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On the basis of experimental work, a clear dichotomy in designof the feeding mechanism between aquatic and terrestrial vertebrateshas been found. The aquatic medium combined with suction andthe hydrodynamic tongue offer an unparalleled array of preycapture opportunities for aquatic vertebrates. In the terrestrialfeeding model, prey capture and prey processing require a precisefunctional design to match the nature of the prey. It is proposedthat this dichotomy in basic design would result in fundamentaldifferences in the aquatic and terrestrial paradigms in vertebrateecology. Four hypotheses and their respective supporting evidenceare presented: (1) Increased opportunism, more extensive preyswitching and food overlap are prevalent in aquatic systems;(2) Convergent evolution which is so pervasive in terrestrialfeeding systems is uncommon among aquatic vertebrate feedingsystems; (3) Competition is relaxed and character displacementis absent in aquatic vertebrate feeding systems; and (4) Patternsof diversity in aquatic vertebrate feeding systems defy theterrestrial paradigm.  相似文献   

The flow of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) of the omega-3 family, namely, eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5n-3, EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (22:6n-3, DHA), exported by amphibian metamorphs from water to terrestrial ecosystems in the Medveditsa River floodplain, was quantified for the first time. The total biomass export by three amphibian species (Pelobates fuscus, Bombina bombina, and Pelophylax ridibundus) per unit area of the lake surface was 0.594 g/m2 per year (as a mean for 2 years). The biomass flow per unit area of land was 0.726 g/ha per year (0.302 g/ha per year for organic carbon) in 2015–2016. The average annual total removal of EPA + DHA by amphibians from the floodplain lake was 1.47 mg/m2 of water surface area. Due to the high content of EPA and DHA in biomass, amphibians are potentially a valuable food for terrestrial predators having no access to other sources of essential PUFAs.  相似文献   

Horizontal transfer (HT) of genes between multicellular animals, once thought to be extremely rare, is being more commonly detected, but its global geographic trend and transfer mechanism have not been investigated. We discovered a unique HT pattern of Bovine-B (BovB) LINE retrotransposons in vertebrates, with a bizarre transfer direction from predators (snakes) to their prey (frogs). At least 54 instances of BovB HT were detected, which we estimate to have occurred across time between 85 and 1.3 Ma. Using comprehensive transcontinental sampling, our study demonstrates that BovB HT is highly prevalent in one geographical region, Madagascar, suggesting important regional differences in the occurrence of HTs. We discovered parasite vectors that may plausibly transmit BovB and found that the proportion of BovB-positive parasites is also high in Madagascar where BovB thus might be physically transported by parasites to diverse vertebrates, potentially including humans. Remarkably, in two frog lineages, BovB HT occurred after migration from a non-HT area (Africa) to the HT hotspot (Madagascar). These results provide a novel perspective on how the prevalence of parasites influences the occurrence of HT in a region, similar to pathogens and their vectors in some endemic diseases.  相似文献   

Intraspecific Variation in Chemical Attraction of Rice to Insect Predators   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The olfactory response of predators of the brown planthopper,Nilaparvata lugensStål, to different genotypes of rice (14 cultivars and breeding lines ofOryza sativaL. and 1 wild species,Oryza nivaraSharma et Shastry) was measured in an airflow olfactometer. Odor from rice plants attracted more females of the mirid predatorCyrtorhinus lividipennisReuter than plain air (control) on only 6 of the 15 rice genotypes. Orientation ofC. lividipennistoward volatiles of certain rice genotypes was apparent even when the plants were free of the brown planthopper. However, the predator distinguished between prey-infested and uninfested plants and preferred plants with eggs over plants with nymphs. The predator did not distinguish different stages of plant growth (vegetative, booting, or flowering). Plants artificially injured to simulate brown planthopper oviposition wounds were not as attractive to the predator as plants on which the planthopper had oviposited. The preassay preconditioning on the cultivar TN1 did not produce a predator bias for this genotype. This suggests that rearing effects or chemically mediated associative learning reported for some natural enemies did not influenceC. lividipennis'host response. Results with another predator, the coccinellidMicraspis hirashimaiSasaji, produced less consistent behavior. Planthopper-infested plants attracted more females ofM. hirashimaithan unifested plants in only 1 of the 12 rice genotypes evaluated. Implications for augmenting predators by rice cultivar selection and modification are discussed.  相似文献   

