markers and the molecular variance analyses of multilocus haplotypes showed the highest diversity in the Canary Islands, while restricted haplotypes occurred at high frequencies in Mediterranean coastal samples. The multilocus haplotypes formed three unevenly distributed clusters (clusters 1-3). In the Canary Islands all the haplotypes were present in a similar proportion, while the coastal Mediterranean sites had almost exclusively haplotypes of cluster 3; cluster 2 predominated in inland Mediterranean sites; and cluster 1 was more abundant in central and northern Europe (Eurosiberian area). The distribution of clusters is partially explained by climatic factors, and its interaction with local spatial structure, but much of the variation remains unexplained. The high frequency of individuals in the Canary Islands with haplotypes shared with other areas suggests that could be a refugium of genetic diversity, and the high frequency of individuals of the Mediterranean coastal sites with restricted haplotypes indicates that gene flow to contiguous areas may be restricted. This is significant for the selection of areas for conservation purposes, as those with most genetic variation may reflect historical factors and biological properties of the species.  相似文献   

DNA sequences were determined for portions of the mitochondrial control region and 16S rRNA genes in five populations of Schistura oedipus, a troglobitic fish from northwestern Thailand. Based on variation at seven sites out of 593 sequenced, the five populations fall into three groups, apparently isolated by altitude and distance. Nucleotide diversity within groups is on the order of 1.0×10–3 while the extra increment of diversity among groups is on the order of 5.0×10–3. While the groups are distinct, the level of differentiation among them is low enough to accept provisionally that the five populations represent a single species. On the basis of 16S sequence, Schistura oedipus appears to be more closely related to S. poculi than to S. reidi, a proposed sister taxon.  相似文献   

Journal of Ichthyology - The macromorphology of olfactory organ was studied in moon wrasse Thalassoma lunare and sixbar wrasse T. hardwicke. There are two nostrils in the olfactory organ. Thin...  相似文献   

A time-course analysis of reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation in fertilized eggs of the devil stinger (Inimicus japonicus) from 0 h post-fertilization (hpf) to the early larval stage indicated that the ROS level was highest in the 22 hpf embryo, and declined thereafter. Phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) had no effect on ROS generation by the 22 hpf embryo, whereas PMA significantly increased larval ROS generation, suggesting that the ROS generation mechanisms of the 22 hpf embryo and larva are different at least in terms of PMA-responsiveness. Our results suggest the presence of a specific ROS generation system in devil stinger embryo which can be transitionally activated during embryogenesis.  相似文献   

An important goal of native plant restorations was to reconstitute populations that are genetically similar to native ones, thereby increasing the probably of successful establishment and persistence. We examined the extent to which this goal has been accomplished in Great Lakes restorations of Ammophila breviligulata Fern., a beachgrass species that is widely used for habitat restoration and is considered threatened in the study areas. In parallel studies on Lake Michigan and Lake Superior, we used polymorphic Intersimple Sequence Repeat markers to assess genetic similarity between well‐established and new native populations, restored populations, and restoration propagules obtained from two commercial suppliers. Native populations were generally more diverse than expected for a clonal species, whereas the commercially cultivated releases were monotypic. One of the commercial releases used in Minnesota was exclusively found in restored populations and did not occur in any other native population at this site. The propagules used in the newly planted restoration in Illinois were derived from a release that commercial suppliers maintain was derived from a native Michigan population, as opposed to a selected release. Diversity in this restoration was equivalent to that native Illinois’ populations; however, many of the genotypes were not of local origin. Overall, study underscores the importance of obtaining baseline genetic surveys of remnant native populations and restoration propagules before restoration efforts are initiated, especially when the populations are threatened or endangered.  相似文献   

The introduction of Far Eastern mullet (pilengas) in the Azov Sea in the 1970s–1980s has resulted in the formation of a self-reproducing commercial population. We have carried out a comparative population-genetic analysis of the mullet from the native (Primorye, the Sea of Japan basin) and the new (The Azov Sea basin) ranges. Genetic characteristics of three Primorye and three Azov local samples were studied using electrophoretic analysis of 15 enzymes encoded by 21 gene loci. In the Azov mullet, the initial heterozygosity characteristic of the donor population was preserved while the genotype and the allele compositions changed; the changes included a 1.9-fold reduction in the percentage of polymorphic loci and 1.5-fold reduction in the mean number of alleles per locus. The genetic differences between the Azov and the Primorye sample groups were highly significant. In the native range, no genetic differentiation among the mullet samples from different areas was found (G st = 0.42%), whereas in the Azov Sea basin, the samples from spatially isolated populations (ecological groups) exhibited genetic differences (G st = 1.38%). The genetic divergence of the subpopulations and the excess of heterozygotes at some loci in the Azov mullet suggest selection processes that formed genetically divergent groups associated with the areas of different salinity in the new range. The salinity level is assumed to be the most probable factor of local differentiating selection during fast adaptation and naturalization of the introduced mullet.  相似文献   

