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MicroRNA (miRNA)是一类具有调控能力的非编码小分子RNA, 通过与靶基因mRNA特异或非特异性结合, 诱导靶基因mRNA降解或抑制其翻译, 从而调控植物的生长发育。其中, miR172的靶基因AP2所编码的转录因子为植物所特有, miR172在转录后或翻译水平对AP2进行表达调控, 进而调控植物的花发育、时序转换、小穗形态、块茎和果实发育、结瘤(豆科)以及逆境响应等过程。该文综述了近年来miR172-AP2模块在植物生长发育调控方面的最新研究进展。  相似文献   

微生物金属响应蛋白研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
微生物金属响应蛋白(Metal responsive proteins)是一类具有金属传感效应的DNA转录调节因子。目前,已研究的该调节因子家族有7个(Ars R-Smt B等)。每个响应蛋白家族的不同代表都可以调节基于不同金属效应物的基因表达,它们不仅调节微生物细胞内与金属内稳态直接相关的基因表达,还可以调节细胞代谢以减少细胞对供应短缺的金属的需求。目前,金属响应蛋白的研究已有一定成果,部分金属响应结合位点的氨基酸残基及调节机制都被确定。本综述总结了不同金属响应蛋白家族的金属转录调节因子,介绍了关于金属调节基因表达机制的现有研究进展,并以Ars R-Smt B家族和Fur家族为例,详细介绍了金属响应结合位点的结构特征与相关表达调控机制。此外,还介绍了不同响应蛋白控制微生物细胞金属水平作用方面的最新进展,以及在生物冶金与微生物环境治理方面的应用前景。  相似文献   

细胞通过基因表达调控来应对外界刺激,其中影响mRNA稳定性及翻译效率的转录后调控发挥重要作用。RNA结合蛋白(RNA binding proteins, RBPs)是介导转录后调控的重要分子,Sam68(SRC associated in mitosis of 68 kD)是集信号转导特性与RNA激活功能于一身的RNA结合蛋白,参与转录、可变剪接及核输出等mRNA 的代谢过程,且Sam68可通过信号通路参与细胞应答、细胞周期调控和疾病发生等。最新研究表明,Sam68可通过非编码RNAs(noncoding RNA, ncRNAs)参与表观遗传、转录与转录后调控。本文在介绍Sam68结构和转录后修饰的基础上,着重讨论Sam68在信号转导、可变剪接、ncRNAs代谢、疾病发生等方面的最新研究进展。  相似文献   

蔗糖非发酵-1-相关蛋白激酶2(sucrose non-fermenting-1-related protein kinase 2,SnRK2)是一类植物特有的Ser/Thr蛋白激酶,其主要通过磷酸化底物来调节下游基因的表达,实现不同组织部位的抗逆调控,使植物适应不利环境.该蛋白激酶家族成员数量较少,分子量约为40 k...  相似文献   

植物中逆境反应相关的WRKY转录因子研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李冉  娄永根 《生态学报》2011,31(11):3223-3231
WRKY转录因子是植物体内一类比较大的转录因子家族,它在植物的生长发育以及抗逆境反应中起着非常重要的作用。本文综述了WRKY转录因子在植物应对冻害、干旱、盐害等非生物胁迫与病原菌、虫害等生物胁迫反应中的重要调控功能,并概括了WRKY转录因子在调控这些逆境反应中的机制。  相似文献   

目的:本研究通过RNA-seq技术分析Srsf1基因表达敲低的GT1-7细胞(knock down, KD)和野生型GT1-7细胞(wide type,WT)的表达谱和可变剪接事件,研究Srsf1敲低对GT1-7细胞基因表达谱的影响。方法:利用实验室现有的Srsf1基因表达敲低的GT1-7细胞(SRSF1-KD)和野生型GT1-7细胞分别抽提RNA,做RNA-seq数据分析,利用r MATS软件分析两株细胞内可变剪接事件的变化,确定Srsf1调控的下游关键基因。结果:结果显示共有875个基因表达存在显著性差异,对这些基因进行KEGG通路分析,发现γ-氨基丁酸能突触、PI3K-Akt信号通路、MAPK信号通路等与性发育相关的通路均受到影响。此外,P53通路也受到Srsf1敲低的影响。利用r MATS软件进行可变剪接事件分析,显示共发生839个可变剪接事件,涉及719个基因,进行KEGG通路分析发现与性发育相关的MAPK信号通路受到影响。结论:成功检测了GT1-7细胞和Srsf1基因敲低的GT1-7细胞表达谱,通过分析基因表达差异以及可变剪接事件,证明了Srsf1对于PI3K-Akt信号通路、MAPK信号通路、γ-氨基丁酸能突触信号通路、p53通路的调控作用,并且这些信号通路提示我们Srsf1可能更多的通过非可变剪接方式影响性发育相关基因的表达,而非可变剪接方式,从而为更深入的性发育研究提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

