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三萜皂苷是一类天然存在的结构多样的三萜苷类化合物,广泛分布于植物中.三萜皂苷不仅是植物抵御病原微生物和食草动物的防御化合物,还具有多种药理活性,被广泛应用在医药、日化、食品、农业等领域.近年来,随着科学技术的发展和研究的深入,植物三萜皂苷生物合成途径的基本框架及调控机制研究已经取得了一定的进展.植物三萜皂苷种类繁多、结...  相似文献   

肽聚糖是乳酸菌细胞壁的必需成分,它的化学结构较为保守固定,而其合成是一个涉及多步反应的复杂过程。乳酸菌肽聚糖具有多种生物学活性,比如免疫增强功能、抗感染、抗肿瘤及抗过敏等。本文对乳酸菌肽聚糖的组成结构和生物学活性进行了简要的介绍,重点综述了近年来乳酸菌肽聚糖代谢及其调控过程的研究进展,并指出了乳酸菌肽聚糖未来研究的方向。  相似文献   

林可霉素(lincomycin)是由林可链霉菌(Streptomyces lincolnensis)产生的酰胺类抗生素,在临床上主要用于治疗革兰氏阳性菌引起的感染。鉴于其具有高药用价值和经济价值,林可霉素生物合成和分子调控备受关注,并取得了较好的研究进展。本文综述了林可霉素的特征结构和生物合成,并重点介绍了林可链霉菌中林可霉素的分子调控机制等方面的研究进展,有利于深入认识林可链霉菌次级代谢调控网络,为在林可霉素高产菌中改造调控因子或其靶点元件提高产量提供理论指导。  相似文献   

昆虫肽聚糖识别蛋白研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈康康  吕志强 《昆虫学报》2014,57(8):969-978
在脊椎动物和非脊椎动物中,识别非己是天生免疫反应中的第一步。肽聚糖是细菌细胞壁的必需成分,属于进化上保守的微生物表面病原相关分子模式(pathogen-associated molecular pattern, PAMP),可以被模式识别蛋白(pattern recognition proteins, PRRs)如肽聚糖识别蛋白(peptidoglycan recognition proteins, PGRPs)识别。 在昆虫的天生免疫系统中,有些PGRPs能够利用细菌独有的肽聚糖识别入侵细菌,并将细菌入侵信号传递给下游的抗菌肽(antimicrobial peptide, AMP)合成途径,启动抗菌肽基因的转录及合成;PGRPs对肽聚糖的识别也会启动酚氧化酶原途径的激活,引起黑化反应。有些具有酰胺酶活性的PGRPs可以促进吞噬作用;有些可以抑制抗菌肽合成以减弱过度免疫反应带来的损伤。还有一些PGRPs作为效应因子直接作用于细菌将细菌杀死。本文主要从昆虫PGRPs作为识别受体(recognition receptor)、调节子(regulator)和效应因子(effector) 3个方面进行了综述,并分析了目前PGRPs研究中仍不清楚的问题和未来研究的方向。  相似文献   

建立大肠癌裸鼠移植瘤模型,以免疫组化法观察大肠癌移植瘤一氧化氮合酶(iNOS)基因的蛋白表达水平,结果显示完整肽聚糖(Whole peptidoglycan,WPG)注射组大肠癌移植瘤iNOS蛋白的表达率、表达强度以及阳性细胞密度均明显高于肿瘤对照组(P<0.01),提示分叉双歧杆菌的WPG能增强大肠癌移植瘤细胞iNOS基因的蛋白表达,这可能是其抑瘤机制之一。  相似文献   

木质素的生物合成及其调控研究进展   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
木质素是植物体中仅次于纤维素的一种重要大分子有机物质,具有重要生物学功能,其3种主要单体的生物合成途径已经基本清楚。从木质素生物合成及基因工程在调控木质素生物合成中的作用等方面的研究进展进行了综述,并提出了存在的问题及对策。  相似文献   

黄曲霉毒素是一类具有较强毒性和致癌力的次级代谢产物,在小麦、水稻、玉米和花生等多种粮食、油料、饲料和食品中检出率均比较高。因此,黄曲霉毒素不仅给人和动物的健康造成极其严重的威胁,而且也给食品和饲料等行业造成了巨大的经济损失。黄曲霉毒素主要由黄曲霉和寄生曲霉产生。自上个世纪60年代首次发现黄曲霉毒素以来,研究者在黄曲霉毒素合成途径、降解、合成机制和致病机理等方面做了大量研究。本文主要综述近年来国内外以黄曲霉为对象的黄曲霉毒素合成的遗传调控机制研究进展。从转录调控、蛋白翻译后修饰、信号转导途径、参与生长发育和形态建成的蛋白和其他酶等方面对黄曲霉毒素合成机制展开综述,为今后进一步深入系统研究黄曲霉毒素合成机制奠定基础,同时为制定防治黄曲霉及其毒素的策略提供理论基础。  相似文献   

