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Extreme temperatures and exposure to agricultural pesticides are becoming more frequent and intense under global change. Their combination may be especially problematic when animals suffer food limitation. We exposed Coenagrion puella damselfly larvae to a simulated heat wave combined with food limitation and subsequently to a widespread agricultural pesticide (chlorpyrifos) in an indoor laboratory experiment designed to obtain mechanistic insights in the direct effects of these stressors in isolation and when combined. The heat wave reduced immune function (activity of phenoloxidase, PO) and metabolic rate (activity of the electron transport system, ETS). Starvation had both immediate and delayed negative sublethal effects on growth rate and physiology (reductions in Hsp70 levels, total fat content, and activity levels of PO and ETS). Exposure to chlorpyrifos negatively affected all response variables. While the immediate effects of the heat wave were subtle, our results indicate the importance of delayed effects in shaping the total fitness impact of a heat wave when followed by pesticide exposure. Firstly, the combination of delayed negative effects of the heat wave and starvation, and the immediate negative effect of chlorpyrifos considerably (71%) reduced larval growth rate. Secondly and more strikingly, chlorpyrifos only caused considerable (ca. 48%) mortality in larvae that were previously exposed to the combination of the heat wave and starvation. This strong delayed synergism for mortality could be explained by the cumulative metabolic depression caused by each of these stressors. Further studies with increased realism are needed to evaluate the consequences of the here‐identified delayed synergisms at the level of populations and communities. This is especially important as this synergism provides a novel explanation for the poorly understood potential of heat waves and of sublethal pesticide concentrations to cause mass mortality.  相似文献   

With rapid global change, organisms in natural systems are exposed to a multitude of stressors that likely co‐occur, with uncertain impacts. We explored individual and cumulative effects of co‐occurring environmental stressors on the striking, yet poorly understood, phenomenon of facultative migration. We reared offspring of a brown trout population that naturally demonstrates facultative anadromy (sea migration), under different environmental stressor treatments and measured life history responses in terms of migratory tactics and freshwater maturation rates. Juvenile fish were exposed to reduced food availability, temperatures elevated to 1.8°C above natural conditions or both treatments in combination over 18 months of experimental tank rearing. When considered in isolation, reduced food had negative effects on the size, mass and condition of fish across the experiment. We detected variable effects of warm temperatures (negative effects on size and mass, but positive effect on lipids). When combined with food restriction, temperature effects on these traits were less pronounced, implying antagonistic stressor effects on morphological traits. Stressors combined additively, but had opposing effects on life history tactics: migration increased and maturation rates decreased under low food conditions, whereas the opposite occurred in the warm temperature treatment. Not all fish had expressed maturation or migration tactics by the end of the study, and the frequency of these ‘unassigned’ fish was higher in food deprivation treatments, but lower in warm treatments. Fish showing migration tactics were smaller and in poorer condition than fish showing maturation tactics, but were similar in size to unassigned fish. We further detected effects of food restriction on hypo‐osmoregulatory function of migrants that may influence the fitness benefits of the migratory tactic at sea. We also highlight that responses to multiple stressors may vary depending on the response considered. Collectively, our results indicate contrasting effects of environmental stressors on life history trajectories in a facultatively migratory species.  相似文献   

Chlorpyrifos is an organophosphate pesticide among the most widely used in the world, which is suspected to be an endocrine-disrupting compound. To determine the capacity of chlorpyrifos to affect gonadal differentiation in Rana dalmatina, tadpoles were exposed to this pesticide during larval development until completion of metamorphosis at ecologically relevant concentrations (0.025 and 0.05 mg/L). No effects of chlorpyrifos exposure on survival, development, or metamorphosis were observed. After a 1 month metamorphosis, the gonadal phenotype was determined by gross morphology and histological examination. Morphological and histological analysis revealed normal ovaries or testes in froglets belonging to control group, whereas testes from several froglets exposed to chlorpyrifos were interspersed with testicular oocytes in histological sections. Chlorpyrifos exposure during the entire larval period did not affect sex ratio, but reduced the percentage of males with histologically normal testes. The findings suggest that chlorpyrifos exposure has significant effects on gonadal differentiation in some animals by inducing an intersex condition and alterations to testicular morphology, and that R. dalmatina is sensitive to endocrine disruption. Thereby, this study provides evidence that the ecologically relevant concentrations of chlorpyrifos, although not adversely affect the survival, development, or metamorphosis, may interfere with sex differentiation and reproductive development of R. dalmatina via endocrine-disrupting mechanisms.  相似文献   

