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Specific binding sites for somatostatin have been found in the cytosolic fractions of both parietal and non-parietal cells from rabbit gastric fundic mucosa. The stoichiometric data suggested the presence of two classes of binding sites in both types of ceils. The number of low-affinity binding sites was significantly higher in parietal cells than in non-parietal cells. The reverse was true for the high-affinity binding sites. However, the affinity of each class of binding sites was similar in the cytosolic fractions of both parietal and non-parietal ceils. It thus appears that low-affinity somatostatin binding sites are mainly located in the parietal ceils whereas the high-affinity sites occur principally in the non-parietal cells.  相似文献   

Specific binding sites for somatostatin have been identified in cytosolic fraction of both small and large intestinal mucosa. The stoichiometric data suggested the presence of two classes of binding sites in each part of the intestine. The binding capacity varied depending on the segment considered (rectum greater than duodenum = jejunum greater than ileum, caecum and colon). However, the affinities of the binding sites were similar throughout the whole intestinal mucosa, with the exception of rectum which showed higher Kd values. The binding sites were shown to be highly specific for somatostatin since neuropeptides such as vasoactive intestinal peptide, neurotensin, substance P and Leu-enkephalin did not show any effect upon somatostatin binding.  相似文献   

Diabetes was induced by administration of alloxan (150 mg/Kg) to 24 h-fasted rabbits. Somatostatinlike immunoreactivity (SLI) and cytosolic binding sites for somatostatin in gastric fundic mucosa were studied using radiolabelled Tyr11-somatostatin. Three months after the onset of the disease, the specific binding of somatostatin to these sites was seen to be significantly lower, due to a reduction in the number (but not the affinity) of specific somatostatin binding sites of high-affinity and a disappearance of the specific, somatostatin binding sites of low-affinity. These changes were associated with an increase in the SLI concentration in both gastric fundic mucosa and plasma.  相似文献   

Specific binding sites for somatostatin have been characterized in cytosolic fraction of rat intestinal mucosa by using 125I-labelled Tyr11-somatostatin and a variety of physicochemical conditions. The binding depended on time, temperature and pH, and was reversible, saturable and specific. At apparent equilibrium, the specific binding of 125I-Tyr11-somatostatin was competitively inhibited by native somatostatin in the 1 nM-4 microM concentration range. Binding studies suggested the presence of two classes of binding sites: a class with high affinity (Kd = 0.07 microM) and low capacity (4.6 pmol/mg protein) and a class with low affinity (Kd = 1.05 microM) and high capacity (277 pmol/mg protein) at 25 degrees C. Somatostatin exhibited competitive inhibition of tracer binding, while neuropeptides such as neurotensin, substance P, Leu-enkephalin, and vasoactive intestinal peptide were ineffective. The presence of somatostatin binding sites in cytosolic fraction of intestinal mucosa, together with the known occurrence of somatostatin in D-cells and nerve endings in the small intestine, strongly suggest that this peptide may be involved in the physiology and physiopathology of intestinal epithelium.  相似文献   

Using a specific radioimmunoassay technique, we have determined somatostatin-like immunoreactivity (SLI) in acid extracts of gastric (fundic and antral) mucosa as well as the specific binding of 125I-Tyr11-somatostatin to cytosol of the stomach of 0 to 150 days postnatal rabbits. The levels of somatostatin in both fundus and antrum decreased from birth up to day 5 followed by a sharp increase from 5 to 10 days, then decreased progressively until day 35. After this age, the somatostatin concentration remained relatively stable. The number of specific somatostatin binding sites of both high- and low-affinity increased gradually (without changes in the affinity values) with the development of rabbits, reaching the adult level by 35 days. However, there was an apparent lack of high-affinity sites immediately after birth (day 0). The somatostatin binding sites had characteristics identical with those found in adult animals with regard to their respective specific ligands.  相似文献   

The binding of 3H-prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) to rabbit gastric mucosa was investigated. Binding depended on incubation time, temperature and pH, and was saturable and reversible. Scatchard plot analysis revealed a single class of binding sites with a dissociation constant (Kd) of 5.33 +/- 0.21 nM and a maximum number of binding sites (Bmax) of 138.1 +/- 3.4 fmol/mg protein. PGE1 and 16,16-dimethyl PGE2 potently competed with 3H-PGE2 for the binding sites of gastric mucosa, whereas PGA2, PGF2 alpha, 6-keto PGF1 alpha and thromboxane B2 were less potent. The gastric mucosa prepared from the rabbits given indomethacin (5 mg/kg s.c. three times) showed a lower Kd (2.47 +/- 0.19 nM) for 3H-PGE2 than that from untreated one. Treatment with a PGE1 analog, misoprostol (320 micrograms/kg s.c. three times) lowered the Bmax to 74.1 +/- 2.4 fmol/mg protein without any significant effect on the Kd value. It is concluded that rabbit gastric mucosa has specific binding sites for 3H-PGE2 which may be modulated by the levels of PGs in vivo.  相似文献   

