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Information is increasingly being viewed as a resource used by organisms to increase their fitness. Indeed, it has been formally shown that there is a sensible way to assign a reproductive value to information and it is non‐negative. However, all of this work assumed that information collection is cost‐free. Here, we account for such a cost and provide conditions for when the reproductive value of information will be negative. In these instances, counterintuitively, it is in the interest of the organism to remain ignorant. We link our results to empirical studies where Bayesian behavior appears to break down in complex environments and provide an alternative explanation of lowered arousal thresholds in the evolution of sleep.  相似文献   

The pathogenic lymphocryptovirus Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is shown to express at least 17 distinct microRNAs (miRNAs) in latently infected cells. These are arranged in two clusters: 14 miRNAs are located in the introns of the viral BART gene while three are located adjacent to BHRF1. The BART miRNAs are expressed at high levels in latently infected epithelial cells and at lower, albeit detectable, levels in B cells. In contrast to the tissue-specific expression pattern of the BART miRNAs, the BHRF1 miRNAs are found at high levels in B cells undergoing stage III latency but are essentially undetectable in B cells or epithelial cells undergoing stage I or II latency. Induction of lytic EBV replication was found to enhance the expression of many, but not all, of these viral miRNAs. Rhesus lymphocryptovirus, which is separated from EBV by > or =13 million years of evolution, expresses at least 16 distinct miRNAs, seven of which are closely related to EBV miRNAs. Thus, lymphocryptovirus miRNAs are under positive selection and are likely to play important roles in the viral life cycle. Moreover, the differential regulation of EBV miRNA expression implies distinct roles during infection of different human tissues.  相似文献   

Chromosomal loop anchorage sites appear to be evolutionarily conserved   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
We have previously identified a class of DNA sequence elements, termed matrix association regions (MARs), which specifically bind to nuclear matrices in vitro and are believed to be at the bases of chromosomal loops in vivo. Here we demonstrate that nuclear matrices prepared from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae will specifically bind an MAR sequence derived from the mouse kappa light chain immunoglobulin gene. This suggests that both MAR sequences and their binding sites have been strongly evolutionarily conserved.  相似文献   

The function of the mammalian TIMELESS protein (TIM) has been enigmatic. TIM is essential for early embryonic development, but little is known regarding its biochemical and cellular function. Although identified based on similarity to a Drosophila circadian clock factor, it also shares similarity with a second family of proteins that is more widely conserved throughout eukaryotes. Members of this second protein family in yeast (S.c. Tof1p, S.p. Swi1p) have been implicated in DNA synthesis, S-phase-dependent checkpoint activation and chromosome cohesion, three processes coordinated at the level of the replication fork complex. The present work demonstrates that mammalian TIM and its constitutive binding partner, Tipin (ortholog of S.c. Csm3p, S.p. Swi3p), are replisome-associated proteins. Both proteins associate with components of the endogenous replication fork complex, and are present at BrdU-positive DNA replication sites. Knock-down of TIM also compromises DNA replication efficiency. Further, the direct binding of the TIM-Tipin complex to the 34 kDa subunit of replication protein A provides a biochemical explanation for the potential coupling role of these proteins. Like TIM, Tipin is also involved in the molecular mechanism of UV-dependent checkpoint activation and cell growth arrest. Tipin additionally associates with peroxiredoxin2 and appears to be involved in checkpoint responses to H(2)O(2), a role recently described for yeast versions of TIM and Tipin. Together, this work establishes TIM and Tipin as functional orthologs of their replisome-associated yeast counterparts capable of coordinating replication with genotoxic stress responses, and distinguishes mammalian TIM from the circadian-specific paralogs from which it was originally identified.  相似文献   