The impact of widespread and common environmental factors, such as chemical contaminants, on infectious disease risk in amphibians is particularly important because both chemical contaminants and infectious disease have been implicated in worldwide amphibian declines. Here we report on the lone and combined effects of exposure to parasitic cercariae (larval stage) of the digenetic trematode, Acanthostomum burminis, and four commonly used pesticides (insecticides: chlorpyrifos, dimethoate; herbicides: glyphosate, propanil) at ecologically relevant concentrations on the survival, growth, and development of the common hourglass tree frog, Polypedates cruciger Blyth 1852. There was no evidence of any pesticide-induced mortality on cercariae because all the cercariae successfully penetrated each tadpole host regardless of pesticide treatment. In isolation, both cercarial and pesticide exposure significantly decreased frog survival, development, and growth, and increased developmental malformations, such as scoliosis, kyphosis, and also edema and skin ulcers. The combination of cercariae and pesticides generally posed greater risk to frogs than either factor alone by decreasing survival or growth or increasing time to metamorphosis or malformations. The exception was that lone exposure to chlorpyrifos had higher mortality without than with cercariae. Consistent with mathematical models that suggest that stress should increase the impact of generalist parasites, the weight of the evidence from the field and laboratory suggests that ecologically relevant concentrations of agrochemicals generally increase the threat that trematodes pose to amphibians, highlighting the importance of elucidating interactions between anthropogenic activities and infectious disease in taxa of conservation concern.  相似文献   

Pesticides such as organophosphorus and organochlorine compounds commonly used in agriculture for achieving better quality products are toxic substances and lead to generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) which have harmful effects on human health. While pyrethroid pesticides are used in preference to organophosphates and organochlorines due to their high effectiveness, low toxicity to non-target organisms and easy biodegradability, they may also produce oxidative stress. Thus, we investigated the effects of chlorpyrifos (CP, an organophosphate) and deltamethrin (DM, a pyrethroid pesticide) treatments at low and high doses on lipid peroxidation (LPO) and antioxidant enzyme activities such as SOD, GSH-Px and CAT in rat liver following 16 weeks exposure. Antioxidative defence mechanisms and lipid peroxidation in rat liver tissues display different responses depending on different pesticide treatments and doses. Biochemical analysis showed that administrations of the chlorpyrifos and deltamethrin cause liver damage. In the present study, we observed that lipid peroxidation levels are higher at high doses than at low doses, but DM caused more pronounced increase than CP. Experimentally, we have also observed that oxidant-antioxidant balance is more affected by deltamethrin treatment than by chlorpyrifos.  相似文献   

Global climate change poses one of the greatest threats to biodiversity. Most analyses of the potential biological impacts have focused on changes in mean temperature, but changes in thermal variance will also impact organisms and populations. We assessed the combined effects of the mean and variance of temperature on thermal tolerances, organismal survival, and population growth in Drosophila melanogaster. Because the performance of ectotherms relates nonlinearly to temperature, we predicted that responses to thermal variation (±0° or ±5°C) would depend on the mean temperature (17° or 24°C). Consistent with our prediction, thermal variation enhanced the rate of population growth (r(max)) at a low mean temperature but depressed this rate at a high mean temperature. The interactive effect on fitness occurred despite the fact that flies improved their heat and cold tolerances through acclimation to thermal conditions. Flies exposed to a high mean and a high variance of temperature recovered from heat coma faster and survived heat exposure better than did flies that developed at other conditions. Relatively high survival following heat exposure was associated with low survival following cold exposure. Recovery from chill coma was affected primarily by the mean temperature; flies acclimated to a low mean temperature recovered much faster than did flies acclimated to a high mean temperature. To develop more realistic predictions about the biological impacts of climate change, one must consider the interactions between the mean environmental temperature and the variance of environmental temperature.  相似文献   

