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1. Procedures for multiple alignment of sequence data, subsequent phylogenetic inference, and testing of the trees derived are presented. 2. The assumptions underlying different approaches and the extent to which they are valid are discussed.  相似文献   

Cabbage family affairs: the evolutionary history of Brassicaceae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Life without the mustard family (Brassicaceae) would be a world without many crop species and the model organism Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) that has revolutionized our knowledge in almost every field of modern plant biology. Despite this importance, research breakthroughs in understanding family-wide evolutionary patterns and processes within this flowering plant family were not achieved until the past few years. In this review, we examine recent outcomes from diverse botanical disciplines (taxonomy, systematics, genomics, paleobotany and other fields) to synthesize for the first time a holistic view on the evolutionary history of the mustard family.  相似文献   

The cDNA for human cytosolic asparaginyl-tRNA synthetase (hsAsnRSc) has been cloned and sequenced. The 1874 bp cDNA contains an open reading frame encoding 548 amino acids with a predicted M r of 62 938. The protein sequence has 58 and 53% identity with the homologous enzymes from Brugia malayi and Saccharomyces cerevisiae respectively. The human enzyme was expressed in Escherichia coli as a fusion protein with an N-terminal 4 kDa calmodulin-binding peptide. A bacterial extract containing the fusion protein catalyzed the aminoacylation reaction of S.cerevisiae tRNA with [14C]asparagine at a 20-fold efficiency level above the control value confirming that this cDNA encodes a human AsnRS. The affinity chromatography purified fusion protein efficiently aminoacylated unfractionated calf liver and yeast tRNA but not E.coli tRNA, suggesting that the recombinant protein is the cytosolic AsnRS. Several human anti-synthetase sera were tested for their ability to neutralize hsAsnRSc activity. A human autoimmune serum (anti-KS) neutralized hsAsnRSc activity and this reaction was confirmed by western blot analysis. The human asparaginyl-tRNA synthetase appears to be like the alanyl- and histidyl-tRNA synthetases another example of a human Class II aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase involved in autoimmune reactions.  相似文献   

Temperature-resistant revertants, derived from the temperature-sensitive CHO asparaginyl-tRNA synthetase mutant, Asn-5, were isolated and characterized. Several lines of evidence indicate that the temperature-resistant phenotype of the revertants is due to their overproducing the same altered enzyme present in the Asn-5 parent.  相似文献   

From a cDNA clone bank prepared from cadmium-treated HeLa cells, we isolated clones representing mRNAs whose concentration is increased after cadmium induction. Several metallothionein cDNA clones were isolated by cross-hybridization to mouse metallothionein-I cDNA. The nucleotide sequence of one of these clones, containing a nearly full-length cDNA copy of human metallothionein-II mRNA, was determined. The homology between the human and mouse metallothionein sequences is strictly limited to the coding region of the mRNA. Codon usage in metallothionein mRNA is not random. Seventy-nine percent of the codons have G or C residues at the third position, resulting in a GC-rich sequence.  相似文献   

Asparagine synthetase A (AsnA) catalyzes asparagine synthesis using aspartate, ATP, and ammonia as substrates. Asparagine is formed in two steps: the β-carboxylate group of aspartate is first activated by ATP to form an aminoacyl-AMP before its amidation by a nucleophilic attack with an ammonium ion. Interestingly, this mechanism of amino acid activation resembles that used by aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases, which first activate the α-carboxylate group of the amino acid to form also an aminoacyl-AMP before they transfer the activated amino acid onto the cognate tRNA. In a previous investigation, we have shown that the open reading frame of Pyrococcus abyssi annotated as asparaginyl-tRNA synthetase (AsnRS) 2 is, in fact, an archaeal asparagine synthetase A (AS-AR) that evolved from an ancestral aspartyl-tRNA synthetase (AspRS). We present here the crystal structure of this AS-AR. The fold of this protein is similar to that of bacterial AsnA and resembles the catalytic cores of AspRS and AsnRS. The high-resolution structures of AS-AR associated with its substrates and end-products help to understand the reaction mechanism of asparagine formation and release. A comparison of the catalytic core of AS-AR with those of archaeal AspRS and AsnRS and with that of bacterial AsnA reveals a strong conservation. This study uncovers how the active site of the ancestral AspRS rearranged throughout evolution to transform an enzyme activating the α-carboxylate group into an enzyme that is able to activate the β-carboxylate group of aspartate, which can react with ammonia instead of tRNA.  相似文献   

