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In order to perform true bicoordinate navigation, migratory birds need to be able to determine geographic latitude and longitude. The determination of latitude is relatively easy from either stellar or magnetic cues [1-3], but the determination of longitude seems challenging [4, 5]. It has therefore been suggested that migrating birds are unable to perform bicoordinate navigation and that they probably only determine latitude during their return migration [5]. However, proper testing of this hypothesis requires displacement experiments with night-migratory songbirds in spring that have not been performed. We therefore displaced migrating Eurasian reed warblers (Acrocephalus scirpaceus) during spring migration about 1000 km toward the east and found that they were correcting for displacements by shifting their orientation from the northeast at the capture site to the northwest after the displacement. This new direction would lead them to their expected breeding areas. Our results suggest that Eurasian reed warblers are able to determine longitude and perform bicoordinate navigation. This finding is surprising and presents a new intellectual challenge to bird migration researchers, namely, which cues enable birds to determine their east-west position.  相似文献   

The light-dependent magnetic compass sense of night-migratory songbirds is thought to rely on magnetically sensitive chemical reactions of radical pairs in cryptochrome proteins located in the birds’ eyes. Recently, an information theory approach was developed that provides a strict lower bound on the precision with which a bird could estimate its head direction using only geomagnetic cues and a cryptochrome-based radical pair sensor. By means of this lower bound, we show here how the performance of the compass sense could be optimized by adjusting the orientation of cryptochrome molecules within photoreceptor cells, the distribution of cells around the retina, and the effects of the geomagnetic field on the photochemistry of the radical pair.  相似文献   

Recent advances have brought new insight into the physiological mechanisms that enable birds and other animals to use magnetic fields for orientation. Many birds seem to have two magnetodetection senses, one based on magnetite near the beak and one based on light-dependent radical-pair processes in the bird's eye(s). Among the most exciting recent results are: first, behavioural responses of birds experiencing oscillating magnetic fields. Second, the occurrence of putative magnetosensory molecules, the cryptochromes, in the eyes of migratory birds. Third, detection of a brain area that integrates specialised visual input at night in night-migratory songbirds. Fourth, a putative magnetosensory cluster of magnetite in the upper beak. These and other recent findings have important implications for magnetoreception; however, many crucial open questions remain.  相似文献   

Studies of the evolution of collective behavior consider the payoffs of individual versus social learning. We have previously proposed that the relative magnitude of social versus individual learning could be compared against the transparency of payoff, also known as the “transparency” of the decision, through a heuristic, two-dimensional map. Moving from west to east, the estimated strength of social influence increases. As the decision maker proceeds from south to north, transparency of choice increases, and it becomes easier to identify the best choice itself and/or the best social role model from whom to learn (depending on position on east–west axis). Here we show how to parameterize the functions that underlie the map, how to estimate these functions, and thus how to describe estimated paths through the map. We develop estimation methods on artificial data sets and discuss real-world applications such as modeling changes in health decisions.  相似文献   

Migratory birds wintering in Africa face the challenge of passing the Sahara desert with few opportunities to forage. During spring migration birds thus arrive in the Mediterranean area with very low energy reserves after crossing the desert. Since early arrival to the breeding grounds often is of importance to maximize reproductive success, finding stopover sites with good refuelling possibilities after the Saharan passage is of utmost importance. Here we report on extensive fuelling in the great reed warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus on the south coast of Crete in spring, the first land that they encounter after crossing the Sahara desert and the Mediterranean Sea in this area. Birds were studied at a river mouth and due to an exceptional high recapture rate (45 and 51% in two successive years), we were able to get information about stopover behaviour in 56 individual great reed warblers during two spring seasons. The large proportion of trapped great reed warbler compared to other species and the large number of recaptures suggest that great reed warblers actively choose this area for stopover. They stayed on average 3–4 d, increased on average about 3.5 g in body mass and the average rate of body mass increase was 4.8% of lean body mass d–1. Wing length affected the rate of increase and indicated that females have a slower increase than males. The results found show that great reed warblers at this site regularly deposit larger fuel loads than needed for one continued flight stage. The low body mass found in great reed warblers (also in birds with high fat scores) is a strong indication that birds staging at Anapodaris still had not been able to rebuild their structural tissue after the strenuous Sahara crossing, suggesting that rebuilding structural tissue may take longer time than previously thought.  相似文献   

