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We demonstrated in vitro that YycG-YycF of Bacillus subtillis constitutes a two-component system and shows a specificity of the sensor protein for the cognate phosphorylation partner. Based on inhibition of such an autophosphorylation of YycG, we searched imidazole and zerumbone derivatives to identify the antibacterial agents such as NH125, NH126, NH127, and NH0891.  相似文献   

Mutants for 9 of the 10 steps in histidine biosynthesis have been isolated and identified by enzyme assay. Each locus has been mapped in relation to the aro cluster and to other histidine loci by deoxyribonucleic acid-mediated transformation. The genes which code for enzymes 3, 6, and 8 of the pathway are linked to the aro cluster. A major histidine linkage group is composed of the genes which specify enzymes 1, 2, 5, 7, and 10. The locus which codes for step 9 of the pathway is unlinked to any other identified his loci. The major histidine cluster is loosely linked to cysB and is unlinked to any of the loci concerned with aromatic amino acid biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Bacillus subtilis natto is the key microorganism for the industrial production of menaquinone-7. The fermentation of this bacterium in static culture is associated with biofilm formation. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of biofilm formation on menaquinone-7 production to develop a suitable bio-reactor for the production of menaquinone-7. In the static culture, menaquinone-7 biosynthesis showed a linear correlation with biofilm formation (R 2 = 0.67) and cell density (R 2 = 0.7). The amount of biofilm, cell density and menaquinone-7 formation were a function of nutrient and processing conditions. Glycerol, soy peptone, and yeast extract mixture and 40 °C were found to be the optimum nutrients and temperature for accelerating both biofilm and menaquinone-7 biosynthesis in static culture. However, glucose, mixture of soy peptone and yeast extract and 45 °C were found to be the optima for cell density. As compared to the static culture, the biofilm formation was significantly inhibited when a shaken fermentation was used. However, shaking caused only a small decrease on menaquinone-7 production. These results demonstrate that the biofilm formation is not essential for menaquinone-7 biosynthesis. This study underlines the feasibility of using large scale stirred fermentation process for menaquinone-7 production.  相似文献   

Based on measurements and theoretical analyses, we identified deletion of pyruvate kinase (PYK) activity as a possible route for elimination of acid formation in Bacillus subtilis cultures grown on glucose minimal media. Evidence consistent with the attenuation of PYK flux has come from metabolic flux calculations, metabolic pool and enzymatic activity measurements, and a series of nuclear magnetic resonance experiments, all suggesting a nearly complete inhibition of PYK activity for glucose-citrate fed cultures in which the amount of acid formation was nearly zero. In this paper, we report the construction and characterization of a pyk mutant of B. subtilis. Our results demonstrate an almost complete elimination of acid production in cultures of the pyk mutant in glucose minimal medium. The substantial reduction in acid production is accompanied by increased CO2 production and a reduced rate of growth. Metabolic analysis indicated a dramatic increase in intracellular pools of phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) and glucose-6-P in the pyk mutant. The high concentrations of PEP and glucose-6-P could explain the decreased growth rate of the mutant. The substantial accumulation of PEP does not occur in Escherichia coli pyk mutants. The very high concentration of PEP which accumulates in the B. subtilis pyk mutant could be exploited for production of various aromatics.  相似文献   

Glycerol Metabolism in Bacillus subtilis: Gene-Enzyme Relationships   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Bacillus subtilis mutants unable to catabolize glycerol (Glp mutants) were isolated and mapped. The location of the mutations on the chromosome was determined by a density transfer technique and confirmed by PBS1 transduction and transformation. The different mutations were ordered relative to each other. Mutations rendering the cells glycerol auxotrophic were also mapped and found not to be linked to the Glp mutations.  相似文献   

