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WW结构域是由38~40个氨基酸残基严密组织形成一个连贯、紧凑的结构域;它以包含两个色氨酸残基为主要特征,能专一地与含有XPPXY保守序列的蛋白质相互作用.这种相互作用涉及许多细胞内事件,如非受体信号传导、转录调节、蛋白质降解等等,并且这种相互作用的变化会直接或间接影响到人体的正常生理代谢功能而引起疾病.  相似文献   

TPR蛋白家庭成员功能复杂,均含有TPR基序。该基序是一个含有34个氨基酸的重复序列,通常串行排列。通过形成特殊的空间结构,介导蛋白质的相互作用,并在一些重要的蛋白复合物形成中非常重要。本文拟就TPR基序的结构及功能作一简要综述。  相似文献   

付娜  王捷 《生命的化学》2007,27(5):436-439
大肠杆菌是外源蛋白质的首选表达系统,但蛋白质易被宿主细胞蛋白酶降解或聚集形成包含体。包含体与淀粉样蛋白纤维的形成过程相似,都依赖于特异性氨基酸序列的分子间相互作用。因此,淀粉样蛋白质抗聚集的方法也可用于防止细菌表达蛋白质的聚集。另外,基于序列的新型方法也能调节蛋白质聚集。  相似文献   

蛋白质PX结构域的结构和功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文重点介绍了近年不断发现的许多蛋白质结构中含有一个特异的结构域(hox homolog)-PX结构域。蛋白质通过PX结构域与膜肌醇磷脂结合靶蛋白质结合到细胞膜上,然后发挥蛋白质的各自功能。现已鉴定含PX结构域的蛋白质约有100多种,这些蛋白质参与蛋白质转运和信号转导。  相似文献   

蛋白质二硫键异构酶分布很广,种属间比较保守,定位于内质网膜上,组织分布、活力水平与含二硫键的蛋白质的合成平行,而且底物专一性很差,催化巯基二硫键交换,提示它可能参与蛋白质的生物合成。  相似文献   

α-synuclein蛋白的异常聚集在共核蛋白病的发病过程中起到了关键性作用。与α-synuclein相互作用的蛋白质对其异常聚集起着不同的调节作用,有的蛋白质(如:蛋白synphilin-1、微管蛋白、A-β肽等)会促进α-synuclein蛋白的异常聚集,而另外一些蛋白质(如:膜联蛋白A5、基于自识别元素设计的小肽等)却能够抑制α-synuclein蛋白的异常聚集。认识与α-synuclein相互作用的蛋白,并研究其作用位点,是从分子水平上理解α-synuclein蛋白质异常聚集、揭示共核蛋白病致病机制,以及设计新药物的基础。分子动力学模拟为开展这方面研究开辟了新的途径。文章对该领域的研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

泛蛋白-蛋白酶体系统(UPS)在细胞的质量控制上起关键作用,细胞内的蛋白质聚集能抑制UPS的机能,这或许是许多神经变性疾病神经元死亡的原因。  相似文献   

高通量的蛋白质互作数据与结构域互作数据的出现,使得在蛋白质组学领域内研究人类蛋白质结构互作网络,进一步揭示蛋白质结构与功能间的潜在关系成为可能.蛋白质上广泛分布的结构域被认为是蛋白质结构、功能以及进化的基本功能单元.然而,结合蛋白质的结构信息(例如蛋白质结构域数目、长度和覆盖率等)来研究这些表象后的内部机制仍然面临着挑战.将蛋白质分为单结构域蛋白质与多结构域蛋白质,并进一步结合蛋白质互作信息与结构域互作信息构建了人类蛋白质结构互作网络;通过与人类蛋白质互作网络进行比较,研究了人类蛋白质结构互作网络的特殊结构特征;对于单结构域蛋白质与多结构域蛋白质,分别进行了功能富集分析、功能离散度分析以及功能一致性分析等.结果发现,将结构域互作信息综合考虑进来后,人类蛋白质结构互作网络可以提供更多的单纯的蛋白质互作网络无法提供的细节信息,揭示蛋白质互作网络的复杂性.  相似文献   

锚蛋白重复序列介导的蛋白质-蛋白质相互作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
锚蛋白重复序列(ANK)是生物体中广泛利用的一种序列模体.ANK模体在ANK结构域中折叠成β2α2结构,在空间上则形成L型结构.数目不等的ANK串联起来, 依靠氢键和疏水相互作用,组成紧密、稳定的结构域,并且形成了种类众多但功能各异的ANK蛋白质分子.ANK结构域介导蛋白质与蛋白质的相互作用,它能够和多种配体结合,实现纷繁复杂的生物功能.着重介绍几类结构已知的ANK家族蛋白质分子及复合物的结构特征、生理功能及与疾病的关系.  相似文献   

