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水韭属是一类具有异形孢子的古老石松类植物,全属物种均被列入国家重点保护野生植物。该文报道了在浙江省长兴县新发现的一个四倍体水韭属居群。基于形态学、孢粉学和细胞学证据,将该物种命名为长兴水韭(Iso3tes changxingensis),并详细描述了其形态特征。长兴水韭与保东水韭(I.baodongii)在植株形态及孢子纹饰方面都较为相似,不同之处在于其染色体为44条,大孢子极面直径为317~411μm(平均为360μm)(vs.染色体22条,大孢子极面直径为390~510μm,平均为450μm)。与同为四倍体的隆平水韭(I.longpingii)在孢子大小方面极为接近,不同之处在于其根状茎3裂,叶片中间宽为2~3 mm,大孢子表面具棘刺-脊条状纹饰(vs.根状茎2裂,叶片中间宽度为1 mm,大孢子表面具瘤状-脊条状纹饰)。该种与中华水韭(I.sinensis)的区别在于其大孢子较小,表面纹饰不同,叶片长为20~60 cm(vs.大孢子极面直径为340~450μm,平均为409μm,具脊条状突起纹饰,叶片长为15~30 cm)。长兴水韭目前仅分布于其模式产地的一处沟渠,由于其分布区狭窄...  相似文献   

水韭属(Iso?tes)是一类世界广布的石松类植物,本文报道了在云南省发现的一个新的水韭属居群。该居群为六倍体群体,染色体数目为66条。利用扫描电镜对其进行孢子观察,发现其大孢子赤道面直径为470~500μm(平均480μm),近极面和远极面纹饰均为网格状,小孢子表面为棘刺状纹饰,与之前国内记载的六倍体物种东方水韭(Iso?tes orientalis Hong Liu&Q. F. Wang)不同,基于叶绿体基因组数据重建的系统发育结构支持该物种是一个独立物种,最终将其确定为一个新物种,命名为青锋水韭(I. fengii Y. F. Gu&Y. H. Yan)。青锋水韭与二倍体云贵水韭(I. yunguiensis Q. F. Wang&W. C. Taylor)在叶和大孢子形态上较为相似,但后者的小孢子表面为瘤状突起且孢子囊为卵形;而与六倍体宽叶水韭(I. japonica A. Braun)的区别在于后者的小孢子表面光滑。青锋水韭目前仅在云南省紫溪山森林公园发现两个居群,且数目很少,根据IUCN红色名录评估标准,将青锋水韭评为极危(CR)等级。本文编制了中国...  相似文献   

戴锡玲  王全喜 《西北植物学报》2007,27(11):2210-2216
利用扫描电镜对中国产岩蕨科(Woodsiaceae)3属18种植物孢子进行了观察。结果表明,孢子单裂缝,两侧对称,极面观为椭圆形或宽椭圆形,赤道面观为半圆形或超半圆形;极轴长32~50μm,赤道轴长43~61μm;外壁表面光滑,由周壁形成孢子表面纹饰的轮廓,根据表面纹饰,孢子可分为5种类型:(1)片状纹饰:周壁表面形成疏密不一的片状褶皱,并连成网状;(2)脊状纹饰:周壁表面形成脊状褶皱,并连成网状;(3)翅脊状纹饰:周壁表面具脊状褶皱,并连成网状,脊的顶端具流苏状不明显的低翅;(4)翅状纹饰:周壁外层形成翅状纹饰,翅的边缘较薄;(5)丝毛状纹饰:周壁结构疏松,由细丝交织成立体网状。上述孢粉学特征表明,岩蕨科是一个自然的类群,其3属的亲缘关系较近,都是岩蕨科的合理成员。  相似文献   

利用扫描电镜对中国产叉蕨科7属34种植物孢子的形态进行了观察。叉蕨科植物孢子为左右对称,极面观为椭圆形,赤道面观为半圆形、超半圆形或豆形;极轴长为18~38μm,赤道轴长为23~57μm;单裂缝,裂缝长度为孢子全长的1/2~2/3;孢子具脊状、翅状、刺状和耳状4种纹饰,孢子表面有时具细刺、颗粒或孔。通过孢粉学分析,叉蕨科依据孢子形态特征和依据孢子体形态特征的分类结果并不一致,孢粉纹饰类型呈现一定程度的属间交叉;支持将叉蕨科和鳞毛蕨科进行重新划分的MAARTEN J.M的新分类系统。  相似文献   