Bird mitochondrial gene order: insight from 3 warbler mitochondrial genomes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two main gene orders exist in birds: the ancestral gene order and the remnant control region (CR) 2 gene order. These gene orders differ by the presence of 1 or 2 copies of the CR, respectively. Among songbirds, Oscines were thought to follow the ancestral gene order, with the exception of the lyrebird and Phylloscopus warblers. Here, we determined the complete mitochondrial genome sequence of 3 non-Phylloscopus warblers species and found that the blackcap (Sylvia atricapilla) and the reed warbler (Acrocephalus scirpaceus) have 2 almost identical copies of the CR, whereas the eastern orphean warbler (Sylvia crassirostris) follows the remnant CR 2 gene order. Our results contradict previous studies suggesting that Acrocephalus and most sylvioid warblers exhibit the ancestral gene order. We were able to trace this contradiction to a misidentification of gene order from polymerase chain reaction length determination. We thus suggest that passerine gene order evolution needs to be revised.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have correlated the advancement of lay date in birds with warming climate trends, yet the fitness effects associated with this phenological response have been examined in only a small number of species. Most of these species–primarily insectivorous cavity nesters in Europe–exhibit fitness declines associated with increasing asynchrony with prey. Here, we use 25 years of demographic data, collected from 1986 to 2010, to examine the effects of spring temperature on breeding initiation date, double brooding, and annual fecundity in a Nearctic - Neotropical migratory songbird, the black-throated blue warbler (Setophaga caerulescens). Data were collected from birds breeding at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, New Hampshire, USA, where long-term trends toward warmer springs have been recorded. We found that black-throated blue warblers initiated breeding earlier in warmer springs, that early breeders were more likely to attempt a second brood than those starting later in the season, and that double brooding and lay date were linked to higher annual fecundity. Accordingly, we found selection favored earlier breeding in most years. However, in contrast to studies of several other long-distance migratory species in Europe, this selection pressure was not stronger in warmer springs, indicating that these warblers were able to adjust mean lay date appropriately to substantial inter-annual variation in spring temperature. Our results suggest that this North American migratory songbird might not experience the same fecundity declines as songbirds that are unable to adjust their timing of breeding in pace with spring temperatures.  相似文献   

Iron-rich structures have been described in the beak of homing pigeons, chickens and several species of migratory birds and interpreted as magnetoreceptors. Here, we will briefly review findings associated with these receptors that throw light on their nature, their function and their role in avian navigation. Electrophysiological recordings from the ophthalmic nerve, behavioral studies and a ZENK-study indicate that the trigeminal system, the nerves innervating the beak, mediate information on magnetic changes, with the electrophysiological study suggesting that these are changes in intensity. Behavioral studies support the involvement of magnetite and the trigeminal system in magnetoreception, but clearly show that the inclination compass normally used by birds represents a separate system. However, if this compass is disrupted by certain light conditions, migrating birds show ‘fixed direction’ responses to the magnetic field, which originate in the receptors in the beak. Together, these findings point out that there are magnetite-based magnetoreceptors located in the upper beak close to the skin. Their natural function appears to be recording magnetic intensity and thus providing one component of the multi-factorial ‘navigational map’ of birds.  相似文献   