The genetic differentiation of many marine fish species is low. Yet local adaptation may be common in marine fish species as the vast and changing marine environment provides more chances for natural selection. Here, we used anonymous as well as known protein gene linked microsatellites and mitochondrial DNA to detect the population structure of the small yellow croaker (Larimichthys polyactis) in the Northwest Pacific marginal seas. Among these loci, we detected at least two microsatellites, anonymous H16 and HSP27 to be clearly under diversifying selection in outlier tests. Sequence cloning and analysis revealed that H16 was located in the intron of BAHCC1 gene. Landscape genetic analysis showed that H16 mutations were significantly associated with temperature, which further supported the diversifying selection at this locus. These marker types presented different patterns of population structure: (i) mitochondrial DNA phylogeny showed no evidence of genetic divergence and demonstrated only one glacial linage; (ii) population differentiation using putatively neutral microsatellites presented a pattern of high gene flow in the L. polyactis. In addition, several genetic barriers were identified; (iii) the population differentiation pattern revealed by loci under diversifying selection was rather different from that revealed by putatively neutral loci. The results above suggest local adaptation in the small yellow croaker. In summary, population genetic studies based on different marker types disentangle the effects of demographic history, migration, genetic drift and local adaptation on population structure and also provide valuable new insights for the design of management strategies in L. polyactis.  相似文献   


This article examines recent evidence from Denmark and abroad regarding climate change projects that aim to reduce global carbon dioxide emissions by converting coal-fired thermal power plants to solid biomass fuel. The article argues that projects appear to be pursued narrow-mindedly with insufficient attention paid to safety and points to evidence of media shifting—that the “resolution” of a problem within the environmental domain creates a new problem in the workplace safety domain. From the perspective of inherent safety the article argues that the conversion is a step in the wrong direction as a low risk fuel is substituted for a less safe one. Because of rapid scale-up and handling of unprecedented quantities, solid biomass qualify as an emerging risk for which proper control strategies have yet to be developed. The article finally argues that the tendency to prioritize environmental benefits over safety concerns seems to run deep and not confined to the realm of only solid biomass. Danish environmental ambitions are very high and the costs to society of introducing solid biomass fuels are breathtaking. In this setting, the general failure to address safety risks appears particularly disheartening.  相似文献   

The psyllid Cacopsylla melanoneura is considered one of the vectors of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma mali’, the causal agent of apple proliferation disease. In Northern Italy, overwintered C. melanoneura adults reach apple and hawthorn around the end of January. Nymph development takes place between March and the end of April. The new generation adults migrate onto conifers around mid-June and come back to the host plant species after overwintering. In this study we investigated behavioural differences, genetic differentiation and gene flow between samples of C. melanoneura collected from the two different host plants. Further analyses were performed on some samples collected from conifers. To assess the ecological differences, host-switching experiments were conducted on C. melanoneura samples collected from apple and hawthorn. Furthermore, the genetic structure of the samples was studied by genotyping microsatellite markers. The examined C. melanoneura samples performed better on their native host plant species. This was verified in terms of oviposition and development of the offspring. Data resulting from microsatellite analysis indicated a low, but statistically significant difference between collected-from-apple and hawthorn samples. In conclusion, both ecological and genetic results indicate a differentiation between C. melanoneura samples associated with the two host plants.  相似文献   

副棘鳅属(Paracanthocobitis)隶属于鲤形目(Cypriniformes)条鳅科(Nemacheilidae),分布范围西起巴基斯坦的印度河流域,东至老挝和柬埔寨的湄公河流域。2022年7月,在我国云南省德宏傣族景颇族自治州盈江县采集到一批副棘鳅属鱼类标本,经形态性状和分子系统比较,确认为曼德勒副棘鳅(P. mandalayensis),为中国新记录种。本文对中国境内曼德勒副棘鳅进行了形态描述并提供了物种鉴定的分子依据:该种的主要特征为下唇中央部分有一对中断而膨大的片状结构,密布乳突;尾柄基部上缘有一眼状斑;雄性具有眶下沟;侧线完全;腹鳍基部具腋鳞;背鳍有10?分枝鳍条;尾鳍有4 ~ 8条黑色条带。此外,基于系统发育树和间断地理分布推测,曼德勒副棘鳅种内可能存在隐存种,同时对沙副棘鳅(P. botia)中国分布的记录提出了质疑。这一研究为高黎贡山地区的鱼类资源调查和保护提供了科学依据,并对东南亚地区副棘鳅属物种的鉴定提供了新的依据。  相似文献   