In order to define functional regions within ribosomal RNA, we have identified areas of the molecule which have been conserved during evolution. Our previous studies showed that there is evolutionary conservation between the rRNAs of different eukaryotes and that the sequences conserved between distantly related species are a subset of those conserved between closely related species. In the present work, we have employed DNA-DNA and DNA-RNA hybridization techniques to localize these conserved regions to mapped restriction fragments 50 to 300 base-pairs in length within cloned Xenopus laevis ribosomal DNA. Our experiments have detected evolutionary conservation only within the coding regions, suggesting that if there is any conservation within the spacers, these sequences must be very short. Regions of conservation can be classified either by evolutionary distance or by the extent of conservation between two species. Three regions, including one near the 3' end of 18 S and two near the 3' end of 28 S rRNA are conserved over great evolutionary distance, that is between Escherichia coli and X. laevis. In addition, several fragments in the central portions of the 188 and 28 S rRNAs are exceptional in the extent of their conservation between yeast and Xenopus. We have been able to correlate the regions we have defined as conserved with certain structural or functional roles, such as initiation of translation, possible interaction with transfer RNA, rRNA methylation, and the site where intervening sequences interrupt some eukaryotic rRNAs. As a result, these studies serve to define relatively short (less than 300 base-pairs) segments within the almost 11,000 base X. laevis rDNA repeat unit which are worthy of further investigation.  相似文献   

Most organisms maintain a transmembrane sodium gradient for cell function. Despite the importance of Na(+) in physiology, no directly Na(+)-responsive signalling molecules are known. The CyaB1 and CyaB2 adenylyl cyclases of the cyanobacterium Anabaena PCC 7120 are inhibited by Na(+). A D360A mutation in the GAF-B domain of CyaB1 ablated cAMP-mediated autoregulation and Na(+) inhibition. Na(+) bound the isolated GAF domains of CyaB2. cAMP blocked Na(+) binding to GAF domains but Na(+) had no effect on cAMP binding. Na(+) altered GAF domain structure indicating a mechanism of inhibition independent of cAMP binding. DeltacyaB1 and DeltacyaB2 mutant strains did not grow below 0.6 mM Na(+) and DeltacyaB1 cells possessed defects in Na(+)/H(+) antiporter function. Replacement of the CyaB1 GAF domains with those of rat phosphodiesterase type 2 revealed that Na(+) inhibition has been conserved since the eukaryotic/bacterial divergence. CyaB1 and CyaB2 are the first identified directly Na(+)-responsive signalling molecules that function in sodium homeostasis and we propose a subset of GAF domains underpin an evolutionarily conserved Na(+) signalling mechanism.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine sensitivity and specificity of Pap tests for osteopenia and osteoporosis using bone mineral density (BMD) with dual x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) as the reference standard. STUDY DESIGN: DXA measurement was performed on 136 routine Pap smears. Results of DXA measurement were expressed in T-scores, indicating degree of deviation compared to a young adult population of same age and gender. Smears were grouped into atrophic and mature cell patterns. Using a stereologic analysis, mean areas of squamous cells, their nuclei and their cytoplasm were estimated. RESULTS: There was significant positive correlation between cell area and T-score (p < 0.001), as well as between cytoplasm area and T-score (p < 0.001). There was no significant relationship between nucleus area and T-score (p > 0.05). Mean T-scores of patients with atrophic cells were significantly lower than mean T-scores of patients with mature cell patterns (p < 0.001). The group including patients with atrophic or mature cells had a sensitivity of 61.4% and specificity of 86.4%, with positive predictive value of 95.9% in detecting patients with osteopenia or osteoporosis. CONCLUSION: Women with atrophic smear pattern are susceptible to osteopenia or osteoporosis; many cases could be detected with routine Pap test without additional costs.  相似文献   