目的纯化人源Fank1(fibronectin type Ⅲ and ankyrin repeat domain1)蛋白质N端FN3(fibronectin typeⅢ,Ⅲ型纤黏连蛋白)结构域蛋白,用于晶体生长的三维结构分析。方法将FN3结构域基因片段克隆至原核表达载体pGEX-6P-1中,将菌落PCR和测序鉴定正确的重组质粒转化E.coli BL21(DE3)后获得表达菌株。该菌株经IPTG诱导高效表达出带有GST标签的可溶性的融合蛋白,经过Glutathione Sepha-rose^TM 4B亲和层析、Hiload16/60 superdex200分子筛层析纯化后,蛋白纯度达到95%以上。结果纯化蛋白采用悬滴气相扩散法得到棒状晶体。结论成功制备了高纯度FN3蛋白,获得FN3蛋白质晶体,为进一步的三维结构解析及Fank1功能研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Cozza G  Moro S  Gotte G 《Biopolymers》2008,89(1):26-39
By lyophilization from 40% acetic acid solutions, bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A forms several three-dimensional (3D) domain-swapped oligomers: dimers, trimers, tetramers, pentamers, hexamers, and traces of high-order oligomers, purifiable by cation-exchange chromatography. Each oligomeric species consists of at least two conformers displaying different basicity density, and/or exposure of positive charges. The structures of the two dimers and one trimer have been solved. Plausible models have been proposed for a second RNase A trimer and four tetramers, but not all the models are certainly assignable to the tetramers purified. Further studies have also been made on the pentameric and hexameric species, again without reaching structurally clear-cut results. This work is focused on the detailed modeling of the tetrameric RNase A species, using four different approaches to possibly clarify unknown structural aspects. The results obtained do not confirm the validity of one tetrameric model previously proposed, but allow the proposal of a novel tetrameric structure displaying new interfaces that are absent in the other known conformers. New details concerning other tetrameric structures are also described. RNase A multimers larger than tetramers, i.e., pentamers, hexamers, octamers, nonamers, up to dodecamers, are also modeled, with the proposal of novel domain-swapped structures, and the confirmation of what had previously been inferred. Finally, the propensity of RNase A to possibly form high-order supramolecular multimers is analyzed starting from the large number of domain-swapped RNase A conformers modeled.  相似文献   

Prion diseases appear to be caused by the aggregation of the cellular prion protein (PrP(C)) into an infectious form denoted PrP(Sc). The in vitro aggregation of the prion protein has been extensively investigated, yet many of these studies utilize truncated polypeptides. Because the C-terminal portion of PrP(Sc) is protease-resistant and retains infectivity, it is assumed that studies on this fragment are most relevant. The full-length protein can be distinguished from the truncated protein because it contains a largely structured, alpha-helical, C-terminal region in addition to an N terminus that is unstructured in the absence of metal ion binding. Herein, the in vitro aggregation of a truncated portion of the prion protein (PrP 90-231) and a full-length version (PrP 23-231) were compared. In each case, concentration-dependent aggregation was analyzed to discern whether it proceeds by a nucleation-dependent pathway. Both protein constructs appear to aggregate via a nucleated polymerization with a small nucleus size, yet the later steps differ. The full-length protein forms larger aggregates than the truncated protein, indicating that the N terminus may mediate higher-order aggregation processes. In addition, the N terminus has an influence on the assembly state of PrP before aggregation begins, causing the full-length protein to adopt several oligomeric forms in a neutral pH buffer. Our results emphasize the importance of studying the full-length protein in addition to the truncated forms for in vitro aggregation studies in order to make valid hypotheses about the mechanisms of prion aggregation and the distribution of aggregates in vivo.  相似文献   

Domain swapping has been shown to be an important mechanism controlling multiprotein assembly and has been suggested recently as a possible mechanism underlying protein aggregation. Understanding oligomerization via domain swapping is therefore of theoretical and practical importance. By using a symmetrized structure-based (Gō) model, we demonstrate that in the free-energy landscape of domain swapping, a large free-energy barrier separates monomeric and domain-swapped dimeric configurations. We investigate the effect of finite monomer concentration, by implementing a new semi-analytical method, which involves computing the second virial coefficient, a thermodynamic indicator of inter-molecular interactions. This method, together with the symmetrized structure-based (Gō) model, minimizes the need for expensive many-protein simulations, providing a convenient framework to investigate concentration effect. Finally, we perform direct simulations of domain-swapped trimer formation, showing that this modeling approach can be used for higher-order oligomers.  相似文献   