In both ulcer models investigated, except the 240-min IND and 8-hr STR cAMP values in the antrum, the cyclic nucleotides showed a significant decrease in the gastric mucosa, which is most probably a sign of cellular exhaustion.  相似文献   

In the present study the release of somatostatin-like immunoreactivity (SLI) was evaluated in vitro from isolated rat antral and fundic mucosa and from biopsy specimens of human antral mucosa. Perifusion of antral mucosa with Earle's balanced salt solution showed a pH-dependent release of SLI. SLI release did not change in response to a reduction from pH 7 during the baseline period to pH 3, whereas a significant increase occurred when the pH was changed to 2.5 or 2, respectively. Fundic SLI release remained at baseline levels during the decrease of the pH value of the buffer solutions. Atropine at doses of 10(-6) to 10(-4) M did not alter acid-induced SLI release from the isolated antral mucosa, suggesting different mechanisms in vitro compared to the acid-induced SLI release in vivo. SLI release from human mucosa was 450 +/- 217 pg/min X mg wet weight in response to perifusion with the buffer pH 2 in 7 control subjects. No significant difference was observed in patients with duodenal ulcer or acute gastritis, whereas gastric ulcer patients had significantly lower values (66 +/- 44) compared to controls and duodenal ulcer patients. These data do not support the hypothesis that impaired somatostatin production and release might be a pathogenetic factor for gastric acid hypersecretion and development of duodenal ulcer.  相似文献   

The present investigations showed that after oral prostacyclin administration (100 micrograms/kg) as soon as the intracellular level of cAMP is elevated the activation of cAMP-dependent protein kinase follows in both parts (antrum and fundus) of rat gastric mucosa. The enzyme activation seems to be more significant in the fundic region which is in a complete agreement with the previously published results, i.e. the fundic mucosa reacts with de novo protein synthesis toward noxious agents (resulting finally in new cell formation), while the antral mucosa is more durable against damaging noxae. Taking into consideration all available data in the literature it seems that the intracellular effect of the exogenously administered prostacyclin in the gastric mucosa is a polyphasic effect, which contains the following consecutive steps: 1. Binding to the cell surface; 2. Effect on the intracellular second messenger system, (cAMP, cGMP); 3. Activation of the calmodulin system; 4. cAMP-dependent protein kinase activation; 5. DNA, RNA changes; 6. Influence on protein synthesis, and finally; 7. New cell formation.  相似文献   

The location of 125I-iodotyrosyl gastrin I binding sites in rat gastric mucosa was studied. Peptide specificity was demonstrated by competitive binding studies through the addition of a large dose of cold human gastrin I or cholecystokinin-octapeptide. Autoradiography of the stomach tissue was carried out by freeze-drying, embedding in Epon, wet-sectioning with ethylene glycol, and dry-mounting the emulsion film by means of the wire-loop method to prevent loss of the labeled substance. Specific binding sites for gastrin were found on parietal and chief cells, whereas few binding sites were seen on the surface mucous or mucous neck cells. Binding sites on the parietal cells were dispersed in the cytoplasm, while those on the chief cells were found near the basal plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Summary In the gastrointestinal tract somatostatin is localized in endocrine cells and in neurons. The antral somatostatin (D-) cell shares features of both cell types. The activity of the antral D-cell is regulated by intragastric pH. Therefore different states of gastric acidity were induced experimentally in order to study D-cell morphology at the electron microscopical level. The morphological findings were related to measurements of plasma and tissue concentrations of the peptide. The D-cell is characterized by extensive membrane interdigitations with neighbouring cells. Changes in the activity of antral D-cells are reflected by an increase in cytoplasmic secretory granule density and a shift of secretory granules towards basal cell processes. Direct endocrine cell contacts at the level of the perikarya were rarely observed. The intracellular distribution of secretory granules suggests that cell communication is more likely to take place at the level of the strongly immunoreactive cytoplasmic processes. No evidence for endocrine or exocrine (luminar) secretion was observed morphologically. This is in agreement with the concept of paracrine secretion of the antral D-cell.  相似文献   

An endogenous protein activator (AF) responsible for the activation of the gastric H+,K+-ATPase system, identified recently as the biochemical mechanism for the transport of H+, has been purified to homogeneity and partially characterized. The purification procedure (at 0-4 degrees C) involves simultaneous concentration and dialysis of the cytosolic fraction from dog fundic cells under negative pressure, pH 4.8 precipitation and two consecutive gel filtration steps on sephacryl S-200 columns. The highly purified and active AF is a protein of 80 Kd consisting of two identical subunits of 40 Kd each. The AF not only stimulates the gastric H+,K+-ATPase activity but also greatly enhances the rate of ATPase dependent proton pumping inside gastric microsomal vesicles. The data clearly suggest an important regulatory role of the cytosolic AF in the gastric HCl secretory process.  相似文献   