Songbirds of many species acquire their songs by imitating the songs of conspecific singers. Conclusive evidence of such imitation comes from controlled laboratory studies, but such studies do not reveal when and where songbirds learn their songs under natural conditions. To determine the timing and location of song learning in a population of prairie warblers, we compared the songs of yearling prairie warblers of known hatching location to the songs of other birds in the yearlings' natal and first breeding areas. The comparisons yielded a likely model song (and model singer) for each of the song types used by the focal yearlings. We supplemented our findings from the song comparisons with inferences drawn from an analysis of local geographic variation in songs. This analysis revealed that shared song types showed no tendency to be geographically clustered within the study area. Taken together, our data suggest that prairie warblers learn their songs during the hatch year, at locations somewhat distant (mean distance 1,437 m) from their natal site, most likely as birds wander about during the post-fledging period.  相似文献   

Migratory birds face significant challenges across their annual cycle, including occupying an appropriate non-breeding home range with sufficient foraging resources. This can affect demographic processes such as over-winter survival, migration mortality and subsequent breeding success. In the Sahel region of Africa, where millions of migratory songbirds attempt to survive the winter, some species of insectivorous warblers occupy both wetland and dry-scrubland habitats, whereas other species are wetland or dry-scrubland specialists. In this study we examine evidence for strategic regulation of body reserves and competition-driven habitat selection, by comparing invertebrate prey activity-density, warbler body size and extent of fat and pectoral muscle deposits, in each habitat type during the non-breeding season. Invertebrate activity-density was substantially higher in wetland habitats than in dry-scrubland. Eurasian reed warblers Acrocephalus scirpaceus occupying wetland habitats maintained lower body reserves than conspecifics occupying dry-scrub habitats, consistent with buffering of reserves against starvation in food-poor habitat. A similar, but smaller, difference in body reserves between wet and dry habitat was found among subalpine warblers Sylvia cantillans but not in chiffchaffs Phylloscopus collybita inhabiting dry-scrub and scrub fringing wetlands. Body reserves were relatively low among habitat specialist species; resident African reed warbler A. baeticatus and migratory sedge warbler A. schoenobaenus exclusively occupying wetland habitats, and Western olivaceous warblers Iduna opaca exclusively occupying dry habitats. These results suggest that specialists in preferred habitats and generalists occupying prey-rich habitats can reduce body reserves, whereas generalists occupying prey-poor habitats carry an increased level of body reserves as a strategic buffer against starvation.  相似文献   

Genome structure has been found to be highly conserved between distantly related birds and recent data for a limited part of the genome suggest that this is true also for the gene order (synteny) within chromosomes. Here, we confirm that synteny is maintained for large chromosomal regions in chicken and a passerine bird, the great reed warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus, with few rearrangements, but in contrast show that the recombination-based linkage map distances differ substantially between these species. We assigned a chromosomal location based on sequence similarity to the chicken genome sequence to a set of microsatellite loci mapped in a pedigree of great reed warblers. We detected homologous loci on 14 different chromosomes corresponding to chicken chromosomes Gga1-5, 7-9, 13, 19, 20, 24, 25, and Z. It is known that 2 passerine macrochromosomes correspond to the chicken chromosome Gga1. Homology of 2 different great reed warbler linkage groups (LG13 and LG5) to Gga1 allowed us to locate the split to a position between 20.8 and 84.8 Mb on Gga1. Data from the 5 chromosomal regions (on Gga1, 2, 3, 5, and Z) with 3 or more homologous loci showed that synteny was conserved with the exception of 2 large previously unreported inversions on Gga1/LG5 and Gga2/LG3, respectively. Recombination data from the 9 chromosomal regions in which we identified 2 or more homologous loci (accounting for the inversions) showed that the linkage map distances in great reed warblers were only 6.3% and 13.3% of those in chickens for males and females, respectively. This is likely to reflect the true interspecific difference in recombination rate because our markers were not located in potentially low-recombining regions: several linkage groups covered a substantial part of their corresponding chicken chromosomes and were not restricted to centromeres. We conclude that recombination rates may differ strongly between bird species with highly conserved genome structure and synteny and that the chicken linkage map may not be suitable, in terms of genetic distances, as a model for all bird species.  相似文献   