Stefan Auer  Dimo Kashchiev 《Proteins》2010,78(11):2412-2416
Under favorable conditions, many proteins can assemble into macroscopically large aggregates such as the amyloid fibrils that are associated with Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and other neurological and systemic diseases. The overall process of protein aggregation is characterized by initial lag time during which no detectable aggregation occurs in the solution and by maximal aggregation rate at which the dissolved protein converts into aggregates. In this study, the correlation between the lag time and the maximal rate of protein aggregation is analyzed. It is found that the product of these two quantities depends on a single numerical parameter, the kinetic index of the curve quantifying the time evolution of the fraction of protein aggregated. As this index depends relatively little on the conditions and/or system studied, our finding provides insight into why for many experiments the values of the product of the lag time and the maximal aggregation rate are often equal or quite close to each other. It is shown how the kinetic index is related to a basic kinetic parameter of a recently proposed theory of protein aggregation. Proteins 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The SH3 domain of Eps8 was previously found to form an intertwined, domain-swapped dimer. We report here a monomeric structure of the EPS8 SH3 domain obtained from crystals grown at low pH, as well as an improved domain-swapped dimer structure at 1.8 A resolution. In the domain-swapped dimer the asymmetric unit contains two "hybrid-monomers." In the low pH form there are two independently folded SH3 molecules per asymmetric unit. The formation of intermolecular salt bridges is thought to be the reason for the formation of the dimer. On the basis of the monomer SH3 structure, it is argued that Eps8 SH3 should, in principle, bind to peptides containing a PxxP motif. Recently it was reported that Eps8 SH3 binds to a peptide with a PxxDY motif. Because the "SH3 fold" is conserved, alternate binding sites may be possible for the PxxDY motif to bind. The strand exchange or domain swap occurs at the n-src loops because the n-src loops are flexible. The thermal b-factors also indicate the flexible nature of n-src loops and a possible handle for domain swap initiation. Despite the loop swapping, the typical SH3 fold in both forms is conserved structurally. The interface of the acidic form of SH3 is stabilized by a tetragonal network of water molecules above hydrophobic residues. The intertwined dimer interface is stabilized by hydrophobic and aromatic stacking interactions in the core and by hydrophilic interactions on the surface.  相似文献   

We have previously attempted to simulate domain creation in early protein evolution by recombining polypeptide segments from non-homologous proteins, and we have described the structure of one such de novo protein, 1b11, a segment-swapped tetramer with novel architecture. Here, we have analyzed the thermodynamic stability and folding kinetics of the 1b11 tetramer and its monomeric and dimeric intermediates, and of 1b11 mutants with changes at the domain interface. Denatured 1b11 polypeptides fold into transient, folded monomers with marginal stability (DeltaG<1kcalmol(-1)) which convert rapidly ( approximately 6x10(4)M(-1)s(-1)) into dimers (DeltaG=9.8kcal/mol) and then more slowly ( approximately 3M(-1)s(-1)) into tetramers (DeltaG=28kcalmol(-1)). Segment swapping takes place during dimerization, as suggested by mass spectroscopic analysis of covalently linked peptides derived from proteolysis of a disulfide-linked dimer. Our results confirm that segment swapping and associated oligomerization are both powerful ways of stabilizing proteins, and we suggest that this may have been a feature of early protein evolution.  相似文献   

Khare SD  Wilcox KC  Gong P  Dokholyan NV 《Proteins》2005,61(3):617-632
Diverse point mutations in the enzyme Cu, Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD1) are linked to its aggregation in the familial form of the disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. The disease-associated mutations are known to destabilize the protein, but the structural basis of the aggregation of the destabilized protein and the structure of aggregates are not well understood. Here, we investigate in silico the sequence and structural determinants of SOD1 aggregation: (1) We identify sequence fragments in SOD1 that have a high aggregation propensity, using only the sequence of SOD1, and (2) we perform molecular dynamics simulations of the SOD1 dimer folding and misfolding. In both cases, we identify identical regions of the protein as having high propensity to form intermolecular interactions. These regions correspond to the N- and C-termini, and two crossover loops and two beta-strands in the Greek-key native fold of SOD1. Our results suggest that the high aggregation propensity of mutant SOD1 may result from a synergy of two factors: the presence of highly amyloidogenic sequence fragments ("hot spots"), and the presence of these fragments in regions of the protein that are structurally most likely to form intermolecular contacts under destabilizing conditions. Therefore, we postulate that the balance between the self-association of aggregation-prone sequences and the specific structural context of these sequences in the native state determines the aggregation propensity of proteins.  相似文献   

The misfolding and aggregation of disease proteins is characteristic of numerous neurodegenerative diseases. Particular neuronal populations are more vulnerable to proteotoxicity while others are more apt to tolerate the misfolding and aggregation of disease proteins. Thus, the cellular environment must play a significant role in determining whether disease proteins are converted into toxic or benign forms. The endomembrane network of eukaryotes divides the cell into different subcellular compartments that possess distinct sets of molecular chaperones and protein interaction networks. Chaperones act as agonists and antagonists of disease protein aggregation to prevent the accumulation of toxic intermediates in the aggregation pathway. Interacting partners can also modulate the conformation and localization of disease proteins and thereby influence proteotoxicity. Thus, interplay between these protein homeostasis network components can modulate the self‐association of disease proteins and determine whether they elicit a toxic or benign outcome. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 93: 229–236, 2010. This article was originally published online as an accepted preprint. The “Published Online” date corresponds to the preprint version. You can request a copy of the preprint by emailing the Biopolymers editorial office at biopolymers@wiley.com  相似文献   

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