Mediterranean climate is found on five continents and supports five global biodiversity hotspots. Based on combined downscaled results from 23 atmosphere-ocean general circulation models (AOGCMs) for three emissions scenarios, we determined the projected spatial shifts in the mediterranean climate extent (MCE) over the next century. Although most AOGCMs project a moderate expansion in the global MCE, regional impacts are large and uneven. The median AOGCM simulation output for the three emissions scenarios project the MCE at the end of the 21st century in Chile will range from 129–153% of its current size, while in Australia, it will contract to only 77–49% of its current size losing an area equivalent to over twice the size of Portugal. Only 4% of the land area within the current MCE worldwide is in protected status (compared to a global average of 12% for all biome types), and, depending on the emissions scenario, only 50–60% of these protected areas are likely to be in the future MCE. To exacerbate the climate impact, nearly one third (29–31%) of the land where the MCE is projected to remain stable has already been converted to human use, limiting the size of the potential climate refuges and diminishing the adaptation potential of native biota. High conversion and low protection in projected stable areas make Australia the highest priority region for investment in climate-adaptation strategies to reduce the threat of climate change to the rich biodiversity of the mediterranean biome.  相似文献   

For endangered species that persist as apparently isolated populations within a previously more extensive range, the degree of genetic exchange between those populations is critical to conservation and management. A lack of gene flow can exacerbate impacts of threatening processes and delay or prevent colonization of sites after local extirpation. The broad-headed snake, Hoplocephalus bungaroides, is a small venomous species restricted to a handful of disjunct reserves near Sydney, Australia. Mark-recapture studies have indicated low vagility for this ambush predator, suggesting that gene flow also may be low. However, our analyses of 11 microsatellite loci from 163 snakes collected in Morton National Park, from six sites within a 10-km diameter, suggest relatively high rates of gene flow among sites. Most populations exchange genes with each other, with one large population serving as a source area and smaller populations apparently acting as sinks. About half of the juvenile snakes, for which we could reliably infer parentage, were collected from populations other than those in which we collected their putative parents. As expected from the snakes' reliance on rocky outcrops during cooler months of the year, most gene flow appears to be along sandstone plateaux rather than across the densely forested valleys that separate plateaux. The unexpectedly high rates of gene flow on a landscape scale are encouraging for future conservation of this endangered taxon. For example, wildlife managers could conserve broad-headed snakes by restoring habitats near extant source populations in areas predicted to be least affected by future climate change.  相似文献   

Abstract Carex misera is a rare sedge, endemic to rocky outcrops and mountain summits within the southern Appalachian Mountains from northern Georgia to northern North Carolina. We assessed allozyme diversity for 406 individuals from nine populations over most of the geographic range. Twenty-seven putative loci were assayed and eight (30%) were found to be polymorphic. Nei's gene diversity statistics ( H T =0.043, H S =0.019, G ST =0.551) indicated low levels of variation but relatively highly differentiated populations, suggesting little gene flow. Significant deviations from genotypic expectations under Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, high positive fixation indices, and the existence of small genetic neighborhoods within populations suggest that at least some inbreeding occurs. Cluster analysis of Nei's genetic identity statistics and principal component analysis of allele frequency data showed high similarity among the six southern populations with the two northern populations more differentiated from them and from each other. These results suggest that preservation of the northern populations is necessary to conserve the already low levels of genetic diversity within the species.  相似文献   

In order to exploit the genetic resources of wild soybean (Glycine soja) which is the progenitor of cultivated soybean (Glycine max), the genic frequencies of Ti (coding trypsin inhibitors) and Sp1 (coding β-amylase isozymes) for 13 populations of wild soybean in Beijing region were determined. There are 2 alleles (Tia and Tib) in Ti locus of Beijing populations. Calculation of heterozygosity indicates Sp1 is polymorphic, while this monomorphic within a population. Based on the vatiation (from 0 to 50%) for heterozygosity of Sp1 among populations, with special reference to the values of genetic distances among populatious, and no heterozygote has been found in 1300 plants which would be heterozygotes if they were outbreeder, we suggested that wild soybean in natural populations is absolute inbreeder. The frequencies of Ti and Sp1 alleles vary from place to place extremely, however, no correlation exists between allozyme frequencies and ecological factors. Field investigation has shown that there is a threat from the reduction in available habitats, caused by building irrigation works .and urbanization. Finally, sampling strategy for conservation of genetic resources of wild soybean was discussed and some suggestions were made.  相似文献   

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