Habitat use by the sedge warbler Acrocephalus schoenobaenus, reed warbler A. scirpaceus and marsh warbler A. palustris was studied during 1998–2000 in an intensively cultivated agricultural landscape in western Poland. The birds occupied mid-field marsh patches (0.05–9.84 ha) and drainage ditches. Using logistic regression models, habitat preferences for particular patch type, characteristics of breeding patch vegetation and surrounding crop type were investigated. All habitat measurements were done within 50-m radius circles around breeding territory centers. The most important factors that influenced species distributions were the proportions of particular habitats within patch area and the type of surrounding crops. Sedge and reed warblers preferred areas with a high proportion of reeds and meadows. Marsh warblers avoided emergents other than reeds, and favored herbaceous vegetation and bushes. Open water areas positively affected reed warbler distribution. Crop type had a significant influence on within-year territory distribution and changes in between-year occupation pattern. In general, birds preferred to settle near fields of oil seed rape, while root crops and spring cereals were avoided. Breeding patch type and structure of reedbeds had relatively little influence on the distribution of breeding territories. The results obtained show that the surrounding landscape may significantly influence habitat use of species breeding in habitat islands in farmland. Depending on their structure and food resources, crops might have different value to the birds.  相似文献   

Night-migratory songbirds are known to use a magnetic compass , but how do they detect the reference direction provided by the geomagnetic field, and where is the sensory organ located? The most prominent characteristic of geomagnetic sensory input, whether based on visual patterns or magnetite-mediated forces , is the predicted symmetry around the north-south or east-west magnetic axis. Here, we show that caged migratory garden warblers perform head-scanning behavior well suited to detect this magnetic symmetry plane. In the natural geomagnetic field, birds move toward their migratory direction after head scanning. In a zero-magnetic field , where no symmetry plane exists, the birds almost triple their head-scanning frequency, and the movement direction after a head scan becomes random. Thus, the magnetic sensory organ is located in the bird's head, and head scans are used to locate the reference direction provided by the geomagnetic field.  相似文献   

Hybridization is observed frequently in birds, but often it is not known whether the hybrids are fertile and if backcrossing occurs. The breeding ranges of the great reed warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) and the clamorous reed warbler (A. stentoreus) overlap in southern Kazakhstan and a previous study has documented hybridization in a sympatric population. In the present study, we first present a large set of novel microsatellite loci isolated and characterised in great reed warblers. Secondly, we evaluate whether hybridization in the sympatric breeding population has been followed by backcrossing and introgression.We isolated 181 unique microsatellite loci in great reed warblers. Of 41 loci evaluated, 40 amplified and 30 were polymorphic. Bayesian clustering analyses based on genotype data from 23 autosomal loci recognised two well-defined genetic clusters corresponding to the two species. Individuals clustered to a very high extent to either of these clusters (admixture proportions ≥ 0.984) with the exception of four previously suggested arundinaceus-stentoreus hybrid birds that showed mixed ancestry (admixture proportions 0.495-0.619). Analyses of simulated hybrids and backcrossed individuals showed that the sampled birds do not correspond to first-fourth-generation backcrosses, and that fifth or higher generation backcrosses to a high extent resemble 'pure' birds at this set of markers.We conclude that these novel microsatellite loci provide a useful molecular resource for Acrocephalus warblers. The time to reach reproductive isolation is believed to be very long in birds, approximately 5 Myrs, and with an estimated divergence time of 2 Myrs between these warblers, some backcrossing and introgression could have been expected. However, there was no evidence for backcrossing and introgression suggesting that hybrids are either infertile or their progeny inviable. Very low levels of introgression cannot be excluded, which still may be an important factor as a source of new genetic variation.  相似文献   