The ability of first instar nymphs and newly moulted pre-reproductive adults of the grain aphid S. avenae to rapidly cold harden was investigated. When nymphs reared at 20 degrees C were transferred directly to -8 degrees C for 3 h, there was 18% survival. This exposure was selected as the discriminating temperature. Maximum increases in survival were achieved by acclimating nymphs for 2 h at 0 degrees C and adults for 3 h at 0 degrees C, resulting in survival of 83% and 68%, respectively. Cooling nymphs from 10 to 0 degrees C at different rates (1, 0.1 and 0.05 degrees C min(-1)) also increased cold hardiness, with the slowest rate of 0.05 degrees C min(-1) conferring the highest survival following exposure to the discriminating temperature. Adult aphids also expressed a rapid cold hardening response but to a lesser extent, with survival increasing from 16% to 68% following 3 h at 0 degrees C. There were no 'ecological costs' associated with rapid cold hardening in terms of development, longevity or fecundity. The data support the hypothesis that rapid cold hardening can be induced during the cooling phase of natural diurnal temperature cycles, allowing insects to track daily changes in environmental temperatures.  相似文献   

The harpacticoid copepod Microarthridion littorale (Poppe) was tested for interaction effects between salinity change and acute pesticide exposure on the survival and genotypic composition of a South Carolina population. Previous data suggested a significant link between a combined exposure to chlorpyrifos (CHPY) and dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane (DDT) and mitochondrial haplotype in the cytochrome b apoenzyme for this euryhaline species when exposed at 12-ppt salinity seawater. Our tests demonstrate a significant non-linear survival response for M. littorale to short-term immersion (24 h) in 3-, 12- and 35-ppt seawater, with copepods transferred to 12-ppt seawater having the lowest survival. There was significant statistical interaction between salinity and pesticide exposure for the dependent variable “survival.” However, changes in genetic composition of survivors were not significant, and they were complicated by extremely low survival in the pesticide/3 ppt and pesticide/36 ppt treatments. As noted for many studies of harpacticoids, males faired worse than females in all treatments, with none surviving pesticide exposure at 45 μg/l CHPY and 6 μg/l DDT.  相似文献   

In temperate regions, an organism's ability to rapidly adapt to seasonally varying environments is essential for its survival. In response to seasonal changes in selection pressure caused by variation in temperature, humidity, and food availability, some organisms exhibit plastic changes in phenotype. In other cases, seasonal variation in selection pressure can rapidly increase the frequency of genotypes that offer survival or reproductive advantages under the current conditions. Little is known about the relative influences of plastic and genetic changes in short‐lived organisms experiencing seasonal environmental fluctuations. Cold hardening is a seasonally relevant plastic response in which exposure to cool, but nonlethal, temperatures significantly increases the organism's ability to later survive at freezing temperatures. In the present study, we demonstrate seasonal variation in cold hardening in Drosophila melanogaster and test the extent to which plasticity and adaptive tracking underlie that seasonal variation. We measured the post‐cold hardening freeze tolerance of flies from outdoor mesocosms over the summer, fall, and winter. We bred outdoor mesocosm‐caught flies for two generations in the laboratory and matched each outdoor cohort to an indoor control cohort of similar genetic background. We cold hardened all flies under controlled laboratory conditions and then measured their post‐cold hardening freeze tolerance. Comparing indoor and field‐caught flies and their laboratory‐reared G1 and G2 progeny allowed us to determine the roles of seasonal environmental plasticity, parental effects, and genetic changes on cold hardening. We also tested the relationship between cold hardening and other factors, including age, developmental density, food substrate, presence of antimicrobials, and supplementation with live yeast. We found strong plastic responses to a variety of field‐ and laboratory‐based environmental effects, but no evidence of seasonally varying parental or genetic effects on cold hardening. We therefore conclude that seasonal variation in post‐cold hardening freeze tolerance results from environmental influences and not genetic changes.  相似文献   