RNAi is a highly conserved mechanism in almost every eukaryote with a few exceptions including the model organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae. A recent study showed that the introduction of the two core components of canonical RNAi systems, Argonaute and Dicer, from another budding yeast, Saccharomyces castellii, restores RNAi in S. cerevisiae. We report here that a functional RNAi system can be reconstituted in yeast with the introduction of only S. castellii Dicer and human Argonaute2. Interestingly, whether or not TRBP2 was present, human Dicer was unable to restore RNAi with either S. castellii or human Argonaute. Contrary to previous reports, we find that human Dicer, TRBP2 and Argonaute2 are not sufficient to reconstitute RNAi in yeast when bona fide RNAi precursors are co-expressed. We and others have previously reported that Hsp90 regulates conformational changes in human and Drosophila Argonautes required to accommodate the loading of dsRNA duplexes. Here we show that the activities of both human and S. castellii Argonaute are subject to Hsp90 regulation in S. cerevisiae. In summary, our results suggest that regulation of the RNAi machinery by Hsp90 may have evolved at the same time as ancestral RNAi.  相似文献   

Six glycine residues of human muscle acylphosphatase (AcP) are evolutionarily conserved across the three domains of life. We have generated six variants of AcP, each having a glycine substituted by an alanine (G15A, G19A, G37A, G45A, G53A, and G69A). Three additional variants had Gly45 replaced by serine, glutamate, and arginine, respectively. The mutational variants do not, on average, have a lower conformational stability than other variants with substitutions of nonconserved residues. In addition, only the G15A variant is enzymatically inactive. However, all variants, with the exception of the G15A mutant, form amyloid aggregates more rapidly than the wild-type. Dynamic light-scattering experiments carried out under conditions close to physiological confirm that aggregate formation is generally more pronounced for the glycine-substituted variants. Apart from the glycine at position 15, all other conserved glycine residues in this protein could have been maintained during evolution because of their ability to inhibit aggregation.  相似文献   

Bacterial heat shock proteins (hsp) are evolutionary conserved immunodominant proteins that manifest amino acid homologies with hsp present in mammalian cells. Preimmunization with mycobacterial hsp65 has been found to protect against various forms of experimental arthritis. As these protective effects have previously been attributed to induction of self homologue cross-reactive T cell responses, the question was raised as to whether this protective effect could be extended to other highly conserved and immunodominant microbial Ags with mammalian homologues. Therefore, we immunized Lewis rats with conserved bacterial Ags (superoxide dismutase, aldolase, GAPDH, and hsp70). Although all Ags appeared highly immunogenic, we only found a protective effect in experimental arthritis after immunization with bacterial hsp70. The protective effect of hsp70 was accompanied with a switch in the subclasses of hsp70-specific Abs, suggesting the induction of Th2-like response. The most striking difference between immunization with hsp70 and all other immunodominant Ags was the expression of IL-10 found after immunization with hsp70. Even more, while immunization with hsp70 led to Ag-induced production of IL-10 and IL-4, immunization with aldolase led to increased production of IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha. Thus, the protective effect of conserved immunodominant proteins in experimental arthritis seems to be a specific feature of hsp. Therefore, hsp may offer unique possibilities for immunological intervention in inflammatory diseases.  相似文献   