过氧化氢酶(catalase, CAT)作为过氧化氢(hydrogen peroxide, H2O2)的清除酶在植物生长发育和胁迫响应中扮演着十分重要的角色。CAT的功能受到严格调控,其在正常条件下维持适当浓度的H2O2作为信号分子以保证植物的生长发育;在胁迫下保持H2O2稳态以增强植物耐逆性。本文对近年来CAT在植物生长发育和胁迫响应中的功能研究进展予以综述,特别是翻译后修饰和亚细胞定位对CAT功能的调控,并对植物CAT的调控机理研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

丝氨酸/精氨酸丰富(SR)蛋白家族是真核生物中的一类剪接因子,在前体mRNA的组成性和选择性剪接中起作用。本文就近十几年来SR蛋白结构和功能及其在植物发育中的作用的研究进展作以介绍。  相似文献   

文章介绍了植物热激蛋白HSP100/ClpB的表达及其与抗逆性的关系,以及HSP100/ClpB在提高植物抗逆性应用中的研究进展,并对这一领域未来可能的发展方向作了展望.  相似文献   

真菌G蛋白信号调控蛋白的功能研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
G蛋白信号途径是真菌细胞信号转导网络的枢纽,在细胞的各种生物学调控过程中具有重要作用。G蛋白信号调控蛋白(Rgulators of G protein signaling,RGS)是一类重要的G蛋白信号调控因子,能通过促进G蛋白α亚基(Gα)偶联的GTP水解,使Gα和Gβγ亚基发生聚合,导致G蛋白失活,从而迅速关闭与G蛋白偶联的信号途径。自从第一个RGS蛋白在酿酒酵母中被鉴定以来,目前已经有30多个RGS蛋白在重要的模式真菌中被报道,包括构巢曲霉、绿僵菌、稻瘟病菌、玉米赤霉菌、轮枝镰孢菌、新型隐球菌和白色念珠菌等。RGS蛋白在真菌的营养菌丝生长、产孢、毒素和色素生产、致病性和有性生殖等过程中发挥着重要作用。本文对真菌中已报道RGS蛋白的功能进行了总结,对真菌RGS蛋白的结构特征和调控机制进行了评述。  相似文献   

SR45 is a serine/arginine-rich (SR)-like protein with two arginine/serine-rich (RS) domains. We have previously shown that SR45 regulates alternative splicing (AS) by differential selection of 5' and 3' splice sites. However, it is unknown how SR45 regulates AS. To gain mechanistic insights into the roles of SR45 in splicing, we screened a yeast two-hybrid library with SR45. This screening resulted in the isolation of two spliceosomal proteins, U1-70K and U2AF(35) b that are known to function in 5' and 3' splice site selection, respectively. This screen not only confirmed our prior observation that U1-70K and SR45 interact, but also helped to identify an additional interacting partner (U2AF(35) ). In vitro and in vivo analyses revealed an interaction of SR45 with both paralogs of U2AF(35) . Furthermore, we show that the RS1 and RS2 domains of SR45, and not the RNA recognition motif (RRM) domain, associate independently with both U2AF(35) proteins. Interaction studies among U2AF(35) paralogs and between U2AF(35) and U1-70K revealed that U2AF(35) can form homo- or heterodimers and that U2AF(35) proteins can associate with U1-70K. Using RNA probes from SR30 intron 10, whose splicing is altered in the sr45 mutant, we show that SR45 and U2AF(35) b bind to different parts of the intron, with a binding site for SR45 in the 5' region and two binding regions, each ending with a known 3' splice site, for U2AF(35) b. These results suggest that SR45 recruits U1snRNP and U2AF to 5' and 3' splice sites, respectively, by interacting with pre-mRNA, U1-70K and U2AF(35) and modulates AS.  相似文献   