Asparaginyl-tRNA synthetase (AsnRS) is a member of the class-II aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases, and is responsible for catalyzing the specific aminoacylation of tRNA(Asn) with asparagine. Here, the crystal structure of AsnRS from Pyrococcus horikoshii, complexed with asparaginyl-adenylate (Asn-AMP), was determined at 1.45 A resolution, and those of free AsnRS and AsnRS complexed with an Asn-AMP analog (Asn-SA) were solved at 1.98 and 1.80 A resolutions, respectively. All of the crystal structures have many solvent molecules, which form a network of hydrogen-bonding interactions that surrounds the entire AsnRS molecule. In the AsnRS/Asn-AMP complex (or the AsnRS/Asn-SA), one side of the bound Asn-AMP (or Asn-SA) is completely covered by the solvent molecules, which complement the binding site. In particular, two of these water molecules were found to interact directly with the asparagine amide and carbonyl groups, respectively, and to contribute to the formation of a pocket highly complementary to the asparagine side-chain. Thus, these two water molecules appear to play a key role in the strict recognition of asparagine and the discrimination against aspartic acid by the AsnRS. This water-assisted asparagine recognition by the AsnRS strikingly contrasts with the fact that the aspartic acid recognition by the closely related aspartyl-tRNA synthetase is achieved exclusively through extensive interactions with protein amino acid residues. Furthermore, based on a docking model of AsnRS and tRNA, a single arginine residue (Arg83) in the AsnRS was postulated to be involved in the recognition of the third position of the tRNA(Asn) anticodon (U36). We performed a mutational analysis of this particular arginine residue, and confirmed its significance in the tRNA recognition.  相似文献   

S Kawamura  S Ueda 《Genomics》1992,13(1):194-200
The organization of the human immunoglobulin CH gene suggests that a gene duplication involving the C gamma-C gamma-C epsilon-C alpha region has occurred during evolution. We previously showed that both chimpanzee and gorilla have two 5'-C epsilon-C alpha-3', as in human, and that orangutan, gibbon, and Old World monkeys have one C epsilon gene and one, two, and one C alpha gene(s), respectively. In addition to these clustered CH genes, there is one processed C epsilon pseudogene in each species. The present study revealed that orangutan and crab-eating macaque (an Old World monkey) both have one 5'-C epsilon-C alpha-3' and that gibbon has two 5'-C epsilon-C alpha-3', one C epsilon gene of which is completely deleted. By Southern analysis, the number of C gamma genes in all the nonhuman hominoids was estimated to be four to five, as in human, in comparison with two for crab-eating macaque. The C mu and C delta genes were estimated to be present as single copies in both hominoids and crab-eating macaque. Furthermore, it was proved that there are two copies of the C epsilon 5'-flanking region in both the orangutan and the gibbon genomes. These results show that gene duplication including the C gamma-C gamma-C epsilon-C alpha genes occurred in the common ancestor of hominoids and that subsequent deletion of the C epsilon gene (in orangutan, including one of the C alpha genes) occurred independently in each hominoid species.  相似文献   