低温和饥饿对华贵栉孔扇贝幼虫生长和存活的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了弄清我国南方低温季节能否利用自然水温进行华贵栉孔扇贝人工育苗以及饵料缺乏对幼虫的影响,于2008年10月上旬和11月下旬,分别在水温25.5—28.0℃和18.2—22.5℃条件下,研究了低温和饥饿对幼虫生长、存活的影响。实验分两次设置常温、低温和饥饿3个组进行。结果表明,低温情况下,幼虫摄食较少,活力差、绝大部分沉入水底,生长缓慢,发育迟缓,但存活率仍较高;饥饿不但抑制幼虫的生长和发育,同时也显著地降低幼虫的存活率。此外,低温和饥饿的结合会加剧对幼虫生长、发育、存活等的抑制作用。这些结果说明在我国南方水温低于23℃的季节利用自然水温已不适合进行华贵栉孔扇贝苗种生产。  相似文献   

SUMMARY. The acute toxicity of the pesticide γ-hexachlorocyclohexane (Lindane) to Gammarus pulex was determined by a standard procedure and by a modification of the conventional toxicity test protocol. Animals were exposed to a range of concentrations for various periods of time from 1 to 1000 min and transferred to clean water. Animals continued to die for up to 3 weeks after the initial exposure to the poison. Toxicity curves were obtained expressing the relationships between concentration of poison and median survival time (LT50) and between concentration of poison and median lethal exposure time, i.e., the duration of exposure required to cause the eventual death of half the animals. For a given concentration of pesticide, the duration of exposure which will cause 50% mortality is far less than is indicated by a conventional toxicity test in which animals are continuously exposed to the poison. It is suggested that the results of conventional acute lethal toxicity tests may have limited predictive value even when applied to field situations involving the discharge of lethal levels of pollutants to receiving waters.  相似文献   

高温及水稻类型对灰飞虱种群的影响   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
近年来,灰飞虱Laodelphax striatellus(Fall n)在江浙等地呈明显上升态势。采用不同温度及水稻类型处理灰飞虱若虫,获得灰飞虱种群在不同处理组合下的存活率、发育进度及抗寒力。结果表明,35℃的高温下,灰飞虱各龄若虫无论在杂交籼稻还是粳稻上,其发育进度均比25~30℃推迟2~7d。35℃高温下若虫死亡率较高,并且不能正常羽化。粳稻上饲养的灰飞虱若虫的存活率明显高于杂交籼稻,但水稻类型和温度对灰飞虱存活率的影响不存在明显的互作作用。在适宜温度下(27~30℃)用杂交籼稻饲养的灰飞虱,其过冷却点及结冰点均要比在高温(35℃)或低温(25℃)下饲养的低。在26~30.5℃变温条件下,杂交籼稻上饲养的灰飞虱的过冷却点和结冰点显著低于粳稻上饲养的,而且不同温度和水稻类型上的灰飞虱的过冷却点均低于零下10℃。可见江浙稻区冬季低温对灰飞虱的越冬已不存在制约作用。温度和水稻类型的变化是近年灰飞虱暴发成灾的重要原因。  相似文献   

First instar nymphs and adults of the grain aphid Sirobion auenae that had been reared at 10°C and 20°C over a number of generations, were cooled to -5°C and -10°C for 1 h and 6 h and returned to 20°C to assess the effects of brief exposures to low temperatures (cold-pulses) on their survival. rate of development, longevity and fecundity. A strong acclimation response was observed in first instar nymphs, with significantly less mortality in groups reared to 10°C compared to 20°C. Mean development time from first instar to adult was not significantly affected by low temperature exposure at the first nymphal stage. Longevity in all groups cooled as first instars was reduced by the sub-zero cold-pulses, and was also dependent on temperature and exposure time. Acclimated aphids survived longer than non-acclimated individuals. Reproductive rate, in terms of the number of nymphs born per aphid per day, was unaffected by cold stress applied at the first instar stage. Total fecundity was however reduced, being a function of the number and longevity of the survivors. Adult aphids were less cold hardy than nymphs; mortality was higher at -10°C than -5°C increasing with duration of exposure from 1 h to 6 h. Mean fecundity was reduced significantly in aphids cooled at the adult stage, the number of aphids born per day decreasing as the exposure period of the cold-pulse increased, suggesting that low temperature had affected embryogenesis. All the nymphs born to adults surviving exposure to -5°C for 6 h died within 48 h of birth, indicating that low temperature has a pre-natal effect on mortality.  相似文献   

