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14C-Indoleacetic acid was applied to coleoptiles of corn (Zea mays) and oat (Avena sativa). The coleoptiles were detached from the endosperms at 6-minute intervals after indoleacetic acid application, and the radioactivity was determined in successive 2-millimeter regions. The rate (per cent per minute) of basipetal transport of indoleacetic acid is periodic in various regions of the coleoptile, with a period of about 20 minutes. The possible relation of this cyclic phenomenon to other rhythmic processes of similar periodicities is discussed. A distinct acropetal transport (against the concentration gradient) from the subapical region to the apical 2-millimeter region of the coleoptile was detected.  相似文献   

Seedings of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Kharkov MC 22) were grown at 24 C (unhardened) and 4 C (hardened). Indoleacetic acid (IAA) was added to excised coleoptile segments after lengthy incubation and their responses were determined by photometric auxanometry at both 25 C and 5 C. The segments' rates of uptake of 14CIAA were also compared at both temperatures. Cold hardening had no significant effect on the rates of elongation and uptake in a saturating concentration of IAA (2 to 10 μM) at either temperature. Elongation was more sensitive to temperature of measurement than was uptake. At suboptimal concentrations of IAA and 25 C, hardened coleoptiles took up [2-14C]-IAA twice as fast but elongated half as fast as unhardened coleoptiles. This and the lack of effect of cold hardening on apparent uptake of [1-14C]-IAA raised the possibility that a higher rate of IAA-decarboxylation was coupled with the higher rate of uptake of IAA by hardened coleoptiles. Homeostatic hormonal regulation was also evident in the same endogenous rates of elongation of segments of cold-hardened and unhardened coleoptiles.  相似文献   

Light Dosage and Phototropic Responses of Corn and Oat Coleoptiles   总被引:9,自引:9,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Briggs WR 《Plant physiology》1960,35(6):951-962

Rhythmic fluctuation in the basipetal movement of auxin occurs in corn (Zea mays) coleoptiles oriented either in the vertical or in the horizontal position. This periodicity of transport rate varies from region to region in a horizontal coleoptile. Between an upper and lower half coleoptile (with respect to gravity), the comparable regions in the coleoptile do not exhibit similar periods. The velocity of transport also varies from region to region along a geostimulated coleoptile. In the upper half coleoptile, the velocities are 29 millimeters per hour (tip), 8 millimeters per hour (mid), and 30 millimeters per hour (base); in the lower, 41 millimeters per hour (tip), 12 millimeters per hour (mid) and 12 millimeters per hour (base).  相似文献   

The extensibility of cell walls in segments of living Avenacoleoptiles has been determined after treatment with IAA bythe use of a microextensometer. It has been demonstrated thatIAA has an effect both on the plastic and elastic extensibility,which is more marked if the segments are allowed to grow, exceptat temperatures nearing 0° C. The auxin-induced increasein extensibility is therefore not a direct effect on the walland metabolic factors must be involved. The results are interpreted,along cunent lines of thought, as indicating effects on thelinkage between protopectin or hemicellulose chains themselvesand between these and the microfibrillar network of cellulose.The bearing of these interpretations on the normal growth processin cell walls is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography was usedto analyse [14C]-labelled metabolites of indole-3-acetic acid(IAA) in coleoptile segments of Zeo mays seedlings. After incubationfor 2 h in 10–2 mol m–3 [2-14C]IAA, methanolic extractsof coleoptiles contained between six and ten radioactive compounds,one of which co-chromatographed with IAA. The metabolic productsin coleoptile extracts appeared to be similar to those in rootextracts, with an oxindole-3-acetic-acid-like component as theprincipal metabolite, but the rate of metabolism was slowerin coleoptile than in root segments. Decarboxylation did notappear to play a major role in the metabolism of exogenous IAAduring the short incubation periods. Moreover, external IAAconcentration had little effect on the pattern of metabolism.Coleoptile segments were also supplied with [14C]IAA from agardonor blocks placed at the apical ends, and agar receiver blockswere placed at the basal ends. After incubation for 4 h, theidentity of the single radioactive compound in the receiverblocks was shown to be IAA by both reverse-phase high-performanceliquid chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometrytechniques. Key words: Zea mays, Coleoptile, High-performance liquid chromatography, Indole-3-acetic acid  相似文献   

