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Genes encoding the tail proteins of the temperate phage 16-3 of the symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacterium Sinorhizobium meliloti 41 have been identified. First, a new host range gene, designated hII, was localized by using missense mutations. The corresponding protein was shown to be identical to the 85-kDa tail protein by determining its N-terminal sequence. Electron microscopic analysis showed that phage 16-3 possesses an icosahedral head and a long, noncontractile tail characteristic of the Siphoviridae. By using a lysogenic S. meliloti 41 strain, mutants with insertions in the putative tail region of the genome were constructed and virion morphology was examined after induction of the lytic cycle. Insertions in ORF017, ORF018a, ORF020, ORF021, the previously described h gene, and hII resulted in uninfectious head particles lacking tail structures, suggesting that the majority of the genes in this region are essential for tail formation. By using different bacterial mutants, it was also shown that not only the RkpM and RkpY proteins but also the RkpZ protein of the host takes part in the formation of the phage receptor. Results for the host range phage mutants and the receptor mutant bacteria suggest that the HII tail protein interacts with the capsular polysaccharide of the host and that the tail protein encoded by the original h gene recognizes a proteinaceous receptor.The Sinorhizobium meliloti-Medicago symbiosis is an important model for endosymbiotic nitrogen fixation. The genome sequence of S. meliloti (strain 1021) has been established (14), and the Medicago truncatula genome is under intensive investigation (3). Phage 16-3 is a temperate, double-stranded DNA phage of S. meliloti strain 41. It is by far the best-studied rhizobiophage and serves as a tool in analyses of rhizobium genetics, in the isolation of some symbiotic mutants, and in the construction of special vectors. Genetic determinants and molecular mechanisms of many aspects of the 16-3 life cycle, such as phage integration and excision (8, 26, 38), regulation of the lytic/lysogenic switch (5, 6, 9, 24, 28), immunity to superinfection (4), phage DNA packaging (15), and the role of gene h in the host range (32), have been examined in detail. Moreover, the complete 60-kb phage genome sequence (accession no. DQ500118) has been determined recently (P. P. Papp et al., unpublished results). However, little is known about the genes and structural elements involved in the interaction between the phage and its host, and furthermore, only one study of the 16-3 virion proteins has been reported (11).The initial interaction between a tailed phage and its bacterial host cell is mediated by the distal part of the phage tail, which specifically binds to the phage receptor located on the host surface. Earlier results demonstrated that phage 16-3 adsorption is connected to the strain-specific capsular polysaccharide of S. meliloti 41, the KR5 antigen. So far, three bacterial gene clusters involved in KR5 antigen production, including the rkp-1, rkp-2, and rkp-3 regions, have been described. rkp mutants are defective in the invasion of the host plant for symbiosis. In addition, they cannot adsorb phage 16-3, suggesting that the KR5 antigen is required for both functions (19, 20, 30).In order to elucidate the molecular mechanism of phage 16-3 and S. meliloti 41 recognition, bacterial mutants carrying an altered phage receptor and host range phage mutants able to overcome the adsorption block have been characterized previously (32). It was shown that the RkpM protein, together with other yet uncharacterized elements, is a component of the phage receptor. With the use of rkpM mutants, host range mutations in phage gene h, which probably encodes the tail fiber protein, were identified. Interestingly, some mutations influencing phage-host recognition could not be localized in the rkpM and h genes, indicating that on both sides, additional components are important for bacteriophage-host recognition.The aim of this study was to identify additional genetic determinants involved in S. meliloti 41 and phage 16-3 recognition by characterizing new host range and receptor mutants. Furthermore, by using insertional mutagenesis, we examined a region of the phage chromosome supposed to be responsible for tail formation and identified six new genes essential for phage assembly.  相似文献   

Phage 16-3 is a temperate phage of Rhizobium meliloti 41 which integrates its genome with high efficiency into the host chromosome by site-specific recombination through DNA sequences of attB and attP. Here we report the identification of two phage-encoded genes required for recombinations at these sites: int (phage integration) and xis (prophage excision). We concluded that Int protein of phage 16-3 belongs to the integrase family of tyrosine recombinases. Despite similarities to the cognate systems of the lambdoid phages, the 16-3 int xis att system is not active in Escherichia coli, probably due to requirements for host factors that differ in Rhizobium meliloti and E. coli. The application of the 16-3 site-specific recombination system in biotechnology is discussed.  相似文献   