The costs and benefits of being social vary with environmental conditions, so individuals must weigh the balance between these trade-offs in response to changes in the environment. Temperature is a salient environmental factor that may play a key role in altering the costs and benefits of sociality through its effects on food availability, predator abundance, and other ecological parameters. In ectotherms, changes in temperature also have direct effects on physiological traits linked to social behaviour, such as metabolic rate and locomotor performance. In light of climate change, it is therefore important to understand the potential effects of temperature on sociality. Here, we took the advantage of a ‘natural experiment’ of threespine sticklebacks from contrasting thermal environments in Iceland: geothermally warmed water bodies (warm habitats) and adjacent ambient-temperature water bodies (cold habitats) that were either linked (sympatric) or physically distinct (allopatric). We first measured the sociability of wild-caught adult fish from warm and cold habitats after acclimation to a low and a high temperature. At both acclimation temperatures, fish from the allopatric warm habitat were less social than those from the allopatric cold habitat, whereas fish from sympatric warm and cold habitats showed no differences in sociability. To determine whether differences in sociability between thermal habitats in the allopatric population were heritable, we used a common garden breeding design where individuals from the warm and the cold habitat were reared at a low or high temperature for two generations. We found that sociability was indeed heritable but also influenced by rearing temperature, suggesting that thermal conditions during early life can play an important role in influencing social behaviour in adulthood. By providing the first evidence for a causal effect of rearing temperature on social behaviour, our study provides novel insights into how a warming world may influence sociality in animal populations.  相似文献   

The survival of a mouse in the wild depends on its reaction to the environment (food, climate, social conditions, cover, disease and predation), and this depends on the condition or ‘vigour’ of the animal itself. In general an animal increases in vigour until adulthood, and then begins to decrease, in House mice, at an age of approximately 100 days. These changes can be described as ageing; they lead to the characteristic U-shaped mortality curves deduced from life-tables in a wide variety of mammalian species. Another factor that has to be taken into consideration is genotype, since animals of different genotype may respond differently to environmental stresses. A large number of deaths in wild-living House mouse populations in Britain are temperature-dependent. Animals may respond to cold either physiologically or behaviourally, but it is possible to distinguish between winter survivors and non-survivors with a fair degree of accuracy on the basis of physiological measurements made in the autumn (i.e. before the time of environmental stress). Nevertheless, any general survival model must incorporate environmental, ontogenetic, and genetic factors and their interactions. A simple model is proposed. Animals are not always struggling for existence. They spend most of their time doing nothing in particular. But when they do begin, they spend the greater part of their lives eating (Charles Elton).  相似文献   

A rapid cold hardening response was studied in diapause and non-diapause females of the predatory mite Euseius finlandicus. When laboratory reared diapause and non-diapause females were transferred and maintained from the rearing temperature of 20 degrees C for 2 h to -11.5 degrees C and -10 degrees C, 10 to 20% survived respectively. However, conditioning of diapause females for 4 h at a range of temperatures from 0 to 10 degrees C before their exposure for 2 h to -11.5 degrees C, increased survival to approximately 90%. Similarly, conditioning of non-diapause females for 4 h at 5 degrees C before their exposure for 2 h to -10 degrees C increased survival to 90%. A similar rapid cold hardening response in both diapause and non-diapause females was also induced through gradual cooling of the mites, at a rate of approximately 0.4 degrees C per min. The rapid increase in cold tolerance after prior conditioning of the mites to low temperatures, was rapidly lost when they returned to a higher temperature of 20 degrees C. Rapid cold hardening extended the survival time of diapause and non-diapause females at sub-zero temperatures. The cost of rapid cold hardening in reproductive potential after diapause termination was negligible. In non-diapause females, however, the increase in cold tolerance gained through gradual cooling could not prevent cold shock injuries, as both fecundity and survival were reduced.  相似文献   