In songbirds, nocturnal activity is believed to be a characteristic feature of migration. However, unlike experimental conditions where the onset of nocturnal restlessness is defined as a shift of activity leading up to the dark period, this behaviour has, until now, not been observed in natural conditions. Here we studied the nocturnal behaviour of radio-tagged juvenile Eurasian reed warblers (Acrocephalus scirpaceus) during the pre-migratory period. The birds started nocturnal flights at the age of 38 days, whereas migration did not commence until they were at least 50 days old. The birds left their natal site by nocturnal flights and repeatedly returned to it. Such shuttle movements suggest the existence of a previously unknown period of nocturnal activity. Motivation to perform such night flights gradually increases with age. We relate the function of these nocturnal pre-migratory flights to the development of a stellar compass, necessary for detecting the compass direction towards winter quarters and for the formation of a navigational target, which will be used during return (spring) migration.  相似文献   

Each spring, millions of songbirds migrate across the Gulf of Mexico on their way to breeding sites in North America. Data from radar and migration monitoring stations have revealed broad patterns in the spatial and temporal course of trans-Gulf migration. Unfortunately, we have limited information on where these birds have previously spent the winter and where they are migrating to breed. Here we measure stable-hydrogen isotopes in feathers (δDf) to infer the breeding latitude of five species of songbirds – hooded warblers Wilsonia citrina , American redstarts Setophaga ruticilla , black-and-white warblers Mniotilta varia , ovenbirds Seiurus aurocapilla , and northern waterthrushes S. noveboracensis – that were captured at a stopover site along the coast of southwestern Louisiana in spring 2004. Values of δDf across all species ranged from −163 to −35‰ (n=212), and within most species the range was consistent with the latitudinal extent of known breeding sites in central and eastern North America. Individuals that arrived first along the northern Gulf coast had δDf values indicative of southerly breeding sites in hooded warblers, American redstarts, black-and-white warblers, and ovenbirds, but no relationship was found between passage timing and δDf for northern waterthrushes. Our findings suggest that spring passage is often timed to coincide with the emergence of suitable conditions on breeding areas, with southern breeding birds migrating first.  相似文献   

We used radio-telemetry to study autumn migratory flight initiation and orientation in relation to wind and air pressure in a nocturnal passerine migrant, the reed warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus at Falsterbo, southwest Sweden. The majority of the reed warblers departed in the expected migratory direction towards south of southwest, while a low number of the birds took off in reverse directions between north and east. Flight directions at departure correlated with wind directions. These correlations were particularly prominent at higher wind speeds but were absent at wind speeds below 4 m/s. Birds departing in the expected migratory direction compensated completely for wind drift. The reed warblers preferred to depart during nights with tailwinds and when air pressure was increasing suggesting that reed warblers are sensitive to winds and air pressure and select favourable wind conditions for their migratory flights. Since air pressure as well as velocity and direction of the wind are correlated with the passage of cyclones, a combination of these weather variables is presumably important for the birds' decision to migrate and should therefore be considered in optimal migration models.  相似文献   