马铃薯疮痂病(potato scab)是世界范围内广泛存在的土传细菌性病害,难以防治。植物毒素thaxtomins由疮痂病链霉菌(Streptomyces scabies)次级代谢产生,是马铃薯疮痂病的主要致病原因,对马铃薯等作物产业造成严重危害。鉴于疮痂病链霉菌在农业上的重要作用,其中thaxtomins生物合成过程和分子调控得到越来越多的关注,并取得了较好的进展。本文综述了thaxtomins的结构特征、生物合成与异源表达,并重点介绍了疮痂病链霉菌中thaxtomins生物合成的分子调控机制等方面的研究进展,有利于深入认知疮痂病链霉菌次级代谢调控网络,为未来开发新型马铃薯疮痂病的防治策略提供理论指导。  相似文献   

纳他霉素是一种对真菌具有广谱抗菌活性的多烯大环内酯类抗生素,它不仅能有效地抑制真菌的生长和繁殖,而且能够抑制一些真菌毒素的形成,已被大多数国家批准为抗真菌食品防腐剂使用,也被广泛应用于农业和医疗领域.纳塔尔链霉菌Streptomyces natalensis和恰努塔加链霉菌Streptomyces chatanooge...  相似文献   

多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA),尤其是n-3系的PUFA,可以降低脂肪酸以甘油三酯形式的沉积,同时促进脂肪酸氧化和葡萄糖合成糖原。其具体机制是PUFA通过激活过氧化物酶体活化增生因子受体α(PPARα)来控制氧化途径过程中的基因表达,而其对脂肪合成途径中有关基因的抑制则是通过降低能传递胰岛素和碳水化合物信息的转录因子与DNA的亲和力和转录因子的核内丰度。尤其是PUFA抑制了类固醇空单元结合蛋白-1(SREBP-1)的核内丰度和表达,降低了核因子Y(NF-Y)、Sp1和肝核因子-4(MNF-4)与DNA的亲和力。  相似文献   

Peptidoglycan structure and architecture   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The peptidoglycan (murein) sacculus is a unique and essential structural element in the cell wall of most bacteria. Made of glycan strands cross-linked by short peptides, the sacculus forms a closed, bag-shaped structure surrounding the cytoplasmic membrane. There is a high diversity in the composition and sequence of the peptides in the peptidoglycan from different species. Furthermore, in several species examined, the fine structure of the peptidoglycan significantly varies with the growth conditions. Limited number of biophysical data on the thickness, elasticity and porosity of peptidoglycan are available. The different models for the architecture of peptidoglycan are discussed with respect to structural and physical parameters.  相似文献   

The paper is focused on two groups of proteins inevitably important for cellulose biosynthesis in vascular plants. These are cellulose synthases and chitinase-like proteins. Cellulose synthases have been the subject of much research, and current conceptions and recent findings are reviewed in this paper. Severe effects of mutations and expression analysis have recently shown that chitinase-like proteins are crucial components of cellulose biosynthesis. However, understanding of their precise function is missed. Further research is to be prompted by an effective idea on it. I propose that chitinase-like proteins could play a role in the assembly of nascent glucan chains into microfibrills. Therefore, cellulose synthases and chitinase-like proteins are possibly sequential elements of the cellulose biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) have been scrutinized for over 40 years. Recent structural information on PBPs together with the ongoing long-term biochemical experimental investigations, and results from more recent techniques such as protein localization by green fluorescent protein-fusion immunofluorescence or double-hybrid assay, have brought our understanding of the last stages of the peptidoglycan biosynthesis to an outstanding level that allows a broad outlook on the properties of these enzymes. Details are emerging regarding the interaction between the peptidoglycan-synthesizing PBPs and the peptidoglycan, their mesh net-like product that surrounds and protects bacteria. This review focuses on the detailed structure of PBPs and their implication in peptidoglycan synthesis, maturation and recycling. An overview of the content in PBPs of some bacteria is provided with an emphasis on comparing the biochemical properties of homologous PBPs (orthologues) belonging to different bacteria.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic steps of peptidoglycan biosynthesis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The biosynthesis of bacterial cell wall peptidoglycan is a complex process that involves enzyme reactions that take place in the cytoplasm (synthesis of the nucleotide precursors) and on the inner side (synthesis of lipid-linked intermediates) and outer side (polymerization reactions) of the cytoplasmic membrane. This review deals with the cytoplasmic steps of peptidoglycan biosynthesis, which can be divided into four sets of reactions that lead to the syntheses of (1) UDP-N-acetylglucosamine from fructose 6-phosphate, (2) UDP-N-acetylmuramic acid from UDP-N-acetylglucosamine, (3) UDP-N-acetylmuramyl-pentapeptide from UDP-N-acetylmuramic acid and (4) D-glutamic acid and dipeptide D-alanyl-D-alanine. Recent data concerning the different enzymes involved are presented. Moreover, special attention is given to (1) the chemical and enzymatic synthesis of the nucleotide precursor substrates that are not commercially available and (2) the search for specific inhibitors that could act as antibacterial compounds.  相似文献   