The soil bacterium Bacillus subtilis forms biofilms on surfaces and at air-liquid interfaces. It was previously reported that these biofilms disassemble late in their life cycle and that conditioned medium from late-stage biofilms inhibits biofilm formation. Such medium contained a mixture of d-leucine, d-methionine, d-tryptophan, and d-tyrosine and was reported to inhibit biofilm formation via the incorporation of these d-amino acids into the cell wall. Here, we show that l-amino acids were able to specifically reverse the inhibitory effects of their cognate d-amino acids. We also show that d-amino acids inhibited growth and the expression of biofilm matrix genes at concentrations that inhibit biofilm formation. Finally, we report that the strain routinely used to study biofilm formation has a mutation in the gene (dtd) encoding d-tyrosyl-tRNA deacylase, an enzyme that prevents the misincorporation of d-amino acids into protein in B. subtilis. When we repaired the dtd gene, B. subtilis became resistant to the biofilm-inhibitory effects of d-amino acids without losing the ability to incorporate at least one noncanonical d-amino acid, d-tryptophan, into the peptidoglycan peptide side chain. We conclude that the susceptibility of B. subtilis to the biofilm-inhibitory effects of d-amino acids is largely, if not entirely, due to their toxic effects on protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Arginine decarboxylases (ADCs; EC from four different protein fold families are important for polyamine biosynthesis in bacteria, archaea, and plants. Biosynthetic alanine racemase fold (AR-fold) ADC is widespread in bacteria and plants. We report the discovery and characterization of an ancestral form of the AR-fold ADC in the bacterial Chloroflexi and Bacteroidetes phyla. The ancestral AR-fold ADC lacks a large insertion found in Escherichia coli and plant AR-fold ADC and is more similar to the lysine biosynthetic enzyme meso-diaminopimelate decarboxylase, from which it has evolved. An E. coli acid-inducible ADC belonging to the aspartate aminotransferase fold (AAT-fold) is involved in acid resistance but not polyamine biosynthesis. We report here that the acid-inducible AAT-fold ADC has evolved from a shorter, ancestral biosynthetic AAT-fold ADC by fusion of a response regulator receiver domain protein to the N terminus. Ancestral biosynthetic AAT-fold ADC appears to be limited to firmicute bacteria. The phylogenetic distribution of different forms of ADC distinguishes bacteria from archaea, euryarchaeota from crenarchaeota, double-membraned from single-membraned bacteria, and firmicutes from actinobacteria. Our findings extend to eight the different enzyme forms carrying out the activity described by EC ADC gene clustering reveals that polyamine biosynthesis employs diverse and exchangeable synthetic modules. We show that in Bacillus subtilis, ADC and polyamines are essential for biofilm formation, and this appears to be an ancient, evolutionarily conserved function of polyamines in bacteria. Also of relevance to human health, we found that arginine decarboxylation is the dominant pathway for polyamine biosynthesis in human gut microbiota.  相似文献   

B4 is the most common medium used in general organomineralization studies and has been used to assay or to characterize mineral precipitation potential. In an exercise for the optimization of the laboratory conditions of crystal precipitation in vitro, we used Bacillus subtilis 168 as a type strain and its isogenic mutants. While literature is mainly focused on observing generic precipitation, we investigated the requirement to obtain large crystals (≥1 mm), which could be advantageous in wide-ranging implications for bioconsolidation of soil, sand, stone, and cementitious materials. Calcite crystals are visible on B4 agar plates within 7 days at 37°C after inoculum of B. subtilis 168 strain. In this study, we show that to form large crystals with a diameter ≥1 mm several conditions must be met: i) Reduced amount of B4 medium into the Petri plate improve crystal formation. 55 mm Petri plates contained only 4 ml of B4 agar medium reached a plateau in 6 days at 37°C. High moisture and presence of water condense would decrease crystal formation. ii) Inoculation of cells using a rod instead of a circular shaped spot. When the same number of B. subtilis cells was streaked, rod-shape biofilm significantly fostered crystal precipitation, while spot-shape prevented precipitation. iii) When more than one biofilm is present within the same plate, mutual interactions can affect precipitation in each biofilm. iv) Spherical nucleation sites are identified as initial step during the formation of large calcite crystal.  相似文献   