水韭属(Isoëtes)是起源最为古老的水生维管植物,全属物种均被列为国家一级重点保护植物。通过对全国水韭属植物的调查和研究发现,不同产地的四倍体植株在形态上存在显著差异。基于形态学、孢粉学和细胞学证据,将分布于中国湖南省长沙地区和怀化地区的四倍体居群分别命名为隆平水韭(Isoëtes longpingii)和湘妃水韭(I. xiangfei),并详细描述了其形态特征。隆平水韭形态上与中华水韭(I. sinensis)相似,不同之处在于其大孢子具小的瘤状或冠状纹饰,叶细长而柔弱,长达60 cm; 该种也与六倍体东方水韭(I. orientalis)相似,不同之处在于其染色体44条,大孢子具瘤状或冠状纹饰。湘妃水韭的大孢子纹饰虽与二倍体云贵水韭(I. yunguiensis)相似,但在小孢子纹饰、孢子囊形状和染色体数目方面却不同。隆平水韭仅少数植株生长于湖南省宁乡市一处池塘,完全沉水生长,而湘妃水韭则分布于怀化市通道县和会同县的湿地。由于这两个新种的分布区狭窄,野生居群数量和个体数较少,栖息地环境受到人为干扰,因此根据IUCN红色名录评估标准,将隆平水韭评为极危(CR)等级,湘妃水韭评为易危(VU)等级。所编制的中国已知水韭属物种的分种检索表,为本属物种的鉴定和保护工作提供了重要参考。  相似文献   

利用扫描电镜对国产阴地蕨科(Botrychiaceae)3属12种植物孢子进行了观察.结果表明: 孢子具三裂缝;极面观为钝三角形或近圆形;赤道面观为半圆形或超半圆形.极轴长20~34 μm,赤道轴长31~40 μm.由外壁形成孢子表面纹饰的轮廓;周壁薄,疏松地覆盖在外壁表面.孢子表面纹饰可分为以下3种类型:①疣块状纹饰(verrucate-rugulate):孢子远极面形成顶端扁平而大的疣块状纹饰,再由疣块连接成短的条状或拟网状;②疣状纹饰(verrucate):孢子表面具大小不等的疣状纹饰,相邻的疣愈合成短条状或不愈合;③脊状纹饰(lophate):孢子表面具脊状褶皱,并连接成网状.从孢子形态、纹饰类型和孢壁结构看3属属内差异明显,属间差异不明显,研究结果支持阴地蕨科具1属--阴地蕨属,其下可分3个组.  相似文献   

利用扫描电镜对中国产卷柏科25种植物孢子形态进行了观察。结果显示:(1)卷柏科植物大孢子为球状四面体,辐射对称;具三裂缝,裂缝为孢子半径的1/2~3/4;极面观一般为三角圆形或近圆形,赤道面观为近圆形、近扇形或近椭圆形;极轴长为158~548μm,赤道轴长为196~675μm。(2)小孢子为球状四面体,辐射对称;具三裂缝,裂缝为孢子半径的1/2~3/4或几达赤道线;极面观一般为近圆形或三角圆形,赤道面观为近圆形或近扇形;极轴长为10~40μm,赤道轴长为17~63μm。(3)孢子表面具颗粒状、瘤状、疣状、刺状、棒状、网状、片状、疣块状和脑状纹饰。研究认为,孢子形态特征可以作为该科亚属及种的分类学依据。  相似文献   

利用透射电子显微镜对铁角蕨科(Aspleniaceae)华中铁角蕨(Asplenium sarelii Hook.)孢子及其纹饰的形成过程进行观察。结果表明:①华中铁角蕨孢子囊发育为薄囊蕨型;②孢子外壁表面光滑,远极面的外壁厚约0.8~1.1μm,近极面的外壁厚约1.4~1.8μm;③孢子周壁厚度约4~5μm,染色较外壁深,分为内层和外层;内层紧帖外壁表面,其上具柱状、瘤状或疣状突起;外层向外隆起形成脊状纹饰的轮廓,脊的下方具空腔,脊的顶端具翅;④铁角蕨型与鳞毛蕨型孢子外壁和周壁纹饰的形成过程具有相似性;⑤孢子的成熟度对于孢子形态的研究是至关重要的,只有完全成熟的孢子的表面纹饰才是稳定的。  相似文献   

水蕨孢子壁的形成和发育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用光镜、扫描电镜和透射电镜对水蕨科(Parkeriaceae)水蕨(Ceratopteris thalictroides (L.) Brongn.)孢子壁的形成和发育进行了研究。结果表明, 水蕨孢子呈辐射对称, 三裂缝, 表面具肋条状纹饰。孢子壁由内壁、外壁和周壁三部分构成。在四分体阶段外壁已基本形成, 其外壁显著, 表面光滑, 质地均匀, 由孢粉素形成, 外壁厚约3-5 μm, 脊高约5-7 μm。周壁由绒毡层残余物在外壁表面沉积形成, 较薄, 厚度只有0.1 μm, 表面具有杆状突起。研究结果对揭示孢子纹饰和孢子壁各层的形成过程、来源和稳定性有一定的意义, 并为蕨类植物孢粉学和系统学研究提供基础资料。  相似文献   

水蕨孢子壁的形成和发育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用光镜、扫描电镜和透射电镜对水蕨科(Parkeriaceae)水蕨(Ceratopteris thalictroides(L.)Brongn.)孢子壁的形成和发育进行了研究。结果表明,水蕨孢子呈辐射对称,三裂缝,表面具肋条状纹饰。孢子壁由内壁、外壁和周壁三部分构成。在四分体阶段外壁已基本形成,其外壁显著,表面光滑,质地均匀,由孢粉素形成,外壁厚约3—5μm,脊高约5—7μm。周壁由绒毡层残余物在外壁表面沉积形成,较薄,厚度只有0.1μm,表面具有杆状突起。研究结果对揭示孢子纹饰和孢子壁各层的形成过程、来源和稳定性有一定的意义,并为蕨类植物孢粉学和系统学研究提供基础资料。  相似文献   


The author describes the vegetation and phenology of a Quercus Ilex wood in the Comprensorio dell'Arneo, betwen Taranto and Gallipoli along the eastern shore of the Ionian Sea (Golfo di Taranto). The wood consists partly of a degraded bushy vegetation.