In many coastal locations, seagrass meadows are part of a greater seascape that includes both marine and terrestrial elements, each linked to the other via the foraging patterns of consumers (both predators and herbivores), and the passive drift of seagrass propagules, leaves, roots and rhizomes, and seagrass-associated macroalgal detritus. With seagrasses declining in many regions, the linkages between seagrass meadows and other habitats are being altered and diminished. Thus, it is timely to summarize what is known about the prevalence and magnitude of cross-habitat exchanges of seagrass-derived energy and materials, and to increase awareness of the importance of seagrasses to adjacent and even distant habitats. To do so we examined the literature on the extent and importance of exchanges of biomass between seagrass meadows and other habitats, both in the form of exported seagrass biomass as well as transfers of animal biomass via migration. Data were most abundant for Caribbean coral reefs and Australian beaches, and organisms for which there were quantitative estimates included Caribbean fishes and North American migratory waterfowl. Overall, data from the studies we reviewed clearly showed that seagrass ecosystems provide a large subsidy to both near and distant locations through the export of particulate organic matter and living plant and animal biomass. The consequences of continuing seagrass decline thus extend far beyond the areas where seagrasses grow.  相似文献   

Ecosystems - Floods, spatially complex water flows, and organism movements all generate important fluxes of aquatic-derived materials into terrestrial habitats, counteracting the gravity-driven...  相似文献   

Respiration of Aquatic and Terrestrial Amphibian Embryos   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Respiratory constraints on the structure of single eggs andegg masses have affected the mode of amphibian reproductionin water and in air. Aquatic eggs generally require less oxygen,develop faster, and hatch earlier, but these characteristicsare related to small ovum size. A comparison of two speciesof aquatic and terrestrial breeding frogs with similarly sizedova shows no differences in hatching stage, maximum rate ofoxygen uptake, oxygen conductance of the egg capsule, or Po2difference across the capsule. However, the aquatic speciesdevelops about 2.4 times faster and tolerates lower environmentalPo2, suggesting adaptation for development in ephemeral water.Modelling of diffusive oxygen transport into a single aquaticegg shows that a large amount of jelly (or a boundary layer)around the capsule may not greatly restrict gas exchange, ifthe inner radius of the capsule is large. However, gelatinousegg masses that contain other embryos that compete for oxygenare therefore limited in size, unless the eggs are ventilatedby convection of water among them. Aquatic egg are often suspendedin masses above the substrate, promoting oxygen movement intothe mass from all directions. Terrestrial egg masses are morediffusion limited, because gravity and surface tension collapsethem, preventing convection between the eggs, and restrictingthe source for oxygen diffusion. Terrestrial embryos are oftenlarger than their aquatic counterparts and have higher demandsfor oxygen. Terrestrial conditions have selected for adaptationsthat reduce respiratory competition between embryos, for example,separating of embryos by large volumes of jelly or reducingthe number of eggs in a clutch. The size of foam nests is unlimited,because oxygen for each embryo is supplied directly from thefoam.  相似文献   

Abstract We measured bacterial growth on phototransformed dissolved organic matter (DOM) leached from eight different primary producers. Leachates (10 mg C liter−1) were exposed to artificial UVA + UVB radiation, or kept in darkness, for 20 h. DOM solutions were subsequently inoculated with lake water bacteria. Photoproduction of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), ranging from 3 to 16 μg C liter−1 h−1, and changes in the absorptive characteristics of the DOM were observed for all leachates upon UV irradiation. The effects of irradiation exposure on DOM bioavailability varied greatly, depending on leachate and type of bacterial growth criterion. Bacterial carbon utilization (biomass production plus respiration) over the entire incubation period (120 h) was enhanced by UV radiation of leachate from the terrestrial leaves, relative to carbon utilization in non-irradiated leachates. Conversely, carbon utilization was reduced by radiation of the leachates from aquatic macrophytes. In a separate experiment, the stable C and N isotope composition of bacteria grown on irradiated and non-irradiated DOM was estimated. Bacterial growth on UV-irradiated DOM was enriched in 13C relative to the bacteria in the non-irradiated treatments; this result may be explained by selective assimilation of photochemically produced, isotopically enriched labile compounds. Received: 17 February 2000; Accepted: 1 May 2000; Online Publication: 28 August 2000  相似文献   