Mutations designated gtaC and gtaE that affect α-phosphoglucomutase activity required for interconversion of glucose 6-phosphate and α-glucose 1-phosphate were mapped to the Bacillus subtilis pgcA (yhxB) gene. Backcrossing of the two mutations into the 168 reference strain was accompanied by impaired α-phosphoglucomutase activity in the soluble cell extract fraction, altered colony and cell morphology, and resistance to phages 29 and ρ11. Altered cell morphology, reversible by additional magnesium ions, may be correlated with a deficiency in the membrane glycolipid. The deficiency in biofilm formation in gtaC and gtaE mutants may be attributed to an inability to synthesize UDP-glucose, an important intermediate in a number of cell envelope biosynthetic processes.  相似文献   

Regulation of Manganese Accumulation and Exchange in Bacillus subtilis W23   总被引:10,自引:6,他引:4  
An overnight culture of Bacillus subtilis W23 in low-manganese tryptone broth is unable to sporulate and becomes hyperactive with regard to the manganese active transport system during stationary phase. When manganese is added to cells in spent or fresh medium, the cells immediately accumulate a high proportion of the manganese available in the medium. When the hyperactive cells are diluted into broth containing 10 muM Mn(2+), high intracellular manganese levels are reached, and inhibition of ribonucleic acid and protein synthesis occurs. This inhibition is relieved when the intracellular manganese concentration declines to the nontoxic levels characteristic of cells growing in 10 muM Mn(2+). The release of the accumulated manganese is achieved by a reduction in the uptake rate for manganese while the efflux rate remains essentially constant. Inhibitors of ribonucleic acid and protein synthesis prevent the reduction of the high rate of manganese uptake and, therefore, high net concentrations of manganese are maintained in the presence of these inhibitors. The hyperactive manganese uptake system is temperature dependent and inhibited by cyanide and m-chlorophenyl carbonylcyanide hydrazone.  相似文献   


A urinary tract infection (UTI) is a multi-factorial disease including cystitis, pyelonephritis, and pyelitis. After Escherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis is the most common UTI-associated opportunistic pathogen. Antibiotic resistance of bacteria and infection recurrence can be connected to biofilm formation by P. mirabilis. In this study, human and sheep isolates of P. mirabilis were investigated for antibiotic sensitivity using an antibiotic disk test. Co-aggregation of the tested potential probiotic bacilli, Bacillus amyloliquefaciens B-1895 and Bacillus subtilis KATMIRA1933, with the isolated pathogen was also evaluated. Then, the anti-biofilm activity of naturally derived metabolites, such as subtilin and subtilosin, in the bacilli-free supernatants was assessed against biofilms of P. mirabilis isolates. The isolated pathogens were sensitive to 30 μg of amikacin and 5 μg of ciprofloxacin but resistant to other tested antibiotics. After 24 h, auto-aggregation of B. amyloliquefaciens B-1895 was at 89.5% and higher than auto-aggregation of B. subtilis KATMIRA1933 (59.5%). B. amyloliquefaciens B-1895 strongly co-aggregated with P. mirabilis isolates from human UTIs. Cell-free supernatants of B. amyloliquefaciens B-1895 and B. subtilis KATMIRA1933 showed higher antimicrobial activity against biofilms of P. mirabilis isolated from humans as compared with biofilms of sheep isolates. According to our knowledge, this is the first report evaluating the anti-biofilm activity of probiotic spore-forming bacilli against clinical and animal UTI isolates of P. mirabilis. Further studies are recommended to investigate the anti-biofilm activity and the mode of action for the antimicrobial substances produced by these bacilli, subtilosin and subtilin.


Bacillus subtilis 168 produces thin and fragile biofilm in the static culture, however, it was found out that its transformant B. subtilis RM/iSd16 containing wild sfp, itu operon and degQ, which produced lipopeptide antibiotic iturin A, produced thick and much stable biofilm. Production of iturin A by RM/iSd16 in biofilm was almost two times higher compared to that in the submerged culture at 28 degrees C.  相似文献   

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