Although it has been suggested that temperature increase may alter the toxic potential of environmental pollutants, few studies have investigated the potential risk of chemical stressors for wildlife under Global Climate Change (GCC) impact. We applied a bifactorial multigeneration study in order to test if GCC conditions alter the effects of low pesticide concentrations on life history and genetic diversity of the aquatic model organism Chironomus riparius. Experimental populations of the species were chronically exposed to a low concentration of the fungicide pyrimethanil (half of the no-observed-adverse-effect concentration: NOAEC/2) under two dynamic present-day temperature simulations (11.0-22.7°C; 14.0-25.2°C) and one future scenario (16.5-28.1°C). During the 140-day multigeneration study, survival, emergence, reproduction, population growth, and genetic diversity of C. riparius were analyzed. Our results reveal that high temperature and pyrimethanil act synergistically on the midge C. riparius. In simulated present-day scenarios, a NOAEC/2 of pyrimethanil as derived from a life-cycle toxicity test provoked only slight-to-moderate beneficial or adverse effects on C. riparius. In contrast, exposure to a NOAEC/2 concentration of pyrimethanil at a thermal situation likely for a summer under GCC conditions uncovered adverse effects on mortality and population growth rate. In addition, genetic diversity was considerably reduced by pyrimethanil in the future scenario, but only slightly under current climatic conditions. Our multigeneration study under near-natural (climatic) conditions indicates that not only the impact of climate change, but also low concentrations of pesticides may pose a reasonable risk for aquatic insects in future.  相似文献   

Thiamethoxam is a widely used neonicotinoid pesticide that, as agonist of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, has been shown to elicit a variety of sublethal effects in honey bees. However, information concerning neonicotinoid effects on honey bee thermoregulation is lacking. Thermoregulation is an essential ability for the honey bee that guarantees the success of foraging and many in-hive tasks, especially brood rearing. We tested the effects of acute exposure to thiamethoxam (0.2, 1, 2 ng/bee) on the thorax temperatures of foragers exposed to low (22 °C) and high (33 °C) temperature environments. Thiamethoxam significantly altered honey bee thorax temperature at all doses tested; the effects elicited varied depending on the environmental temperature and pesticide dose to which individuals were exposed. When bees were exposed to the high temperature environment, the high dose of thiamethoxam increased their thorax temperature 1–2 h after exposure. When bees were exposed to the low temperature, the higher doses of the neonicotinoid reduced bee thorax temperatures 60–90 min after treatment. In both experiments, the neonicotinoid decreased the temperature of bees the day following the exposure. After a cold shock (5 min at 4 °C), the two higher doses elicited a decrease of the thorax temperature, while the lower dose caused an increase, compared to the control. These alterations in thermoregulation caused by thiamethoxam may affect bee foraging activity and a variety of in-hive tasks, likely leading to negative consequences at the colony level. Our results shed light on sublethal effect of pesticides which our bees have to deal with.  相似文献   

从生产毒死蜱的农药生产厂曝气池中分离、筛选到降解毒死蜱且能以毒死蜱为唯一碳源生长的微生物菌株,命名为CP1。根据该菌株的Biolog特性鉴定和16S rRNA序列相似性分析,初步鉴定该菌为苍白杆菌属(Ochrobactrum sp.)。利用正交实验和Box-Behnken响应面法对影响CP1菌株降解毒死蜱的主要因素进行优化分析,得到菌株CP1对毒死蜱的最适降解条件为:农药浓度100 mg/L,pH值7.0,温度为28.5°C。优化后,CP1对毒死蜱的降解率由最初的70.26%提高到75.18%。毒死蜱降解优化试验提高了CP1菌株对毒死蜱的生物降解性能。  相似文献   

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