The boundaries between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, known as critical transition zones (CTZ), are dynamic interfaces for fluxes of water, sediment, solutes, and gases. Moreover, they often support unique or diverse biotas. Soils, especially those of riparian zones, have not been recognized as CTZ even though they play a critical role in regulating the hydrologic pathways of infiltration and leaching, or runoff and erosion, which can cumulatively affect biogeochemical processes and human livelihoods at landscape scales. In this review, we show how the processes that regulate hydrologic fluxes across and through soil CTZ are influenced by the activities of soil biota. Our message is fourfold. First, there are a variety of ways in which soil biodiversity, in terms of richness and dominance, can influence hydrological pathways in soil and thus the transfer of materials from terrestrial to aquatic ecosystems. Second, the influence of soil organisms on these hydrological pathways is very much interlinked with other environmental, soil biophysical, and vegetation factors that operate at different spatial and temporal scales. Third, we propose that the influence of soil biodiversity on hydrological pathways is most apparent (or identifiable), relative to other factors, in situations that lead to the dominance of certain organisms, such as larger fauna. Fourth, soils are buffered against environmental change by biophysical properties that have developed over long periods of time. Therefore, the effects of changes in soil biodiversity on hydrological processes at the ecosystem scale might be delayed and become most apparent in the long term. Received 25 February 2000; accepted 11 December 2000.  相似文献   

There is growing evidence that terrestrial ecosystems are exporting more dissolved organic carbon (DOC) to aquatic ecosystems than they did just a few decades ago. This “browning” phenomenon will alter the chemistry, physics, and biology of inland water bodies in complex and difficult-to-predict ways. Experiments provide an opportunity to elucidate how browning will affect the stability and functioning of aquatic ecosystems. However, it is challenging to obtain sources of DOC that can be used for manipulations at ecologically relevant scales. In this study, we evaluated a commercially available source of humic substances (“Super Hume”) as an analog for natural sources of terrestrial DOC. Based on chemical characterizations, comparative surveys, and whole-ecosystem manipulations, we found that the physical and chemical properties of Super Hume are similar to those of natural DOC in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. For example, Super Hume attenuated solar radiation in ways that will not only influence the physiology of aquatic taxa but also the metabolism of entire ecosystems. Based on its chemical properties (high lignin content, high quinone content, and low C:N and C:P ratios), Super Hume is a fairly recalcitrant, low-quality resource for aquatic consumers. Nevertheless, we demonstrate that Super Hume can subsidize aquatic food webs through 1) the uptake of dissolved organic constituents by microorganisms, and 2) the consumption of particulate fractions by larger organisms (i.e., Daphnia). After discussing some of the caveats of Super Hume, we conclude that commercial sources of humic substances can be used to help address pressing ecological questions concerning the increased export of terrestrial DOC to aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

Understanding the carbon sources supporting aquatic consumers in large rivers is essential for the protection of ecological integrity and for wildlife management. The relative importance of terrestrial and algal carbon to the aquatic food webs is still under intensive debate. The Yangtze River is the largest river in China and the third longest river in the world. The completion of the Three Gorges Dam (TGD) in 2003 has significantly altered the hydrological regime of the middle Yangtze River, but its immediate impact on carbon sources supporting the river food web is unknown. In this study, potential production sources from riparian and the main river channel, and selected aquatic consumers (invertebrates and fish) at an upstream constricted-channel site (Luoqi), a midstream estuarine site (Huanghua) and a near dam limnetic site (Maoping) of the TGD were collected for stable isotope (δ13C and δ15N) and IsoSource analyses. Model estimates indicated that terrestrial plants were the dominant carbon sources supporting the consumer taxa at the three study sites. Algal production appeared to play a supplemental role in supporting consumer production. The contribution from C4 plants was more important than that of C3 plants at the upstream site while C3 plants were the more important carbon source to the consumers at the two impacted sites (Huanghua and Maoping), particularly at the midstream site. There was no trend of increase in the contribution of autochthonous production from the upstream to the downstream sites as the flow rate decreased dramatically along the main river channel due to the construction of TGD. Our findings, along with recent studies in rivers and lakes, are contradictory to studies that demonstrate the importance of algal carbon in the aquatic food web. Differences in system geomorphology, hydrology, habitat heterogeneity, and land use may account for these contradictory findings reported in various studies.  相似文献   