Numts are fragments of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) that have been translocated to the nucleus, where they can persist while their mitochondrial counterparts continue to rapidly evolve. Thus, numts represent 'molecular fossils' useful for comparison with mitochondrial variation, and are particularly suited for studies of the fast-evolving hypervariable segment of the mitochondrial control region (HV1). Here we used information from numts found in western gorillas (Gorilla gorilla) and eastern gorillas (Gorilla beringei) to estimate that these two species diverged about 1.3 million years ago (Ma), an estimate similar to recent calculations for the divergence of chimpanzee and bonobo. We also describe the sequence of a gorilla numt still possessing a segment lost from all contemporary gorilla mtDNAs. In contrast to that sequence, many numts of the HV1 are highly similar to authentic mitochondrial organellar sequences, making it difficult to determine whether purported mitochondrial sequences truly derive from that genome. We used all available organellar HV1 and corresponding numt sequences from gorillas in a phylogenetic analysis aimed at distinguishing these two types of sequences. Numts were found in several clades in the tree. This, in combination with the fact that only a limited amount of the extant variation in gorillas has been sampled, suggests that categorization of new sequences by the indirect means of phylogenetic comparison would be prone to uncertainty. We conclude that for taxa such as gorillas that contain numerous numts, direct approaches to the authentication of HV1 sequences, such as amplification strategies relying upon the circularity of the mtDNA molecule, remain necessary.  相似文献   

The gene of the lysyl-tRNA synthetase of Bacillus stearothermophilus NCA1503 was cloned and sequenced. The gene consists of 1485 bp nucleotides commencing with an ATG start codon and ending with a TAA stop codon, and encodes a polypeptide of 493 amino acids. The recombinant enzymes were expressed in E. coli using an expression plasmid containing the T7 RNA polymerase/promoter.  相似文献   

The family Labridae (including scarines and odacines) contains 82 genera and about 600 species of fishes that inhabit coastal and continental shelf waters in tropical and temperate oceans throughout the world. The Labridae (the wrasses) is the fifth largest fish family and second largest marine fish family, and is one of the most morphologically and ecologically diversified families of fishes in size, shape, and color. Labrid phylogeny is a long-standing problem in ichthyology that is part of the larger question of relationships within the suborder Labroidei. A phylogenetic analysis of labrids was conducted to investigate relationships among the six classical tribes of wrasses, the affinities of the wrasses to the parrotfishes (scarines), and the broad phylogenetic structure among labrid genera. Four gene fragments were sequenced from 98 fish species, including 84 labrid fishes and 14 outgroup taxa. Taxa were chosen from all major labrid clades and most major global ocean regions where labrid fishes exist, as well as cichlid, pomacentrid, and embiotocid outgroups. From the mitochondrial genome we sequenced portions of 12S rRNA (1000 bp) and 16S rRNA (585 bp), which were aligned by using a secondary structure model. From the nuclear genome, we sequenced part of the protein-coding genes RAG2 (846 bp) and Tmo4C4 (541 bp). Maximum likelihood, maximum parsimony, and Bayesian analyses on the resulting 2972 bp of DNA sequence produced similar topologies that confirm the monophyly of a family Labridae that includes the parrotfishes and butterfishes and strong support for many previously identified taxonomic subgroups. The tribe Hypsigenyini (hogfishes, tuskfishes) is the sister group to the remaining labrids and includes odacines and the chisel-tooth wrasse Pseudodax moluccanus, a species previously considered close to scarines. Cheilines and scarines are sister-groups, closely related to the temperate Labrini, and pseudocheilines and cheilines are split in all phylogenies. The razorfishes (novaculines) and temperate pseudolabrines form successive sister clades to the large crown group radiation of the Julidini. The cleaner wrasses (Labrichthyini) are nested within this radiation and several julidine genera do not appear to be monophyletic (e.g., Coris and Halichoeres). Invasion of temperate water by this predominantly tropical group has occurred multiple times and the reconstruction of biogeography assuming an Indo-Pacific ancestor results in five different lineages invading the Atlantic/Caribbean region. Functional novelties in the feeding apparatus have allowed labrid fishes to occupy nearly every feeding guild in reef environments, and trophic variation is a central axis of diversification in this family.  相似文献   