There is growing evidence that birds are able to discriminate different types of nest intruders and adjust their nest defence behaviour according to intruder dangerousness and distance from the nest (the dynamic risk assessment hypothesis). Here, we tested whether birds’ decisions about nest defence may additionally be affected by an increasing familiarity with a particular nest predator. We tested nest defence responses of great reed warblers Acrocephalus arundinaceus to a nest predator, the little bittern Ixobrychus minutus. Great reed warbler nests located close (≤7 m) to synchronously breeding little bitterns were “neighbour”, other nests were “solitary”. Great reed warbler specific aggression towards a little bittern dummy was much lower (~5-times) at neighbour than solitary nests. In contrast, generalised responses to a control innocuous intruder (the turtle dove, Streptopelia turtur) were statistically identical at neighbour and solitary nests. These patterns are in line with dynamic risk assessment hypothesis. We hypothesise that decreased great reed warbler aggression at neighbour nests also represents a specific behavioural adaptation to nesting in association with the little bittern. Little bitterns breeding closer to great reed warblers showed decreased risks of failure due to predation. However, further research is needed to experimentally test the causal links behind these patterns.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Von 1973–1978 wurden systematische Beringungen und regelmäßige Nestkontrollen einer Drs-Population im Fränkischen Weihergebiet (Nordbayern) durchgeführt (Auswertung von 487 Nestkarten). Die vorhandene Trs-Population wurde nicht systematisch erfaßt (645 Nestkarten).Der Bestand der einzelnen Teilpopulationen des Drs schwankte im Untersuchungszeitraum; die gesamte Population blieb annähernd konstant.Die Nestabstände benachbarter Drs-Bruten innerhalb eines günstigen Schilfstreifens lagen zwischen 7 m und ca. 300 m. Das kolonieartige Brüten der Trs wird mit Beispielen belegt.Medianer Legebeginn des Drs war der 29. Mai, der des Trs der 13. Juni. Der nach Erreichen des Maximums im Legemuster folgende Abfall war beim Drs deutlich steiler als beim Trs. Die mittlere Gelegegröße des Drs betrug 4,73, die des Trs 3,85 Eier. Bei beiden Arten fand eine Gelegegrößenreduktion mit fortschreitender Brutzeit statt.Das Schlüpfen der Jungen erfolgte beim Drs überwiegend am 12. bis 14. Tag nach Ablage des letzten Eies, beim Trs am 11. bis 13. Die Brutdauer betrug meist 14 (Drs) bzw. 13 (Trs) Tage.Beim Drs waren 59,7 % der Nester erfolgreich. Der Ausfliegeerfolg, bezogen auf erfolgreiche Nester, betrug 73,2 %, der Gesamtbruterfolg demnach 43,7 %. Beim Trs ergaben sich entsprechend die Werte 66,6 %, 82,9 % und 55,2 %. Auch die durchschnittliche Anzahl flügger Jungvögel pro Brutnest lag beim Drs mit 2,00 etwas niedriger als beim Trs mit 2,15. Als Reproduktions-rate des Drs wurde ein Wert von 2,24 flüggen Jungen pro errechnet. Für den Trs wird die Reproduktionsrate wesentlich höher geschätzt.Die Verluste wurden nach Ursachen aufgeschlüsselt, wobei besonders verglichen mit gleichaltrigen Trs die vielfach größere Empfindlichkeit nestjunger Drs gegen Regen und Kälte auffiel.In zwei Fällen konnten für Drs- Zweitbruten mittels Beringung nachgewiesen werden. Beobachtungen an Trs gaben zu Vermutungen von Zweitbruten bei dieser Art Anlaß.Bigamie wurde beim Drs mehrfach mittels Farbberingung nachgewiesen. Aus den Nestabständen konnte im Untersuchungsgebiet nicht auf monogames oder polygames Verhalten der Drs geschlossen werden. Es werden Angaben über Alter und Verhalten polygamer in verschiedenen Jahren gemacht. Paarzusammenhalt am Vorjahresbrutplatz wurde beim Drs mittels Beringung einmal nachgewiesen.Die meisten überlebenden der als Brutvögel beringten Drs kehrten ins Untersuchungsgebiet zurück, von den überlebenden nestjung beringten dagegen etwa ein Drittel. 3 nestjung beringte Trs wurden nach 1 bzw. 2 Jahren im Untersuchungsgebiet zur Brutzeit kontrolliert.Ein Drittel der Drs-Population stammte aus dem Untersuchungsgebiet. 2 nestjung beringte aus 78 km und 500 km Entfernung wurden als Brutvögel kontrolliert. Alter der Brutvögel 1–9 Jahre.An Beispielen wird die räumliche und zeitliche Einnischung beider Arten beschrieben.
Studies onAcrocephalus arundinaceus andscirpaceus: Population trends, breeding biology, and ecology
Summary Results of 6 years (1973–1978) of systematic ringing and regular nest controls of a great reed warbler population in Northern Bavaria are given (data of 487 nests) as well as results on a population of the reed warbler (data of 645 nests).Numbers of great reed warblers fluctuated in different parts of the study area. The whole population, however, remained fairly constant.Data on the arrival of males in the breeding area are given.Distances between neighbouring nests of great reed warblers varied from 7 to about 300 m. Differences in nest densities in the reed warbler could be found.The mean first egg laying dates in the great reed warbler and the reed warbler were May 29 and June 13 respectively. The great reed warbler showed a distinct steeper decrease in its egg laying pattern than the smaller species. Average clutch size in the great reed warble was 4.73 eggs and 3.85 eggs in the reed warbler. In both species clutch size decreased during the season.Great reed warbler nestlings hatched on the 12th to 14th day after the last egg had been laid, reed warbler nestlings on the 11th to 13th day. The incubation period was mainly 14 days in the great reed warbler and 13 days in the reed warbler.In the great reed warbler 59.7 % of the nests were successful. The fledging success of successful nests was 73.2 %, accordingly the total nest success was 43.7 %. The corresponding data in reed warbler were 66.6 %, 82.9 % and 55.2 %. On average great reed warblers produced 2.00 fledglings per clutch, reed warblers 2.15. In the great reed warbler a reproduction rate of 2.24 fledglings per female was calculated. The reproduction rate in reed warbler was estimated substantially higher.Great reed warbler nestlings were much more sensitive to rain and cold weather than reed warbler nestlings of the same age.Two great reed warbler males were proved to make a second brood. The same is supposed for the other species but could not be proved so far.Polygyny was proved several times in the great reed warbler. Age and behaviour of polygynous males in different years are reported. Two great reed warblers were found breeding with their former mates at last year's breeding place.Most of the great reed warblers ringed as breeding birds returned into the study area. Nearly one third of the great reed warbler nestlings returned for breeding. Three reed warblers ringed as nestlings could be controlled in the study area during breeding period after 1 year and 2 years respectively.Distances of returned great reed warblers in relation to their birth places and their former breeding places are specified.One third of the great reed warbler population originates from the study area. Two females breeding in the study area were ringed as nestlings 78 km and 500 km apart.One-year-old to nine-year-old great reed warblers were found breeding. Data on the age composition of breeding birds are given.Plant species supporting the nests of great reed warbler and reed warbler were investigated. Differences in the spatial and temporal habitat selection of both species are described.