Temperate phage was induced from Streptococcus cremoris C3 and morphologically characterized by high-resolution electron micrographic techniques. Interspecies genetic transfer of lactose-fermenting ability by the temperate phage was demonstrated, using two lactose-negative (Lac) S. lactis strains as recipients. Plasmid transfer was confirmed by agarose gel electrophoresis. Transductant plasmid profiles were of three types—those containing no visible plasmid deoxyribonucleic acid, those possessing a 23-megadalton (Mdal) plasmid, and those containing a 23-Mdal plasmid and a 30-Mdal plasmid. A Lac+ transductant could serve as a donor of the lac determinants during solid-surface matings. These results add to previously published reports of inter- and intraspecies genetic transfer in dairy starter cultures.  相似文献   

The Additivity of Intervals in the rIIA Cistron of Phage T4d   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  

Tovkach  F. I. 《Microbiology》2002,71(1):65-71
Structural organization of the temperate bacteriophage ZF40 of Erwinia carotovora was studied. Phage ZF40 proved to be a typical member of the Myoviridae family (morphotype A1). Phage particles consist of an isometric head 58.3 nm in diameter and a contractile 86.3-nm-long tail with a complex basal plate and short tail fibers (31.5 nm). Phage tail sheath, a truncated cone in shape, is characterized by specific packaging of structural subunits. The ZF40 phage genome is 45.8 kb in size, as determined by restriction analysis, and contains DNA cohesive ends. The ZF40 phage ofErwinia carotovora is assumed to be a new species of bacteriophages specific for enterobacteria.  相似文献   

Like most temperate bacteriophages, phage Mx8 integrates into a preferred locus on the genome of its host, Myxococcus xanthus, by a mechanism of site-specific recombination. The Mx8 int-attP genes required for integration map within a 2.2-kilobase-pair (kb) fragment of the phage genome. When this fragment is subcloned into a plasmid vector, it facilitates the site-specific integration of the plasmid into the 3' ends of either of two tandem tRNAAsp genes, trnD1 and trnD2, located within the attB locus of the M. xanthus genome. Although Int-mediated site-specific recombination occurs between attP and either attB1 (within trnD1) or attB2 (within trnD2), the attP x attB1 reaction is highly favored and often is accompanied by a deletion between attB1 and attB2. The int gene is the only Mx8 gene required in trans for attP x attB recombination. The int promoter lies within the 106-bp region immediately upstream of one of two alternate GTG start codons, GTG-5208 (GTG at bp 5208) and GTG-5085, for integrase and likely is repressed in the prophage state. All but the C-terminal 30 amino acid residues of the Int protein are required for its ability to mediate attP x attB recombination efficiently. The attP core lies within the int coding sequence, and the product of integration is a prophage in which the 3' end of int is replaced by host sequences. The prophage intX gene is predicted to encode an integrase with a different C terminus.  相似文献   

Tovkach  F. I. 《Microbiology》2002,71(1):72-78
The causes of the unique phage resistance of the pectinolytic phytopathogenic strains of Erwinia carotovora were studied with the use of temperate bacteriophage ZF40. It was shown that, in these bacteria, the bacteriophage–cell interaction can be substantially blocked at the adsorption level. An adequate indicator for studying the temperate bacteriophages of erwinias was developed on the basis of mutants resistant to macromolecular bacteriocins. Various restriction–modification systems, which influence cell resistance to bacteriophages, were revealed for the first time in E. carotovora. The phage resistance was shown to be determined by the wide occurrence of homoimmune temperate viruses in pectinolytic erwinias.  相似文献   

The heavy-chain CDR3 region of the high affinity (K(a) = 1.3 x 10(10) M(-)1) anti-digoxin monoclonal antibody 26-10 was modified previously to shift its specificity, by substitution of tryptophan 100 by arginine, toward binding analogs of digoxin containing substitutions at position 16. To further change specificity, two 5-mer libraries of the randomly mutagenized phage-displayed 26-10 HCDR3 region (positions 94-98) were panned against digoxin-bovine serum albumin (BSA) as well as against 16-acetylgitoxin-BSA. When a mutant Fab that binds 16-substituted analogs preferentially was used as a parent sequence, clones were obtained with affinities for digoxin increased 2-4-fold, by panning on digoxin-BSA yet retaining the specificity shift. Selection on 16-acetylgitoxin-BSA, however, resulted in nine clones that bound gitoxin (16-OH) up to 150-fold higher than the wild-type 26-10, due to a consensus mutation of Ser(H95) to Gly(H95). The residues at both position H95 (serine) and position H100 (tryptophan) contact hapten in the crystal structure of the Fab 26-10-digoxin complex. Thus, by mutating hapten contact residues, it is possible to reorder the combining site of a high affinity antibody, resulting in altered specificity, yet retain or substantially increase the relative affinity for the cross-reactive ligand.  相似文献   