A new method is presented for inferring evolutionary trees using nucleotide sequence data. The birth-death process is used as a model of speciation and extinction to specify the prior distribution of phylogenies and branching times. Nucleotide substitution is modeled by a continuous-time Markov process. Parameters of the branching model and the substitution model are estimated by maximum likelihood. The posterior probabilities of different phylogenies are calculated and the phylogeny with the highest posterior probability is chosen as the best estimate of the evolutionary relationship among species. We refer to this as the maximum posterior probability (MAP) tree. The posterior probability provides a natural measure of the reliability of the estimated phylogeny. Two example data sets are analyzed to infer the phylogenetic relationship of human, chimpanzee, gorilla, and orangutan. The best trees estimated by the new method are the same as those from the maximum likelihood analysis of separate topologies, but the posterior probabilities are quite different from the bootstrap proportions. The results of the method are found to be insensitive to changes in the rate parameter of the branching process. Correspondence to: Z. Yang  相似文献   



Chitinases (EC. hydrolyze the β-1,4-linkages in chitin, an abundant N-acetyl-β-D-glucosamine polysaccharide that is a structural component of protective biological matrices such as insect exoskeletons and fungal cell walls. The glycoside hydrolase 18 (GH18) family of chitinases is an ancient gene family widely expressed in archea, prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Mammals are not known to synthesize chitin or metabolize it as a nutrient, yet the human genome encodes eight GH18 family members. Some GH18 proteins lack an essential catalytic glutamic acid and are likely to act as lectins rather than as enzymes. This study used comparative genomic analysis to address the evolutionary history of the GH18 multiprotein family, from early eukaryotes to mammals, in an effort to understand the forces that shaped the human genome content of chitinase related proteins.  相似文献   

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Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) glutamine synthetase (GS) was analysed into two distinct classes of isoforms; one of them was present in both leaf and root tissues while the other one showed leaf specificity. Western blot analysis revealed that grapevine GS consists of three types of polypeptides of distinct size and differential tissue specificity. Two structurally distinct cDNA clones, pGS1;1 and pGS1;2, encoding grapevine GS were isolated from a cell suspension library and characterized. Both clones contained open reading frames encoding for polypeptides of 356 amino acids with a predicted molecular mass of about 39 kDa. Although the coding sequences of pGS1;1 and pGS1;2 were 84% similar, their 5-and 3-untranslated sequences showed only 40% similarity. The coding sequences of the two clones and the derived amino acid sequences showed higher homology to cytosolic than to chloroplastic GSs of other higher plants indicating that the cDNAs isolated encode for cytosolic isoforms of grapevine GS. Southern blot analysis suggested the existence of more than two GS genes in the grapevine genome. In northern blots both clones were hybridized to mRNAs of about 1.4 kb that are differentially expressed in the various tissues. Supply of nitrate or ammonium in the cell suspension culture medium, as a sole nitrogen source, resulted in differential response of the pGS1;1-and pGS1;2-related genes.  相似文献   

Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases are validated molecular targets for anti-infective drug discovery because of their essentiality in protein synthesis. Thanks to genome sequencing, it is now possible to systematically study aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases from human eukaryotic parasites as putative targets for novel drug discovery. As part of a program targeting class IIb asparaginyl-tRNA synthetases (AsnRS) from the parasitic nematode Brugia malayi for anti-filarial drugs, we report the complete structure of a eukaryotic AsnRS. Metazoan and fungal AsnRS differ from their bacterial homologues by the addition of a conserved N-terminal extension of about 110 residues whose structure we have determined by solution NMR for the B. malayi enzyme. In addition, we solved by X-ray crystallography a series of structures of the catalytically active N-terminally truncated enzyme (residues 112-548), allowing the structural basis for the mechanism of asparagine activation to be elucidated. The N-terminal domain contains a structured region with a novel fold featuring a lysine-rich helix that is shown by NMR to interact with tRNA. This is connected by an unstructured tether to the remainder of the enzyme, which is highly similar to the known structure of bacterial AsnRS. These data enable a model of the complete AsnRS-tRNA complex to be constructed.  相似文献   