Mercury is a global pollutant that biomagnifies in food webs, placing wildlife at risk of reduced reproductive fitness and survival. Songbirds are the most diverse branch of the avian evolutionary tree; many are suffering persistent and serious population declines and we know that songbirds are frequently exposed to mercury pollution. Our objective was to determine the effects of environmentally relevant doses of mercury on reproductive success of songbirds exposed throughout their lives or only as adults. The two modes of exposure simulated philopatric species versus dispersive species, and are particularly relevant because of the heightened mercury-sensitivity of developing nervous systems. We performed a dosing study with dietary methylmercury in a model songbird species, the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata), at doses from 0.3 – 2.4 parts per million. Birds were exposed to mercury either as adults only or throughout their lives. All doses of mercury reduced reproductive success, with the lowest dose reducing the number of independent offspring produced in one year by 16% and the highest dose, representing approximately half the lethal dose for this species, causing a 50% reduction. While mercury did not affect clutch size or survivorship, it had the most consistent effect on the proportion of chicks that fledged from the nest, regardless of mode of exposure. Among birds exposed as adults, mercury caused a steep increase in the latency to re-nest after loss of a clutch. Birds exposed for their entire lifetimes, which were necessarily the offspring of dosed parents, had up to 50% lower reproductive success than adult-exposed birds at low doses of methylmercury, but increased reproductive success at high doses, suggesting selection for mercury tolerance at the highest level of exposure. Our results indicate that mercury levels in prey items at contaminated sites pose a significant threat to populations of songbirds through reduced reproductive success.  相似文献   

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