Genetic mapping of rhizobiophage 16-3   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

霍乱弧菌分型噬菌体VP3蛋白的双向电泳分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:噬菌体-生物分型方案具有区分霍乱弧菌潜在致病力的作用,VP3是5个霍乱弧菌分型噬菌体之一。对VP3成熟颗粒的蛋白组成进行测定和分析,以补充基因组注释信息。方法:在全基因组测序及生物信息学分析的基础上,利用双向电泳技术及质谱鉴定,对纯化的成熟VP3噬菌体的结构蛋白进行分离及鉴定。结果:双向电泳分离得到近20个蛋白点,质谱鉴定出了其中的10个,对应于4个VP3蛋白和4个霍乱弧菌蛋白。结论:VP3结构蛋白的组成和T7具有很高的相似性。与噬菌体颗粒一起被纯化分离的宿主蛋白可能在VP3的转染过程中起作用。  相似文献   

The bacteriophage BA3 multiplies in and lyses the coral pathogen Thalassomonas loyana. The complete genome of phage BA3 was sequenced; it contains 47 open reading frames with a 40.9% G + C content. Phage BA3 adsorbed to its starved host in seawater with a k = 1.0 × 10−6 phage ml−1 min−1. Phage therapy of coral disease in aquarium experiments was successful when the phage was added at the same time as the pathogen or 1 day later, but failed to protect the coral when added 2 days after bacterial infection. When the phages were added 1 day after coral infection, the phage titer increased about 100-fold and remained present in the aquarium water throughout the 37-day experiment. At the end of the experiment, the concentration of phages associated with the corals was 2.5 ± 0.5 × 104 per cm2 of coral surface. Corals that were infected with the pathogen and treated with phage did not transmit the disease to healthy corals.  相似文献   

Immunological cross-reactivity of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) in leaf extracts of C3-, C4- and C3-C4 intermediate species of Alternanthera (along with a few other C3- and C4- plants) was studied using anti-PEPC antibodies raised against PEPC of Amaranthus hypochondriacus (belonging to the same family as that of Alternanthera, namely Amaranthaceae). Antibodies were also raised in rabbits against the purified PEPC from Zea mays (C4- monocot-Poaceae) as well as Alternanthera pungens (C4- dicot-Amaranthaceae). Monospecificity of PEPC-antiserum was confirmed by immunoprecipitation. Amount of PEPC protein in leaf extracts of A. hypochondriacus could be quantified by single radial immunodiffusion. Cros- reactivity of PEPC in leaf extracts from selected C3-, C4-, and C3-C4 intermediate species (including those of Alternanthera) was examined using Ouchterlony double diffusion and Western blots. Anti-PEPC antiserum raised against A. hypochondriacus enzyme showed high cross-reactivity with PEPC in leaf extracts of A. hypochondriacus or Amaranthus viridis or Alternanthera pungens (all C4 dicots), but limited cross-reactivity with that of Zea mays, Sorghum or Pennisetum (all C4 monocots). Interestingly, PEPC in leaf extracts of Alternanthera tenella, A. ficoides, Parthenium hysterophorus (C3-C4 intermediates) exhibited stronger cross-reactivity (with anti-serum raised against PEPC from Amaranthus hypochondriacus) than that of Pisum sativum, Commelina benghalensis, Altenanthera sessilis (C3 plants). Further studies on cross-reactivities of PEPC in leaf extracts of these plants with anti-PEPC antisera raised against PEPC from leaves of Zea mays or Alternanthera pungens confirmed two points--(i) PEPC of C3-C4 intermediate is distinct from C3 species and intermediate between those of C3- and C4-species; and (ii) PEPC of C4-dicots was closer to that of C3-species or C3-C4 intermediates (dicots) than to that of C4-monocots.  相似文献   

A class of intracistronic (or closely linked) partial reversions of leu-3 mutations has been found to be conditionally constitutive with respect to the synthesis of isopropylmalate isomerase (specified by the leu-2 cistron) and beta-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase (specified by the leu-1 cistron), two of the enzymes of leucine biosynthesis in Neurospora. The intermediate level of enzyme production by these leu-3(cc) mutants is independent of the obligatory inducer effector, alpha-isopropylmalate, but dependent upon the presence of the branched-chain amino acids, isoleucine, valine and leucine. The properties of leu-3+, leu-3 and leu-3(cc) in heterokaryons indicate that the transnuclear regulatory activity of the leu-3 product varies specifically as a function of available effector molecules. The information presented suggests that the leu-3 cistron is responsible not only for the production of a "positive" regulatory substance necessary for the expression of the leu-1 and leu-2 cistrons, but that it probably serves also a coordinating role in the expression of many of the genes involved in branched-chain amino acid metabolism.  相似文献   