Measurements were made of the growthof the sub-apical region of decapitated, etiolated epicotyls of Pisum sativum L. cv. Alaska after treatments with indoleacetic acid (IAA), gibberellic acid (GA) and triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA). Growth was measured either at the end of a 2-day period, at short intervals during growth, or was monitored continuously for 2–3 h using a position-sensing transducer. In experiments measuring growth after 2 days, high levels (0.1–10 μg/plnat) of IAA caused expansion, whereas similar levels of GA caused elongation. When both hormones were applied together, the effects of IAA were dominant and expansion ensued, even when GA was present at 100 times the amount of IAA. Very low amounts of IAA (0.5–5 ng/plant), however, caused elongation. The elongation elicited by high GA or low IAa was inhibited to a similar extent by TIBA and this inhibition of elongation was associated with an increased expansion at the extreme tip. When application of the hormones was delayed, GA-induced elongation was reduced considerably, IAA-induced elongation was lessened somewhat and IAA-induced expansion was partially converted into elongation. In experiments measuring elongation at short intervals, high levels of IAA caused rapid elongation followed after 3 to 6 h by expnasion. Both GA and low levels of IAA extended the duration of elongation with little apparent effect on the rate of growth. In fast-growth experiments, low, intermediate and high levels of IAA doubled the rate of elongation with a lag period of about 20 min, whereas GA had at most a very slight stimulatory effect on the growth rate. It is concluded that the main role of GA in this system is to maintain physiological levels of IAA in the growing zone and that the level of IAA present determines whether elongation or expansion will take place.  相似文献   

Zocchi G  Rabotti G 《Plant physiology》1993,101(1):135-139
Maize (Zea mays L.) coleoptile segments loaded with 45Ca released about 50% of the ion after 1 h when treated with indoleacetic acid (IAA). In contrast, fusicoccin (FC) had no effect. The same relation was found when ATP-dependent Ca2+ transport, measured as 45Ca uptake, was determined in a plasmalemma-rich membrane vesicle fraction isolated from coleoptiles treated or untreated for 1 h with IAA or FC. In fact, IAA-treated membranes showed an increase in ATP-dependent 45Ca uptake by more than 30% with respect to the control and the FC treatment. Ca2+ uptake in IAA-treated membranes was only slightly affected (+27%) by supplying calmodulin (Cam) exogenously. However, Ca2+ uptake in membranes from the control and FC-treated coleoptiles were stimulated (+80%) by exogenous Cam. Calmidazolium, a Cam antagonist, inhibited Ca2+ uptake in the IAA treatment (-48%) to a greater extent with respect to the control and FC treatment (-33 and -29%, respectively). A possible relationship between the effect of IAA on the ATP-dependent Ca2+ transport activity, the involvement of Cam, and their effect on growth are discussed.  相似文献   

Elongating segments from light grown pea (Pisum sativum L. cv. Alaska) and bean (Pbaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Red kidney) stems were incubated in 10-5M indoleacetic acid (IAA)-1-14C,and -5-3H in the light. Radoactive derivatives, extracted in water, ethanol or ether, and 1 N sodium hydroxide at three different times were chromatographed in three separate systems and the different metabolites identified by their labeling and chromatographic characteristics. Major metabolites included indoleacetyl aspartate, possibly indoleacetyl glucoside, hydroxymethyloxindole, and in bean a further major unidentified compund. Other compounds occurred in lesser amounts. Indole aldehyde was present only in very small quantities. IAA breakdown commenced between 1 and 6 h of incubation, following which IAA decreased and most metabolites increased, though IAA was still present after 24 h. Alkaline hydrolysates contained mainly IAA at a level which changed little between 6 and 24 h.  相似文献   

The elongation and geotropic responses of coleoptile sections of Avena sativa L. to various concentrations of 4-amino-3,5,6-trichloropicolinic acid (Tordon) proved to be qualitatively similar to those previously reported for 2,3,6-trichlorobenzoic acid (TCBA). Tordon stimulated growth in a range of concentrations from 1 × 10?6 to 1 × 10?4M but higher concentrations were inhibitory. Geotropic curvature was extensively depressed by 1 × 10?5 and 1 × 10?4M Tordon, concentrations which accelerated elongation. A similar differential effect has been reported for TCBA and other auxins. Several other picolinic acids and related compounds were tested, but only very slight responses were noted.  相似文献   