The Atlantic Forest domain, one of the 25 world's hotspots for biodiversity, has experienced dramatic changes in its landscape. While the loss of species diversity is well documented, functional diversity has not received the same amount of attention. In this study, we evaluated functional diversity of insects in streams utilizing three indices: functional diversity (FD), functional dispersion (FDis), and functional divergence (FDiv), seeking to understand the roles of three predictor sets in explaining functional patterns: (1) bioclimatic and landscape variables; (2) spatial variables; and (3) local environmental variables. We determined the amount of variation in different measures of functional diversity that was explained by each predictor set and their interplays using variation partitioning. Our study showed that variation in functional diversity is better explained by a set of variables linked to different scales dependent on spatial structures, indicating the importance of landscape and mainly environmental variables in the functional organization of aquatic insect communities, and that the relative importance of predictor sets depends on the indices considered. Variation in FD was better explained by the interplay among the three predictor sets and by local environmental variables, whereas variation in FDis was better explained by spatial variables and by the interplay between environmental and spatial variables. Variation in FDiv was not significantly explained by any predictors. Our study adds more evidence on the harmful effects caused by landscape changes on biodiversity in the Atlantic Forest, suggesting that these effects also influence the functional organization of stream insect communities.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2014,24(2):176-180
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Restoration has been acknowledged to be a major pathway by which humans can repair damaged ecosystems. Most of the work to date on terrestrial systems has focused on restoring plant communities, with an assumption that the conditions that lead to more diverse plant communities will also lead to a restoration of insect communities. This, however, has not been proven to be true. Here, we examine the recovery of terrestrial insect communities in naturally recovering and restored sites in response to severe historic pollution in the region of Sudbury, Ontario. We find that the insect communities have not recovered to the same degree as the plant communities. Furthermore, we present directions on how cross‐taxa surrogacy can be useful to further aid the use of insects as indicators of restoration success.  相似文献   

Predators play a disproportionately positive role in ensuring integrity of food webs, influencing ecological processes and services upon which humans rely. Predators tend to be amongst the first species to be affected by anthropogenic disturbance, however. Spiders impact invertebrate population dynamics and stabilise food webs in natural and agricultural systems (potentially mitigating against crop pests and reduced yields). Africa’s savannas are undergoing continent-wide conversion from low-density rangelands to villages and croplands, as human populations burgeon. Despite limited research, and evidence of deleterious impacts to biodiversity, African savannas are earmarked by prominent international organisations for conversion to cropland. Given the key role of spiders in food webs, they can have beneficial impacts in agroecosystems. Furthermore, functional diversity (FD) reflects ecosystem pattern and processes better than species diversity, so we evaluated impacts of large-scale landuse change on both species richness and FD. We surveyed spiders using pitfall traps at 42 sites (14 replicates each in rangeland, cropland, and villages) in South African savannas, investigating effects of landuse, season, and habitat variables on spider species diversity and FD. Species richness was lowest in villages. FD was lowest in cropland, however, with reduced representation of traits associated with hunting of larger invertebrates. Furthermore, there were fewer specialists in croplands. These findings suggest that even when cropland does not impact species diversity, loss of FD can still occur. As savanna systems transform, impacts on invertebrate population dynamics may increase the possibility of a breakdown in pest control in natural and agricultural systems, given changes in FD of invertebrate predators.  相似文献   

Using samples from eastern China (c. 25 – 41° N and 99 – 123° E) and from a common garden experiment, we investigate how Mg concentration varies with climate across multiple trophic levels. In soils, plant tissue (Oriental oak leaves and acorns), and a specialist acorn predator (the weevil Curculio davidi), Mg concentration increased significantly with different slopes from south to north, and generally decreased with both mean annual temperature (MAT) and precipitation (MAP). In addition, soil, leaf, acorn and weevil Mg showed different strengths of association and sensitivity with climatic factors, suggesting that distinct mechanisms may drive patterns of Mg variation at different trophic levels. Our findings provide a first step toward determining whether anticipated changes in temperature and precipitation due to climate change will have important consequences for the bioavailability and distribution of Mg in food chain.  相似文献   

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