富含丝氨酸和精氨酸的SR蛋白(serine/arginine-rich protein)是重要的剪接因子家族,广泛参与RNA加工过程,包括剪接、出核、稳定性及翻译。近年来的研究发现,SR蛋白家族成员大多在肿瘤组织中存在异常表达,有些SR蛋白甚至能够作为原癌基因,通过调控肿瘤相关基因的选择性剪接而参与细胞转化和肿瘤发生。本文综述了SR蛋白的不同成员在肿瘤发生中的作用及其调控肿瘤相关基因的机制,以期为相关肿瘤的研究与诊治提供新思路和新靶点。  相似文献   

Searching for novel targets of salt toxicity in eukaryotic cells, we have screened an Arabidopsis thaliana cDNA library to isolate genes conferring increased tolerance to salt stress when expressed in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Here we show that expression of the 'alternating arginine-rich' (or RS) domains of two different SR-like, putative splicing proteins from Arabidopsis allows yeast cells to tolerate higher lithium and sodium concentrations. Protection against salt stress appears to require the in vivo phosphorylation of these plant polypeptides, since the yeast SR protein kinase Sky1p, which was able to phosphorylate in vitro at least one of them, also proved to be essential for the observed salt tolerance phenotype. In addition, a clone encoding the U1A protein, a previously characterised Arabidopsis splicing factor, was also isolated in the screening. No significant decrease in the intracellular concentration of lithium was observed in yeast cells incubated in the presence of LiCl upon expression of any of the Arabidopsis proteins, suggesting that their effects are not mediated by the stimulation of ion transport. In support of the general significance of these data, we also show that the expression of the RS domain of one of the SR-like proteins in transgenic Arabidopsis plants increases their tolerance to LiCl and NaCl. These results point to an important role of pre-mRNA splicing and SR-like proteins in the salt tolerance of eukaryotic cells, offering a novel route to improve this important trait in crop plants.  相似文献   

The aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases are an ancient and ubiquitous component of all life. Many eukaryotic synthetases balance their essential function, preparing aminoacyl-tRNA for use in mRNA translation, with diverse roles in cell signaling. Herein, we use long-read sequencing to discover a leukocyte-specific exon skipping event in human leucyl-tRNA synthetase (LARS). We show that this highly expressed splice variant, LSV3, is regulated by serine-arginine-rich splicing factor 1 (SRSF1) in a cell-type-specific manner. LSV3 has a 71 amino acid deletion in the catalytic domain and lacks any tRNA leucylation activity in vitro. However, we demonstrate that this LARS splice variant retains its role as a leucine sensor and signal transducer for the proliferation-promoting mTOR kinase. This is despite the exon deletion in LSV3 including a portion of the previously mapped Vps34-binding domain used for one of two distinct pathways from LARS to mTOR. In conclusion, alternative splicing of LARS has separated the ancient catalytic activity of this housekeeping enzyme from its more recent evolutionary role in cell signaling, providing an opportunity for functional specificity in human immune cells.  相似文献   

Research on exonic coding sequences has demonstrated that many substitutions at the amino acid level may also reflect profound changes at the level of splicing regulatory regions. These results have revealed that, for many alternatively spliced exons, there is considerable pressure to strike a balance between two different and sometimes conflicting forces: the drive to improve the quality and production efficiency of proteins and the maintenance of proper exon recognition by the splicing machinery. Up to now, the systems used to investigate these connections have mostly focused on short alternatively spliced exons that contain a high density of splicing regulatory elements. Although this is obviously a desirable feature in order to maximize the chances of spotting connections, it also complicates the process of drawing straightforward evolutionary pathways between different species (because of the numerous alternative pathways through which the same end point can be achieved). The alternatively spliced fibronectin extra domain A exon (also referred to as EDI or EIIIA) does not have these limitations, as its inclusion is already known to depend on a single exonic splicing enhancer element within its sequence. In this study, we have compared the rat and human fibronectin EDA exons with regard to RNA structure, exonic splicing enhancer strengths, and SR protein occupancy. The results gained from these analyses have then been used to perform an accurate evaluation of EDA sequences observed in a wide range of animal species. This comparison strongly suggests the existence of an evolutionary connection between changes at the nucleotide levels and the need to maintain efficient EDA recognition in different species.  相似文献   

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