The vertical growth responses of corn seedlings (Zea mays L. Mo17 × B73) were determined over an 8-hour period. When seedlings were decapitated 3 millimeters from the coleoptile's tip and supplied with indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) in 1.5% agar blocks, the response was dependent both on time and IAA concentration. The dose-response curves changed in shape and magnitude depending on the total time of IAA application. High concentrations (>3.2 × 10−6 molar) initially produced high relative growth rates that decreased back to the intact rate (0.03 millimeter per hour per millimeter) after 3 hours. Low concentrations (<1.0 × 10−6 molar), or agar blocks without IAA, resulted in a rapid decrease from the intact rate to a level that stabilized at 0.01 millimeter per hour per millimeter until the growth rate began to recover after 3 to 4 hours. Intermediate concentrations produced responses similar to that of the intact organ, though some features of these responses were unique.

The coleoptile curvature in response to gravity depended upon whether the coleoptiles were intact, decapitated, or decapitated and supplied with IAA. Coleoptiles decapitated and not supplied wth IAA showed little or no curvature for 3 hours after decapitation. By this time an adaptation, evoked by the low IAA level, had developed and the coleoptiles began to curve steadily. When 1.0 or 3.2 × 10−6 molar IAA was supplied, curvature was initiated within the first 30 minutes and reached a maximum rate before decreasing and stopping after 3 to 4 hours. The sequence of events in response to these concentrations was similar to the intact sequence but the curvature rate was reduced to one-third to one-half. A model for the autotropic response involving an auxin concentration-dependent, growth-modulating mechanism capable of two modes of adaptation is described.


The role of free indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) in the endosperm of Avena sativa L. seedlings was investigated to determine its contribution to free IAA in the shoot. [2-14C]IAA was injected into the endosperm of darkgrown seedlings and the transport and metabolism of the [14C]-labeled compounds determined. It was concluded that translocation of free IAA directly from the endosperm is probably not a significant source of free IAA in the shoot, mainly because even small amounts of [14C]IAA introduced into the endosperm were rapidly metabolized. This suggested that, in Avena, free IAA does not normally exist in the liquid endosperm.  相似文献   

植物根系向地性感应的分子机理与养分吸收   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
植物根系向地性是决定根系空间生长趋势的主要因素之一,对于养分吸收具有重要影响.认识根系向地性感应和根系生长变化的分子机理及其与养分吸收的关系,可为遗传改良根系性状、提高植物养分吸收效率提供理论依据.本文从重力感应、信号转导和生长素非对称分布等方面总结了植物根系向地性感应的分子机理,探讨了根系在养分胁迫下(特别是磷胁迫下)向地性变化的生理基础及其与养分吸收(特别是磷吸收)的关系,最后对根系向地性研究的若干问题进行了展望.  相似文献   

植物根系向地性是决定根系空间生长趋势的主要因素之一, 对于养分吸收具有重要影响。认识根系向地性感应和根系生长变化的分子机理及其与养分吸收的关系, 可为遗传改良根系性状、提高植物养分吸收效率提供理论依据。本文从重力感应、信号转导和生长素非对称分布等方面总结了植物根系向地性感应的分子机理, 探讨了根系在养分胁迫下(特别是磷胁迫下)向地性变化的生理基础及其与养分吸收(特别是磷吸收)的关系, 最后对根系向地性研究的若干问题进行了展望。  相似文献   

The effect of phototropic stimulation of Zea coleoptile tips on the distribution of both endogenous indoleacetic acid (IAA) and applied C14-labeled IAA was determined. The tips rested on bisected agar blocks. More IAA was found in the blocks under the shaded side of the coleoptile tips than those under the irradiated side. However, no significant difference was observed between the total amounts of IAA, endogenous or labeled, in the irradiated and shaded sides of the experimental system. In addition, less endogenous auxin was found in the shaded tissues than in their irradiated counterparts. It is suggested that phototropism following unilateral irradiation with first positive radiant densities might be a consequence of lateral inequalities in the ability of the irradiated and shaded tissues to transport auxin basipetally.  相似文献   

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