L G Guijarro  E Arilla 《Life sciences》1987,41(15):1837-1844
Rabbits with bilateral ureteral ligation of four-days duration showed a significant decrease of somatostatin content in gastric fundic mucosa (but not in proximal duodenal mucosa) as well as in the binding capacity of both high- and low-affinity binding sites without changes in the affinity values in cytosol of fundic and proximal duodenal mucosa, whereas the fasting plasma somatostatin levels increased as compared to control conditions. The number of somatostatin binding sites was inversely related to plasma levels of the peptide and support the hypothesis of somatostatin regulating its own binding sites. The current finding provides evidence that diminished somatostatin binding may be a contributory factor in the somatostatin gastroduodenal resistance of uremia.  相似文献   

The magnitude of cellular and shunt conductance of Necturus gastric antral mucosa was studied by (a) comparing the cellular PD response to transepithelial PD response during changes of ionic activity in the serosal bathing solution and (b) by measurement of current spread within the epithelial sheet. Using constant product KCl changes cellular resistance was 6,788 omegacm2 and shunt resistance was 1,803 omegacm2. Deletion of HCO3- from the serosal solution produced similar but quantitatively smaller changes in PD. Using HCO3- deletion cellular resistance was 7,338 omegacm2 and shunt resistance was 1,973 omegacm2. Measurement of current spead within the mucosa avoids changing ionic gradients yet gave very similar results; cellular resistance was 8,967 omegacm2 and shunt resistance was 2,947 omegacm2. The shunt contribution to transepithelial conductance ranged from 75.2 to 79.0%. Shunt selectivity was assessed using KCl dilution potentials, where mucosal dilution gave a small change in tissue PD compatible with an anion/cation selectivity ratio of 1.16 across the shunt, whereas serosal dilution effect was dominated by a PD change across the serosal membrane of the cell.  相似文献   

In endocrine (EC) cells of rabbit fundic mucosa, it is practically impossible to obtain unequivocal ultrastructural identification of all cells found in order to perform morphometric analysis. In addition to classic EC cells with pleomorphic granules, a cell type with entirely round granules is encountered which can be confused with non-EC cells. To solve this problem, all EC cells in our study were first identified by their 5-HT (immunocytochemistry) and argentaffinity. Examination of the fine structures of reactive cells then revealed that the round granules of EC cells were differentiated from those of non-EC cells by the existence of a dense core surrounded by a less dense halo, a feature providing unequivocal ultrastructural identification. EC cells with round granules showed less argentaffinity and less immunoreactivity to 5-HT as compared with classic EC cells. After labelling with [3H]L-dopa, EC cells with round-granules displayed an overall staining index higher than that of classic EC cells and comparable with that of D cells; however, the nuclear staining index was higher than that of D cells.  相似文献   

Isolated kitten fundic mucosa demonstrates low rates of spontaneous acid secretion in vitro when bathed in Krebs-Henseleit solution, and responds consistently to histamine, pentagastrin, and acetylcholine placed in the bath. High rates of spontaneous secretion or secretion in response to histamine and pentagastrin were significantly inhibited by addition of metiamide (5 X 10(-3) M); but mucosa stimulated by constant addition of acetylcholine chloride (10(-4) M) was not inhibited by metiamide at the same concentration.  相似文献   

In the gastrointestinal tract somatostatin is localized in endocrine cells and in neurons. The antral somatostatin (D-) cell shares features of both cell types. The activity of the antral D-cell is regulated by intragastric pH. Therefore different states of gastric acidity were induced experimentally in order to study D-cell morphology at the electron microscopical level. The morphological findings were related to measurements of plasma and tissue concentrations of the peptide. The D-cell is characterized by extensive membrane interdigitations with neighbouring cells. Changes in the activity of antral D-cells are reflected by an increase in cytoplasmic secretory granule density and a shift of secretory granules towards basal cell processes. Direct endocrine cell contacts at the level of the perikarya were rarely observed. The intracellular distribution of secretory granules suggests that cell communication is more likely to take place at the level of the strongly immunoreactive cytoplasmic processes. No evidence for endocrine or exocrine (luminar) secretion was observed morphologically. This is in agreement with the concept of paracrine secretion of the antral D-cell.  相似文献   



Amylin (islet amyloid polypeptide) is a hormone with suggested roles in the regulation of glucose homeostasis, gastric motor and secretory function and gastroprotection. In the gastric mucosa amylin is found co-localised with somatostatin in D-cells. The factors regulating gastric amylin release are unknown. In this study we have investigated the regulation of amylin release from gastric mucosal cells in primary culture. Rabbit fundic mucosal cells enriched for D-cells by counterflow elutriation were cultured for 40 hours. Amylin and somatostatin release over 2 hours in response to agonists were assessed.  相似文献   

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