The class A PBP1b from Streptococcus pneumoniae is responsible for glycosyltransferase and transpeptidase (TP) reactions, forming the peptidoglycan of the bacterial cell wall. The enzyme has been produced in a stable, soluble form and undergoes time-dependent proteolysis to leave an intact TP domain. Crystals of this TP domain were obtained, diffracting to 2.2 A resolution, and the structure was solved by using molecular replacement. Analysis of the structure revealed an "open" active site, with important conformational differences to the previously determined "closed" apoenzyme. The active-site nucleophile, Ser460, is in an orientation that allows for acylation by beta-lactams. Consistent with the productive conformation of the conserved active-site catalytic residues, adjacent loops show only minor deviation from those of known acyl-enzyme structures. These findings are discussed in the context of enzyme functionality and the possible conformational sampling of PBP1b between active and inactive states.  相似文献   

Peptidoglycan (PG) is an essential component in the cell wall of nearly all bacteria, forming a continuous, mesh-like structure, called the sacculus, around the cytoplasmic membrane to protect the cell from bursting by its turgor. Although PG synthases, the penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs), have been studied for 70 years, useful in vitro assays for measuring their activities were established only recently, and these provided the first insights into the regulation of these enzymes. Here, we review the current knowledge on the glycosyltransferase and transpeptidase activities of PG synthases. We provide new data showing that the bifunctional PBP1A and PBP1B from Escherichia coli are active upon reconstitution into the membrane environment of proteoliposomes, and that these enzymes also exhibit DD-carboxypeptidase activity in certain conditions. Both novel features are relevant for their functioning within the cell. We also review recent data on the impact of protein–protein interactions and other factors on the activities of PBPs. As an example, we demonstrate a synergistic effect of multiple protein–protein interactions on the glycosyltransferase activity of PBP1B, by its cognate lipoprotein activator LpoB and the essential cell division protein FtsN.  相似文献   

Clostridium difficile is an anaerobic and spore-forming bacterium responsible for 15–25% of postantibiotic diarrhea and 95% of pseudomembranous colitis. Peptidoglycan is a crucial element of the bacterial cell wall that is exposed to the host, making it an important target for the innate immune system. The C. difficile peptidoglycan is largely N-deacetylated on its glucosamine (93% of muropeptides) through the activity of enzymes known as N-deacetylases, and this N-deacetylation modulates host–pathogen interactions, such as resistance to the bacteriolytic activity of lysozyme, virulence, and host innate immune responses. C. difficile genome analysis showed that 12 genes potentially encode N-deacetylases; however, which of these N-deacetylases are involved in peptidoglycan N-deacetylation remains unknown. Here, we report the enzymes responsible for peptidoglycan N-deacetylation and their respective regulation. Through peptidoglycan analysis of several mutants, we found that the N-deacetylases PdaV and PgdA act in synergy. Together they are responsible for the high level of peptidoglycan N-deacetylation in C. difficile and the consequent resistance to lysozyme. We also characterized a third enzyme, PgdB, as a glucosamine N-deacetylase. However, its impact on N-deacetylation and lysozyme resistance is limited, and its physiological role remains to be dissected. Finally, given the influence of peptidoglycan N-deacetylation on host defense against pathogens, we investigated the virulence and colonization ability of the mutants. Unlike what has been shown in other pathogenic bacteria, a lack of N-deacetylation in C. difficile is not linked to a decrease in virulence.  相似文献   

Campylobacter jejuni is a leading cause of bacterial gastroenteritis in the developed world. Despite its prevalence, its mechanisms of pathogenesis are poorly understood. Peptidoglycan (PG) is important for helical shape, colonization, and host-pathogen interactions in C. jejuni. Therefore, changes in PG greatly impact the physiology of this organism. O-acetylation of peptidoglycan (OAP) is a bacterial phenomenon proposed to be important for proper cell growth, characterized by acetylation of the C6 hydroxyl group of N-acetylmuramic acid in the PG glycan backbone. The OAP gene cluster consists of a PG O-acetyltransferase A (patA) for translocation of acetate into the periplasm, a PG O-acetyltransferase B (patB) for O-acetylation, and an O-acetylpeptidoglycan esterase (ape1) for de-O-acetylation. In this study, reduced OAP in ΔpatA and ΔpatB had minimal impact on C. jejuni growth and fitness under the conditions tested. However, accumulation of OAP in Δape1 resulted in marked differences in PG biochemistry, including O-acetylation, anhydromuropeptide levels, and changes not expected to result directly from Ape1 activity. This suggests that OAP may be a form of substrate level regulation in PG biosynthesis. Ape1 acetylesterase activity was confirmed in vitro using p-nitrophenyl acetate and O-acetylated PG as substrates. In addition, Δape1 exhibited defects in pathogenesis-associated phenotypes, including cell shape, motility, biofilm formation, cell surface hydrophobicity, and sodium deoxycholate sensitivity. Δape1 was also impaired for chick colonization and adhesion, invasion, intracellular survival, and induction of IL-8 production in INT407 cells in vitro. The importance of Ape1 in C. jejuni biology makes it a good candidate as an antimicrobial target.  相似文献   

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