The wood was visited eleven times during the year and each time species found flowering were noted (Table at pp 296–301): the greatest number of them, many being therothytes, was found on April 21rst (fig. 2) with about a month's delay in comparison with Palestine (Gindel). In May there is a considerable i decrease in number of species flowering. In summer and winter, because of drought and low temperature very few species, mostly geophytes, were found flowering, and only slightly but markedly more in Autum.  相似文献   

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Homocyst(e)ine impairs endocardial endothelial function   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Homocyst(e)ine injured vascular endothelium and modulated endothelial-dependent vascular function. Endothelium plays an analogous role in both the vessel and the endocardium. Therefore, we hypothesized that homocyst(e)ine modulated endocardial endothelium (EE) dependent cardiac function. The ex vivo cardiac rings from normal male Wistar-Kyoto rats were prepared. The contractile responses of left and right ventricular rings were measured in an isometric myobath, using different concentrations of CaCl2. The response was higher in the left ventricle than right ventricle and was elevated in endocardium without endothelium. The half effective concentration (EC50) and maximum tension generated by homocyst(e)ine were 10(6) and 5-fold lower than endothelin (ET) and angiotensin II (AII), respectively. However, in endothelial-denuded endocardium, homocyst(e)ine response was significantly increased (p<0.005, compared with intact endothelium) and equal to the response to ET and AII. To determine the physiological significance of ET, AII, homocyst(e)ine, and endothelial nitric oxide in EE function, cardiac rings were pretreated with AII (10(-10) M) or ET (10(-13) M) and then treated with homocyst(e)ine (10(-8) M). Results suggested that at these concentrations AII, ET, or homocyst(e)ine alone had no effect on cardiac contraction. However, in the presence of 10(-10) M AII or 10(-13) M ET, the cardiac contraction to homocyst(e)ine (10(-8) M) was significantly enhanced (p<0.01, compared with without pretreatment) and further increased in the endocardium without endothelium. The pretreatment of cardiac ring with the inhibitor of nitric oxide, Nomega-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME), increased contractile response to homocyst(e)ine. These results suggested that homocyst(e)ine impaired EE-dependent cardiac function and acted synergistically with AII and ET in enhancing the cardiac contraction.  相似文献   

《Inorganica chimica acta》1988,149(2):177-185
CpRuCl(PPh3)2 reacted with excess R-DAB in refluxing toluene to give CpRuCl(R-DAB(4e)) (1a: R = i-Pr; 1b: R = t-Bu; 1c: R = neo-Pent; 1d: R =p-Tol). 1H NMR and 13C NMR spectroscopic data indicated that in these complexes the R-DAB ligand is bonded in a chelating 4e coordination mode.Reaction of 1a and 1b with one equivalent of [Co(CO)4] afforded CpRuCo(CO)3(R-DAB(6e)) (2a: R = i-Pr; 2b: R = t-Bu). The structure of 2b was determined by a single crystal X-ray structure determination. Crystals of 2b are monoclinic, space group P21/n, with four molecules in a unit cell of dimensions: a = 16.812(4), b = 12.233(3), c = 9.938(3) Å and β = 105.47(3)°. The structure was solved via the heavy atom method and refined to R = 0.060 and Rw = 0.065 for the 3706 observed reflections. The molecule contains a RuCo bond of 2.660(3) Å and a cyclopentadienyl group that is η5-coordinated to ruthenium [RuC(cyclopentadienyl) = 2.208(3) Å (mean)]. Two carbonyls are terminally coordinated to cobalt (CoC(1) = 1.746(7) and CoC(2) = 1.715(6) Å) while the third is slightly asymmetrically bridging the RuCo bond (RuC(3) = 2.025(6) and CoC(3) = 1.912(6) Å). The RuC(3)O(3) and CoC(3)O(3) angles are 138.4(5)° and 136.5(5)°, respectively. The t-Bu-DAB ligand is in the bridging 6e coordination mode: σ-N coordinated to Ru (RuN(2) = 2.125(4) Å), μ2-N′ bridging the RuCo bond and η2-CN coordinated to Co (RuN(1) = 2.113(5), CoN(1) = 1.941(4) and CoC(4) = 2.084(5) Å). The η2-CN′ bonded imine group has a bond length of 1.394(7) Å indicating substantial π-backbonding from Co into the anti-bonding orbital of this CN bond.1H NMR spectroscopy indicated that 2a and 2b are fluxional on the NMR time scale. The fluxionality of 6e bonded R-DAB ligands is rarely observed and may be explained by the reversible interchange of the σ-N and η2-CN′ coordinated imine parts of the R-DAB ligand.  相似文献   

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