Macromolecular oligomeric assemblies are involved in many biochemical processes of living organisms. The benefits of such assemblies in crowded cellular environments include increased reaction rates, efficient feedback regulation, cooperativity and protective functions. However, an atom‐level structural determination of large assemblies is challenging due to the size of the complex and the difference in binding affinities of the involved proteins. In this study, we propose a novel combinatorial greedy algorithm for assembling large oligomeric complexes from information on the approximate position of interaction interfaces of pairs of monomers in the complex. Prior information on complex symmetry is not required but rather the symmetry is inferred during assembly. We implement an efficient geometric score, the transformation match score, that bypasses the model ranking problems of state‐of‐the‐art scoring functions by scoring the similarity between the inferred dimers of the same monomer simultaneously with different binding partners in a (sub)complex with a set of pregenerated docking poses. We compiled a diverse benchmark set of 308 homo and heteromeric complexes containing 6 to 60 monomers. To explore the applicability of the method, we considered 48 sets of parameters and selected those three sets of parameters, for which the algorithm can correctly reconstruct the maximum number, namely 252 complexes (81.8%) in, at least one of the respective three runs. The crossvalidation coverage, that is, the mean fraction of correctly reconstructed benchmark complexes during crossvalidation, was 78.1%, which demonstrates the ability of the presented method to correctly reconstruct topology of a large variety of biological complexes. Proteins 2015; 83:1887–1899. © 2015 The Authors. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The phylogenetically conserved U14 small nucleolar RNA is required for processing of rRNA, and this function involves base pairing with conserved complementary sequences in 18S RNA. With a view to identifying other important U14 interactions, a stem-loop domain required for activity of Saccharomyces cerevisiae U14 RNAs (the Y domain) was first subjected to detailed mutational analysis. The mapping results showed that most nucleotides of the Y domain can be replaced without affecting function, except for loop nucleotides conserved among five different yeast species. Defective variants were then used to identify both intragenic and extragenic suppressor mutations. All of the intragenic mutations mapped within six nucleotides of the primary mutation, suggesting that suppression involves a change in conformation and that the loop element is involved in an essential intermolecular interaction rather than intramolecular base pairing. A high-copy extragenic suppressor gene, designated DBP4 (DEAD box protein 4), encodes an essential, putative RNA helicase of the DEAD-DEXH box family. Suppression by DBP4 (initially CA4 [T.-H. Chang, J. Arenas, and J. Abelson, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 87:1571-1575, 1990]) restores the level of 18S rRNA and is specific for the Y domain but is not allele specific. DBP4 is predicted to function either in assembly of the U14 small nucleolar RNP or, more likely, in its interaction with other components of the rRNA processing apparatus. Mediating the interaction of U14 with precursor 18S RNA is an especially attractive possibility.  相似文献   

Recent observational studies form oligotrophic waters provide ample evidence that mixotrophic flagellates often account for the bulk of bacterivory. However, we lack a general framework that allows a mechanistic understanding of success of mixotrophs in the competition with heterotrophic bacterivores. This is especially needed for integrating mixotrophy in models of the microbial loop. Based on general tradeoffs linked to the combined resource use in mixotrophs (generalist versus specialist), we propose a concept where mixotrophs are favored by conditions of high light – low losses, corresponding to the situation found in the surface waters of oligotrophic oceans. Under such conditions, they can achieve positive net growth at very low resource levels, allowing simultaneous competition with specialized protists. Conversely, heterotrophic bacterivores and photoautotrophs should be especially favored in more productive and low‐light conditions. We show experimentally that the combined effect of light and loss rates (dilution) predicts the success of mixotrophic bacterivorous flagellates. Moreover, our results suggest that total bacterivory, contrary as seen in the traditional microbial loop concept, has a more intricate coupling to light.  相似文献   

The centromere regions (CEN) of all eight chromosomes in Candida albicans have been characterized in terms of nucleotide sequence and size. The boundaries of each of the eight CEN DNA regions were mapped by chromatin immunoprecipitation-PCR using polyclonal rabbit antibodies generated against C. albicans centromere-specific protein CaCse4p (CENP-A homolog). A single 3–4.5 kb unique DNA sequence on each chromosome was found to be bound to CaCse4p. Sequence analysis revealed that the eight CEN regions in C. albicans lack any conserved DNA sequence motifs common to the group; all are quite different in overall DNA sequence. In contrast to centromeres in many organisms, the C. albicans centromeres are generally free of repeated DNA elements and transposons. However, a few small inverted repeats and long terminal repeats do occur in the centromeric and pericentric regions on a few chromosomes. We also characterized the CEN DNAs in four groups of phylogenetically divergent C. albicans strains, estimated to be separated from each other by 1–3 million years. The same eight different and unique 3–4.5 kb DNA sequences are utilized as centromeres in all of these strains. The chromosomal locations and the sizes of CEN DNAs have remained conserved, in agreement with the idea that CEN function in C. albicans is templated by heritable epigenetic mechanisms. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Nucleotide sequence data reported are available in the GenBank database under the accession numbers EF062821–EF062835 and EF620874–EF620896.  相似文献   

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