In higher plants, glutamine synthetase (GS; EC and glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH; EC are the predominant enzymes in nitrogen metabolism. In this study, we cloned both the GS and GDH genes and analyzed their expression levels and variations in their activity in developing and germinating x Triticosecale (cv. Witon) kernels. The developing kernel samples were collected 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 and 45 days after flowering (DAF). The germinating kernel samples were collected after 8, 16, 24, 48 and 72 h of imbibition. There are two GS isoforms that are localized to different compartments: the cytosol (GS1) and the chloroplast (GS2). Five cDNAs encoding GS proteins in triticale plants were obtained using RT-PCR. We cloned the four genes encoding GS1, which we designated TsGS1-1, TsGS1-2, TsGS1-3 and TsGS1-4 and the only gene encoding GS2, which was designated TsGS2-1. We studied the changes in the enzymatic activity and the expression profiles of the GDH, GS1 and GS2 genes in both the developing and germinating seeds of triticale. Based on our results, there is likely cooperation between GDH and GS1 in the synthesis of glutamine and glutamate during the early stages of seed formation and in the scutella of kernels for up to 24 h of imbibition.  相似文献   

Glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) is a cytosolic enzyme encoded by a housekeeping X-linked gene whose main function is to produce NADPH, a key electron donor in the defense against oxidizing agents and in reductive biosynthetic reactions. Inherited G6PD deficiency is associated with either episodic hemolytic anemia (triggered by fava beans or other agents) or life-long hemolytic anemia. We show here that an evolutionary analysis is a key to understanding the biology of a housekeeping gene. From the alignment of the amino acid (aa) sequence of 52 glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) species from 42 different organisms, we found a striking correlation between the aa replacements that cause G6PD deficiency in humans and the sequence conservation of G6PD: two-thirds of such replacements are in highly and moderately conserved (50-99%) aa; relatively few are in fully conserved aa (where they might be lethal) or in poorly conserved aa, where presumably they simply would not cause G6PD deficiency. This is consistent with the notion that all human mutants have residual enzyme activity and that null mutations are lethal at some stage of development. Comparing the distribution of mutations in a human housekeeping gene with evolutionary conservation is a useful tool for pinpointing amino acid residues important for the stability or the function of the corresponding protein. In view of the current explosive increase in full genome sequencing projects, this tool will become rapidly available for numerous other genes.  相似文献   

In Drosophila pseudoobscura, the amylase (Amy) multigene family is contained within a series of inversions, or gene arrangements, on the third chromosome. The Standard (ST), Santa Cruz (SC), and Tree Line (TL) inversions are central to the phylogeny of arrangements, and have clusters of other arrangements derived from them. The gene arrangements belonging to each of these three clusters have a characteristic number of Amy genes, ranging from three in ST to two in SC to one in TL. This distribution pattern can reflect a history of either duplications or deletions, although the data available in the past did not permit a decision between these alternatives. We provide unambiguous evidence that three Amy genes were present before the divergence of the ST, SC, and TL arrangements. Thus, the current status of the Amy multigene family is the result of deletions in the TL and SC arrangements, which created three new pseudogenes: TL Amy2-psi, TL Amy3-psi, and SC Amy3- psi. Analysis of pseudogene sequences revealed that, in the SC and ST arrangements, pseudogene evolution has been retarded, most likely due to the homogenization effect of gene conversion. Finally, by determining the original copy number, we have reconstructed the evolutionary history of the Amy multigene family and linked it with the evolution of the central gene arrangements.   相似文献   

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