Recent advances in high throughput sequencing technologies and concurrent refinements in 16S rDNA isolation techniques have facilitated the rapid extraction and sequencing of 16S rDNA content of microbial communities. The taxonomic affiliation of these 16S rDNA fragments is subsequently obtained using either BLAST-based or word frequency based approaches. However, the classification accuracy of such methods is observed to be limited in typical metagenomic scenarios, wherein a majority of organisms are hitherto unknown. In this study, we present a 16S rDNA classification algorithm, called C16S, that uses genus-specific Hidden Markov Models for taxonomic classification of 16S rDNA sequences. Results obtained using C16S have been compared with the widely used RDP classifier. The performance of C16S algorithm was observed to be consistently higher than the RDP classifier. In some scenarios, this increase in accuracy is as high as 34%. A web-server for the C16S algorithm is available at http://metagenomics.atc.tcs.com/C16S/.  相似文献   

We constructed Fab libraries of bacteriophage-displayed H:CDR3 mutants in the high-affinity anti-digoxin antibody 26-10 to determine structural constraints on affinity and specificity for digoxin. Libraries of mutant Fabs randomized at five or 10 contiguous positions were panned against digoxin and three C16-substituted analogs, gitoxin (16-OH), 16-formylgitoxin and 16-acetylgitoxin. The sequence data from 83 different mutant Fabs showed highly restricted consensus patterns at positions H:100, 100a and 100b for binding to digoxin; these residues contact digoxin in the 26-10:digoxin co-crystal structure. Several mutant Fabs obtained following panning on digoxin-BSA showed increased affinity for digoxin compared with 26-10 and retained the wild-type (wt) Trp at position 100. Those Fabs selected following panning on C16-substituted analogs showed enhanced binding to the analogs. Replacement of H:Trp100 by Arg resulted in mutants that bound better to the analogs than to digoxin. This specificity change was unexpected, as C16 lies on the opposite side of digoxin from H:CDR3. Substitution of wt Trp by Arg appears to alter specificity by allowing the hapten to shift toward H:CDR3, thereby providing room for C16 substituents in the region of H:CDR1.  相似文献   

We report that physiological concentrations of both short- and long-chain ceramides, despite being lipids, form large stable pores in membranes. Some of these pores should be large enough to allow cytochrome c to permeate. Dihydroceramide differs from ceramide by the reduction of one double bond, and yet both its apoptogenic and channel-forming activities are greatly reduced. A structural model provides insight into how ceramides might form pores. According to a mathematical model, both the individual conductance of the channels and the overall membrane conductance are directly related to the overall concentration of ceramide in the membrane. Slight changes in concentration have dramatic effects on the size of the channels formed, providing an easy way for rapidly altering membrane permeability by changing the activity of local synthetic and catabolic enzymes. A possible role for these channels in apoptosis is discussed.  相似文献   



Bacterial viruses (phages) play a critical role in shaping microbial populations as they influence both host mortality and horizontal gene transfer. As such, they have a significant impact on local and global ecosystem function and human health. Despite their importance, little is known about the genomic diversity harbored in phages, as methods to capture complete phage genomes have been hampered by the lack of knowledge about the target genomes, and difficulties in generating sufficient quantities of genomic DNA for sequencing. Of the approximately 550 phage genomes currently available in the public domain, fewer than 5% are marine phage.

Methodology/Principal Findings

To advance the study of phage biology through comparative genomic approaches we used marine cyanophage as a model system. We compared DNA preparation methodologies (DNA extraction directly from either phage lysates or CsCl purified phage particles), and sequencing strategies that utilize either Sanger sequencing of a linker amplification shotgun library (LASL) or of a whole genome shotgun library (WGSL), or 454 pyrosequencing methods. We demonstrate that genomic DNA sample preparation directly from a phage lysate, combined with 454 pyrosequencing, is best suited for phage genome sequencing at scale, as this method is capable of capturing complete continuous genomes with high accuracy. In addition, we describe an automated annotation informatics pipeline that delivers high-quality annotation and yields few false positives and negatives in ORF calling.


These DNA preparation, sequencing and annotation strategies enable a high-throughput approach to the burgeoning field of phage genomics.  相似文献   

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